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14986783 No.14986783 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of William Blake?

>> No.14986905

I liked songs of innocense and adulthood or whatever, there was some guy posting lots about all his drawings which werre pretyy, I like him, hes fun to read. I'm into that 1 book though havent read his schizo stuff. Just the stuff about the sick rose with a worm from night and all the little lambs around god, and the one about london was great

>> No.14987805

he's eternally based

>> No.14987815

A true Renaissance man despite living through the industrial revolution

>> No.14987893

Liked his earlier stuff, Milton is a chore and Jerusalem is unreadable.

>> No.14988507

Great poet, unfortunately horribly misinterpreted by most.

"Love seeketh not itself to please,
Nor for itself hath any care,
But for another gives its ease,
And builds a Heaven in Hell's despair."

So sung a little Clod of Clay
Trodden with the cattle's feet,
But a Pebble of the brook
Warbled out these metres meet:

"Love seeketh only self to please,
To bind another to its delight,
Joys in another's loss of ease,
And builds a Hell in Heaven's despite."

I will never forgive the cuckolds who memed him into being the de facto patron saint of the orgyporgy lifestyle in the eyes of most people.

>> No.14988522

Thanks for the replies guys. I’m new to Blake and was wondering where I should begin, exactly.

I’ve heard that. Jerusalem does seem to have some beautiful lines though.

I’m already getting annoyed with seeing various people throughout history and online trying to claim him for whatever their pet causes are.

>> No.14988525

He writes boring nursery rhymes, change my mind.

>> No.14988529
File: 2.21 MB, 2722x2722, GettyImages-181962584-5989358656494870bcfcfc092c011e76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the best English poets, but pic related is infinitely better prove me wrong

>> No.14988580

who dat

>> No.14988598

John Milton (the G.O.A.T.)

>> No.14988652
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>> No.14988682
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Haven't read him yet.
pic related is the real O.G tho

>> No.14988884
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>who dat

>> No.14988887

A genious in the true sense of the word.

>> No.14988909

He is great

But his new age spiritualism is cringe and reminds me of a typical wine aunt world view

>> No.14988939
File: 297 KB, 1280x798, 2019_38_blake_main.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bring me my bow of burning gold!
>Bring me my arrows of desire!
>Bring me my spear: o clouds unfold!
>Bring me my chariots of fire!
>I will not cease from mental fight;
>Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand
>Till we have built Jerusalem
>In England's green and pleasant land.
Unquestionably one of the greatest poets to ever live.

>> No.14989273

poetry is fucking gay but his paintings look cool

>> No.14989361

Great poet but too crazy for his own good - man would spend all day in his garden conversing with imaginary angels. I love his shorter poems like Auguries of Innocence and the Marriage of Heaven and Hell which contain many striking insights, but I don't know who has the stamina to tackle his epics and try to decipher the entire mythical-philosophical project embedded in his writings.

>> No.14989401

What do I read to dive head first into schizo blake?

>> No.14990498

lol that sucks I knew this place was full of spectators

>> No.14990572

t. election migrant

>> No.14990677

Milton, Jerusalem, and The Four Zoas are his best work. Anyone who says otherwise has been pleb filtered.

>> No.14990751

>Jerusalem does seem to have some beautiful lines though.
It does but you have to wade through a bunch of Finnegans Wake-tier not-exactly-gibberish to find them.

>I’m already getting annoyed with seeing various people throughout history and online trying to claim him for whatever their pet causes are.
Blake really was an advocate of "free love" who thought marital fidelity was a Demiurgic concept though. Just read Daughters of Albion.

>> No.14991455

The Four Zoas