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/lit/ - Literature

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15063044 No.15063044 [Reply] [Original]

A merry morn to ye all, anons! I hope the wulfu has not ruined ye'er lives.
Submissions for summer are still being accepted.
All questions, comments, and submissions can be sent to: litquarterly@gmail.com

Submission guidelines:
-Short fiction: 1000-5000 words, plausible, literary, emotive.
-Poetry: 12-40 lines, emotive, evocative, serious.
-Non-fiction: 1500-5000 words, political, historical, or social commentary, literary review, mature satire.

All submissions must be previously unpublished.

I am not KMD. Just a contributor. Do keep the thread alive.

>> No.15063316
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I read the last one, the Heathside and loved it. I can't wait for the newest edition!

>> No.15063611

Good to hear, anon. There was some quality writing present in Hearthside. The Quarterly is becoming better and better with each season.

>> No.15064030

We can only hope the trend continues. When is the next edition due?

>> No.15064185
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Indeed! KMD informed me that the spring edition was delayed, but is currently being printed. He will let us know when it is finally ready. Hopefully, it will not be too long now.

>> No.15064193

My apologies.

>> No.15064929

Bump, God damn ye all!

>> No.15064971

he should really set up a mailing list or something so people don't miss it. or at least give a solid release date

>> No.15065161

where can i read these?

>> No.15065249

What is the deadline for summer submissions?

>> No.15065317

Is there a theme? I have a few different works in the wings

>> No.15065358

Currently on pace for a mid-May release. The printers are still operating, but with fewer staff.

>> No.15065368

basically a couple weeks after spring comes out...end of may?

>> No.15065481

bomp for worthy threads

>> No.15065550
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There is no overall theme, nor has there been a theme for the previous quarters. Be free to pen whatever you like, as long as it adheres to the guidelines.


Keep in mind the vicissitudes which may come across KMD's path.


Bless you.

How are ye anons holding up, anyways? Any book suggestions?

>> No.15065572

Thanks again mr. publisher dude for publishing me.

>> No.15065574

Where can I get PDFs of past issues?

>> No.15065590

Also, is there a limit to how much we can submit?
I've got several poems and perhaps and essay ready.
Three or four poems and an essay isn't unreasonable for a submission, is it?

>> No.15065597

also whoops I didn't see
so never mind that question

>> No.15065627

return the favour?


>> No.15065722

they're available at the website under the books tab: https://litquarterly.ca/
A generous anon helped me reformat the winter edition so it had a cover!
All I ask is that poems be submitted in a single word file but separated so it's obvious.
The essay can be submitted as its own file.

>> No.15065783

Any other formatting requirements, like line spacing and such?

>> No.15066123

Not that I am aware of, but, I am sure KMD will clarify.

>> No.15066128

bumping bumping bumping

suppose i'm a conspicuous presence in two of these quarterlies. any chance of being accepted for a 3rd? or is that greedy?

>> No.15066270

where can i read the previous releases?

>> No.15066306

No. Word document is best. If you can refrain from unusual spacing and stuff, it makes it much easier to compile later. All other guidelines are on the site as well, under the Contacts tab.
PDF links are under the "Books" tab.

>> No.15066402

Is there a theme this time?

>> No.15066415

You'll be hearing from me.

>> No.15066487
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What service were the past issues published by? Amazon? They're quite attractive volumes, I must say.

>> No.15066519

both available on amazon.

>> No.15066524

That is up to KMD and his colleague. If your writing has the quality, and shines above the other submissions, you will surely be accepted a third time.

>> No.15066546

I didn't mean to ask where I could buy them, I meant to ask how they were made. I know that Amazon prints books. Is that how they were made?

>> No.15066558

If KMD is monitoring this thread, was there a reprint of the first issue? If so are there any copies left?

>> No.15066594

The anon who started it and their spouse also do the design for it if that's what you mean, don't think they let Amazon print them, or at least only if you order it from there.

>> No.15066600

Oooh, this is cool. I'm going to put something together and send it to you by the end of the month.

>> No.15066752

I'm really going to make an effort to produce something OP. Looking forward to it, have a bump.

>> No.15067004

I submitted a poem for the summer edition about a month ago, when can I expect to hear back?

>> No.15067065

They were made by a printing company. They're named on the inside copy of the second edition.

Covers are designed by a friend of mine.


Unfortunately, it's going to be a while. We fell behind schedule with the spring edition, which will push back the summer edition. If I replied to your email that I added it to the folder, your work will be reviewed with the other submissions and we will let you know once we've selected all the works for summer.
...maybe June-July?

>> No.15067092

Would any anon like to share what contribution(s) he/she found pleasing in the Hearthside edition?

>> No.15067133

No rush. Thanks KMD

>> No.15067370
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Bedtime bump.

>> No.15067639


>> No.15067642

Does anyone have a link to where I can purchase the first one?

My favorite one to read was about the shooting with all the edgy schizo posting in the parentheses. It was fun and made me laugh

>> No.15067668
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>> No.15067815

did he pay you?

>> No.15067900

email litquarterly@gmail.com and I can ship one. Or if you're in Canada or US, amazon.com

>> No.15068633

I read the first issue this evening and there is greentext in it. Is this just like /lit/'s version of the meme albums /mu/ makes?

>> No.15068656


>> No.15068835

Not really. People are submitting their work seriously. And every issue, I like to include a piece or two that will be appreciated here more than anywhere else. Charles' Friend was a nice little flash fiction that I knew people would enjoy.

>> No.15069133

Ah, I see. That is understandable.

>> No.15069649

I thought 'Damned Machine' was fantastic. An emotive and quality work.

>> No.15070698

I can't find the first one on Amazon is the problem. I can find Hearthside but the first one eludes me.

If that's the one where it opens with him ordering food from the girl at the drive thru then I also enjoyed that one

>> No.15070843

The very same one! It moved me so much that I could not finish my breakfast when I read it.

>> No.15071020

I read the sanctimonious meta-lit piece on why pol is bad and this board used to be good. Smacks of someone who is stodgy, petulant, and a psued.

>> No.15071060

you missed the point, homie

>> No.15071113

I think being boring was the point. And I didn’t miss it at all

>> No.15071130

oh actually you understood it

>> No.15071218

Any advice for what sort of short fiction does well? Usually I write very short pieces, little slices of life sorta things.
I sent in an email with a piece, got a reply saying they'd give critique but it never came. I'm not fussed about it though I'm sure they're busy.

>> No.15071438

I suppose it would be best to send on a follow up email to KMD. See what he says.

Quality anything is what does well.

>> No.15071456

I just dont want to be annoying. I think I sent it in after submissions were closed and my work was well below the wordcount expectation, which I was clear on in my email.

I still have no idea if my work is "quality". On crit threads I tend to either get no replies or an even amount of praise and apathy.

>> No.15071534
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>Tfw got a sneakpeak at edition III

>> No.15071541

was it good? anything exciting to look out for?

>> No.15071740

Don't hesitate to follow up. It's not impossible that a submission or two slipped through the cracks. But just so you know, no summer submissions have been reviewed yet because we still working on finishing the spring edition.

>> No.15071741

>covert mountain

>> No.15072037

For some reason, it only shows up on amazon.ca


>> No.15072249

oh nice, just ordered it thank you

>> No.15072262

A lack of responses from fellow anons does not necessarily mean your work is poor. Send an email and submit something for the summer edition. Ask KMD if he is looking for anything in particular.
And how was it?

>> No.15072930

Thanks for the support! I'll ship it out tomorrow or Tuesday.

>> No.15073293

Le bump.

>> No.15073749

Pre-RTW2 online battle bump.

>> No.15074515


>> No.15075020

Until the next time, anons.

>> No.15075035

The poetry quality is through the rough as well. I prefer'd the first volume in terms of poetry but the second one had some gems too. I forget the name but the poetry went by 'Lagoon -' something, the contributor also appeared in both volumes.

>> No.15075078

Any interest in a hobbyist attempt to construct a scientific philosophy that breaks from the usual navel-gazing to try and formulate concrete policy prescriptions that can be implemented by real people in the real world?

I feel like such an attempt would be so mind-numbingly conventional that nobody would give a shit. It'd basically be the NPC worldview on steroids. Yet when I look around, no other philosophers have managed it.

>> No.15075309
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>doesn't delivery to London

>> No.15075658

Not via amazon unfortunately, but email litquarterly@@gmail.com and I'll get your info and send you a copy. Shipping is just a bit more expensive is all.

>> No.15075731
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Can I get an estimate first? I don't want to inquire then embarrassingly decline after finding out it'll run me like £50; I'm interested but I'm not that prodigal

>> No.15075755

Basically, to ship the second edition anywhere overseas is $11CAD. I'm charging $8CAD for the book. So $19CAD total for Australia, Europe, UK, and Japan. Haven't had to ship to the Mideast or south or central Asia or the Pacific Isles.

South America...if you're from there, it might be more expensive because I've had 66% success rate shipping there so far. For the first edition, I shipped one out to Buenos Aires around 5 Sept. 2019. It was returned to my address as undeliverable (and in beat up shape) in January.

>> No.15075821

19CAD is reasonable as fuck for an overseas shipping of any book. What is that? Like ten quid gdp? No reason to not buy it really. Wish you had a more formal method of purchase though. Giving my info out via email to buy something feels overly antiquated, not in a good way.

>> No.15075849

I know. But just so you know, ordering it by amazon is no different. I get a notification that there's an order, I print the packing slip, package the book, and drop it off at the post office.

>> No.15076278

it costs nothing to submit. Literally no reason not to submit.

>> No.15077403

I would recommend giving it a try. It would be interesting to read.

>> No.15077794

dude i guess you know already but half of your website's styles are broken and the google maps thing doesn't load properly, let us know if you want help