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File: 53 KB, 512x512, schop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15008906 No.15008906 [Reply] [Original]

>A slightly stronger flu forces people to stay inside for a couple weeks.
>The entire world comes to a halt and society is crumbling.
>Normal average people talk about committing suicide and having PTSD because they have to go 3 days without going to a party.
>The religious, stoics, optimists and all other such are experiencing their lack of control of the first time.
>Over a fucking stronger flu.

I think an apology is in order, don't you think so?
What do you think he would say about the current situation?

>> No.15008921

He would say that people are vain morons and go for a walk

>> No.15008929

He would say that this virus is the natural price that must be paid for years of keeping the weak/elderly alive artificially by using our advanced medicine and medical technology and he would also say that the west had it coming for living in a "just-in-time" economy which thrives on short term happiness.

>> No.15008937

It's an amazing thing really. I can't take credit for any special insight or anything like that, I was just exiled early on and had to come to terms with a dead world. Now all of these people are forced to come to terms with what I experienced, or kill themselves off for being incapable of sitting on a couch for a few months.
Our grandfathers were asked to go to war in trenches...

>> No.15008938

Where on earth are you getting any of that? People are practicing social distancing because it is effective in slowing the spread of the virus.

>> No.15008943

How does a man turn being bald into based chad aesthetics?

>> No.15008950
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>> No.15008957

There is no mass suicide happening, you pathetic drama queen. The only problems are (a) the lack of ICU beds and protective equipment in certain locations, and (b) the lack of income among the large number of people who have been laid off at the same time.

>> No.15008964

>self-portrait of the OP

>> No.15008979
File: 78 KB, 403x512, leo-tolstoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he was old. Balding + grey/white hair + interesting facial hair can look cool.

>> No.15008981

>or kill themselves off
Learn to read, redditfag.

>> No.15009014

Hey dumbfuck, here's what you wrote:

>Now all of these people are forced to come to terms with what I experienced, or kill themselves off for being incapable of sitting on a couch for a few months.

Sitting on your ass all day isn't the problem, you fucking faggot. The problem is either dying due to lack of access to medical care, or becoming impoverished and homeless due to the lack of income. Get over yourself.

>> No.15009021
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>> No.15009028

Do you?

>> No.15009248

God is the highest good of the reasonable creature. The enjoyment of him is our proper; and is the only happiness with which our souls can be satisfied. To go to heaven, fully to enjoy God, is infinitely better than the most pleasant accommodations here. Better than fathers and mothers, husbands, wives, or children, or the company of any, or all earthly friends. These are but shadows; but the enjoyment of God is the substance. These are but scattered beams; but God is the sun. These are but streams; but God is the fountain. These are but drops, but God is the ocean.

>> No.15009664

>What do you think he would say about the current situation?
He would say that life is suffering any way, and that disease is a part of the human condition. This coronavirus has met thinking lately, how we have "boxed away" disease in modern times. As soon as you're the slightest bit sick, you're hurried to a hospital, away from regular life. Disease used to be a much bigger part of the human experience historically. I always found "the diseased man" the odd one out in the Four Sights of the Buddha.
He would also say the best we can do is show our sympathy to those who are suffering because of this disease, but that nature ultimately doesn't care about individuals.

>> No.15009839

With not being able to go to the only place I really go (a hobby store where I also work) I've realised a lot about myself. I consume and reproduce (products) but I don't create. Nothing I have done is original. It's just consumption for "fun" sake. A lot of it. Nothing really targeted. The hobby is my only, well, hobby.

Now, in isolation, I'm trying to diversify. I'm going to take up calligraphy for a start.

God. Fuck consumption. It's all we really do. Work a job, get paid, buy frivolous shit. Sometimes your money is taken by a parasitic landlord. You have to buy food. All that shit. But it all comes back to get more money so you can get more frivolous shit.

>> No.15010439

>haha I look like an idiot
>better gain the upperhand by telling the guy he is autistic for proving me stupid!

>> No.15010468

what will be will be, there is no use fretting over it, let go and ride with the flow.

>> No.15011500
File: 1.29 MB, 3432x2870, 1552330857622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this virus is the natural price that must be paid
t. has never read Schop.
You cunts never cease to amaze. Famous thinkers are just caricatures for you to lazily add what you think is merit to a presentation of your own ideas.

Good post.

>> No.15011563


>> No.15011979

>Normal average people talk about committing suicide
it's always been like this

>> No.15012023

Its silly isnt it, the average person drives to work 60 to 120 kph, on a narrow piece of road, in a giant aluminium coffin, together with millions of other drivers, some drunk, near-sighted, tired or insane, any moment could be your last, every month atleast one traffic jam, because someone got scooped and instantly died, but oh no, virus gonna kill us all.....

>> No.15012321


>> No.15012358

It's quite amusing being able to tell so easily who is an imbecile just by their writing alone. Post less and think more, moron.

>> No.15012373

Wow welcome to 250 years ago you pathetic manbaby

>> No.15012400

You're being melodramatic

>> No.15012415

Shut up!

>> No.15013189

Virii don't spread through social contact, sciencelet.

>> No.15013208

well he defends Schopenhauer, so obviously

>> No.15013232

Try reading sometime

>> No.15013243

he would say that the majority of people can't endure to be alone with themselves because they have to deal with their inner shallowness and lack of personality, hence boredom

>> No.15013255


>> No.15013259

what would he say was responsible for that shallowness?

>> No.15013269

What is our personality if not the things we consume?

>> No.15013282

maybe we can consume what we imagine,like vomiting and then having it again,for fun only

>> No.15013298

he said that we are born that way and we don't change, at least from what I read

>> No.15013398

t. Hasn’t read the Parerga and Paralipomena

>> No.15013779

>he would say that the majority of people can't endure to be alone with themselves because they have to deal with their inner shallowness and lack of personality, hence boredom
I like to think I'm strong and I can endure this but this post got me wondering if I'm really "with myself" since I'm here.

>> No.15013924

u are retarded

>> No.15013935

ok samefag

>> No.15013961
File: 27 KB, 600x418, 1564990698417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw all these "you have to be happy by yourself before you can be happy with someone else!" normies become suicidal after not even one week of isolation
I hope they all die desu

>> No.15013969
File: 71 KB, 271x186, Gustav_Aschenbach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not dying of a slightly stronger flu as Phædrus beckons you into the Great Undifferentiated sea with his maddening beauty
Can you even call yourself a Schopenhauerian? Have you even lived the literary lifestyle?

>> No.15014437
File: 304 KB, 1280x720, pepespirit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realized eternal self beyond the illusion ,feel the connection to all
Literally impossible to feel loneliness, havent felt it in years
Maybe they can evolve beyond shallow npc states

>> No.15014467

his facial expression says it all

>> No.15014516

Pretty cruel, desu. No need to celebrate death. Bear in mind, they are imprisoned butterflies waiting to die. Meanwhile, we are ugly caterpillars that are fully accustomed to our cocoons, but will emerge more beautiful than they could possibly imagine.

>> No.15014555
File: 14 KB, 375x326, Pp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have multiple chronic health issues and need regular check ups with a doctor
>all clinics closed except for emergency cases
>millions of young people will get their health ruined so precious boomerinos can avoid getting sick
Am I morally justified to consider corona death toll to be a high score to celebrate?

>> No.15014648



>> No.15014660

the way in which we consume them, i suppose