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15002949 No.15002949 [Reply] [Original]

Recently moved into the city for university.

Holyshit its like non stop noise. My whole life I lived in rural france and the biggest interuption to my reading was the birds chirping which was very pleasant I must say.
How do you anons do it? Are these reading headphone or something? I'm tempting to put on some "youtube reading music"

>> No.15002953

you'll get used to it.

>> No.15002961

Rural France is heaven, everywhere else will be hard for you to live in.

>> No.15002967

This is true. Oh god, I want to live in rural France so much. But Paris... I also fell in love with Paris.

>> No.15002994

Moved from pretty suburb to one of the most polluted cities in the country (Philly) and it took some getting used to. Noise wise just headphones and various types of white noise always works. You’ll never get rural France back, but the city has its own beauty, be open minded and you’ll enjoy living there for different reasons. Doesn’t mean you won’t want to go back to rural France, but you’ll enjoy your time in the city

>> No.15004160

>but Paris... I also fell in love with Paris.
stop speaking like this

>> No.15004166
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Cringe and urbanite.

>> No.15004189

I went to paris recently it's very touristy some excellent centers of culture like the louvre to be sure but walking arround the eiffel tower and seeing the veritable army of negroes agressively peddling souvenirs is disheartening to say the least makes me want to go back in time maybe i ought to watch that movie midnight in paris which follows a similar idea i believe anyways i've been tweaking out lately as i moved from a rural area to a busier town and im still working during this whole pandemic when i wish i could be at home reading all day like the rest of the world is right now im really starting to resent my workplace and my coworkers because of this it is not really their fault but i am feeling trapped and want to retreat

>> No.15004194

He’s French he can’t help but be a fag

>> No.15004197
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>> No.15004247

have you ever heard of punctuation JFC

>> No.15004250


>> No.15004322

>midnight in paris
That movie sucks

What neighborhood you in bro? I used to live by that Wawa in Fishtown that has a bunch of chemicals and lead slag buried behind it but now I live in west and it's much cleaner and quieter

After a few months you won't even notice it

>> No.15004329

Exquisite Larp Game. Breton has risen from the grave, with fresh variations.

>> No.15004334

okay maybe i wont watch it then

>> No.15004430

If your city is sheltering in place, the noise level is probably much lower than typical.

You get used to it, I guess. Buy nice earplugs and/or noise isolating headphones.

>> No.15004516

Lived in the city for most of my life and only ever noticed the noise when I did a ton of psychedelics and my heightened awareness made the constant sound of cars outside give me a near mental breakdown.

>> No.15004566

Moved out of that shit hole a city last year. You couldn’t pay me enough to go back.

>> No.15004580

hey philly bros. i'm in manayunk. based whiteflight safe haven.

>> No.15004585

You get used to the trains, rabid dogs, gunshots, and roof rats eventually.

>> No.15004666

Manayunk blows

>> No.15004744
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Headphones and ambience soundscapes, ambience albums, relaxing albums, etc.
I used to read to Royksopp's Melody AM for example. And when I first learned about ambience in high school I set up my surround sound system around my bed and fell asleep in a fucking magical forest.

You get the idea I hope.
>tfw live right above two busy streets in college town of KY where cars are replaced with constant rumbling motors, commercial trucks, and motorcycles

>> No.15006144

go back to fishtown loser

>> No.15006199

I have absolutely no idea. I live in a sort of rural place too and there is not a single dint of noise; but my brother lives in the fucking middle of the goddamned city and is absolutely infernal. I have absolutely no idea how he handles studying in that environment.

>> No.15006206

I remember visiting my sister when she went to Drexel before she transferred, and I still remember Philly being a goddamn shithole.

>> No.15006221
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the only way for me to get peace is to put in earplugs, put headphones overtop, and then play ambient music through them

>> No.15006241

you have heard of punctuation before, right?