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15070359 No.15070359 [Reply] [Original]

just read the first 300 pages of infinite jest, I liked it so far, what am I in for?

>> No.15070368

Garfield comics without the lasagna

>> No.15070402

a huge dick in your ass

>> No.15070421

>starts reading 1000 page book
>dont actually like it
>still got 5 inches to go
>maybe itll get better
>finally the dick is all the way in
>its too embarrassing to say you didnt like it
>convince yourself you wanted this
>its so good you guys

>> No.15070678

desu it's worth reading just for dfws insights, observations and humour

>> No.15070824

does anyone remember what page is the chapter where gately just lists a bunch of things he learned in the halfhouse?read it over a year ago and cannot find it to save my life

>> No.15070998

300-400 mark iirc

>> No.15071145

the joke is that you are reading the book

>> No.15071425


>> No.15071563

By this point it will start to become coherent. If you made it so far, it will only get better. The narration und prose will stay they same way you are already used to.

>> No.15071864

Randy Lenz is a bastard

>> No.15071879

Pg200 exactly

>> No.15072187

Dividuous endopolyploidy, not in Kansas anymore, hething, slipped compositionally growable vegetation of salts yttrious, kroo antimutagenic, sheepback intermured, unmeltable, banana ball total quality management loti newscast logography, teenagerly set function groatsworth pentapody, loathful, limp reraise dittograph merlette pit against patricidal athyrosis pluronic reinervation, lobate, tricksey rev counter, spindrift sesquihydrate bowplane, repudiatingly ungrand, in name unchosen diplomatically, evaluativist, shabu accoutred, inradius classifying space dissipation function, labyrinthectomised inexpedience, uningenuous, lacrimation impetratory, chill out, defrayer, rectilinearity enculade coupler, kicks-and-giggles borrower, panoramically, codfishery, bow chaser constrictive, connectome doctordom, spend time running dog ka adherency, scattered disc, symbolify globularly, dynamo-ablephary vision thing, swainmote forebodingness mugwumpism, sawing gourds, gobo, formulaically, flip-flopper autoschediastic, pneumatosis, grass court, paradental, unruinated get-together, hamburgerology footballese Chekhovian, coaxial electiveness alegge, bellist hagbut pilate, partake, bemark, raptorial module pattern Drusian, Quixote difficileness, nix surfer guisard coreset, bullier-ling, cardinal number weyve villainize pawang serenity, sunshines, pleating to the stripe, Landolt C surfle domett, citizeness, helpingly, pasghetti impressive, beach soccer, humid heat, bifront Rendulic, tax assessment heroification, renverse appellation, personify primipara, mislabel ravages, breadberry, magneto elecutionist renunciate, mistella, stalactitic Lisetta, friendlihead willowed syllaba anceps, yance unbruised, Iranian nonemotional root mean square nail ball, consensualness electrocoagulated, homologic passage house, bipalmate sempiternity, nano-joule textile cone karma undaunting, clean shell, Savagean possessioner, emetophilia, poker-faced, finew, coutil, bless me outmatch autocratorical Academy Award, somatogamy sticker book, instauration, plausibility, chrononaut tumblerful exclusive or polyandrian, creditworthy macrocephalic, benight sycosis, race to the bottom, violantin, gloweringly, collimating, oware shock troop studentless, antihypotensive, Fiorini domain name electric potential, pitch out blueness, muscularness, Epicurus zero conditional, lionhead subdialect, coom, supercouple, my foot, acceleratedly witted, nontranslated, scullery hackie, private law hexameric fiddlewood, Erebuni, pectiform, metafiction Game of Life, builder's cleavage otoscopy, heat pump, maternoembryonic, basic research, insure foul tick lentor, anisometropia, dabble drumfire, assiduous suey, tassology unpleasantness, overliquidity depressionary, gein, sukumizu, qingtuan refulgence, behalf dichromatically, Agent Orange stereotyper, twite dietical, regionist desecrater, adventure education, stand on nephropathy rejuvenescence, fixedly, resolutely, shuckle, Yorkish galdr, genostress massage table

>> No.15072914

This is like if DFW had written his own Finnegans Wake

>> No.15072968
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>> No.15074050

what did he mean by this?