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File: 32 KB, 452x679, lepseudface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14983816 No.14983816[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>OMG I-is that traditionalism? Omg t-that's fascism, a-are you against modernism? Omg that's fascism, y-you want a healthy and fearless population? Omg that's fascism, y-you c-care about anything? Omg that's fascism. Heh though you will escape my ambiguous definition of fascism? Better luck next time pal

What was his problem?

>> No.14983861

there is a reason no Pol-sci or phil departament uses his work to explain what fascism was

>> No.14983867

who dis?

>> No.14983886

Umberto eco

>> No.14983893

Umberto Eco and Mo Yan are people that should be limited to fiction and texts about their are of expertise.

>> No.14983900

>about their area* of expertise

>> No.14983982
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>Why yes, I am a fascist. How could you tell?

>> No.14984125
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>Why yes, I am a fascist. How could you tell?

>> No.14984134

He was born in a time when Italy did nothing but receive foreign aid by americans so people like him could become parasite on the working class

>> No.14984308

>this is what united-statism does to your brain

>> No.14984328
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"Fascism" stopped meaning anything a long time ago.

>> No.14984342
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what do they use then, and why dont they use him?

>> No.14984369
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>"what's that?" "Traditionalism is Ur-fascism?"
>"quite so, that's why I love it"

>> No.14984616



>> No.14984640

Cope and take your meds, tranny soilord. Men who lift are fashy.

>> No.14984663
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The strong stand up for the weak, fascism is for weak males who want to be strong by being a part of a gang

>> No.14984686

The cult of tradition. “One has only to look at the syllabus of every fascist movement to find the major traditionalist thinkers. The Nazi gnosis was nourished by traditionalist, syncretistic, occult elements.”
The rejection of modernism. “The Enlightenment, the Age of Reason, is seen as the beginning of modern depravity. In this sense Ur-Fascism can be defined as irrationalism.”
The cult of action for action’s sake. “Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, any previous reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.”
Disagreement is treason. “The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism. In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge.”
Fear of difference. “The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.”
Appeal to social frustration. “One of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups.”
The obsession with a plot. “The followers must feel besieged. The easiest way to solve the plot is the appeal to xenophobia.”
The enemy is both strong and weak. “By a continuous shifting of rhetorical focus, the enemies are at the same time too strong and too weak.”
Pacifism is trafficking with the enemy. “For Ur-Fascism there is no struggle for life but, rather, life is lived for struggle.”
Contempt for the weak. “Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology.”
Everybody is educated to become a hero. “In Ur-Fascist ideology, heroism is the norm. This cult of heroism is strictly linked with the cult of death.”
Machismo and weaponry. “Machismo implies both disdain for women and intolerance and condemnation of nonstandard sexual habits, from chastity to homosexuality.”
Selective populism. “There is in our future a TV or Internet populism, in which the emotional response of a selected group of citizens can be presented and accepted as the Voice of the People.”
Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak. “All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning.”

>> No.14984694
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>The strong stand up for the weak,
Yeah, you want a big daddy to stand up for your scrawny ass. That's the difference, fascists want to stand up for their nation and people.
>who want to be strong by being a part of a gang
Sure, gangs of strong men.

>> No.14984734
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I've never met a fascist who was a strong person, they're almost always incels with psychological and spiritual problems, looking for a tribe to be a part of that will protect them. The strong stand up for the weak and vulnerable, the weak terrorize those who can't defend themselves.

>> No.14984768
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>the weak terrorize those who can't defend themselves.
Yeah, like antifa beating up grannies or goylems weaker than women jumping people in herds. I've never met a 'leftist' who was even functional, let alone normal in any sense. Always homosexual self-hating white people and very insincere browns who would be seen as ethno-supremacist and fascist if they were white. They're spiritually dead and want to be physically dead.

Men of the dissident right lift, work out and try to improve themselves in the face of an increasingly dysfunctional society that promotes reckless consumerism and poor habits. Even in the face of total adversity their spirits are high, for even if they lose the battle or the war they will have done the honourable thing. What else can one do than to struggle for your people?

>> No.14984818
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Honestly, the enablers of capital dominating the West have always been the weak fucks willing to sell out their people. Who spit on their traditions and culture and fight for the enemy. They may call themselves marxists, leftists, conservatives or whatever buzzword is fashionable, but they're all the same archetype. The loser who worship his jewish overlords like gods and hate his own people more than anything else, who wants to see them dead.

These were the men who destroyed Churches and killed priests for the jews during the red revolution in Russia, but also the same men who now betray their people for paltry sums today. Be them in the halls of government, in the social institutions or in the streets, forming mobs at the first sign of disobedience. Weak and spiteful men with no families who are driven by hate.

>> No.14984821


>> No.14984826


This is total pseud journalist level crap. How embarrassing

>> No.14984849


There's nothing honorable about raging against minorities on /pol/, the whole thing reeks of insecurity. Leftists do more good in terms of community service than right wingers do, and we bring people together instead of building walls. The majority of "white" people reject you and the cause of white nationalism, it's always goblin incels who use race to hide behind while ironically pushing for eugenics.

>> No.14984850


>> No.14984853

there is literally nothing wrong with any of that

>> No.14984856

>Leftists do more good in terms of community service than right wingers do, and we bring people together instead of building walls
Not him but that's the various churches in America.

>> No.14984865

Don't worry the elephant survived

>> No.14984875


Churches aren't right wing, the Roman Catholic church has historically been against nationalism and racism. Evangelicals are not racialist either, and many forms of Protestantism are anti statist. Religion is a lot more nuanced than the current political climate, and it would be a mistake to think Christianity is right wing

>> No.14984880
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>we bring people together instead of building walls.
Wew, yes, more neoliberal slogans. Cheap labour and sinking wages are love, borders and walls are hate. How droll.
>The majority of "white" people reject you
And now you deny there's even such a thing as Europeans, it's almost as if you hold some grudge against them or something.
>Churches aren't right wing
Were you dropped on the head as a baby?

>> No.14984906

>it would be a mistake to think Christianity is right wing
All I said is that the biggest and most helpful charities in America are churches. Delving into the politics of the various denominations in America alone could fill multiple books, and I'm not silly enough to pretend I know enough about that.

>> No.14984913
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>Wew, yes, more neoliberal slogans. Cheap labour and sinking wages are love, borders and walls are hate. How droll.

If you're coming from a leftist paradigm this is not even an issue when workers will control the means of production

>And now you deny there's even such a thing as Europeans, it's almost as if you hold some grudge against them or something.

Why are you so eager to prove that people who don't agree with you are "white"? European consists of many different cultures and creeds, this concept of white is WASP propaganda. For example, Jew's are very much European but they wouldn't be considered "white" which is silly, all despite sharing the same dna as most Europeans.

>Were you dropped on the head as a baby?

Not an argument, Christianity isn't right wing and you can't use it to perpetuate your racist eugenicist agenda

>> No.14984920

Reddit spacing. Redditor detected

>> No.14984926
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Incel detected

>> No.14984930

You are a fascist on the making unironically

>> No.14984947

>Put "white" in spooky quotes when talking about it positively, but not when talking about it negatively
It's interesting, as if you dont want it to have any validation whenever whites want to talk about their interests, but it's suddenly and simultaneously also extremely valid and real when talking about the horrors of white supremacism.
Drop the cognitive dissonance.

>> No.14984950
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I don't think you know what fascism entails, and no protecting the vulnerable from violence is not fascist.

>> No.14984957

>beating random grannies
>Calling locals racist when theyre the target of muslim violence
>"protecting the innocent from violence"

>> No.14984977


>beating random grannies

Leftists aren't doing that, but right wing fascists will do it once they're enabled to do so, only it will be Hispanic, Black, and Asian grannies

>> No.14984988
File: 485 KB, 2400x1729, 1472413030571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you're coming from a leftist paradigm this is not even an issue when workers will control the means of production
I have ascended beyond all of it. Hierarchies will always exist, collective ownership doesn't really work in practice but collective power does work. Now you might not care about the wages of people being pushed down by international finance moving people around for profit, nor about the crime and ethnic replacement that it brings because of some pie in the sky dream of collective ownership after a revolution that will never come, but the people do care about such things.
>Why are you so eager to prove that people who don't agree with you are "white"?
I really don't care if you are or aren't, traitors get the bullet too. Most people of west European stock have been taught by jews to hate themselves and their people and to value other ethnics higher. Again, you clearly have no love at all for the people and this is important to the position I'm coming from, which is that of the people.
>Christianity isn't right wing
It's radically right-wing, leftists are materialists and anti-religious. Both liberals and marxists oppose higher loyalities, such as to God.
>you can't use it to perpetuate your racist eugenicist agenda
Sure I could, if I had one.

>> No.14985005


White is real in the sense that it's used as a cultural power structure, and there was once a time when the Irish weren't considered white. My point is that it doesn't matter who is or isn't white.

>> No.14985031
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>My point is that it doesn't matter who is or isn't white.
Of course it matters, and certainly to you. Racialism is only a problem for you when white people want some sort of representation or advocacy, but blatant racial supremacism is fine when anyone else does it. You have huge double standards and you clearly hate Europeans as a whole. You should be honest and upfront about it instead of being such a coward.

>> No.14985037

So "black" people arent real either, and anything related to "black" pride or "black" nationalism is just bullshit, right? Yet i see such empty and apparently made up constructs all the time in the left.

>> No.14985040


The only people who are getting the bullet are violent right wingers and traitors to humanity.

>It's radically right-wing, leftists are materialists and anti-religious. Both liberals and marxists oppose higher loyalities, such as to God.

Christianity isn't right wing, regardless of it's "traditional" aesthetics anymore than Islam is right wing. There is no concept of racial purity and nationalism to be found in the scriptures or teachings of Jesus Christ, if anything it's subversive to the idea of imperialism.

>> No.14985059

In 100 years you faggots will be calling the Japanese white

>> No.14985063
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There's a huge difference between black nationalism and white nationalism, blacks have genuinely been at the short end of the stick, where as white nationalism is just autistic screeching over "miscegenation" in television. In leftism there's no need for black nationalism, because black people are treated like human beings

>> No.14985084
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, 1397ff3e774c18f587bff341fa87a9c6-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Japanese will be anarchist in 100 years, alt right loser

>> No.14985087

There's a reason why the powers that be fear the extreme right (at least on ideological grounds) more than the left. The former is their true ideological enemy, while the latter is merely a political expedient.

>> No.14985093


The extreme right is literally ran by the CIA lol

>> No.14985095
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>The only people who are getting the bullet are violent right wingers
Okay, I must say you were very believable until this. Well played.
>Christianity isn't right wing
You keep saying this but it is the ultimate hierarchy and order one can subscribe to, same thing with Islam, they're fundamentally opposed to dumb shit like marxism and other materialist ideologies. They also teach their followers that one should defend one's people and so on.
>There's a huge difference between black nationalism and white nationalism
Yeah, you love one form of racialism and hate the other for some mysterious reason. Makes you think.
>blacks have genuinely been at the short end of the stick
White America has been sucking their dicks since they ended slavery. These days they're a group with special privileges and shit. Imagine if people actually got jobs in America because they were white and soley based on that, that's what niggers have now.

>> No.14985094

Cute picture, but studies have shown that right wingers look after their bodies moreso than left wingers.

>> No.14985097

>blacks have genuinely been at the short end of the stick, where as white nationalism is just autistic screeching over "miscegenation" in television.
So? That's childish naivety to think that blacks will somehow not turn into oppressors the moment they get the chance. And besides that, it more importantly insists that "black" as a category is more valid than "white", simply because one was the oppressed and other wasnt. But i still dont see why people who are supposedly against nations will somehow make an exception for a nation that consists of people who were historically oppressed, even when such a nation still has hierarchies, exploitation, and all the general nonsense that the left claims to be against. Do you support Israel as well because Jews were once oppressed? If not, then why do you support "black" nationalism, when they could just as easily turn their nation into an oppressive nation as well (which is really what happened with Liberia)?.

All this confirms is that the theory behind the Left is extremely flimsy, and that what is really at work here is just Nietzschean ressentiment. Which is worthless, and ought to be dismissed.

>> No.14985100

You proved my point. The ruling class have vested interest in infiltrating and subverting far right organisations.

>> No.14985104

>The only people who are getting the bullet are violent right wingers and traitors to humanity.
Sure, and of course priests, for polluting the minds of the masses, and of course the people who happen to starve when collectivization starts (and fails), and of course anyone who disagrees with the regime in the starting days of the revolution (Chekists were just following orders!), and later on anyone who disagrees with the Supreme Leader, and after power has been consolidated, also all ethnic and religious minorities will be worked to death in gulags.

Seriously, people can see through your lies and false promises after countless of historical examples, you two-faced rat.

>> No.14985108

Well, i didn't wanted to get involved in this discussion, but you mentioned Christ so there's no avoiding it now.
>The enemy is not merely any competitor or just any partner of a conflict in general. He is also not the private adversary whom one hates. An enemy exists only when, at least potentially, one fighting collectivity of people confronts a similar collectivity. The enemy is solely the public enemy, because everything that has a relationship to such a collectivity of men, particularly to a whole nation, becomes public by virtue of such a relationship. The enemy is hostis, not inimicus in the broader sense [...] As German and other languages do not distinguish between the private and political enemy, many misconceptions and falsifications are possible. The often quoted "Love your enemies" (Matt. 5:44; Luke 6:27) reads "diligite inimicos vestros," [...] and not diligite hastes vestras. No mention is made of the political enemy. Never in the thousand-year struggle between Christians and Moslems did it occur to a Christian to surrender rather than defend Europe out of love toward the Saracens or Turks. The enemy in the political sense need not be hated personally, and in the private sphere only does it make sense to love one's enemy, i.e., one's adversary. The Bible quotation touches the political antithesis even less than it intends to dissolve, for example, the antithesis of good and evil or beautiful and ugly. It certainly does not mean that one should love and support the enemies of one's own people.
This quote is, of course, from Schmitt's "the Concept of the Political".
TL;DR: If you're reading the Bible based on modern translations you're missing the half of it.
>b-but muh protestant and catholic church isn't right wing!!1!
You are kinda right with the protestants and evangelical churches, and only right about the "new age" catholic church (since you seem to be ignoring the religious wars of the middle ages), and absolutely ignored the existence of the orthodox church (muh shock), but i don't care anyways. See Luke 20:20-26.

>> No.14985109
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You really dont want to start the "which side looks better?" game.

>> No.14985112
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Yeah, there's a reason universities want you to read critical theory while Mein Kamf is being banned. What they fear is the people taking back their nation from international finance, the left are their tools to prevent this. See borders and immigration, the left are literally goons for capital. This goes for everything.

>> No.14985113


In a free anarchist world, there's no reason for anyone to become an oppressor. Historically in our development as a species, racism stemmed from ignorance of the other, but this is simply no longer the case for most people in developed countries. We have more in common with each other than you allow yourself to see

>> No.14985117

I want an ethnostate for myself
>omg your fascist

>> No.14985128


Nobody has a right over land and natural resources

>> No.14985134

>define being right wing as a psychological problem
>now every right wing person has psychological problems
brilliant work comrade

>> No.14985137

Let's start by dropping the borders of Israel and inviting in the Palestinians, race doesn't matter so that should turn out alright.

>> No.14985140

>In a free anarchist world, there's no reason for anyone to become an oppressor.
Then why support black nationalism, when there is supposedly no need for any forms of nations under anarchism, and you're only just reifying a construct (the nation) that you admit is against your ideology? If a nation exists, it will always be an exploiter, and thinking that one race is innately not going to exploit others is the same as biological racism. Your views here are bordering on ethnic nationalism of the alt-right, although you inconsistently stop at one particular race. Tell me, do you also tell black nationalists that "We have more in common with each other than you allow yourself to see", or do you conveniently shut your mouth when they are promoting ethnic nationalism?

>> No.14985141

>Nobody has a right over land and natural resources
>but colonialism was wrong and white people should pay for it

>> No.14985142
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>dropping the borders of Israel and inviting in the Palestinians


>> No.14985143

So i can just move into Africa and start a farm, and they have no right to stop me, correct?

>> No.14985147
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I'm against all nationalism, black nationalism is understandable but it's not the real solution

>> No.14985152

Then it's not understandable, you're just too much of a coward to stand up against it.
It's one of the many ways in which anarchism is just extremely inconsistent, and even the slightest criticism makes it all just fall apart. Just like any attempts at anarchism in reality.

>> No.14985154
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White nationalism is not only understandable, but the only solution. Prove me wrong.

>> No.14985164


Why are right wingers so unable to understand political nuance? Everything is black and white to the rightoid

>> No.14985169
File: 177 KB, 1576x2809, Francisco_de_Zurbarán_-_Crucifixion_-_The_Art_Institute_of_Chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be God
>observe every religious obligation when taking the human nature to save us
>never call the Hebrews to rebel against Caesar

>2000 years later some dork on the internet calls You an anarchist

>> No.14985172
File: 5 KB, 167x135, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread just proves that rightoids have more of a victim complex more than everyone else. Imagine being a scrawny bourgeois twink in your comfy home lying in your bed under your blanket phoneposting about white unification on an anime website.

>> No.14985176

What nuance? You're just accepting of racialism in favour of one race but not the other because you hate one people but not the other. Where's the nuance in that? Literally a palette swap of the dumbest of neo-nazis.

>> No.14985183


Yet for 2000 years Christianity planted the seeds that have uprooted the traditional paradigm. Jesus told his followers to be as wise as serpents and as innocent as doves, through peace and love Rome was transformed and so the entire world. There is no justification for racism in Christianity, not in Catholicism, Orthodoxy, or Protestantism, nor is there justification for a fascist state. Hitler was not a Christian, the entire Nazi regime was satanic

>> No.14985185

>The giant contradictions in my ideology on the topic of race are just political nuance
Of course, biological essentialism isnt a matter of nuance at all, right? Just the things you hold dear.

>> No.14985186
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>have more of a victim complex more than everyone else
Not possible.

>> No.14985189
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t. anarchist who jacks off over putting bullets in right wingers, even though he cant open the door without a nervous breakdown
Back to tranny central

>> No.14985197
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Imagine being a tranny 'leftist' being scared of the white bogeyman all of the time, despite white people not even having power in their own societies.

>> No.14985201


>> No.14985203
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>> No.14985205
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Seethe harder, bugman.

>> No.14985208

>The strong stand up for the weak,

>> No.14985209
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>> No.14985210
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The only people who are bug males are rightoid drones

>> No.14985213

Also nice facebook filename, faggot. Glowing harder than ukrainian cabbage.