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File: 33 KB, 220x339, 220px-Capitalist_Realism_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15079417 No.15079417 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck

He's just making a bunch of unverified claims without any citations

He's just... guessing a bunch of shit

What on earth is the appeal of this

>> No.15079489

What exactly is objectively incorrect about the book?

>> No.15079503

his "works" are more like his diaries desu
don't read him

>> No.15079515

Mark is great at stipulating an interesting thesis, he just never cared about proving it up and likes to talk about his favorite bands instead. You like Joy Division, OP?

>> No.15079521

this OP is definitely a peabrain STEMfag

>> No.15079526

Source: The Stalin haters won't believe any source

>> No.15079527

he's one of the best thinkers we have. you're just a pseud. read it again.

>> No.15079534
File: 13 KB, 340x271, Batemandisgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This ain't your shitty undergrad dissertation OP

>> No.15079543

If he's the best you got, then you should consider your life choices.

>> No.15079558

Welcome to philosophy. You're not going to find evidence in Kant or Hegel either

>> No.15079566

Welcome to Marxism

>> No.15079576


>> No.15079595

>You're not going to find evidence in Kant or Hegel either

>> No.15079601

What citations can you use when talking about culture?

>> No.15079610

Mark Fisher isn't philosophy, brainlet

Philosophy is a science of principles and rational reflection, not empirical (i.e. what people commonly understand evidence). Math is a non-evidence based science too, for example

>> No.15079638

Fisher is at best social especulation

>> No.15079695
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Most of the time he's just stating the obvious anyway. He was completely wrong about music not moving forward though. Lil Peep and 100 gecs proves him wrong

>> No.15079716
File: 37 KB, 960x540, galaxy brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books that waste your time with unnecessary sources and citations are shit.
Just go with the flow. If you think its garbage at the end then just discard the ideas or what you would have argued different.

>> No.15079758

both of those acts are definitely part of the structured spectacle he's talking about though

>> No.15079789

verify them yourself you reatard

>> No.15079840

Look anon, this guy here>>15079758 is right. Is all: Lol, I'm so doomed, I'm so lost and to survive I drug myself. Isn't that a repetition of the past? The changes are only superficial, the essence, the FEELING behind it is the same. He has an even better point if we're talking about "white" music. The past is gonna haunt us, ain't no way out...

>> No.15079888

Lmao TS Eliot was mogging off academia's ridiculous obsession with citations/endnotes back in the early 20th century with The Waste Land. Why should they be anymore relevant today?

>> No.15079922

Does anyone burn their books they can't read?
I just can't stand having some book in my library that I haven't read that I burn it. I have burned only 3 books though including capitalist realism so I tend to finish most books, but there's no way I'm a minority.

>> No.15079982

Lil Peep sounds like Linkin Park trap.
100 gecs has some newish vibe to it, maybe a little reminiscent of atari teenage riot.
but in the end i'd say that >>15079840
still has a point. the themes are recurring.

>> No.15080003

That's not what he means by hauntology you fucking imbecil

>> No.15080022

>muh citations
Top kek. It's just a footnote to Debord anyway.

>> No.15080032

OP forgot where he was; imagination land where you can just conjure things up. If you'd had any sort of degree, you would learn to require them. You might as well start reading fiction than books without citations

>> No.15080064


Fundamentally, it is about a dude who is depressed because he got old - a work of nostalgia - the critical theorist as a boring old fart. "Protests and culture just ain't what they used to be!" No, Fisher just doesn't enjoy these things as much as he's used to because he's cynical and jaded and old. When you get old you're supposed to find meaning in your family, community and work not "the movement" and movies. Capitalism didn't cause any of this but Fisher's ennui about it was certainly caused by communism. If being a youthful agitator is the highest form of existence, then it becomes painful when one is no longer psychological or gerontologically capable of playing that role.

>> No.15080089

>that stuff
>chiptune hip hop music
>moving music forward

Only confirms that a lot of what's new in music nowadays is a desperate appropriation of past forms, while adding very little new to the narrative other than that combination of different genres. I think that synthwave artists are ironically breaking new ground at last though

>> No.15080096

>t. never read a philosophy book in his life

>> No.15080123

the nature of philosophy books was already implied in the first line. gods this place is filled with brainlets. now I supposed to bicker about nature of philosophic writing the next 20 post? I'd rather kys.

>> No.15080313

accfag seething in the other thread because you all made fun of his dead hero, outed for samefagging all these threads

>> No.15080339

No, you're supposed to admit you're a retard who doesn't fucking read.

>> No.15080371

Just like punk sounded like rock and roll but with more attitude

>> No.15080387

Thats how all music works. The 20th century of rock music was all just variations of ragtime music

>> No.15080409
File: 80 KB, 640x640, 78888042_110394216984151_2036545388554315450_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where should I start with Fisher? OPs book?

>> No.15080423


>> No.15080432

Please be respectful. My grandma would always say "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"

>> No.15080439


>> No.15080473

it's a polemic?

>> No.15080487


But Kurt Cobain committed suicide because he was addicted to heroin, had chronic back and stomach problems, and was in a terrible marriage.

He had all of those before being famous. Not the marriage, but shit personal relationships nonetheless.

There's obviously more to his suicide than just being disappointed he couldn't stick it to the man on TV wtf

His music wasn't lassitudinal. It could be sometimes, but it could also be abrasive, melancholy, enrage, pleasent, and even perversely joyful

This is such bullshit

It's only applicable if you've half-watched a documentary on him and listened to only Smells Like Teen Spirit

>> No.15080499

he certainly did

>> No.15080515

>there's no way I'm a minority
bit racist

>> No.15080965


Painfully true. Fisher follows a basic structure of an insight, 'substantiated' by 5 faux-examples then casually moves on. Just take it as it comes and don't take it too seriously

>> No.15080980

welcome to political theory
People have died over this
Still, you can read about it and use it as food for thought and inspiration on directions for meaningful investigation which is probably the highest purpose it can serve.

>> No.15080997

cringe now shut the fuck up redditor

>> No.15081005

Stay in your containment thread please, we don't want your filth spreading to the rest of the board

>> No.15081030

i've read both capitalism realism and society of the spectacle, what else should I read?

>> No.15081031

Just verify it through your experience. If something sounds wrong to you, then try to explain why and see whose explanation is better. Do you think you need statistics to verify what you already know just by living?

>> No.15081081
File: 749 KB, 880x1445, 1585290072634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything on this blindpill chart

>> No.15081094


>> No.15081126

May you clarify it to me if I'm wrong, you asshole?

>> No.15081144


not hearing you refute anything I say, you fat little baby

>> No.15081163


It really depends on what you're into. The Routledge edition of Adorno's Culture Industry essays are pretty fucking solid though.

I bought 'ghosts of my life' the other day because my friend does a PhD on Fisher (amongst other things) but it's really tedious and reads like an even more pretentious Guardian review of Joy Division

>> No.15081169

>Do you think you need statistics to verify what you already know just by living?

Do I need falsifiable claims based on evidence which I can "cite" on a daily basis?

In a manner of speaking, yes. I do not put my hand on a hot stove because I can empirically demonstrate to myself, based on evidence, that that hurts.

>> No.15081183

>opening my eyes to real cum
im ready

>> No.15081186

there is no point in refuting redditors
you have to go back

>> No.15081189

fuck you too buddy
hauntology in his context is the nostalgia for futures that never happened, the way everyone was hyping up the 21st century to be never really materialized
the spectacle had us believe the future would be great, but the future is today and we aren't even able to dream about futures anymore
the spectacle sedates us to the point where we're stuck in a perpetual present unable to even think about alternatives to this
even alternatives to capitalism are part of capitalism and sold as commodities, that's capitalist realism

>> No.15081199


Goo goo gaa gaa, baby

>> No.15081230

>ghosts of my life
yeah for every paragraph he writes explaining his position there's 10 pages blabbing about media shit I don't even care about

also anyone interested in these types of narratives and >>15081081 you should all check out adam curtis if you still haven't
especially century of the self and hypernormalization
idk if he is connected with these thinkers because I've never done any real research on it but what he talks about definitely fits

>> No.15081243

>I just can't stand having some book in my library that I haven't read that I burn it.
I think I understand the feeling but my way of dealing with it is preventively, that is actively trying not to buy books I don't like (which is oftentimes pretty easy nowdays with pdf's). Get it, bookburner fag? Just confess already you're a fire worshipper, is easier. Or will I have to drown you?

>> No.15081249


He quotes him ad infinitum so yeah, definitely! Also Simon Reynolds and Franco Berardi

>> No.15081268

