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14971135 No.14971135 [Reply] [Original]

I will now read this. What should I expect?

>> No.14971162

Being too dumb to comprehend part two

>> No.14971183

Everyone who sees you reading it saying "go-eth"

>> No.14971194

I only know what this is because of a magical girl anime.

>> No.14971201

A worse version of marlowe's faustus

>> No.14971210

Which one?

>> No.14971227

Kek. I love Marlowe but that young man had nothing compared to this old sage who completed Faust on his death bed at the age of 80.

>> No.14971228
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So one CAN attain culture through anime

>> No.14971291

What could have been...

>> No.14971332
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Pic related has many references to it, including in the opening seconds of the first episode.
I literally only like classical lit and anime, nothing in between, only the highest and lowest art for me.

>> No.14971357

Yup, he showed much promise with the genius he demonstrated at such a young age but had to get killed in a bar fight.

>> No.14971541

Don't know about the translation, but the original version is written with a lot of wit and humour, even though it's a tragedy. Faust is not complete without part 2, but as >>14971162 said, it's definitely not easy to read. I'd recommend buying a separate commentary on the books, that explain references Goethe made to other literary works or authors (he made many) and the philosophical background, especially of part 2.
But don't be intimidated, enjoy the book, it's really great!

>> No.14971557

It is a fun closet drama and you should read it slowly and diligently because there is a lot to it. I really enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.14971561

I never got this anime. I don’t know why. I think eva is the best work of art ever made and other anime like lain, subahibi and the when they cry VNs are amongst my favorite works. But madoka magicka just felt mid from beginning to end for me. Can someone explain

>> No.14971588

I wouldn't bother unless you're prepared to learn German. Goethe doesn't translate well at all.

>> No.14971602

Have you watched the play in the globe? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1BbgQcO8fo

>> No.14971603

Anime isn't a medium where your enjoyment of a series will be benefited by "explaining", either it hits your buttons and you like it or it doesn't and you don't. It's an entirely fetishistic medium appealing to a subset of viewers specific emotional/aesthetic soft spots. In stark contrast literature is all about universality and does in fact benefit hugely from knowledge of context and "explanation"
It's my personal favorite of all time. Can't really explain why, it just is.

>> No.14971619

This, and I’m typically against translation snobbery. I’ve tried repeatedly with Goethe and I really don’t see how he can compared to Shakespeare. It’s gotta be in the language.

>> No.14971631

>Don't know about the translation
Imagine reading translated poetry and being fine with it. If you don't read Faust in german you best read something else.
>I'd recommend buying a separate commentary on the books
first sign of a midwit he needs aid to "appreciate" literature.
>explain references Goethe made to other literary works or authors (he made many)
A work needn't have namedroppings and refrences known to be good. This is a waste and not a factor in deciding whether a work is good or not.
>nd the philosophical background,
Goethe wasn't a philosopher. He had the gift of being a literary genius from birth but beyond that he is pathetic and stumbles every 3rd step (This is true for everything he touched outside of writing fiction literature)
>especially of part 2
cope for bad literature. Part 2 is notoriously bad. A great disappointement to the idea of Goethe especially since that was one of his last works.
>it's really great!
this is true

>> No.14971643

What makes it bad

>> No.14971647

>"I am part of the force that always wants the Evil and always creates the Good."

someone explain this line to me plz

>> No.14971648

Do you fart in wine glasses and sniff them?

>> No.14971675

This. I'm at that part and I don't get it

>> No.14971678

Ah so you need to have not seen any good anime to appreciate madoka magicka, got it. Come to think of it everyone I know who’s into madoka magicka only appreciates mid anime as well

>> No.14971699

>t monolingual

>> No.14971708

the wet dreams of a german autist and egomaniac

>> No.14971712

Talking big for a guy who said Eva was the greatest work of art ever lmao.
There is no "good" anime in that there is no anime on the level of great art. There is only anime that you enjoy.

>> No.14971718

No, but after watching it for a couple of minutes, I surely will. Thanks!
For any other anons who want to watch Faust in the original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJJmXtnWkvc
I've been reading along with a dual language translation and, despite having an elementary handle on the language, I can feel the flight of the soul whenever the poet speaks.

>> No.14971720

>A work needn't have namedropping
You very obviously haven't read Faust. Goethe doesn't namedrop, he's not a hack. He references medieval works and myths, German and classical folklore, and very seldom other German authors of his time. For example there's a humerous reference to Friedrich Nicolai that you can't possibly get without either being German or a commentary.

>first sign of a midwit he needs aid to "appreciate" literature
Accepting that there are people with a better understanding of the book, the author and his time and using explanations by these people when certain questions arise while reading is a sign of wanting to understand the book.

>> No.14971730

>t. brain damaged monkey

>> No.14971756

A critique of the Ethics, Aesthetics and cosmovision of the Aufklarung in particular and the whole Western Culture in general creafted in a beautiful and unique way.

>> No.14971782

>a german autist
As opposed to...? Hegel? Marx? Kant? Herman Hesse?
Those two words together are a redundancy.

>> No.14971802
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In which is Mephisto a better or more complex character? This or Marlowe's?

>> No.14971829

Haven't read Marlowe but Goethe's Mephistopheles is one of my favorite characters ever.

>> No.14971832

how so?

>> No.14971834

Goethe's Faust is the ultimate version of the Faust legend.

>> No.14971874

1) He's not the one ruling Hel, but he's somehow attained the right to wander freely through Hell, earth and even Heaven.

2) God challenges him, he accepts being aware God is omnipotent thus knowing he will lose. But he still tries anyway because that's what he must do, thus becoming a (THE) tragic heore.

3) He doesn't want to challenge God to become the next "God", he doesn't care about power, revenge or anything like that. He believes there is a fundamental mistake in the relation light/darkness and the way God chose to build his creation, and he just wants to discuss it with God himself and expose his view to convince him things could've been done in a more proper way.

>> No.14971904

Don't read the Jewish translation, Kaufmann didn't even translate all of part 2.

>> No.14971931

I see, but is there some depth to him, or is he just anti-God?

>> No.14971940

He's not anti-God at all. There is actually a lot of depth to him, and his character is quite open to interpretation. Just read it for yourself, you won't regret it!

>> No.14971992
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Neat! Which translation is the best?

>> No.14972081

I read a Spanish version... Can't help you with this.

>> No.14972098

I read the German original, so I can't help you either. I can only recommend you stay away from Kaufmann who abdridged the second part.
That being said, you really should learn German.

>> No.14972482

Thank you very much.

>> No.14972550

>"ur too ugly"
>Mephisto changes
>"How pliant this Mephiopheles!"
>Mephistopheles bows

this is pretty funny and kino so far

>> No.14972600

>I think eva is the best work of art ever made

>> No.14972618

LMAO gay

>> No.14972632

I have a difficult time believing anyone about to take up a book stops themselves to open a 4chan thread and risk having it spoiled.

>> No.14972662

Everyone knows Faust, that's like saying Jesus dying in the gospels is a spoiler.

>> No.14972665

Yeah I tried to be nice to the lil nigga and explain to him the difference between mediums but he insisted on being elitist about liking a fucking anime lmao.

>> No.14972669 [DELETED] 


>> No.14972727

Bro fuck you I was just about to read the new testament baka.

>> No.14972784
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>> No.14974100
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Thoughts on David Luke's translation?

>> No.14974875

Unironically don't read any translations by Kaufmann.
Not because he's Jewish, but just because he's terrible at translating.
He dumbed down Nietzsche's language so much in comparison to the Ludovici translations.

>> No.14974902

I just bought this exact translation by Kaufmann but have yet to read it. Is it still worth reading?

>> No.14975061

Yes, if you already have it, give it a try. Maybe you like his style, I know many people who do.

>> No.14975108

he's anti-Faust

>> No.14975179


>> No.14975844

i love him..i love Goethe..he speaks to me

>> No.14975942

When we are trying to be evil/good our intentions do not match our willed action, thus our inner nature is always manifested, regardless of our conscious appearing choices.

>> No.14977100

Based masterpiece by based gentelman. Tier: world`s canon.

>> No.14977988

>Part 2 is notoriously bad
Du Hurensohn! You’ve never read Faust.

>> No.14978069 [DELETED] 

Leider schon. Faust schon ganze drei mal und Urfaust allein mehr als ein oder zwei Dutzend mal gelesen, aber Faust II nochmal lesen, dass tu ich mir nicht an.

>> No.14978128
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>Liest regelmäßig Faust
>Kennt den Unterschied zwischen "dass" und "das" nicht

>> No.14978135

Leider schon. Faust schon ganze drei mal und Urfaust allein mehr als ein oder zwei Dutzend mal gelesen, aber Faust II nochmal lesen, das tu ich mir nicht an.

>> No.14978518
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Mephisto is pretty hot ngl

>> No.14978595
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That's true

>> No.14978682

What are some more characters who keeps stealing the show from the MCs in literature?

>> No.14978712
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>Das Ewig-Weibliche
Lmao what a essentialist brainlet.
Faust deserved to rot in hell, he should have stayed volcel like Wagner instead of wanting to see the world and other gay shit.

>> No.14979503

It’s from Paradise Lost originally.

>> No.14979857
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I'm trying to find Faust on amazon, but everytime I click paperback on any translation, I gets sent to pic related?
Should I take the chance?

>> No.14979867

and which translations should I look for?

>> No.14980051

>volcel like Wagner
What? Wagner was a notorious womanizer.

>> No.14980443

Read it, it's fine, but the OWC version by David Luke is better.

>> No.14981510
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Does anyone know where Me-fist-o's iconic, weird red costume came from?

>> No.14981523

Wagner is a character in the play, Faust's assistant

>> No.14981694

That’s because it is, madoka is thoroughly midwit (Eva is too, you probably just have nostalgia goggles on for it). The only otaku media that’s legitimately on the level of literature are book adaptations (I.e. Lain, Tatami Galaxy, Welcome to the NHK) and Subahibi