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File: 106 KB, 886x1199, Peterson+vs+Zizek+Debate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15097972 No.15097972 [Reply] [Original]

>got destroyed so badly he started abusing benzos and his brain turned to mush trying to take the easy way out
Is there ANY contemporary philosopher who could survive even a single one of Zizek's *SNIFFS*?

>> No.15097979
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>> No.15098011
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I don't really care about either at this point but I'm happy the debate happened because it produced this glorious meme

>> No.15098142
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>> No.15098157
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>> No.15098218

never before such an embarrassment, it's so great, it's so amazing

>> No.15098258

>two psychoanalyst retards talking past each other
Fuck you this isn't literature

>> No.15098270

>>two psychoanalyst retards talking past each other
no retard zizek is freudian and lobsterfaggot is jungian

>> No.15098280
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The chad cocaine vs the virgin benzo.

>> No.15098292
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>zizek is freudian
Zizek is a Lacanian

>> No.15098312

Everything Chomsky had ever said about these people was proven true that night. The continental tradition is an embarrassment.

>> No.15098334

Lacan is Freudian

>> No.15098353

You just cant take someone seriously when they look like a neckbearded incel and talk with a fucking lisp.

>> No.15098365
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So is Jung though

>> No.15098381

Lol its funny coz its tru

>> No.15098428

he wasn't anymore when he started publishing his books

>> No.15098444

kind of sad really
when sam harris obliterated him he just made up some bullshit story about nearly dying and being extremely ill for like a month or something just because he drank an insignificant amount of apple cider

>> No.15098470

quick rundown please i dont have 2 hours to spent watching a benzo addict debate a incel

>> No.15099021

Freud basically dumped him but he was still very much a Freudian, and you can tell he would have preferred to keep working with him had it been up to him

>> No.15099032
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wrong hegel

>> No.15099077
File: 871 KB, 1268x700, 1555744077396.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well you know, the thing about the Manifesto is, Marx said we would keep all the flatscreen tv's in a big room, and it's like no bucko, that isn't what happened.
>the subjective position of ideology maintains a particular relation to happiness by which happiness can only result as the remainder of a particular gap in expectations
>that doesn't sound like Marx to me. I read the Manifesto. Marx didn't think about nature.
>read the German Ideology
>well, Marx just wanted everyone to be equal
>read the Critique of the Gotha Program
>well, postmodern Marxists have invaded the universities
>can you name me a one?
>well, I saw some studies that show there are a lot of Marxists in the humanities departments... like a quarter... so...
>I have many Marxist friends in academia, they are hated by postmodernists
>well, I don't think you're a Marxist.

>> No.15099092

>When Sam Harris obliterated him
This never happened

>> No.15099123
File: 1.82 MB, 640x640, 1586819477745.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crazy to think that Zizek was still recovering from a stroke when that all happened. Hard not to respect the pure will of that man.

Hopefully what's happening now in the Peterson household will humble Jordan and shake him out of whatever various complexes he's suffering from. It's hard not to feel bad for him, because deep down he really does seem like a decent person.

>> No.15099511

So what the hecks going on here? We're all getting fucked by his daughters or familys weird treatment of him and privacy.

A lot of good natured people want to know he's ok and stuff. You can imagine Rogan and Eric Weinstein's listeners and others wish him well. But we are stuck by his daughter not saying anything explicit about his condition?

>> No.15099517

Alexander Dugin? That'd be an interesting debate.

>> No.15099533

Zizek was playing dumb when he accused Peterson of making up invisible enemies in the form of "postmodern Marxists". As if Foucalt and the rest of those verbiage spewing faggots weren't former Maoists and Stalinists before it became unsavory to support either of them even from the safety and comfort of insulated collegiate departments.

>> No.15099684

Seeing the two of them twist each other's perspectives would be interesting to see, though I'd pay more good money for a Zizek interrogation of a Henry Kissinger/Brzezinski type

>> No.15099725

basically zizek reads marxism and postmodernism while teperson reads *about* marxism and postmodernism

>> No.15099755


Why does he look so stoic driving that little toy car

>> No.15099760

Foucault from his very early published work was aggressive towards communist thinkers and people and even ideas. I mean:
>Marxism exists in nineteenth-century thought like a fish in water: that is, it is unable to breathe anywhere else.
Sounds like someone that's really sold on the whole thing there.

>> No.15099765

Peterson had no response for a reason, it's nonsense

>> No.15099766

Brain damage.

>> No.15099780

Peterson is a meme-philosophy huckster who sells books to alt-right kids who need father figures, Zizek is a dumpster fire who has never made a coherent or intelligent statement in his life and has eloquence of a 3 year old

Why anyone would expect to get anything out of a debate between them remains a mystery

>> No.15099875

Freud is Lacanian, though

>> No.15099900
