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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 310 KB, 1152x2048, pseudcore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15093479 No.15093479 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of person does this stack belong to?

Also, stack thread.

>> No.15093493

>What kind of person does this stack belong to?
Someone who got memed by /lit/

>> No.15093502

>What kind of person does this stack belong to?
An impressionable pseud.

>> No.15093506

The kind that will never read them

>> No.15093548

It's missing IJ. Every bookshelf thread has an undread copy of IJ.

>> No.15093574

One that belongs to a psued tryhard

>> No.15093623

Idk but I could probably guess your twitter handle

>> No.15093802

>who does this stack belong to
someone who spent to much time online instead of actually trying to understand anything and then in a pharmaceutics induced rush decided to become le epic l/acc overlord by ordering this stack all at once, popping some antidepressants and uppers and reading this

>> No.15093810

its this

>> No.15093816

A jew.

>> No.15093843

What would need to be removed for it to become an r/acc stack ? Probably those faggy foucaults and maybe guattaris solo books, what else ? What would you add ? I'm just trying to figure out why would this stack constitute l/acc since to me it seems l/acc is too lowbrow for most of these thinkers to be advocating it in any shape or form

>> No.15093851

Definitely the xenofeminism

>> No.15093878

Oops, didn't see that one

>> No.15095037

This person worships CCRU and CCRU-adjacent thinkers. Not that I think that's a bad thing but this is the clear l/acc stack

>> No.15095737

>foaming facial cleanser
>girly lunch pail
probly a at pastel goth that would actually be fun to converse with.

>> No.15095954

an edgy teen who is looking for a complex language to phrase his edginess in a way that will, he hopes, be able to be openly expressed without putting his fragile self at risk, before it definitively collapses.

>> No.15095967

fuck your stacks

>> No.15096562
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Rate stack

>Left, gifts
>Right, bought

>> No.15096587


>> No.15096590

no "Les Deux Etendards"?

>> No.15096595
File: 13 KB, 300x400, 1572098717992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying this hard

>> No.15096627

to do what? make e-celeb threads?

>> No.15096651

a skimmer

>> No.15096656
File: 848 KB, 1936x2592, youre stack a shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A users guide to capitalism and schizophrenia
>All those barnes and noble books


>> No.15096856


>> No.15096864

dear lord, just learn french, it'd be easier.

>> No.15096952

>no fiction

>> No.15096964

then mate, that's a lot of baudrillard.

>> No.15097017


>> No.15097030

Someone who doesn't actually read the books they buy

>> No.15097046

>buys all books immediately on whim instead of using library
rich daddy

>shallow dilettantish interest in 'theory', despite apparently grand ambitions to be a quirky lowercase memester 'theory'girl (subtly indicating that the interest in 'theory' is primarily about wearing it as a fashion statement, because the decision to become a lowercase 'theory' girl was made immediately, on the face of it and what it represented, rather than through gradual induction into it out of genuine interest)

>dumb knickknacks

>attention whore "hehe :3 what do u think of [latest fashion statement orbiting around my self but never coming into transformative contact with it] ^_^" post

>reading (lol) 'theory' about the interpellation of the subject into capitalist modes of production through the construction of desire, while also being a frivolous whore who likes dainty accessories/ornamentations made by slaves

>"i'm a marxist but not one of those stodgy old marxists, more like a cool lowercase-typing pseudo-marxist who knows about memes and 'theory' ;)"
early twentysomething
high possibility: jew

verdict: daughter of "upper middle class, omg they aren't rich my dad was a landscaper lol" (rich, indulgent) daddy. possible jew. insincere and depressed, can't engage with anything authentically because actually loves living in consumer capitalism and having a frivolous bohemian lifestyle paid for by others. will continue to be a featureless orb of attention-seeking, fueled by sexual capital and occasionally adorned with superficially understood ideologies and hobbies, but will never experience negativity or self-transcendence. will go through massive depression after college as social networks wither up rapidly and fewer and fewer people are willing to go "HEHE DELEUZE ;) I kNOW ABOUT DELEUZE ;) YOU WANT TO COME TO A PARTY AND MEET A FLURRY OF NEW PEOPLE TO BOMBARD YOUR WOMAN BRAIN WITH THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS TO IT, THE FEELING THAT IT'S IN A JANE AUSTEN NOVEL OR AT A RUSSIAN ARISTOCRATIC BALL WITH INFINITE POTENTIAL TO SNARE A TALL WEALTHY PENIS?" may leech daddy's money for a while, or force self to work LARP job supplemented by daddy's money, or go back for more meaningless degrees to prolong college experience (paid for by daddy). if already in possession of a boyfriend past age 27, will slump into marrying him out of habit, despite not really feeling any great desire to do so. if not in possession of a boyfriend, will begin panicking and initiating short-term relationships via dating apps which she spends more time complaining about than experiencing. (dating app men will continue to not give her orgasms and she will continue to exchange giving them orgasms for the brief feeling of being wanted, desired, and pursued again by someone outside her stagnant social circle.)

>> No.15097109
File: 84 KB, 1242x1241, 1536187628712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mate I literally have no idea how to go about learning French so I could read Baldretard/Camus/Deleuze/Derrida in French. That seems like an incredibly hard goal.

he's #1

Is quarantine getting to you? Iktf

>> No.15097131

Folio editions are pretty comfy to read

>> No.15097168

>>reading (lol) 'theory' about the interpellation of the subject into capitalist modes of production through the construction of desire, while also being a frivolous whore who likes dainty accessories/ornamentations made by slaves


>> No.15097280

I read a copy on kindle and then purchased the book, haven't done a re-read yet.

>> No.15098156
File: 398 KB, 2592x3456, 20200405_213353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kinda new to /lit/

>> No.15098178

That's a risky stack height, anon. You need to distribute them better

>> No.15098201

damn bro that's some serious projection, nigga get your dick wet once in a while

>> No.15098227
File: 780 KB, 1936x2592, stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>massumi, along with the ATP that has an intro by Massumi



Check out Huxley's early stuff, Down and Out in Paris and London is cool

>> No.15098230

So are stacks books you just bought or your current reading list?

>> No.15098236

its got journey to the end of the night . thats a plus

>> No.15098238

A boring faggot who thinks philosophy matters

>> No.15098241

fuck is the land really that thick? only have a digital copy. that looks like my copy of war and peace or don quixote.

>> No.15098277

Can someone describe what the difference is between a stack thread and a bookshelf thread, if there even is one?

>> No.15098285

One has pictures of stacks, the other has picture of bookshelves

>> No.15098342

You’re unironically using the library? Enjoy your coronavirus

>> No.15098372

The newfag is already ahead of the accfag kek.

>> No.15098610

stacks can be:
1. Recent purchases
2. Next reads
3. Poorfag shelves

If 1. consistently applies to you but not 2., you are falling for consumerism too hard

For some reason that copy looks thicker than mine. It's a short book (in terms of height) so there are fewer words per page.

>> No.15098624

It does he just fell for the memes.

>> No.15098689
File: 474 KB, 1077x1527, IMG_20200414_221107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the only book I own

>> No.15098966
File: 233 KB, 1300x1951, 3288599-1300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have not bought a single book since I got my e-reader

>> No.15099013

>physical books
Hahahahahahahaj oh boy

>> No.15099041

Well, if you only like this book keep being this way. At least you're real.

>> No.15099247

except for the 40k guidebooks, of course