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File: 68 KB, 570x640, cute_trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15044377 No.15044377[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What books will teach me how to flirt and seduce an attractive female?

>> No.15044392

That’s her job.


>> No.15044410

You're a fraud because even chad has to do the legwork to hold her attention.

>> No.15044414

Ars Amatoria

>> No.15044427

Kreutzer Sonata

>> No.15044454

that's a man??

>> No.15044460


>> No.15044469

The Book of the Courtier

>> No.15044485

There's a lot of PUA trash out there but The Rational Male by Rollo Tomassi is legit. Hit the gym and don't be a sperg and you're 90% of the way there anyway.

>> No.15044495

God, I want to suck her dick.

>> No.15044516

manosphere is gay and lifting weights is a gymcel cope.

>> No.15044517

i want her to strip me butt naked, whip out her gigantic dick, and fuck me up the asshole for hours

>> No.15044520

That's a dude

>> No.15044531
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Please stay on topic

>> No.15044742
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Why would you bother? Even average and unattractive women think of themselves as goddesses who deserve 6'4" world conquerors to take them to a $45 sushi restaurant, pay for the whole meal, and fix their general misery at being a tarted-up pig with no hobbies and no purpose in life. Why would you want the approval, much less the diseased pussy of such a creature?

>> No.15044778

More than 1% of men are very handsome. She has some ridiculous pet/outdoor activity requirements or something and only swipes right if that info is in a bio.
please dont post stupid shit as if it were representative of anything, because it isnt.

>> No.15044787

You should learn to use proper English first, you fucking retard.

>> No.15044788

Online dating is different. There are way more men then women so naturally an average woman will receive more attention than she deserves.

I don't want approval or validation from a w*man. I just want to fulfill my biological need.

>> No.15044991

the game by neil straus LOL

>> No.15044997


How to Flirt?

Gregory Peart has a great series of books on social awareness in general but "The Small-Talk Code" is probably one of his best books. I read it and could immediately put what I read into practice, which is why I like his books. No need to "study" or "practice", just read it and start doing it.

How to Seduce?

Before you can hunt, you must understand what you are hunting. Read Judy Blume's classic books. It will give you a better understanding of how women process things and how they think, along with their hangups and anxieties. "Are you There God?" "Summer Sisters" "Blubber" all of her classic books. If you're a total sperg, it will be quite helpful.

There is very little to read that will help you in the whole "seduction" aspect but there was a blog that was helpful called girlschase, which after reading got me over the hump of not being able to "seal the deal". Honestly, it was less the blog itself and more that I just had a framework to go on while I went out hunting. Most PUA books suck to be quite honest, like 5-8% of truth and 90% bullshit and mental loops to keep you buying into one system or another.

If you can make small talk, get her to laugh, and gain her trust she will fuck you if you flirt with her. Period. Anything else is someone trying to sell you something.

Pheromones help though, quite a bit actually. My favorite cologne is called "Boyfriend" by PheromoneXS, only around 40 bucks and it is like catnip; causes girls to get butterflies, especially if you can make them laugh and enjoy themselves. 2-3 sprays and you're good.

>> No.15045066
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I'm extremely shy around attractive women. I'd sooner walk on hot coals than even think about going up and talking to one. With every crush I've ever had, they've initiated the conversation. I was far too terrified to say anything to them without their permission but I was on cloud nine whenever they would speak to me, for however long.
I don't subscribe to inceldom but I've accepted I'm going to die an unloved virgin

>> No.15045075


>> No.15045095

seducing a woman is one of those things you cannot learn from a book. go socialize.

>> No.15045097

Liveblog taught me how to apply sick game to literary girls

>> No.15045125
File: 120 KB, 465x750, FC3562E6-5F08-407B-B142-E99FC786A63B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very out going and sociable totally confident and extroverted around anyone buttttttt
I get extremely shy around girls who like me. My soul is very nurturing but that’s only if you get to know me and I kind of worry for any girl that doesn’t know me but likes me because my looks say I’m a fucking dog from hell, which is half true. Half of me just doesn’t make eye contact and pretend they aren’t there because the other half is ready to take them to the floor and do what it does...
it’s always extremely beautiful submissive chicks who can tell I’m about that life, it’s literally the side of me I try to keep tamed and they literally turn me into an animal on site. I just avert me eyes frfr

>> No.15045144
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im awful at flirting but I was always good at holding a conversation and making a real connection with people

only problem is now i feel like ive grown and evolved but when i go out everyone is still acting the same way we did when we were 15 so now i dont really have much in common with anyone and cant make those connections anymore. i could just lie and pretend to be a teenager again, but i just cant drive myself to do that

>> No.15045444

Black Swan- Taleb

>> No.15045498
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Kek western analytical cucks trying to think or logic into women
Women are that of the moon-heart-emotion
Once you shut your mind off and open heart then you can actually relate to women easily

>> No.15045547

Take the blackpill and stop searching for redpill lit

>> No.15045627
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I know they're not all like this, I know there's a girl out there for me somewhere. . .

>> No.15045631

A baseball bat

>> No.15045677

Do you know, or do you wish that was true?

>> No.15045696


>> No.15045863

dude the bar is so low right now it's just that you fucks hate women and don't/won't do anything to better yourselves

>> No.15046315

80/20 split retard, read Houellebecq, if anything the bar has been raised for the average man now.

>> No.15046364

Practice and failure will help you 10000x more than any book.

>> No.15046382
File: 1.89 MB, 1440x2880, Screenshot_2020-04-05-23-03-24.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15046432

>dude the bar is so low right now (just not low enough for you)

>> No.15046446

Who cares honestly their line ends with them

>> No.15046460
File: 59 KB, 512x512, babby_grinch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read Houellebecq

>> No.15046471

My problem isn't that I hate women. My problem is that I have zero friends that I can go out and meet women with.

>> No.15046476

It's a man with photo effects?

>> No.15046485

>$45 sushi restaurant
Whoooah, a whole $45?! What is she looking for, a billionaire??

>> No.15046496

Same. Any books on how to attract handsome male friends?

>> No.15046577

DYEL cope. You lift for yourself, health & your own confidence, which naturally filters through to your interactions with women. Agreed on the manosphere though.

>> No.15046599

The Art of Seduction by Robert green

>> No.15046669

Oh sweet innocent anon...

>> No.15047508

>I'm extremely shy around attractive women
>I was too terrified to say anything
>I’ve accepted I’m going to die an unloved virgin rather than just conquer my fear

>> No.15047639

stop being average then, retard

>> No.15047649

Facial Aesthetics: Concepts and Clinical Diagnosis pdf

>> No.15047678

Magic Bullets by Nick Savoy is pretty helpful. Though as some people pointed out, you gotta do a lot of practice. A book can help you guess where to begin, but you'll have to work through it. Also work to become better in those areas you're not so confident and once you start feeling good with yourself, other people will start to feel good around you

>> No.15047717


>> No.15047728

>If you can make small talk, get her to laugh, and gain her trust she will fuck you if you flirt with her. Period. Anything else is someone trying to sell you something.

Its pretty funny how you're little selling something in the very next line

>> No.15047745

anyone else very confused by this graph?

>> No.15047771

with every book you read you get closer to your goal

>> No.15047806
File: 195 KB, 600x600, 0_IMG-20200408-WA0013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people who have sex everyday
everyday I get closer to alcoholism and drug abuse

>> No.15047818
File: 45 KB, 600x373, darwin marriage list.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I got a girlfriend 2 years ago after reading this book and doing what it tells you to do (tldr: Confidence is the ability to tolerate uncertainty. Make your intentions clear, touch her if you feel like it.). I must however warn you that girlfriends are not only fun and games. I still have that girlfriend and now with all these corona woes she's getting on my nerves.

>> No.15047824

when I had sex every day, I used to abuse alcohol and drugs, too

>> No.15047830

>tricked once again by a meme book

>> No.15047831
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>> No.15047833

Confessions of a mask

>> No.15047837

You see, like a beta, try some john green.

>> No.15048025

Let me guess, sex is overrated?

>> No.15048366

I do both

>> No.15048387

Overrated yeah, but it might just be me.
Sex is just power play

>> No.15048446


I legally acquired this book by legal methods paying full price for it, and I will report back with results in 3 months.

>> No.15048633

casual sex is overrated.
maritual sex is underrated.
tantrical mormon polygamous marriage is rated correctly, if being taken as the absolute unit of pleasure.

>> No.15048669

not all of us have kike business criminal fathers who pay our rent into our thirties. it's not that 45 is a lot absolutely, it's that it's the kind of thing a rich little bohemian queer buys on a regular basis and doesn't even notice. real upper class people have taste, meanwhile there's a word for people who go to little overpriced trendy restaurants for every date and lunch so that they have to live hand to mouth with assistance from their parents, it's called "nigger rich"

kill yourself for not being able to figure this out yourself

>> No.15048829
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 91CVw+kihSL._UX250_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rollo Tomassi
>balding cuck
>wears a cap to hide his baldness
>dresses like a 20 year old even tho he´s an old grandpa
>thinks wearing sunglasses and putting a mean face is edgy and "cool"
>muh redpill muh frame

yep, it´s cringe in my book

>> No.15048858

I don't think TRM is a good book.
If women were as bad as the book says, the best thing to do would be to remain single or try to become gay, not to follow the book's advice to date women.

>> No.15048959

Surely handsome male friends would be self defeating as they would always get the girl and you would be left with the scraps. If you aspire for scraps ask out girls who work at the supermarket you shop at.

>> No.15048965
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>> No.15048983
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>> No.15048994
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Best way to seduce a woman: be good looking.

>> No.15049011

< 10 lays laylet detected

>> No.15049030

I'm 5'8" and far from a stereotypical chad and yet I still have women fall for me. Some of them were even noticeably taller than me. Though I have a nice face I fall short on every other category including height.

>> No.15049044
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post face

>> No.15049053

>post face
Not gonna happen.

>> No.15049138
File: 65 KB, 1832x332, 1578590868495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then how do you expect us to believe you?

>> No.15049166

The Book of Pook

>> No.15049177

9.5/10 cases you have to be tall handsome fit have tattoos/be interesting. By interesting I mean have social value/presence online. Being funny and having money sways things in your favor but they sort of play into the social value requirement. As does being attractive I guess. Everything does maybe? But it didn’t use to be something measured quantitatively with likes and followers, now it is. I’m not defending it or tattoos for that matter as it’s all bullshit but facts are facts and gorgeous girls have higher value than ever and for whatever reason that’s what they value. You can find a few very rare exceptions but good luck man.

>> No.15049233

>By interesting I mean have social value/presence online.
Matter of time all of this can be faked. Instagram filters is a start, you ain't seen nothing yet. inb4 people use chatbots to run their social media accounts.

>Being funny and having money sways things
Money and power (yes, that includes having lots of *good* friends) are things that can't be generally faked. Females are attracted to that simply because it's an intrinsic fitness indicator.

>> No.15049498

You either have handsome friends who help you get scraps or you compete against all handsome men for everything and get nothing.

>> No.15049508

Art of erotic seduction Albert Ellis
Author was a psychologist who used exposure therapy to get over approach anxiety

>> No.15049760

Thank you friend. Your suggestions feel extremely relevant for some reason.

>> No.15049793

fuck off Rollo, you´re the embodiment of cringe, how about you start behaving normally for once?

>> No.15049866

Try “ The Art of Seduction “ by Robert Greene

>> No.15050574

>there are way more men than women
what the fuck did I just read

>> No.15050595

he means there are way more men than women on online dating sites, not in the general population

>> No.15051510

You are very self aware, at least. Why not pursue those good feelings and let them help you get through the struggle? I am in your position too, although maybe less so.

>> No.15051610

Having lots of sex (outside of a long marriage/relationship) is overrated. Having sex a few times to properly experience what it is like is vital for your self esteem and long term happiness

>> No.15051703

>lifting for yourself
>while believing a result will be better interactions with women
Why is /fit/ so bad at logic?

>> No.15051791

You've never been on a date, have you?

>> No.15051981

$45 per meal, you mean.

>> No.15051996

Hit the gym

>> No.15052017


>> No.15052032

I don't think it is inherently vital for happiness or self esteem.
What happens is that due to our culture, people who don't have sex end up believing that they are broken or that they are missing the best thing in life if they don't have it.

The problem is the modern mindset.

>> No.15052138
File: 168 KB, 1080x1349, 1586052090201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Snort a gram of coke, go outside, find a girl who peaks your interest and then talk to her.

>> No.15052169


>> No.15052182

a big fat bank book

>> No.15052188

Good, if physiognomy is to be believed your kids will grow up to be intelligent, but they'll have THOT genes in them.

>> No.15052242
File: 61 KB, 720x702, 0F29AA8A-5E78-4D53-B511-8B2736362213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if physiognomy is to be believed

>> No.15052248

The day you stop trying to impress women and giving a shit about what they think of you almost exactly coincides with the day they start wanting to fuck you.

>> No.15052258
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Is it even possible to go up to a random woman in say, a cafe or some shit and talk to them and get them interested in you? What would you even talk about?

If I was put in that situation I'd ask 'em how they are in life. If shits looking up or not, or how they feel about strangers initiating small talk.
Depending on how they respond with their mannerisms and the intonation of their voice, it'd be easy to tell if they'd like to hang out or not.


>> No.15052268

Uggo cope.

>> No.15052359

Post your face with a time stamp handsome

>> No.15052371

I look ugly and retarded.
I am ugly and retarded.
Physiognomy = real

>> No.15052417

Just don't approach her out of nowhere. At least make eye contact and wait for some signals.

You know the saying "approach 10 girls and at least 1 will say 'yes'." It's true if you're a fucking idiot. Look for the right signs and it'll be 10 out of 10. Just don't go where you're not wanted.

>> No.15052442

>Just don't go where you're not wanted.
I mean if you're not repulsive, can read situations and have a modicum of charisma you can just about be the right guy anywhere.

>> No.15052458

You're retarded therefore all your opinions have zero credibility.

>> No.15052473

This is bullshit. Everyone starts working out to increase their chances with girls. Once they realize that it doesn't really work, that philosophy turns into "You lift for yourself bro."

Also, picking up girls has nothing to do with confidence. If you mix confidence into that game, you deserve absolutely everything that will head your way.

>> No.15052479

What if women stare at you with a blank expression. Is that a good signal?

>> No.15052480

>all your opinionz
But physiognomy is fact

>> No.15052488

Only for the retarded.

>> No.15052494

>Everyone starts working out to increase their chances with girls
Nigga I just didn't want to be skinnyfat anymore. I wanted to look more aesthetically pleasing.

It wouldn't even help me get girls because theh won't know I'm fit till I take off my clothes.

>> No.15052514

I'm not the retard, you are.

>> No.15052525

It could work. You're blindly taking shots then. She might be taken, not in the mood or she has someone she likes on social media and is waiting for him.

What I'm talking about are women who definitely know how to call you. You're her type and it's the easiest thing in the world. The guess game is reduced to a minimum. It's still not 100% but close enough.

>> No.15052562

>She might be taken, not in the mood or she has someone she likes on social media and is waiting for him.
This is why you only go after underage girls.

>> No.15052642

>This is why you only go after underage girls.
This is a good way to end up in prison

>> No.15052656
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>going to prision for talking to people
besides, only creeps get caught
And you're not a creep, are you anon?

>> No.15052684

You’re a creep for having that image in your hard drive. Neck yourself pedofag.

>> No.15052697

Don't worry, they know. A look at a point above your heart, it's how they check the chest, back and shoulders.

What the hell do you expect, they are looking at male bodies all their life. I didn't realize it until I got fit myself.

It's usually that spot and then the face. If you fail one of those you're out.

I went from having 50kg, when a lot of them didn't even give me a feeling that I'm a male, to 75kg.

>> No.15052749
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>You’re a creep for having a picture of a girl on your hard drive
akshully it's ephebophilia; but actually it isn't because ephebophilia is a type of chronophilia which i don't have because chronophilia is an attraction that is exclusive while my attraction is just a preference, and rightfully so.
Eitherway, fag. lol

>> No.15052769

These games

If you're not the one making a move you're litterally being treated like a woman lmao you fucking fag go suck a dick elsewhere.

>> No.15052778
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Can I get a GF if i'm 50kg?

>> No.15052779

It’s good that you memorized the distinction between different types of pedophillia. It will save your lawyer a lot of work.

>> No.15052788

>It will save your lawyer a lot of work.
Not everyone lives in sexually repressed m*ttland

>> No.15052789

You won't learn the distinction if you never approached a woman in your life. And you lose nothing if you get rejected 9 times.


>> No.15052794

guy on the left is a literal homosexual

>> No.15052807

yeah, why not, I said a lot of them, not every

>> No.15052822

Better than the morally depraved shithole that you crawled out of.

>> No.15052833
File: 742 KB, 1800x1800, age-of-consent-europe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Better than the morally depraved shithole that you crawled out of.
You mean the civilised world?

>> No.15052845

based turkey, giving pedos a hard time

>> No.15052847
File: 284 KB, 1216x980, 1565610184744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want to attract women then pic related (low bf%, viable abs, but not massive) is the most attractive physique on average to women. Becoming a sterioded muscleblob isn't actually attractive if you want to increase your SMV.

>> No.15052866

Maybe during antiquity. Also lmao you think that being ‘civilized’ is Indicative of having moral values. The French especially are the biggest degenerates.

>> No.15052868

you don't even need a gym to reach that

>> No.15052876

How long does it take to get abs like that?

>> No.15052889

bout 6sixmoths for regular volk
for a filthy neet like you never

>> No.15052890
File: 202 KB, 582x527, 1585403454661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also lmao you think that being ‘civilized’ is Indicative of having moral values
You're right, we should go back.

>> No.15052944

It’s funny that you have all the infographs and memes saved regarding age of consent.

>> No.15052952

I hope you die from this virus you filthy pile of trash, fucking neck yourself you retarded degenerate pedophile. Just slit your wrists already you'd be doing the world a service

>> No.15053022 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 1080x1014, 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, you have emperical evidence to btfo my buzzwords
I can assure you that I am indeed not a "retarded degenerate pedophile".
Mind you, the girl in that picture you're spilling you're spaghetti over is 17.
While while you're here defending her innocence against "muh ebil 4chan pedos" she's getting railed by some natty russochads because you're too pursue your primal desire.
Neck yourself.

>> No.15053041
File: 188 KB, 1080x1014, 56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heh, you have emperical evidence to btfo my buzzwords
I can assure you that I am indeed not a "retarded degenerate pedophile".
Mind you, the girl in that picture you're spilling you're spaghetti over is 17.
While while you're here defending her innocence against "muh ebil 4chan pedos" she's getting railed by some natty russochads because you're too pussy to pursue your primal desires

Neck yourself, fagboi.

>> No.15053053

Your image macros didn’t btfo anything. I guess it’s true that pedos really do have a deficient prefrontal cortex.

>> No.15053057

you are not going to get that shit from a book bruh

>> No.15053098

AMS has unironically been a god at providing some great advice on self building and how that attracts quality women naturally.


>> No.15053132

What is pedophilia?

>> No.15053134

Knowing the 4chan user base and the pictures they tend to post, probably.

>> No.15053234

Two things:
Girls Chase - google it.
Todd V's youtube channels and paid material.

That should about cover you.

>> No.15053306

Fuck off Todd. No one’s buying your horse shit.

>> No.15053350

I'm working on a guide. Hold tight, anon.

>> No.15053363

I am not saying anyone should *buy* it lmao. It's all available on torrent IIRC.

>> No.15053397

lmao faggot

>> No.15053551

that girls chase shit looks bluepilled

>> No.15053568

ugly white should just move to a third world country the standards are lower there