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File: 41 KB, 885x516, peterson2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15090425 No.15090425 [Reply] [Original]

What ever happened to this guy?

>> No.15090429

he caught meat cancer or something

>> No.15090435

Zizek killed him

>> No.15090483

he forgot to clean his room one day and in order to cope with trauma he became a benzo junkie

>> No.15090500
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>> No.15090509

Behold! The self-actualized man

>> No.15090511

haha rc car go brrrrrr

>> No.15090515
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>> No.15090529

he looks like a vegetable

>> No.15090569

you are what you eat

>> No.15090582

Isn't he a carnivore?

>> No.15090602

He was mkultraed by russians.

>> No.15090610

shut up facts-nigger

>> No.15090621

He tried to start a thread on /lit/ and got shit on by autistic retards who can’t read so he decided to disappear from public life.

Congratulations r4cheddit we did it

>> No.15090632
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>the zizek forced meme
Gettin kinda old

>> No.15090662

watching him try to debate zizek gave his wife cancer, setting off a hilarious series of mishaps that ended in an emergency lobotomy performed by a buryat shaman.

>> No.15090670
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He realized he couldn't keep his room clean and gave up

>> No.15090681

How's post-coma brain damage treating ya, peets?

>> No.15090689
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Total CHAD right here

>> No.15090711
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this will never get old

>> No.15090722

It's old in the way that it's the same kind of surrogate father battle but instead of propping up peterson, they're hyping up commie daddy zizek because he lets them stay up late and watch jaws

>> No.15090732

fucking kek

>> No.15090739

>surrogate father battle
Is this what happened to you when neither of your gay dads wanted custody?

>> No.15090741

However you slice it, Zizek is a proper Yugoslav and under the right circumstances would look after Peterson.

Now can you imagine that odd couple hijinx?

>> No.15090766

where are the post-modern neo-marxists bitch?

>> No.15090769

The ultimate red pill on /lit/

>> No.15090778
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The Zizek and Peterson battle was a faux dichotomy.
Whereas Zizek was an actual Marxist philosopher. Peterson was more of a philosopher that espoused capitalism. Zizeks philosophy flowed through his life, Peterson more just existed in a capitalist society and decided to be its conduit (even though he was a bad one)
In the end, Im not sure Peterson knew who his adversaries were, but Zizek did.

>> No.15090808

I don't need someone else to reassure me of what I know to be true, some old intellectuals "duking it out" doesn't affect me either way. I have more "respect" for peterson in the sense that he's fighting a more interesting battle but anyone could understand that zizek would "win" a debate, simply because he's more amiable and light-footed. our entire intellectual framework is basically built for someone like zizek to come out on top

>> No.15090814

i know, who needs a father figure when you've got detached cynicism?

>> No.15090825

Drug addiction and now brain damaged

>> No.15090835


>> No.15090844

You took a lot of "sentences" to say absolutely "nothing" of any value "whatsoever"

>> No.15090850

Who needs a father figure when you've already got a father? its really clear who in itt didn't have a strong male role model growing up baka

>> No.15090852

Jordan Peterson is not a philosopher. He became a symbol the "right" wing for the lack of a better candidate and because he sold books for alt-right incels.

>> No.15090885

>its really clear who in itt didn't have a strong male role model growing up baka
the guy who grew up to be a chink cartoon fetishist?

>> No.15090896

He was some sort of a meat-diet guy, but Zizek turned him into a vegetable.

>> No.15090920

No, I disagree. I do believe he is a philosopher (or rather I believe he believes he is one). And as an actual Leftist who hasn’t any reason to defend him, I thoroughly don’t believe he started his career in the name of such a pathetic cause, thoughhe certainly ended it that way.
Though Petersons philosophy is incredibly anachronistic, with broad terms such a “post-modern-neo-marxism” and “Judeo christian Values” being ever present in his ideology. Those of course, being nothing other then dogwhistles for his little keyboard warrior chums.

>> No.15090955

I said that peterson's battle is more interesting in the sense that he's hedging his bets against the current hegemony. zizek is an academic communist which is basically a mascot for the people who still think in their heart of hearts that capitalism is something
read the bible if you're in need of some great father

>> No.15090960

lmao newfag, s.m.h

>> No.15090976

do you not know what a wordfilter is?

>> No.15090984

You're retarded if you think either "intellectual" is in any way counter-hegemonic. Peterson took issue with one law that posed restrictions on free speech, got carried to fame on the backs of a swarm of dorky teenagers, and then wrote a self-help book to capitalise on their naivety.

>> No.15090990
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After the Zizek debate everything went downhill. He finally revealed himself to be a paper tiger and nothing but a mouthpiece for the liberal order. All he was to begin with was a tool for liberalism, he de-radicalized millions of White men who were disillusioned and bitter. No one can sanely deny and refute what I just said.

>> No.15090993

Having an ideology doesn't make someone a philosopher.

>> No.15090998

Everyone on /lit/ should be an adult. Adults don't need fathers.

>> No.15091006

I'm waiting for the benzo's image

>> No.15091015

Anything on Peterson's work with the UN? he's got the vibe of one of Marilyn Ferguson's Aquarian Conspirators ,a 'hip' presbyterian or unitarian cleric from suburban toronto in the 70s, the sort to reject stale orthodoxy for 'far out' vaguely countercultural ideas picked up at the seminary like Joseph Campbell's neo jungianism and EO wilson´s sociobiology, he also fits the profile of the transatlantic elite social engineer, associated at one point with the harvard faculty and awarded a profitable consultancy at Julian Huxley's UNESCO.

Universities increasingly behave like psychiatric institutions, already the largest employers in many american states. free college? better yet, abolish college. the real lesson from the 60s: it is we the (generally middle class) students who are the true wretched of the earth. you are in the total institution for life, an atomizing foucaultian labrynth of bureaucracy, CBT, social media surveillance, TV psychonormalisation, mental illness booms due to information overload and flattening of cultural depth, identity based category sorting. therapeutic conceptions of the self and pop culture have taken over from religion. the changing images of man SRI campbell ferguson spook new age phase of these sinister processes(of which mr peterson is a late exponent) has a certain quaintness nowadays, as I'd admit being raised by rough around the edges narcissistic bobo hippie types, mere protoypes, definitely not full institutional subjects. l

>> No.15091044

Jordan Peterson is a writer and psychoanalyst (I think). He can write about stuff, he can criticize stuff, he can comment things, that makes him a writer. Zizek has the ability to analyze questions beyond usual concepts and devises original solutions to things. Peterson can't do any of this, he can only cite other authors and speak his mind on practical terms. This is way below a philosopher's work.

>> No.15091092

why do leftist student types complain ceaselessly about their mental illness rick and morty reddit basedface depression and anxiety? despite their stale transgressive posturing and surface level identities they are basically all the same:. institutionalised oedipal patient consumer units ideologically conformist and illiterate. The only time they talk about philosophy or literature is when they complain of their eurocentrism and lack of diversity( but teen vogue is their pravda and they are happy consuming americanized yoof culture the discussion of whose 'political' merits or lack thereof conforms the greater share of their ideological consciousness). decolonize anyhting? they wouldn't have lasted even a week anywhere outside of post 60s western liberal culture.

their teology hasn't moved beyond 00s new atheism, as proper satanic atheists are childishly mad at the christian god(not realising marxist revolution was powered by the residues of christian eschatology). the personal has substituted for the political entirely. boys pose as feminists to get laid or claim some or other absurd nonbinary identity the girls say love is a patriarchal myth, when they are petty, hedonistic(contractual casual sex and rebellious weed smoking they are supposed to enjoy), insecure(deservingly so), shallow, shallow, Insufferable enough to keep the working class voting against their own interests for centuries to come. substitute any actual thoughtfulness for hollow ideological scripts repeated ad nauseam- what's the sjw cbt connection?

I doubt even the queers hardly get any sexual enjoyment out of the sodomy anymore. there is no such thing as gay sex. these people don't have sex, they virtue signal and engage in shrill politically correct activities at the behest of george soros the dnc and their marxist professors.

Peterson represents an answer of a sort to this dreary culture of faux rebellion and liberal conformity, if anything he isn't radical enough, he's an avatar of the same new age liberal boomerism that got us into this mess. if anything I like the look of horror in the leftist shitlib's face when one casually brings up God.

>> No.15091098

peterson is obviously counter-hegemonic, that we even talk about this is because the guy nearly got crucified for talking shit about trans people. the way we conceptualize this stuff is so obviously wrong. We're operating on mental frameworks which will inevitably lead to our doom and peterson realizes this at some level

He's status quo in the same way that your liver is a status quo for your body. All the other shit about liberalism, neo-marxism, capitalism and whatever is for the birds. He's reaching backwards for a more serviceable (christian) framework and that makes him correct no matter how aesthetically/intellectually unpalatable you find it

>> No.15091116

>the guy nearly got crucified for talking shit about trans people
How? It literally kickstarted his career as a celebrity. It was probably the best fucking thing that happened to him.

>He's reaching backwards for a more serviceable (christian) framework
that's your projection, not his. All he cares about is not allowing the government to have a monopoly over the words we use (which is fair enough, but nothing to do with christianity).

>> No.15091149

The way I see him, Peterson counters things as he sees it. He's got no agenda or doctrine behind himself. He's against certain phenomena in modern society, he tries to find the culprit and slams it some way or another. In fact, that's the typical conservative thinker.

>> No.15091173

>people who still think in their heart of hearts that capitalism is something
>capitalism is something
Capitalism is not something?
And what people are these?

>> No.15091184
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>peterson is obviously counter-hegemonic
Imagine believing this. He's a milquetoast liberal all he does is reaffirm the systems values. He de-radicalized millions of angry White men towards market liberalism or libertarianism. Also read here>>15090990

>> No.15091200


the left has been fully neutered as an economic force. they are the auxilliary wing of a militant liberalism or post liberalism that is increasingly becoming more hectoring and intrusive, ie. civil rights, gender theory, lgbt, affirmative action.they are in the business of managing thought and affect. even zizek is regarded as verboten by most of the contemporary left, who prefer to side with the secular church represented by corporate power, 'experts', media, academia, the people who have been exposed time and time again as liars hypocrites and pedophiles, the DNC and woke capitalism, as a non elite white male there is literally no reason to be a leftist except maybe masochism. why should I even give a shit about your propaganda?

>> No.15091237

transgender ideology is manifestly absurd: gender is a social construct yet some people can be born the wrong gender yet masculinity is toxic. and we are suddenly forced to treat it as sacred. honestly I had more sympathy for trannies when they were just fringe eccentrics on the chans instead of being pushed constantly on the media. it seems like after the fall of the USSR leftists transfered the millenarian hopes once deposited in the working class(they are bigots who deserve to OD on heroin anyways) over to the elimination of sexual differences.

>> No.15091246

You're confusing leftists with liberals again, kiddo.

>> No.15091247

>the left has been fully neutered as an economic force. they are the auxilliary wing of a militant liberalism or post liberalism that is increasingly becoming more hectoring and intrusive
I'm the second poster you quoted and I don't even disagree with you, but Zizek is by no means "verboten". He's known for being a bit of a provocateur but ultimately he doesn't actually disagree with most of the things you described.
His schtick is basically:
>black jokes are actually good because they break down the cold, insensitive distance of tolerance; we should learn how to use racist jokes to fight racism
>we shouldn't open our hearts to migrants, we don't need to love them, they deserve to come whether we like them or not

His veneer of rebellion against the dominant leftist paradigms is basically just a dislike for the sentimentalisation of the other. Everything else he is basically on board with.

>> No.15091253

"A capitalist hero is something to be." -- George Soros.

>> No.15091258

>How? It literally kickstarted his career as a celebrity. It was probably the best fucking thing that happened to him.
You're deflecting. You're not seeing the auto-immune response against peterson because you're a a white blood cell yourself. This is the most outraged people have been about a public intellectual for years and that's the most important part to take note of. It's important to think about why the auto-immune response was so severe. That's what makes him interesting, not his arguments themselves or what he says about compelled speech. Why is Zizek, who's a communist, supposedly the anathema to our modern world, not even a blip on the radar when it comes to outrage?

> All he cares about is not allowing the government to have a monopoly over the words we use
I think he sees himself as a somewhat messianic figure which is funny because he sounds like a deflating balloon. I just remember reading him speaking about a dream he had where he was like Jesus on the cross and what a watershed moment in history this is. He also attacked one of the most holiest groups in humanitarian secularism (trans people) so I think actions speak louder than words. Call it crypto-christian if you want

>> No.15091259

>The left has been fully neutered as an economic force
>They are an auxiliary wing of militant liberalism
>Hectoring and intruding
Human rights tend to do that to those that are comfortable
>Zizek is verboten on the left
The rest of what you have to say is pretty much drivel. But I will give you the low down. Leftism and liberalism are very much not on the same side. Leftism wants radical bottom up change in the form of greater social safety nets, less corporate control (IE liberalism's wet dream), worker owned means of production, and greater equality among various other things. The DNC are not leftist, they may have leftists in their midst (AOC, Bernie Sanders, Joshua Collins, Ilhan Omar) but they are not Leftist. Liberalism seeks to keep up the status quo, Leftism wants to point out the inherit cracks in it an address them accordingly.

>> No.15091266

>gender is a social construct yet some people can be born the wrong gender yet masculinity is toxic
If you're just going to misapprehend everything, why bother posting? You've conflated at least two or three different kinds of ideological co-ordinates here w/r/t theories of gender, so obviously they won't line up.

>> No.15091276

When you can't imagine the world outside of a Christian Conservative worldview, everything outside it is all of one substance

>> No.15091288

Peterson provokes sympathy, not outrage. People feel bad for him.

>> No.15091299

Reminder that Ted is literally a repressing transexual

>> No.15091317

I can barely find much information on that, regardless though what he said above was correct

>> No.15091345

>You're deflecting.
No I'm not. If you don't understand how provocation can be a valuable tool for boosting your success, then you clearly haven't been paying attention to things like Trump, or Brexit, or Kanye, or the proliferation of ironists on twitter who are able to make a living from books and podcasts from saying provocative things. And if that 'auto-immune response' was actually as severe as you say, Peterson wouldn't have a career anymore. But the reason why he didn't get cancelled was because he was never actually discriminating against trans people.

Honestly, the hysteria against him is totally misguided, especially when people like you make claims like
>He also attacked one of the most holiest groups in humanitarian secularism (trans people)
He never actually attacked trans people, just the legislation that enforces the use of certain words. You framing the narrative in that way is actively making things more incendiary, but even then, its all to his benefit anyways, because he gets to publish a bestselling book due to all the attention.

>Why is Zizek, who's a communist, supposedly the anathema to our modern world, not even a blip on the radar when it comes to outrage?
Because he makes hollow provocations without saying anything that runs counter to the hegemonic narrative. see >>15091247

>> No.15091409

Is Peterson the least worse of the "intellectual dark web"?

>> No.15091416

No milquetoast liberal would attack trans people and make it his mission. It's important because it's important mental software, to think about gender correctly. Ted is a quitter who wants to crash the car. Peterson wants to keep riding the car. Keeping the car running is more interesting, I make no moral claims on whether the car is good or not.

You're deflecting again, safe in the assumption that you're doing fine if peterson is made aesthetically unpalatable

>provocation can be a valuable tool for boosting your success
Success of what? Why is important that peterson burns? I thought he was a milquetoast moron, suddenly he's an important target?

>You framing the narrative in that way is actively making things more incendiary
Yea, it should become more incendiary. Because the trans issue is fundamentally important

>Because he makes hollow provocations
Zizek wants to abolish capitalism and is fine but peterson's decision not to recognize trannies was an act of war? Maybe that should give you a hint as to how "capitalism" functions

>> No.15091437

even leftists and trannies misapprehend their own gender theories. as it is obvious to any observer, trannies don't end up that way after a serious study of gender theory, they end up that way after watching too much anime pornography.

the notion of human rights can be abused to justify unlimited social engineering. (see carl schmitt) hey maybe social engineering is inevitable, so why not harness its power to create a stable and wholesome family centered society? experience has shown, the reality of liberalism looks like Houllebecq novels, not Margaret Mead's Samoa. Incels and trans people are two sides of the same coin, both would be better off had they grown up with healthy father figures


christianity makes more sense than lgbt liberal gender theory and its far more attractive aesthetically and philosophically speaking, better to build on over 2000 years of western tradition than to throw it all away for hollow politically correct sexual-bureaucratic- and-psychiatric-legal formulas no older than the 1960s. If anything, these people are a disgrace even to perversion and sodomy. they take the fun out of it.

transexuals and Ted are obvious products of MKULTRA type social engineering programs. we are told to regard Ted as a dangerous madman, while at the same time, we are told transexuals are normal people and not insane or anything. its the inconsistency that gets me.

>> No.15091458

>Why is important that peterson burns?
Jesus christ read my post properly. He didn't burn, he got a fucking bestselling book out of the attention. That is literally the opposite of burning. You seem intent on painting Peterson as a Martyr, when he has not suffered from this "autoimmune response" whatsoever.

>Yea, it should become more incendiary.
So you admit it then, you're actively manipulating the frame to serve your own interests. You don't even care about truth anymore.

I don't even know what to say to the rest of your post, you just seem entirely confused.

>> No.15091462

I began hating these people as soon as the left turned them into secular saints. I mean what have these people ever done beyond getting fucked in the ass? leftists have replaced christ on the cross with a pink haired faggot. the queer won't grant me eternal life or even forgive me for the sins of my bigoted straight white male ancestors. I mean wouldn't it be pretty funny if we could get together a bucketfull of nails and a couple planks of wood and actually crucify that fucker for real.

>> No.15091471

You're confusing leftists with liberals again.

>> No.15091472

why is this so funny

>> No.15091482


Am Yugoslav, I am completely burned off everything.

>> No.15091499

if leftists had any integrity, they would go after lgbt seeing all the media and corporations support them. but no! that's when you realise they are in the same team, united in their hatred of normal, health nonperverted nonmentally ill redblooded freethinking middle americans like ourselves

>> No.15091518

>they would go after lgbt seeing all the media and corporations support them
That's a problem with neoliberalism, not with the lgbt in general. If their media representation was actually proportional to their percentage of the population (IE, totally fucking minor), then most average people genuinely wouldn't give a shit. But marketing execs, seeing the current gender-bending zeitgest, are all too happy to capitalise on it. It's because its just so forced that it makes normal people feel like they're being coerced or even brainwashed into agreeing with it.

>> No.15091545


>> No.15091552

lol bretty gud

>> No.15091561

>when he has not suffered from this "autoimmune response" whatsoever.
He didn't suffer because he was charismatic and intelligent *enough* to get away with not admitting trans people as a legitimate category. Ideally, everyone should be able to do so but we all know what happens when even someone like J.K Rowling tries to deviate from the script.
Peterson was let off the hook because he's not representative of the population as a whole and most who feel he's correct aren't as good at debating. They'll surrender to peer pressure and admit that gender is "confusing, who even knows, right?"

>I don't even know what to say to the rest of your post, you just seem entirely confused.
No, I think that's a very good point. The autoimmune response of "capitalism" attacked the tranny heretic but not the guy who says that capitalism should be abolished. It reveals something about the machine and how it operates

>> No.15091567

Why'd they release this shit? It's pretty sad.

>> No.15091587

I tried to warn them, but they did not listen.

>> No.15091629

>He didn't suffer because he was charismatic and intelligent *enough* to get away with not admitting trans people as a legitimate category.
No,again, this is entirely just a projection your part. He has said he is perfectly open to calling people by their preferred pronouns– just as long as they aren't being FORCED on him by the government. You are literally trying so hard to make him out to be a martyr for your cause, when he is literally just as fucking cucked as any other academic "intellectual". You are suffering from a seriously bad case of idolatry.

>The autoimmune response of "capitalism" attacked the tranny heretic
you keep saying this, but how? What did it actually do to him?

>but not the guy who says that capitalism should be abolished
because Zizek is a literal court jester with no power whatsoever. You know in medieval times during carnival they would allow performers to mock the king, queen, god, authority, literally anyone, right? He laughs at those in power, they laugh at themselves, because its funny to talk about the end of capitalism, but none of them will ever actually achieve it, because they are just as caught up in the neoliberal honeypot as everyone else.

>> No.15091713

>deradicalized incels with daddy issues
You say that like it’s a bad thing

>> No.15091727

Nah, because they just sublimated their anger towards more humanistic self help garbage and more liberalism. They had a chance to break off their leach, but didnt

>> No.15091729

>oh ya, it’s schizo time

>> No.15091736
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>> No.15091776
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Is it autism?

>> No.15091851

When the camera panned to Peterson, it legitimately shocked me.

>> No.15091854

>No,again, this is entirely just a projection your part. He has said he is perfectly open to calling people by their preferred pronouns– just as long as they aren't being FORCED on him by the government.
You're being too anal about this. There are no public intellectuals who would even dare to question the fluidity of gender. They either think it's a non-issue or that we should be nice to each other, and that includes accepting that people are whatever they say they are. You're downplaying fact that he sensed that there's a danger in "going too far" and argued successfully by talking about compelled speech. The interesting part is the danger in going too far and what that even means.
Right now we're not forced by the government but there are immense social pressures. Once again, look at J.K Rowling. I don't care about the government, the social pressures are lethal enough.

>you keep saying this, but how? What did it actually do to him?
Just google "fired teacher trans" you fucking moron

> You are literally trying so hard to make him out to be a martyr for your cause, when he is literally just as fucking cucked as any other academic "intellectual".
I don't expect miracles. I just think he made a well-calculated move at a crucial point in time and it paid off. Gotta give old kermit that

>because Zizek is a literal court jester with no power whatsoever
He lacks the political will because he's satisfied with skillfully juggling established shibboleths around, no matter how outmoded or useless they really are.

>> No.15091998

>You're downplaying fact that he sensed that there's a danger in "going too far" and argued successfully by talking about compelled speech
No, you're doing the opposite and making assumptions about how he feels about trans identity. I'm not saying there isn't stigma about speaking out about it, but you have literally nothing to suggest that he feels the same way as you do apart from the fact that he put himself in the firing line (to defend the freedom of speech, NOT to defend his right to bully trannies). This is not me being anal, this is me calling you out for trying to spin the narrative into something more incendiary. You are literally no better than all the people accusing him of being transphobic. You don't have any proof that is the case, you're just incredibly keen for that to be true, because it serves your interests better that way.

>Just google "fired teacher trans" you fucking moron
And you accused me of deflecting? I'm talking about Peterson. I want you to tell me how specifically Peterson suffered from this "auto-immune response". Because he didn't, he rode the waves of controversy to success. I wonder why...

>> No.15092340

>No, you're doing the opposite and making assumptions about how he feels about trans identity
I don't care about how he feels, he could be a closet trans for all I care. That he dared to set his foot down on encroaching trans world order is what's important. That's definitely how media wrote the story and it's how he were attacked by his detractors. He could've been fired because many others have been fired. He risked his career for this little "legislative detail" and for him it might've been just that but the reaction is ultimately what's interesting. The international interest is what's interesting. It's interesting because it points out something that's happening right now; people's minds are conditioned into thinking that it's all very fluid and you can definitely choose what you are in terms of gender. It's into that mental space everyone is being led. Saying no, publicly, in even the most cushioned terms, is an act of radicalism. I guess it must sting that the most effective public intellectual these past decades has been a fucking enlightened liberal who sounds like a deflating balloon.

>And you accused me of deflecting? I'm talking about Peterson. I want you to tell me how specifically Peterson suffered from this "auto-immune response". Because he didn't, he rode the waves of controversy to success. I wonder why...
Because it would look like a fucking charade if someone as meek, well-spoken, non-incendiary and obviously intelligent were put out to pasture. I didn't say he suffered, I said there was an auto-immune response. Media misread the situation initially, like with that covington story.

>> No.15092430
File: 49 KB, 645x773, D37CCBD9-354C-4DEF-9A4F-1DB8941ED092.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not being a fascist.

>> No.15092438

sorry, cant.

>> No.15092447

He’s going to transition

>> No.15092450

There is no fluidity of gender, there is failure of social hierarchy either mental or physical, and then there is the potential for a new social dominance either internal or external(perception of self, others perception of oneself).

A shuffling of the deck of cards, you could say.

>> No.15093121

Why does he have the body of a 10 year old boy?

>> No.15093193
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>> No.15093209
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>Peterson was more of a philosopher that espoused capitalism
Peterson worked for Marxist causes before he went pop-culture. He has a pedigree with UN wealth distribution programs.

>> No.15093302


>> No.15093308

Does anyone have that zizek video of him explaining his fascination with mcdonald's happy meal toys

>> No.15093451
File: 1.44 MB, 3432x1720, benzos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Q-anon got him hooked on zoomers.

>> No.15093480

It's part of his recovery. It's literally the most complex task he is capable of at the moment. Show some sympathy.

>> No.15093511

What the fuck?

>> No.15093656


>> No.15094015


>More to the point that dudebroism is a kind of autism. They only affirm the world inasmuch as it serves them well, and despair when it does not even more than the "weak", not because of wishful thinking but because of extreme intellectual disability.

>> No.15094040

>The DNC are not leftist, they may have leftists in their midst (AOC, Bernie Sanders, Joshua Collins, Ilhan Omar) but they are not Leftist.
So theyre not on the same side but Liberals just allow Leftists to exist in their organizations?

>> No.15094071

Anyone else think he's probably going to die soon? Like by next year? He's had a hell of a downward spiral.

>> No.15094079

Not if they can help it. They fight tooth and nail to keep leftists out.

>> No.15094095
File: 109 KB, 538x810, Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going to die soon?
This is a common fate for those that outlive the usefulness that their masters derive from them.

>> No.15094109

liberals got very angry when McCarthy tried to get rid of leftists in the government

>> No.15094138

Do you really not think Zizek is better, or performed much better in the debate?

I'm convinced the hostility towards Zizek on this board is due mainly to Zizek being popular

>> No.15094139

He has only one facial expression

>> No.15094150

>hostility towards Zizek on this board
it's just seething room cleaning redditors

>> No.15094171

Peterson is NOT a philosopher
People are entertaining that lately, it's a strange new thin, but it's not going to stick. He is not a philosopher. Not that he couldn't be some day, right now he's just a guy who talks because he has an audience. But if you think he's a philosopher you probably just don't read much philosophy lol

>> No.15094193
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>> No.15094225

>right now he's just a guy who talks

>> No.15094269

Its Žižek not zizek american scum. Do not insult most profound marxist my country ever produced.

>> No.15094747


give up boi ur daddy aint gonna come back.

Listen Peterson is in the end if you summarize all his opinions

concentrated neocon idpol.

That´s litterally his essence as a public persona.
He saw all the develpments in our society happening in the last 50 years and went on

he got blasted in publicity by Neocon Thinktanks and
in the end got an aneurysm on stage after being confronted with someone with half a brain.

Stop telling us it´s not hilarious and search for the next daddy figure you can show us.
We got everything out of him he had to offer and it was a good laugh in the end.

>> No.15094762

yeah he clearly has brain damage. he hasn't been filmed talking ever since the start of this russian benzo escapade

>> No.15094838

Peterson is geared towards a compromise between truth and functionality of ones life, zizek is geared towards truth, without compromise.

The debate remained neutral and never swayed towards either of them. How could it?

I watched it yesterday.

>> No.15094931
File: 6 KB, 212x238, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JP gets BTFO by Zizek
>JP gets depressed and dependent on benzos
>JP wants to get off benzos
>JP goes to Russia for pseudo-therapy
>JP's body is shut down for a week in an attempt to stop his brain from flipping shit at the sudden cold turkey
>JP's therapy doesn't go to plan and he wakes up with mental issues
>JP is now seen driving remote control cars around
Am I missing anything here? What actually happened after he woke up

>> No.15095042

What a load of tosh.

>> No.15095055


>> No.15095071

>>JP gets BTFO by Zizek
>>JP gets depressed and dependent on benzos
i really dont think it was zizek but his wife's cancer

>> No.15095081


Peterson's job is literally meant to allow people to function in society, this means there are a lot of ideological compromises for the sake of efficiency. This is okay for a normal person that just wants the will to continue living at a standard they deem acceptable. Zizek is a philosopher. The functionality is irrelevant for him as all a philosopher ever strives for is to have irrrefutable words. That can make your life hell, but if you're a true philosopher(which most are not) this can sustain you.

The debate never once moved more than 5% off equilibrium in either direction.

Please, please explain what you think because I cannot imagine this any other way.

>> No.15095090


>> No.15095096

The man has been 120lbs since he was 12

>> No.15095103

He looks better than my dad.
>dad was a blacksmith his whole life
>upper arms the size of my head
>gets old
>can't work anymore
>turns into a twig
Breaks my fuckin' heart.

>> No.15095116

Shoulda started with a 5x5.

>> No.15095125

I'm of the greek point of view when it comes to managing ones body. It fills me with a mix of rage, pity, disgust, and somehow amusement when I come across an intelligent person that makes no effort to address their body. Managing caloric intake is not enough. If you have a good mind but cannot manifest into reality a few pushups I have to question if you really have a mind at all.

>> No.15095134

The man worked his whole life pounding metal and physically dominating horses to shoe them. After a while, the body starts to break down. He'd work until he died if he could, but he simply can't.

>> No.15095171

I wasn't referring to your father. I'm from Kentucky and have been a tradesman and worked on horse farms myself. All I'm saying is that the more intelligent you are the better your body should be. Somehow this rarely is the case.

>> No.15095182

The CIA set up a fake benzo rehab in Russia and used it to fry his brain just enough to be believable while also destroying any hopes he had of writing more books.

>> No.15095185

Ah. I understand.
It might have something to do that the smarter you are the more prone to mental illness you are, in addition to the fact that physical activity has become recreational, instead of pervasive.

>> No.15095318

as if a few push ups a day would make difference

>> No.15095362

It would at the very least prevent poor posture

>> No.15095396

He stopped washing his penis.

>> No.15095556

He claims he used to bench 2pl8

>> No.15095581

To be fair ive never actually seen a photo of him in his youth

>> No.15095607
File: 168 KB, 1200x691, 56syvbt9r8f21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He looked even worse than he does now.