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/lit/ - Literature

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15046502 No.15046502 [Reply] [Original]

look one of you guys did this analysis on Harry Potter and it's some of the most fucking based shit I've ever seen coming out of this shitty website

OP if you're reading this please makea fucking youtube channel or a medium article or some shit.

That being said, I need some reccomendations for youtubers who discuss literature in a similar fashion in respects to politics from a leftist POV, and reccomendations?

>> No.15046701

Bumping for based copypastas, greentexts and posts.

>> No.15046727

Looks like infinitechan

>> No.15046746

What a psued lmao

>harry potter wasn't le revolutionary noooooooo
>he was supposed to revolt against drumpfh

this guy is as pathetic as the liberals who compare everything to harry potter irl

>> No.15046982
File: 25 KB, 399x322, pepe ew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get off your intellectual high horse degenerate

>> No.15047028

bump for curiosity sake

>> No.15047062

the idea of fighting "racism" and "injustice" is the equivalent of defeating the devil in a spiritual war for these people.

>> No.15047076


Related but within an art perspective.

>> No.15047114
File: 965 KB, 2550x1722, 1585298490845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

question for all the elf-lovers: on what moral basis do you oppose freedom of association?

>> No.15047124

All non-formalist literary analysis is detritus, with political analysis being the worst of all.

>> No.15047332

seems pretty cool, thanks

>> No.15047342

no one asked for your opinion you pretentious git

>> No.15047405

Give your formal analysis of it then, faggot. I bet its considerably less nuanced.

>> No.15047420

This. I seriously pity anyone who genuinely thought OP's pic was anything resembling good critique. It reads like some edgy highschooler's juvenile critique who just discovered twitter communism.

>> No.15047428

>talk shit
>post crit
its that simple, buddy. You can posture all you like, but given the sheer dearth of interesting formalist qualities to comment on in the franchise, there really isn't much more to talk about than Rowling's milquetoast liberalism. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15047434

lol that's the most idiotic thing i've read this week at least

>> No.15047458

You're also wrong.

Looks like I win.

>> No.15047472

>It reads like some edgy highschooler's juvenile critique who just discovered twitter communism.
Well put

>> No.15047494

>not a single negative poster is able to offer their own superior analysis to demonstrate they know what they're talking about
I share a board with a bunch of charlatans and pseuds, who would've thought?

>> No.15047507

look at this buttblasted tankie lmao

>> No.15047511

Why the absolutism? This is the worst thing about the pseuds of /lit/. There's rarely acknowledgement of nuance or an attempt to understand other perspectives with you people, which is strange, given that it's literature that is being discussed and not some rigid scientific discipline where such an approach might be more understandable. I can appreciate a formalist approach to analyzing a text, but why should that preclude other approaches? All you are doing when you make absolute, absurdly generalised statements like this is mark you as someone who is either posturing or doesn't really think too deeply on things

>> No.15047515


>Boo hoo hoo no one likes my half brained analysis of harry fucking potter

What an awful thread

>> No.15047516
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>look at this buttblasted tankie lmao

>> No.15047524

It's not my analysis, but you still haven't posted your superior alternative. I'm waiting.

>> No.15047545
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thread derailed by bickering idiots

anyone responding below this line is low-iq


>> No.15047546
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>> No.15047574


>provide a better political analysis of this book series for kids

>> No.15047604

> they can only act within the legal and ideological framework of their society. So, for instance, instead of organizing insurrectionary and disruptive activity against Trump and the far-right

Hold up, serious question, what does ANTIFA mean in the context of this discussion? I.e. the group of pixie-cuts who commit attempted murder whenever an alt-right gathering occurs? Surely armed assault is against the confines of formal society.

>> No.15047633

The epilogue should have been Harry living in Grimmauld place, slowly going through the house and discovering himself and his history, being the cool uncle to Ron and Hermione's kids, the whole generation hesitantly trying to build lives for themselves out of the ruins of a war that wasn't theirs to fight, without any helpful guidance from the generation that caused it.

The fact that Harry just becomes a fuckin' boomer cop is nothing short of a betrayal.

Harry Potter is the ultimate millennial story, but in the end it was written by a boomer, and it ends with a boomer success fantasy. Something that is so divorced from the millennial idea of a happy end that it's actually offensive.

>> No.15047637

I don't think most ANTIFA groups attempt murder (not unless you're in the middle east anyways)

>> No.15047647
File: 134 KB, 837x840, 1501542709043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the most autistic thing I've read today. Kudos.

I liked it, an oldie but a goodie. Don't worry about the negative posters, it seems the lockdown has led to lot of new arrivals.

>Book series for kids
Tell that to all the liberals that hold up placards with Harry Potter references at Trump protests. That's why it's relevant - it's being used to drive real-world political discourse. Which is an abomination sure, but still means it deserves commentary.

>> No.15047674



PhilosophyTube explains it nicely from the Antifa perspective - in essence, Fascism is intrinsically hostile to liberal democracy, so any appearance of it is inherently an act of violent intention, whether its yet manifested physically or not. As such, Antifa are always acting in a defensive capacity. And he's not even wrong really (most real Fascists do indeed want to abolish liberal democracy) - except that like most larping neoliberal pseuds in a Che t-shirt he thinks old ladies in MAGA hats and lolbergs and whatnot are all "Fascist", as opposed to just other pretty harmless variants on his own belief system. In reality, I'd imagine Leftists are nearly as likely to horseshoe around to Fascism (or at least turn into anti-liberal Tankies or NazBols) as the average cuckservative is.

>> No.15047722

tankies and nazbols are pretty rare honestly for every one nazbol you have two tankies and 5 socialists of any other type

>> No.15047742

>wants some deep analysis of a fucking children’s book
Imagine putting that much time and effort to forming such a stupid opinion about a fucking CHILDRENS BOOK. Might as well write a 3 page analysis on the fault in our stars and I actually liked the Harry Potter books as a kid

>> No.15047748

I've seen this before and it's completely wrong.

Harry and his friends join an NGO terrorist splinter cell explicitly not identified with the government. They spend 3 books shitting all over the government and conventional politics and press. They are a radical front based around liberation from the oppressive ministry of magic, the parallel to far-left political societies could not be plainer. Their leader literally assaults the president, they all commit the unforgivable curses for the 'greater good'. The enslavement of house elves is a ridiculous point to bring up because they literally are a species that want to be enslaved. There is only one house elf ever that shows any inclination to not want it and he's seen as a freak by the rest of them.

The pasta doesn't even mention muggles, who are the actual lower class in the HP world. the type of Progressive who wrote that text sees muggles as non-educated people, where educated here means going to a relatively prestigious school. Mudbloods are basically nonwhites who went through the schooling process(note that Harry and Ron are emphatically pureblood in paternal ancestry). Muggles are supposed to be basically Chavs/Tories or in the US white trash/flyover suburbans. Look at how the Dursleys are depicted, they are shown to be middle class and cruel so that it's ok to abuse them, we have Hagrid magically torture an 11 year old muggle for no reason but to bully his father in the first book. This is not something that happens to fortunate classes by lower ones, the wizards are the upper classes, they live in a fucking Castle with a boarding school system, the entire system is based off of educational credentials, they have absolute impunity to do whatever they want to the muggles, it could not be more obvious. The message here is that even a suburban relatively well off Dursley type is still trash that can be tortured by a failed member of the prestigious class because theyre just evil and dumb.

The muggles are basically Kulaks, and the great act of charity in the narrative is to not outright enslave them like Grindlewald but to just keep them literally magically brainwashed if they see anything the Ministry doesn't like. This is even framed as being justified somewhat because if the Muggles knew about Wizards then they would burn them(it's literally saying it's ok to lie to and manipulate the retarded masses because if they were told the truth they'd do evil things to the special elite like they did in the past). The entire thing is a Prog fantasy about a world in which the academic class(wizards) actually were the ruling, isolated, quasi-communal, replacement for the aristocracy that Progs hate and envy so much, but they don't have to deal with filth Kulak peasants(muggles) either because they have a magic replacement for them.

wizards=progressive bureaucracy

>> No.15047751

Kek it’s not Harry potter that’s driving the politics of these people you absolute retard. It’s just that those types of liberals typically haven’t read anything other than what was assigned to then in school, Harry Potter and some ya novels so they resort to the one with the simplistic expression of black vs white, good vs evil when making their signposts. It is not some catalyst or source of influence for political opinions. If Harry Potter didn’t exist they’d just substitute it with nazi references which they often do

>> No.15047752
File: 309 KB, 385x389, garbage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because neolibs use it fucking everywhere and you get garbage like pic related. I enjoyed harry potter as well but it's fun to pick apart shit you know?

>> No.15047765

>it's fun to pick apart shit you know?
Yeah I feel you
>pic related
I really don’t know what to say. I guess these people really haven’t been exposed to much literature beyond Harry potter and whatever simplistic crap they were assigned in their shitty public schools. Why do Americana under 30 seem to have some strange obsession with adolescent thought and not growing out of it. Are the comforts of life there too much to allow any genuine growth?

>> No.15047778

I think there's been an increase in anti-intellectualism over the years, more people prefer netflix or youtube and stuff over books. not really shitting on both of those mediums but I feel literature should be something everyone should get into

>> No.15047793

>I feel literature should be something everyone should get into
Meh used to think that way but I think I’d rather seeing all the critique about how this book belittles or mistreats women, how this book doesn’t sufficiently fit modern standards for being “tolerant” and other similar identity-politics or really generally politics-based critique. We already see movements of students wanting certain classic and essential authors to be axed from their curriculum because they don’t fit their precious sensitivities. These people can only judge things through their own limited perspective, let it be limited to mediocre films and tv shows that get churned out like the producers have perfected an industrial process

>> No.15047865

Tell me why progressives hate to death private high schools because it is privilege to attend them but suck the cock of oxbridge and ivies

>> No.15048093
File: 1.24 MB, 227x136, ThumbsUpTerminator.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harry just becomes a fuckin' boomer cop

>> No.15048120

This is hardly a critique, it is leftist whining.

>> No.15048237

Why is lit the most jealous board?

>> No.15048272

Okay but what's the deal with this fucking screenshot? My eyes are kill

>> No.15048284

Post quality secondary literature or stfu.

>> No.15048287

this is the good shit

you cant find smth like this with tradcon infested /lit/ which is culutural christian
this however is cringe.
4chan is one of the most political correct spaces in existence and he gets offended when people suddenly judge differently

>> No.15048305

Precisely because this is literature we are discussing and not politics or economics or gender theory or whatever wackadoo worldview you hold that you wish to impose upon a text. All non-formalist analysis is either disguised autobiography or propaganda through the back door and I'll none of it.

>> No.15048311

>muh literature will not be tainted by your non-formalism

stick your percieved IQ up your ass cunt

>> No.15048315

Why would I want to formally analyze dreck?

>> No.15049261

> this type of analysis is dumb and pointless, i only like my type of analysis
>then do your analysis of it
>there's nothing to analyze im not gonna do anything

didn't know it was possible to lack self-awareness this much. at least op came up with a cogent and thoughtful commentary on the work. All you have is defensive retardation

>> No.15049370
File: 332 KB, 492x593, 648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say it's a biting critique of liberalism itself, regardless of the undue effort that went into it. The point isn't that Harry and his friends weren't communist revolutionaries or fascists or whatever, but rather that the status quo they were defending was deranged and absurd to the point that defending it would only make sense to a liberal.

I'm a fascist and I agree with pretty much every word of it.

>> No.15050675

None of that is contradictory. Harry Potter is beneath the quality worthy of formal analysis and political analysis is a waste of time, telling you roughly nothing about the work and everything about the analyzers own biases. Don't know why you're having a hard time holding those two separate ideas in your vacuous head simultaneously. You're blatantly butthurt because, for some bizarre reason, you've found yourself emotionally invested in OP's ramblings. Get a grip.

>> No.15050717

No one will ever read your distiguisged and intellectual stuff anon.
Grow up.
Harry potter is important cause it´s important to milions of people who are adults now who have power.

>> No.15050778

What "disiguisgesedsedsd stuff", dumbo? And cultural importance doesn't equal formal merit.

>> No.15050783

I miss infinitechan. I really do.

>> No.15050818

I also get the feeling that people know I'm not like them. They look at me strange for no reason, like I'm an outsider. Am I autistic?

>> No.15050825

Liberals literally are children though

>> No.15050909
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>he thinks the inherent literary qualities of the work itself and not the significance and influence the work has upon society is the ultimate deciding factor in concluding if something is worthy of a critique or not
it's precisely the fact that it is a children's book that makes genuine critique of harry potter interesting and even necessary you fucking idiot

>> No.15050981

A liberal progressive accusing a liberal progressive of not being sufficiently liberal and progressive. It's essentially a shitlib purity spiraling. Rowling opposes change? Of course not, she's among the most enthusiastic proponents of change, so long as that change comes in the form of her country getting browner and her characters getting gayer.

"Hero rejects OLD WAYS and BTFOs generic allegorical stand-up for fascistic baddy" is so unbelievably trite.

>> No.15050988
File: 28 KB, 380x250, 1415486168411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooo, you can't just treat the emancipation of happy slaves as a joke
fucking americans

>> No.15051108

Nothing is more common and banal than believing yourself to be different from the masses.

>> No.15051117

>Happy slaves
Should've hung every adult male southerner. I'm working on a time machine so I can go back and tell Sherman to finish the job.

>> No.15051156

You and me

>> No.15051159

So if antifia (socialists/anarchist/communist) ever got into power, does he not think that people who could be labeled as reactionary (whether they're fascistic or not) wouldn't be violently oppressed? If I were to assualt a member of antifia, therefor, would I be acting in self defense?

>> No.15051178

nigga what you sayin

>> No.15051183

I don't but they stare at me all the time like something's wrong with me

>> No.15051207

you're describing a universal experience

>> No.15051260

So I'm not autistic?

>> No.15051265

maybe, but this is not evidence either way

>> No.15051292


>> No.15051322

>I'm secretly special and different, my friends on 4chan's /lit/ agree with me!

>> No.15051372

This isn't a formalist criticism of the review. Ironic!

>> No.15051379

If antifa's preemptive violence against "fascists" is to be considered self defense, then is violence against antifa from far-right groups justifiable on the same grounds, given that antifa would violently oppress them if antifa ever achieved political dominance?

>> No.15051391

>>he thinks the inherent literary qualities of the work itself and not the significance and influence the work has upon society is the ultimate deciding factor in concluding if something is worthy of a critique or not
Maybe you want to spend your time discussing and critiquing 50 Shades or Grey and children’s books anon but we aren’t all faggots who like to waste our time and mental energy

>> No.15051666

How come he doesn't mentioned modern day china once, it's as near to facism as it comes

>> No.15051668
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>private high schools
It's a carveout of a system that liberals want to see universalized. It's a bit like seeing a scar on otherwise flawless skin.

Seeing people opt out, and knowing that the only people who WILL opt out are the rich since private school costs thousands, means the poor get left behind if it's genuinely better, which liberals consider unfair. It also means that the rich will be spending their money and ensuring improvements go towards the private system, rather than the one everyone can use.

This means the success of private schools is necessarily at the expense of the public system, both in terms of brains and funding of alumni, and of the poor, who can't take advantage. Liberals hate that.

At the college level though, everybody pays money and out of state people pay LOTS equal to private AND public schools, so it's not immediately obvious whether there's any kind of injustice that hurts the poor there.

>> No.15051800

>Something that is so divorced from the millennial idea of a happy end

What, perchance, is the millennial idea of a happy ending?

>> No.15051814

lol keep on seething chum.

>> No.15051831

Didn't you know, millenials don't get married or have kids or have careers anymore. That's just for BOOMERS, innit?

>> No.15051935

Looking at millenials, it's not so different than previous generations.

>You get to have as much sex as you want throughout your twenties and early thirties, with incredibly hot and interesting people, and without any unwanted diseases or pregnancies.

>One of these partners you find is the love of your life which you'll decide to settle down with, and they'll want to do the same with you

>You're rich, and money's no object for you. You're debt free. You have money saved up so your kids can go to college and you can travel where you want and buy whatever food, entertainment or luxury products you want.

>Your income is mostly passive. You can work from home, travel the world, sit at the beach, and it doesn't matter because the money will just keep coming in.

>You're therefore free to pursue your personal interests, whether that be partying, the arts, reading, writing, or watching Netflix. Maybe a mix.

>Your kids are geniuses, your pets are loyal, your house or nice condo, which you own, is enviably fashionable and clean, and you have many friends

>You are respected and a little well-known. Not annoyingly famous - people won't harass you or send you threats or anything that happens to REALLY famous people, but the kind of famous where when you write something or say something online, people will take you seriously, and they might ask to shake your hand if they saw you in the street because they like you.

>You retire as Mars is colonized and terraformed, ensuring the ongoing future of humanity, nobody goes to war, your cable bill goes down to pennies, and when you retire old and happy, they invent cheap and widely available anti-aging body-reshaping medications that resets you to how you looked, felt, and the general level of health you had when you were 22-27, so you can do it all again.

How much of the above's realistic? Eh to NOPE. But the idea's there.

>> No.15051962

There are some fanfics like this, but you would just be exasperated by all of the mediocre ones

>> No.15051966

>libruhls are like this
>liberals fight against change
brainlet tier, absolute brainlet tier. stop being married to your ideas and your team and you may be able to actually start doing some interesting thinking.

>> No.15052037

>the whole generation hesitantly trying to build lives for themselves out of the ruins of a war that wasn't theirs to fight, without any helpful guidance from the generation that caused it.
This isn't Animorphs, children books don't have the integrity to explore how war affects people like that

>> No.15052204

This is upsettingly accurate. Many of these same people complain about or lament consumerism and capitalism as well, that’s what really gets me with them. They’re so deep in their materialistic, status-based mentality they can’t even see how much they themselves are just as much a reason why things are the way they are as muh ebil forces that they love to caricature on their social media to virtue signal

>> No.15052290

Most public schools are paid through property taxes. So even if you send your kid to a private school they are still paying taxes toward their neighborhood public school. If anything by not sending their children to public school they are freeing up resources in public schools that can go to other kids.

>> No.15052349

The argument is that when there are problems with the property tax paid public system, when rich kids are in it, the rich are incentivized to work to politically and locally fix those problems, and the benefits of them doing so will be felt by all the other kids of all economic levels.

But if rich kids are instead rerouted to private schools, the rich have zero reason to give a fuck about the normal kids, and besides needing to pay the
>Don't want to school my child with the poors
tax, they can happily ignore any problems in that public system, meaning things in it never get better since all the people with the money and power to make change happen don't give a shit.

>> No.15052435

You don't stab a guy in self defence because they're going to stab you back if you try to stab them

>> No.15052518

Because Satan, as I say he's just a larping self-hating neoliberal. Their only commitment is to complaining & simultaneously whining about the system they are a part of. Ie, he actually loves the status quo, he really does just want unlimited neetbux & more edginess.

Well, that's the whole contradiction, yeah. His argument really just boils down to "We call ourselves the anti-baddies, therefore anyone we fight is a baddie".

>> No.15052550

The people he are complaining about self-identify as "liberals". They created their own team. OP hasn't commented on his own "team" at all, and the complaints could be from any non-liberal.

>> No.15052574
File: 993 KB, 1591x640, 2FFF8945-5C57-420B-A9BD-938DA9DFF219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using a LotR analogy is a little cringe but the content is based

>> No.15052666

Do Americans really?

>> No.15052782

You might like r/stupidpol -- it's a goldmine for this kind of stuff. (No joke, it's like the only good subreddit).

>> No.15052828

stupidpol is full of class reductionists who don't realise that there are other things affecting workers as well

>> No.15052856

Rejecting IdPol is not a form of racism or sexism, fag.

>> No.15052863

>>None of that is contradictory. Harry Potter is beneath the quality worthy of formal analysis and political analysis is a waste of time
hi my name is anon and i just turned 18. i read the wikipedia page on new criticism and literary formalism and isn't it just most redpilled based thing, anons, right? it totally btfos libtards and snowflakes

>> No.15052875
File: 70 KB, 627x533, f61ba43755ff7c885e9a49f1e4d6f9d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using a LotR analogy is a little cringe
I disagree. All those new-age "geek" writers have tried, in vane, to imitate Tolkien, who wrote using archetypes, and having deep knowledge of european history and religion. When the nameless corporation behind writers like J.K. Rowling or G.R.R. Martin tries to emulate Tolkien, they, at best, use some archetypes from tarot cards or repeat ad nauseam the hero's journey. Peter Jackson did this same thing when he tried to adapt LotR and the Hobbit; he did it without understanding, or caring, for the essence of these books.
Fans of these hacks stick to this lazy writing and think it's clever. They do the worst types of mental gymnastics to compare Voldemort to some right wing politician. This anon here didn't even had to try, he could have used any archetypal greco-roman myth about the hybris of man and it would be the same. He could have said "in that moment of blind panic and terror, Jazz is Bellerophon. All triumph and victory is gone, as he falls from Mount Olympus", and it would have been the same. This is because Tolkien wrote having these very myths in mind. There is nothing "cringey" on Tolkien's work.

>> No.15052967

A lot of people use rejecting idpol to say that there aren't systemic issues in the US against non-whites and shit like that. IdPol is useful for the cause because most people don't give a shit about class alone retard we can use IdPol as a way to unite people and create class consciousness through that solidarity. Rejecting IdPol means rejecting a potential comrade

>> No.15053115

>we can use IdPol as a way to unite people
Imagine being this naive.

>> No.15053297

Surprised and disappointed at the amount of push-back you're getting for this

>> No.15053353

any form of literary analysis that moves beyond the aesthetic is degenerate.

>> No.15053542


>> No.15053736

this feels like a Ben Garrison comic(with labels)

>> No.15053759

this is the most autistic fuckin thing every posted on the god danged internet

>> No.15053768

you might not have read this >>15047546

>> No.15053816

that's just anon being honest

>> No.15053820

wait what the fuck, that post has italics in it, you can't do that on 4chan wtf

>> No.15053850

not sure wh𝘢t you're t𝘢lking 𝘢bout ret𝘢rd