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/lit/ - Literature

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15077788 No.15077788 [Reply] [Original]

If you knew Russian, what would you like to read?

>> No.15077791

Eastern European women are so beautiful. I wish my family never emigrated.

>> No.15077797

early 20th century physics textbooks tbqh

>> No.15077804
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Nothing. The greatest Russian novel was written in English. USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!

>> No.15077805

A few examples?

>> No.15077808

One of his works that you can not read. Galkovsky was right about this.

>> No.15077812

Galkovsky's LiveJournal.

>> No.15077817

Gogol I guess

>> No.15077848

I would be more likely to finally read Tolstoy's later works and Zamyatin.

>> No.15077850

Comparison of Nabokov and Dostoevsky is a common place, so it’s worthwhile to dwell on it in more detail. It seems to me that the creative method of these two ingenious writers varies enormously. Dostoevsky, as I already wrote, puts his head fantasy into the ideal physical world of "critical realism." The plot scheme begins to be automatically calculated according to the laws of the three-dimensional world with real physics. The result is a surreal plausible description of events that no one could have been an eyewitness. Even the hero himself.

The world of Nabokov is drawn. Moreover, drawn frame by frame, squirrel brush. There was such an unpleasant phase in the development of computer toys - the ubiquitous crowding out of hand-drawn scenes with 3D graphics began, and the graphics were still rough, application. It turned out a sharp deterioration in the image. So the world of Nabokov is a much more primitive technology than Dostoevsky’s, but the technology has been carefully drawn. It was not for nothing that Vladimir Vladimirovich sat for months at a microscope and sketched the wings of butterflies.

>> No.15077855

Both worlds are extremely realistic - the "Russian school". But this is achieved by different methods and the effect is also very different. Nabokov’s “physics” is actually extremely implausible. The story of “Lolita” is completely ridiculous, the whole story is an unmotivated, but carefully, ABSOLUTELY CAREFULLY traced murder of Quilty, who plays the piano at the time of his destruction. Humbert - unnatural and ridiculous, plot moves - mocking cryptograms left by an American idiot in idiotic American motels. The author himself is a bald 55-year-old man, hunted by a fate and assured himself of a student's love for a gypsy freak-wife. This is a riot of a bespectacled tradesman against a twisting and balding reality. The truth of this cry - the cry of an aging male visionary - shocked the whole world. The people felt the POWER. A little landscape with birds adorning Mr. Lector's cage. Through the whole Lolita, this motive also passes: the image of the cell and the image of an absurd ride in the oncoming lane.

>> No.15077860

In Russian culture, Nabokov was given a place after “The Gift” and “Invitation to a Beheading”. "Lolita" in the eyes of the Russians only hurt him. Russian culture is prim and asexual. The Russians hate people who talk on slippery topics, swearing and drinking. Silently and absolutely. This hatred is gradually drowning in oblivion all the Pelevins and Sorokins. A striking example is Sasha Sokolov. After the Polysandria, he fell out of literature, he was forgotten during his lifetime.

In this sense, Lolita is a Russian novel. Nabokov understood the rules of the game and managed to write a pornographic work without a single curse and without a single pornographic scene. "Amateur", after reading Nabokov, will be greatly disappointed.

>> No.15078253

What nationality are you?

>> No.15078320

Lithuanian. I went back to Vilnius last summer and the women were simply amazing. The difference between them and UK women, aside from phenotypical, is that they try to be beautiful whereas British women try to be sexy.

>> No.15078347

Brothers Karamazov
They're whores anon. The entire world knows that.

>> No.15078527

>They're whores anon.
No, this is bullshit.

>> No.15078542

are they good looking or are american women just pig disgusting

>> No.15078550

Andrei Bely's Petersburg

>> No.15078616
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Pushkin, of course.
Any other answer is wrong, and I'm not even joking.

>> No.15078665

When I was at college I took a twentieth century Russian lit class. My professor invited a curator or researcher from the Nabokov museum in Russia to speak. She claimed that the reason Lolita was so poorly received in Russia had nothing to do with the subject matter, but rather with the language. After having lived in the US for so long, Nabokov had no idea how young people in Russia spoke. So Dolores comes across as this strange, anachronistic character rather than the lively, realistic character she is in English.

This. Pushkin has been the Russian's favorite author for centuries for a reason. The gulf between Pushkin in the original and in translation is enormous.

>> No.15079318


>> No.15079630

Guide to Netstalking, you can find it on lainchan

>> No.15079678

"Peterburg" by Andrei Bely.

"The Twelve Chairs" by Ilf and Petrov, a cinematic adaption of which is available with English subtitles at the following links:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNZkUt0ePas (part 1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyfgsOO20jU (part 2)

>> No.15079748


>> No.15080164

I speak Russian and I don't want to read any of it.

>> No.15080453

Russian litrpgs and other webnovels.

>> No.15080475

this. I'm an ethnic russian, born and raised in Lithuania. Lithuanian women are cream of the crop