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15063002 No.15063002 [Reply] [Original]

Hello. I've been using quarantine to read some classic or significant novels. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.

Here's my list:

I'm still in high school, and I know my list is pretty basic but that was my plan I guess.

>> No.15063141

Lol don't read meme shit by women or blacks. They know nothing

>> No.15063276

Maximum pleb. I think Jane Austen, the Brontes, George Eliot, Mary Shelley, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Emily Dickinson, and Virginia Woolf know a bit more about literature than you.

>> No.15063305

In cold blood, crime and punishment, Lolita def read.

Add in there some Pat Conroy (The Lords of Discipline), Bret Easton Ellis (American Psycho), Philip Roth (Portnoys Complaint), and Cormac McCarthy (Blood Meridian) and you'll have a solid author base and never be bored again. All modern classics.

>> No.15063333

Madame Bovary and then Anna Karenina

>> No.15063902

Plato's dialogues (all of them)
I read all of these my senior year plus a bunch of the other shit on your list. It should be even easier because you're quarantined.

>> No.15063915

I read female authors but this post was obviously written by a woman lol

>> No.15064090

Good list m8, enjoy the ride. The only one of those that might give you any kind of trouble would be Mrs. Dalloway, but once you pick up the rhythm you’ll be good to go. Definitely read those Joyce books in order, and I’d recommend letting Ulysses sit on the back burner for a while. Homer, 1984 and Lord Of The Flies are probably the most must-have-read of those just because of their prominence in culture. Crime And Punishment, Madame Bovary and Lolita will all expand your mind and make you like reading/books more. As far as further recs check out Winesberg, Ohio, As I Lay Dying, Moby Dick, Frankenstein, Hamlet, The Sun Also Rises and Cat’s Cradle if you end up liking Slaughterhouse-Five

>> No.15064669

You should read Sophocles before Aeschylus. At least the Theban plays. The primordial character of him cannot be understood any other way.

>> No.15064712

>You should read Sophocles before Aeschylus
this makes no sense

1. it doesn't matter what order you read it.
2. aeschylus came before sophocles