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15109693 No.15109693 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15109701

because it was """god's""" plan all along. if he's omniscient he knew this would go down and if he's all-powerful, he allowed/encouraged it to happen.

>> No.15109703

Because she was smart. And it wasn't an apple.

>> No.15109708

If you want the meaning of the Tree of knowledge you need to go and look at the Hebrew terms used.

The tree is called the Tree of the Daat(experience, knowledge as not abstract knowledge but rather, akin to knowing something in experience) of Tov(not Goodness, but rather Wealth, decadence, great richness, etc) and Re(not Evil, but suffering, sorrow, poverty, evil as an experience.) thus the tree did not give them abstract knowledge or open their eyes to anything they mentally weren’t aware of, for eve argued that to eat from the fruit was bad because she would die, and she was convinced to eat of the fruit because she was told that it would induce Good in the abstract sense.

So what is it that this tree really is? The tree of the experience of extremes, of imbalance, of duality, in truth the thing that the tree Gave was the experience of total and utter poverty and of the experience of Decadent over-abundance. This is not some Promethean Gnosis, this is not some rescue, rather this is absolute experience of bondage, the mind trapped into dualistic conceptions and bound to suffering in creation, and this is the very root of the experience of Evil in both ways in our experiences. This is why Christ who died upon the cross needed to die upon it, for in his incorruptible body did sin and death enter, and his body being incorruptible rather transmuted these, converting Sin(an archery term, it means missing the mark therefore imperfection) and Death into Holiness and life. thus the Cross is the true tree of Life, from Christ flows the living water and blood which reconciles man to the primal nature of reality, it is only by Christ that this is done.

>> No.15109732

So Hegel really is the Devil...

>> No.15109834


>> No.15109844

What do you say about alchemists who try to find the origin of all matter in the combination of opposites? What about transgenderism or other transgressive forces that in a way challenge dualism? Are those in a way holy attempts to restore eden? Jesus christ was a symbol for monism as well (deity and mortal, matter and spirit). Is absolute empathy ultimatively the most christian notion possible? Loving your enemy is anti dualistic as well now that I think about it (blurring the line between hatred and love). I am serious, you seem to know your theology.

>> No.15109897
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>What do you say about alchemists who try to find the origin of all matter in the combination of opposites?

The alchemists and Rosicrucians (who mostly used boehme, Paracelsus and so forth as their primers but even beyond his in normative kabbalah and hermeticism ) denote that the origin is in chaos, which means the nondual void, this is the abyss and byss of boehme. Chokmah and binah come after Kether and reunite as daat(which is the messiah even in Hebraic Kabbalah) and the All is the origin in hermeticism. This is the nondual and dialectical monism, not true division. And the dialectical monism by definition occurs within a singular body.

>What about transgenderism

Traditionally? A result of bodily and spiritual error which can be cured, in modern medical literature hormonal and/or genetic defect.

>or other transgressive forces that in a way challenge dualism?

In Kabbalah there’s no transgressive nondualism based in the demonic, even the qlippoth is misunderstood by moderns for thaumiel means “twins of god” aka the experience of duality in experience, the qlippoth are habitual mundane modes of perception/experience, the skin which covers the fruit of the sephiroth, their interior is the sephiroth. Only the sabbateans can make a claim otherwise and even they are reconciling the Qlippoth via radical adoration of god’s nonduality.

>Are those in a way holy attempts to restore eden?

They’re just methods of tikkun Olam, so yes.

>Jesus christ was a symbol for monism as well (deity and mortal, matter and spirit).

I mean Paul basically makes material causation and other Aristotelian arguments which basically amount to a Tao/Spinoza-esque conception of the relation of reality to God. We also see radical nonduality throughout the history of Judaism.

> Is absolute empathy ultimatively the most christian notion possible? Loving your enemy is anti dualistic as well now that I think about it (blurring the line between hatred and love). I am serious, you seem to know your theology.

The key is absolute Love, Love is interrelation, love is to dwell in one relation, the Love shared between is the marriage and interrelation between. We read that just as the trinity is nondual, through the body of Christ we, man, are also nondual to the body of Christ, Ephesians 4:6 for example also makes it clear that nature is also nondual to God, occurring within god formulated from his power, to look upon creation is to see the power of God.

>> No.15110148

So that jews are often globalists is in a way rooted in spirituality? It is tikkun olam to rid the world of borders, war and distinction? If I understand it correctly the experience of qlippoth is undesireable?

So the christian and jewish tradition is pantheistic to the core? Aristotles point opposed plato in that way. There is no idealism seperated from matter and vice versa (hylemorphism). I am actually having epiphanies right now. Thank you

>> No.15110153

Cringe, but redpilled honestly

>> No.15110240

>So that jews are often globalists is in a way rooted in spirituality? It is tikkun olam to rid the world of borders, war and distinction?

Depends on the Jew really, but in general they view the world as the diversity of the fullness of God, the harmonization of which induces the experience of The messiah, which is absolute harmony. This is why tiphereth (beauty) when lifted to the supernals(which is where it rested prior to creation) induces Daat (experience, here denoting nonduality as you are transcending chesed and Geburah which are akin to the good and evil of the tree.

>If I understand it correctly the experience of qlippoth is undesireable?

It’s the normative state which man is always in, the symbol used to denote the qlippoth is the pig, one symbol which denotes the world to come is the Kosher-pig, in which The imperfect is realized as also being of the same nondual perfection of God.

>So the christian and jewish tradition is pantheistic to the core? Aristotles point opposed plato in that way. There is no idealism seperated from matter and vice versa (hylemorphism). I am actually having epiphanies right now. Thank you

More or less, but not in the sense that God is solely nature, but rather in the sense that Nature is manifest via God’s power, and God has absolute simplicity, therefore all his divine attributes are one. And in this regard since creation is God’s power manifest, it is in no way truly separate to God or his divinity in its essential qualities.

This is a good intro imo to the Aristotelian influence in Paul. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wztEiK7rg0k

>> No.15110310

Please explain.

>> No.15110343

Honestly can't tell if you're a genius or a schizo. Good post regardless

>> No.15110473
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Genesis 3:22
“ And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever."
It is an act of maturity on Humanities part. The suffering we endured from our sin was going to be too great, so God in his absolute loving nature knew he had to atone for the sins of the world. God knew Humanity was ready to be saved and given the eternal life that would of been given to them if they ate or the tree of life. God entered creation incarnate as Jesus of Nazareth. The Christ (Anointed one) who redeems the world. Christ had to die, let the serpent bite his heel while He crushed the serpents head (Genesis 3:15). In a way, if you truly eat of Christ, who is the vine (John 15:5) is the author of life (Acts 3:15) and is the Way, the Truth, and the LIFE (John 14:6), you will live forever while also knowing the experience of knowing good and evil, and finally eating from tree of life by eating the flesh of Christ. Once you do this you will finally be reconciled with God, and although you will be still in this fallen world you will also be in Christ, Who has overcome the World (John 16:33).

>> No.15110507

So why did God fuck around with all the stuff about the flood and then the old covenant, waiting thousands of years before actually bothering to atone for man's sins?

>> No.15110520

Man was not yet mature. Imagine man falls and then Jesus comes immediately after, dying, then atoning for all the sin in the world. Then everyone just goes back immediately to doing what they’re not supposed to be doing since they’re just like children, not having any true experience with sin or suffering yet to the extent we have.

>> No.15110682

Can you recommend me some books about this

What do you think about those pictorial alchemy manuscripts like Splendor Solis and Atalanta Fugiens?

>> No.15110697


Besides studying Hebrew, along with some basic linguistics and various Hebrew lit, you could try studying some basic Kabbalah, Kaplan’s book meditation and the Bible along with his other works is pretty good as is chaim smith’s analysis of genesis and so forth. As for the texts you listed, I quite like them, a key to Alchemy which many do not grasp is the spontaneous nature of it, that sure the core mysteries are the same but the manner of interpretation, the way you approach it shall be different. So something like the splendor solis is to me something which keeps alchemy a living tradition, the personal modifications all do this. But I definitely think if you’re interested in alchemy you should begin with boehme’s Clavis and then get into Paracelsus and Agrippa.

>> No.15110709

>Imagine man falls and then Jesus comes immediately after, dying, then atoning for all the sin in the world. Then everyone just goes back immediately to doing what they’re not supposed to be doing
you mean exactly what actually happened?

>> No.15110714


Note I consider myself a Protestant, John dee was more or less a prot, boehme was an esoteric Protestant/Lutheran and Luther himself said he liked alchemy, for his son was an alchemist. Rosicrucianism as a whole is basically the Protestant contemplative/mystical tradition. Not to say there was no catholic alchemists or the like, but rather that there is a history of this, and for those who may think it heretical to study something such as Jewish Kabbalah, consider the writings of Justin martyr, Origen and st athanasius who make it clear that all men and their religious reflect in some regard the image of god in man and in spirit, and as such they took the seeds of the logos and reflections of god which they saw And brought it into the church, whether platonic or Pythagorean. In this same regard I study the world religions and philosophies and agree with the Christ that all good things of this world belong to God and that all treasures of this world ought to be brought into the kingdom of God.

>> No.15110785
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It was hers to eat

>> No.15110810

the snake is the wave that ejaculated the particle/apple of word, the child of monkey and fungi

>> No.15110818

Its a... The snake, eve and adam are all one and the same

>> No.15110835
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>> No.15110843

The snake is the creative impulse, the apple represents the next stage of History.

>> No.15110850
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>> No.15110873

satan turned into a frog a gave her bad dreams duh

>> No.15110882


>> No.15110891

If Eve doomed the human race for an apple, what would she do for a klondike bar?

>> No.15110908

Shall I appeer? shall I to him make known
As yet my change, and give him to partake
Full happiness with mee, or rather not,
But keep the odds of Knowledge in my power
Without Copartner? so to add what wants
In Femal Sex, the more to draw his Love,
And render me more equal, and perhaps,
A thing not undesireable, somtime
Superior: for inferior who is free?

>> No.15110923


>> No.15110945
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god is a faggot

>> No.15111062

I think Islam actually has a much simpler explanation for this where the apple just represents immortality and the wish to escape God's Judgement. That way you get around the whole thing of Adam and Eve having no agency and don't have to constantly try using "God's plan" as justification.

>> No.15111447


>> No.15111484

this is mostly true, minus "encouraged", that's the wrong word. he allowed it and ordained it and permitted it, and he used it to work for Good, but he didn't encourage it, since God does not tempt anyone.

>> No.15111488

the mind of a normie

>> No.15111490
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Lucifer is our true God

>> No.15111503

She was hungry. God forgot about that. oops

>> No.15111515

It was an apple in the same way Caesar was obsessed with corn.

>> No.15111523

Everything misses the mark.

>> No.15111532
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>> No.15111646

She was doing" eating the forbidden apple" for tik tok.

>> No.15111907

Every step is a step closer to God.

>> No.15111989

>thus the tree did not give them abstract knowledge or open their eyes to anything they mentally weren’t aware of
Stopped reading there.

>> No.15112012
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I wonder who could be behind this post...

>> No.15112329


Noooo not my heckin pseudo Promethean Lore based on biblical fanfiction and a small amount of misinterpreted gnostic texts!

There’s nothing in the original text which implies they gained abstract knowledge/intelligence Senpai.


Nah I’ve never looked into Peterson, I know Peterson is very into jung though which is just one psychological view based on alchemy.

>> No.15112804

>>Nah I’ve never looked into Peterson, I know Peterson is very into jung though which is just one psychological view based on alchemy.
He goes into a lot of detailed biblical analysis, he basically makes the same argument you did but goes several steps further into evolutionary psychobabble explication. Honestly the most interesting thing I got out of his version is the significance of Eden being a garden, that is a walled place maintained by excluding the world. There's something very interesting about that.

>> No.15112868

It doesn't matter why she did, although 'the serpent was subtle' is usually good enough.
The main thing is it was the next thing that happened. It could have been an hour, a day a year, a million years, Eden had no events because it had no troubles.
The story moves when the bitch listens to the snake and ruins everything.

>> No.15112987

Jesus knew it would happen anyway because it was a temptation but he did it anyway to reach true enlightenment with the father

>> No.15113003

I thought Calvinism teaches that man had free will before the fall

>> No.15113059
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>snakes usually can't talk
>suddenly a talking snake appears
>'why can you talk'
>'because I ate some of that apple. eat some and you will have superpowers'
>'but god said I will die'
>'lol I didn't die'
>'makes sense'
>eats apple

>> No.15113066

old testament god only had a power level equating roughly to two or three new testament jesuses, he certainly wasn't "all-powerful" at that point.
He grew more powerful as time progressed.

>> No.15113082

>H. Ghost

>> No.15113128


>> No.15114165



>> No.15114178


Try reading the original (the sumerians).

>> No.15114185


>studying hebrew
>studying k*ballah

Extremely unbased

>> No.15114290

Don't you mean "They"? This is also before He coalesced into a single being.

>> No.15114320

it was the only pussy in the world, maybe it really was that good

>> No.15114439
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This is good as a Kabbalistic interpretation, but I adhere to a schizo-Gnostic interpretation myself (similar to the one you discount). It’s too out-there for most on this board though, guess I’ll have to publish some weird book about it anonymously. Basically a Zechariah-Sitchin type situation where lots of ancient mythological texts are the distorted accounts of humanity’s interaction with extraterrestrial races, and the “serpent” and “Satan” etc. were references to a reptilian race. The God of the Old Testament is not the true God who pervades the universe, but simply a more advanced humanoid race (“Let us make man in our image”) who possibly engineered/created man and then ruled him, convincing him that they were literally talking to their God (which, in some sense, they may’ve been). The “serpent giving them to eat of the tree of good and evil” was a reptilian giving them secret teachings/gnosis/“raising their kundalini”, and the False God was of course quite angry over their slave-race now having a heightened consciousness.

Remember the caduceus from Hermeticism? Or Moses being instructed to wrap a serpent around a pole in the Book of Numbers 21:8-9?

8 And the Lord said to Moses, “Make a poisonous[c] serpent, and set it on a pole; and everyone who is bitten shall look at it and live.” 9 So Moses made a serpent of bronze, and put it upon a pole; and whenever a serpent bit someone, that person would look at the serpent of bronze and live.

This imagery is strikingly similar to Indian conceptions of kundalini yoga, where two channels (called “ida” and “pingala”) twist around the spine. This energy is also sometimes called “coiled serpent energy” or made synonymous with “serpent” in some Indian writings. And guess who the “Naga”s are in ancient Indian mythology? It’s a word for a semi-divine reptilian-humanoid race of beings, and one Naga in the Indian epic the Mahabharata is named “Kunda,” by the way.

And look at the Kabbalistic Tree of Life itself. It’s superimposed over the body and said to correspond to different parts of the body, just like the chakras in the Indian yogic systems. The two opposing pillars of the Tree are said to represent opposite polarities, just like “ida” and “pingala” have opposite polarities. The correspondence may not be exact, of course, but it’s an interesting parallel nonetheless. Now what do you get when you combine the Kabbalistic Tree of Life with a kundalini serpent energy? You get a tree wrapped around a snake as in a lot of Christian iconography, a tree and a snake leading to “enlightenment” or the “opening of one’s eyes to good and evil.”

>> No.15114455

Do you mean physical aliens or an interdimensional type thing? Also what is your timeframe for this stuff, distantly ancient civilizations or the conventional timeline?

>> No.15114459


That’s really nothing, I’ll post some material on my own analysis of the Serpent and the various Kabbalistic and what have you implications, one sec

>> No.15114465
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Note that Western esoteric traditions (like Freemasonry, for instance, which you can read about in the works of figures like Manly P. Hall (The Secret Teachings of All Ages) and Albert Pike (Rites & Dogma) make an equation between a Hermetic tradition supposedly stretching from Egypt to the ——> Greek mystery schools and ——> Old Testament esotericism (Moses was raised in Egypt, remember, and had Egyptian teachers). The connection I make between Hermes’ caduceus and Moses’ snake on a staff therefore has some precedent.

>> No.15114486

So glad I didn't end up going further with category theory. That small of a community + autists = moronic dynamics like this

>> No.15114499

No clue. Maybe both or neithrr. By this point, I’m skeptical of making a strict distinction between “physical” and “interdimensional”. A lot of modern UFOlogical literature seems to straddle between the two, and some have suggested that these “physical” extraterrestrial races may be so advanced they also have a greater understanding of “paranormal” and “interdimensional” phenomena, ESP and stuff like that, meaning they’re equally at home in a “physical” world and in an “inter dimensional” world.

Of course, all this sounds like a bad fantasy or sci-fi novel when you first read about it. That’s ironically exactly the reaction you’d expect from a less-developed species being informed that more highly-developed super-intelligent races have been interacting with them and even may have genetically engineered them.

>> No.15114500
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the mother letters are AMSh, the father letters are IAV/IAO

AHYH+YHVH=AHYHVH, the three H's are veils for the three mothers producing
AShIAVM the gematria of which is 358 the messiah (note AHYHVH=32=entire tree of life)

AShYMVA can be rearranged to spell AYSh an ancient name of what we call Tiphareth, rooted the word "fire" and AVM “a nut.” This is a reference to God like the center of the nut, around which the shells have hardened, from which the entire tree grows. Thus is the worship of Adonai.

On AHYHVH, AHYHVH = 32 = whole tree of life



IAO=IAV = tiffereth = shemash

MShA = from fire

From fire = secret fire = Kundalini = NChSh

AShIAVM = 358

Anointed one = MShICh = 358
Serpent = NChSh = 358

AShIAVM = Christ and the serpent, male and female, perfect equilibrium.

The following images are from Kaplan’s yetzirah commentary and other rabbinical and academic sources, the explanation is in the sepher yetzirah since at least the Gehenna cults there was a Cult of Teli, the stellar pole serpent identified with Draco (ursa major and minor being akin to a stellar left and right cherubim such as with the Ark) we also see direct identification of Zeir anpin with his Teli in the Bahir, images incoming

>> No.15114515
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Consider also he hyksos, the Semitic originating group which took over Egypt and brought about a cult of apophis/the serpent-dragon.


It is likely that the Gehenna-Teli cult became the Apophis Egyptian Cult.

>> No.15114521

Yeah i have read about that ufo(also fairies) stuff. It's interesting. Anyway do write your book I will read it

>> No.15114532

I forgot to answer your timeline question. — well, probably both. Sumerian and Babylonian civilizations seem to have been interacting with these races if you take Zechariah Sitchin et al at face value. But modern mainstream anthropological/archaeological accounts of human history and evolution seem to be bullshit. I wouldn’t be surprised if Atlantis existed by this point. This is the theory known as “catastrophism” which academia of course mostly discounts as “pseudoscientific” — the idea that humanity previously reached a high degree of development but wiped itself out and had to start over from the Stone Age, roughly.

>> No.15114550
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What’s happening here is the nonduality of the serpent archetype with the serpent of wisdom upon the tree who’s head is in daat, it’s the messiah, the only times we see the serpent of genesis identified with anything positive is by the heretical sabbateans and so forth which believed that the soul of the messiah was hidden within the serpent’s unconscious, the sha’are orah describes it as a cosmic egg phenomena, in which the totality of all experience is the messiah but within this is the potentiality for diversity/range of experience which is what the bad serpent was, which forces daat to crack, creating the lower sephiroth and Tiphereth which must perform messianic duties to raise itself back up again. A lot more images incoming

>> No.15114555


>> No.15114570

The ancient civ theories are far more well founded than pretty much any other 'pseudoscience'. There are genuine complete anomalies in technological ability involved in the masonry in Peru, Egypt, etc. The attempts of conventional archaeology to respond to these issues have been not just bad but outright fraudulent.

>> No.15114578
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Iirc the oldest depiction of the kundalini is Babylonian but don’t hold it to me, i’d Have to double check the archeological record

>> No.15114598
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The points i’m Getting at is, Judaism already had and has a serpent cult and relates heavily to the Egyptian serpent cult, and there is even some scholars who believe there is a direct relation between the serpent deity Yam and YHVH, also look up the sword and serpent tree of life depiction. Much more images to post

>> No.15114611

This is great stuff, thank you. My recent readings for a while now have mainly been in UFOlogy, Eastern traditions, and even Theosophy, so my knowledge of more Western esoteric traditions is somewhat rusty (if not lacking in some places completely).

Agreed, that’s what I meant to suggest.

>> No.15114628
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The key identification note is the worship of Moloch is also understood by modern scholarship to be a type of ritual, Baal hermon (who was identified with Draco, shemyaza and so forth) is the main point of fascination, we would see Jews both use Draco as the key to stellar initiation but also as a manner of tikkun Olam, to view and use the most evil aspects as nondual to God and as representative of God is in truth a way of reconciling them to God

>> No.15114650
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Note I’m also studied in Hindu tantra, to the tantriks who defined kundalini, kundalini is not just some “serpent “ around the spine; kundalini is nondual to shakti, shakti is the universe, but really awareness and The manifest, she is Vek, which is to say, the Logos, so the tantriks consider Shakti who is the serpent to be the Logos, for further information investigate the Sri yantra and trika traditions

>> No.15114669
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I personally despise theosophy, eastern material itself can be great. I’m not one for conspiracies or ufo personally BUT the best work on occult theories of the UFO would be Kenneth grant and Allen greenfield, grant’s Focus is also something he calls typhonianism which is the investigation of basically the serpent cult historically, which he also unifies with fiction, literature, psycho analysis, various philosophies and so forth.

>> No.15114673

Why did Adam and Eve eat the apple if they were created upright?

>> No.15114678
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>> No.15114685

Grant has a lot of material, what would you rec

>> No.15114686
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>> No.15114711
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He’s best to read in order starting his nine books with magical revival and finishing with ninth arch, but he dives most heavily into the UFO stuff in “outer gateways” so if you don’t mind being a bit lost you might enjoy it


Note, the union of time and space which is basically the union of Teli and galgal the twin serpents in Kabbalah, produce LB, LB means the heart but values 32, the heart is correspondent to Tiphereth and 32 is the number of 10 sephiroth and 32 paths ( I might elaborate further on how this relates to the kabbalistic cube of space. )

>> No.15114721
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Whoops meant 22 paths!*

>> No.15114738
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Final image and this combined with the information of hyksos apophis worship more or less 100% gives substance to my claims of this Serpent cult. Why would you name a pharaoh by the name of something the people consider the devil? https://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apepi_(pharaoh)

>> No.15114771

I’d continue on by explaining the Hebraic conception of the cube of space (which isn’t conspiracy theory, there’s meditative exercises such as sealing the cube with the various permutations of the name YHV, for example ) but I don’t want to continuously spam the thread. The point being is that with proper research THERE IS cross pollination, interaction, oddities, similarities and so forth. This neither means a perennial “all religions are equal “ or a “all religions are fake” view nor does this mean we ought to go off the deep end with say, aliums and other such conspiracy stuff. There’s a lot of material here on its own which needs investigation and contemplation and experimentation with. But again you’d really enjoy Kenneth grant

>> No.15114796
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>I personally despise theosophy
I used to despise it, too, but eventually I found that several roads in my research were leading to Theosophy and that I should at least brush up on it. Grant and Crowley both believed Blavatsky was a real initiate of some sort, IIRC, and Theosophy intersects with these theories of humanity having interacted with extraterrestrial races/alternative theories of ancient history in some quite strange ways.

Your posts increasingly make me salivate over the prospect of getting into Typhonianism after I finish a huge backlog of books I already have. I was in some other thread where you gave your theories on time, by the way, and posted a little bit in response to it. I’ve had some pirated ebooks of most of Grant’s corpus for a couple months now and this is, once again, a helpful primer.

Coincidentally, some UFOlogical reports a reptilian “Draconian” race from the Draco star system. It’s interesting what the word “draconian” itself means...

Yeah, this is a more sophisticated account of it, thank you. I’ve actually also got Woodroffe’s book in my backlog too, and a few other about Shaktism/Tantra. I’m excited to be learning even more about this stuff. I hope the world (or /lit/ at least) is ready for my schizo-tractates.

>> No.15114822

Thanks for the Grant recs once again. If I wanted to repay the favor, I’d suggest Robert Anton Wilson, but I don’t know if you already read him. He was big on Crowley and, to an extent, on Grant. “Cosmic Trigger” is particularly good, it was one of the readings which introduced me a little bit to Grant, and it ties into what I’ve been talking about in strange ways.

>> No.15114882

>I used to despise it, too, but eventually I found that several roads in my research were leading to Theosophy and that I should at least brush up on it. Grant and Crowley both believed Blavatsky was a real initiate of some sort,

I know and I simply disagree due to my study of vajrayana and broader Tibetan Buddhism, even got vajrakila empowerment’s, Crowley later in his life tells grant that his sexual alchemical formulae are inferior to orthodox tantra. As for Grant, Grant literally at one point analyzes the name of Bela lugosi via gematria to esoterically analyze the nature of vampirism, so the guys both a great source and someone who doesn’t take his own views with absolute seriousness.

>IIRC, and Theosophy intersects with these theories of humanity having interacted with extraterrestrial races/alternative theories of ancient history in some quite strange ways.

Oh I get your interests I’m just not big into the conspiracy side of things.

>Your posts increasingly make me salivate over the prospect of getting into Typhonianism after I finish a huge backlog of books I already have. I was in some other thread where you gave your theories on time, by the way, and posted a little bit in response to it. I’ve had some pirated ebooks of most of Grant’s corpus for a couple months now and this is, once again, a helpful primer.

Glad I could help! As for time, my view of time isn’t the orthodox Jewish view which reconciles time and space via 22 letters to the cube, it’s based on that view and significantly modified. But yeah I’ve read cosmic trigger. Lowkey the model even given in cosmic trigger is ultimately given in the corpus hermeticum and the works of Agrippa. By the way wanna link to the blog where I go full schizophrenic with my theories?

>> No.15114896

Is this the gnostic interpretation? What are your sources?

>> No.15114940
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Not Gnosticism but Hebraic Kabbalah and actual language analysis.

Read Kaplan or Smith or the actual Jewish commentaries themselves, images incoming.

>> No.15114949
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>> No.15114955
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It’s not really an interpretation. Just what the Hebrew says.

>> No.15114973
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How else would you define a tree of the experience/knowledge of the experiences of Fortune and of Adversity?

>> No.15115018

cringe and satanpilled

>> No.15115101

>Loving your enemy is anti dualistic as well

>> No.15115141

So it's like that episode of King of the Hill where Peggy and Bobby eat some wood smoked barbecue and taste what they've been missing with propane all their lives?

>> No.15115236

The snake represents Lockean property rights over nature.

>> No.15115282
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>God creates perfect world
>God creates man
>God creates woman
>Ruins perfect world within a few chapters

>> No.15115436

any truly omnipotent being that exists at any point of time exists at all times

>> No.15115518

>this and subsequent replies


>> No.15116131
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Got busy for a sec. sure, go ahead with the blog link, thanks.

> As for Grant, Grant literally at one point analyzes the name of Bela lugosi via gematria to esoterically analyze the nature of vampirism, so the guys both a great source and someone who doesn’t take his own views with absolute seriousness.
Ahahahahah. That’s a nice fun fact to know. Yeah, my own source told me that Theosophy was a source of “distorted but still semi-valid occult information” and necessary to brush up on. Their summaries of the astral body and causal bodies and planes are a helpful supplement to yogic systems (where these are some mixture of pranamayakosha, manomayakosha, vijanamayakosha and whatchamacallit, that last one that corresponds most closely to the ‘causal body’ of Theosophists). As you can tell I know a little bit but not extremely much about Grant and Crowley, and what they’re doing does seem to overlap with Theosophy. Theosophists might call it “astral traveling”, messing around in the astral planes or whatever, and Crowley with the Higher Guardian Angel idea seems to be what Theosophy calls the Monad (which is “above” even the causal body, the source of it, or what-have-you).

> But yeah I’ve read cosmic trigger. Lowkey the model even given in cosmic trigger is ultimately given in the corpus hermeticum and the works of Agrippa. By the way wanna link to the blog where I go full schizophrenic with my theories?
Remember the whole “Sirius-B-Sufism-Idries-Shah-Gurdjieff-Crowley-Blavatsky-telepathy” etc. connection Wilson gets into? Whitley Strieber (modern “contactee” and former Gurdjieff Foundation student) reports going to a planet where he did something like dervish (i.e. Sufi) dancing. Another interesting bit of trivia. It’s also frequently reported that these beings communicate telepathically with humans and each other at times (Strieber reports this, for instance). Who else communicates by telepathy? Gurdjieff to Ouspensky at the end of “In Search of the Miraculous,” as well as Sufis with each other, if you’re to believe in this little ‘digression’ by Idries Shah (Knowing How to Know)

>> No.15116144
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>> No.15116164

*Holy Guardian Angel, wrote that too quickly

>> No.15116393


I really start breaking down my model at kaaba of 237 but you can read the various, do tell what you think!


>> No.15116464

What's current G*d's powerlevel? Does the New Testament have Dragon Ball Z levels of powerlevel inflation?

>> No.15116489
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>> No.15117147

It is an offer to unify with your adversaries

>> No.15117443


>> No.15117735

Haven't studied on the etymology, so I might be mistaken, but in modern hebrew:
Daat is opinion/mind
Tov is good in the sense of "the goods" more than "good and evil". There is a phrase in hebrew: "Kol(everything) Tuv(Tov)" which roughly translates to "All the goods".
Also, its pronounced Ra not Re but you're pretty spot on the translation, saying "I feel (Ra)" is "I feel bad/ill". Evil is Re-sha.

t. (((6)))

>> No.15117771
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>> No.15117776
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>> No.15117889

Because either God for some reason let the Devil live in the Garden of Eden while putting the most delicious fucking thing in front of a couple of mental children while telling them "hey don't eat this delicious thing, by the way I'm gonna be gone for awhile so there's no-one to supervise you," or it's completely allegorical.

>> No.15118127

Because she thought it was better than not-eating the apple.

>> No.15118150

God didn't shove it down Eve's throat. She ate the apple on her own volition no matter what you say. That's what "Free Will" constitutes. :)

>> No.15118337

can you say this meaningfully because this four letter word doesnt indicate any kind of conduct

>> No.15118355
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>old testament god only had a power level equating roughly to two or three new testament jesuses
So how does he measure up to Ultra Instinct Goku?

>> No.15118366

who is this?

>> No.15118370

whats your discord

>> No.15118378

He’s probably not even beerus-tier

>> No.15118401

It's not feasible and makes no sense. absolute 'unconditional love' means that you accept someones sin and therefore you can become a victim, its not ideal for relationships either

>> No.15118411

>I think it's a bad idea to eat this apple.
Cope. Eve is the one who needed to be convinced, Adam just took a bite the instant Eve offered it.