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/lit/ - Literature

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15017437 No.15017437 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get a beautiful asiam girlfriend like Satoko from Spring Snow? Except loyal and loving too?

>> No.15017473

bro what u really want is a beautiful asian boyfriend like Kiyoaki from Spring Snow. Satoko was a stupid vain whore and deserved death.

>> No.15017475

That's why I said "except loyal and loving." I meant physical beauty.

>> No.15017493

so your question, on the /lit/ board, the board for discussion of literature, is "how can I get a hot girlfriend"?

>> No.15017497


>> No.15017501

I am theorizing what Satoko would look and act like with a better personality. How would the story change?

>> No.15017520

If she had had the ideal tradwife personality nothing would change because Kiyoaki was fated to die, and an ideal young tradwife would join a nunnery upon the death of her husband. So it would've gone like
>"yay kiyoaki we're married"
>"yes satoko smooch smooch smooch"
>kiyaoki trips and falls into oncoming cart-traffic, dies horribly
>"nooooo my husband is dead now I will become a nun"
See so all the players are exactly as they would have been come Runaway Horses in either case, so your thread is dumb.

>> No.15017525

>because Kiyoaki was fated to die, an

Kiyoaki wouldn't have gotten sick if it weren't for that fucking nun turning him back at the gate each time.

>> No.15017528

Also I just want Cait to love me again.

>> No.15017536

Have you not read the other books in the tetralogy? The Kiyoaki continuum is just masturbatory guro porn for Honda. Who is cait?

>> No.15017817

be wealthy and handsome

>> No.15017851

How do I get wealthy?

>> No.15018244

>it's a real fucking website
might try it out soon, wish me luck lads

>> No.15019081
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dude what are you on, Satoko waited years for Kiyoaki but he was too much of a batcase to make the first move and even when she tried to flirt with him he shot her down and in her despair she agreed to the imperial marriage and that woke up the dormat passion in Kiyoaki who finally realised he had lost the love he took for granted.

one might even say that Kiyoaki took Satoko's love as a form of narcissistic supply in that his Thymos, his innate sense of self worth which is satisfied by being the object of another desires or envy( see hegal,Fukuyama & Plato), was gratified by her love and increased by the lack of affection he showed towards as it implied that she couldn't live without him but he could live without her. Kiyaoki had systematic rejected every other source of Tymos be it the military, Kendo, Nobility, scholastic achievement, the respect of the servants and the inherited charismatic authority of his grandfather. When his Tymos received the near mortal blow of her marriage he began to take radical actions in order to re-achieve that state of Tymos.

>> No.15019342

meant as a reply to >>15017473

>> No.15019347

get into stem. 100k starting

>> No.15019353

Asian women love white guys. Just go get one. They're everywhere.