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14952291 No.14952291 [Reply] [Original]

Books against working?

>> No.14952305

Capitalist realism, psychopolitics, a confederacy of dunces, factotum, and Bartleby the scrivener.

>> No.14952306

>quote is the antithesis of communism (i.e., that the workers should own the means of production)
>stamp it with a hammer and sickle
I don't get it.

>> No.14952311


>> No.14952319

>quote is the antithesis of communism
Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.14952348

Last Exit to Brooklyn
Catch 22
Tortilla Flats

>> No.14952363
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>> No.14952379

Communism is materialistic form of brain damage and obsessed with economic arrangements. The antithesis of Kierkegaard who was a spiritual man obsessed with God and spirit, he saw economics as just a side bitch, a laughable thing we do for money, not worth much energy to even contemplate.

>> No.14952504

>he saw economics as just a side bitch, a laughable thing we do for money, not worth much energy to even contemplate.
Which is a view typical of myopic, affluent brats. The ONLY way to improve a man's nature, so that he can freely ruminate is economic freedom, parity and the increased utilization of and investment into technology.

>> No.14952509

Slave mode

>> No.14952565
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>Which is a view typical of myopic, affluent brats. The ONLY way to improve a man's nature, so that he can freely ruminate is economic freedom, parity and the increased utilization of and investment into technology.

>> No.14952580

He's not wrong. The quote is not anti-capitalist, it is against material systems, which includes communism.

>> No.14952641
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this desu. imagine being a communist and thinking that kierkegaard is on your side

>> No.14952767

I'm planning on writing one.

>> No.14952798

Get a job, hippie.

>> No.14952831

Strong take. Communism and Capitalism are both systems of Satanic idol worship built on sin.

>> No.14952843

Kierkegaard didn't say the workers shouldn't own the means of production. Nor do communists assert that working is the meaning of life. You are a literal retard.

>> No.14952855

The quote is not against "material systems" you fucking imbecile. It acknowledges the necessity of work, merely stating that it is not an end in itself.

>> No.14952960

Can someone explain how procuring the conditions of life being the meaning of life is a contradiction?

>> No.14952968

It's not. Kierkegaard was a total brainlet, which is why he is ignored by serious philosophers.

>> No.14953031

He was occupied with a subject and mission that would get him killed/gulaged during a communist takeover. His church would also get burned or closed. Atheist materialists and their obsession with money and economics are antithesis to good people like Soren K.

>> No.14953039

Food gives you energy to pursue the meaning of life, but gorging on burgers is not the meaning of life.

>> No.14953053

That's not what he said. He said it was a contradiction, which it isn't.

>> No.14953059

a spiritual man obsessed with god would help his brothers and sisters make a better would so that they could all be properly obsessed with god

the atheists and the theists are really a unity, except for the crypto christ cux who think heaven has something to do with oppressing people here to use their bodies as a ladder to god

>> No.14953168

The West is obese and live like pigs, having luxuries even kings didn't dream of, they don't need a better economy they need poverty and less free time.

>> No.14953224

We saw what commies do when they start experimenting. It's even worse than the shit we have with corporate overlords. At least now basic survival is super easy to maintain, no famines, no civil wars, everyone can be an obese gamer if they want to, and religious persecution is very light, mostly coming from faggots, feminism and baby killers. Better than outright genocide and institutional suppression + forced psychological reprogramming .

>> No.14953410

Imagine being this much of a soulless cuck.

>> No.14953471

Communist brainlet cuckolds retroactively claiming people who are antithetical to their views. Shocker.

>> No.14953805

Communists do assert that material conditions are, which Kierkegaard would be extremely strongly opposed to.

>> No.14953867

No, they do not.

>> No.14953880

yes they do

>> No.14953885

[citation needed]

>> No.14953891


>> No.14954022

The quote is not the antithesis of communism. Here's Marx criticizing the same thing:
>For labor, life activity, productive life itself, appears to man in the first place merely as a means to satisfying a need — the need to maintain physical existence. Yet the productive life is the life of the species. It is life-engendering life. The whole character of a species, its species-character, is contained in the character of its life activity; and free, conscious activity is man's species-character. Life itself appears only as a means to life.
But of course neither this nor the Kierkegaard quote denounces all work, but work that only appears as mere means to life -- alienated work.

A person can be entirely off the mark in general but still manage to say something true from time to time.

If procuring the conditions of life is the meaning of life, then the only reason to procure the conditions of life is so as to enable us to procure the conditions of life. Or in other words, if work is only a means to life, and all life is (its "meaning") is such work, then life is only a means to life.

>> No.14954900

>then life is only a means to life
That's not a contradiction.

>> No.14954924

Yes it is, it's viciously circular.

>> No.14954942

Things being valuable for their own sake is not a contradictory concept.

>> No.14955003

its fairly in line with marx, i forget the quote but its something along the lines of in communism there would be no painters, only people who on occasion, among other things, paint. essentially meaning you wont classify yourself as a single economic activity; painter, teacher, farmer ect.
works with the anti-work schools of anarchism as well, mainly post-left

>> No.14955037

Yes, but that's the exact opposite of what's happening here. Here work, the life activity, isn't "valuable" for its own sake (isn't an end), but is only a means of continuing itself. Work as an end is unalienated work.

>> No.14955058

Man, what to do when you do want to work, are happy with being a professional, but just want normal (30-40) hr work weeks so you can spend also some time on your wife and kid and a hobby and some friends, but everybody nowadays seems to be an "overachiever", so even if you do your job pretty good, you'll be outperformed by some retarded no-lifer that puts in 80+ hrs a week, fucks sake.

>> No.14955141

This quote is the antithesis of communism LMAO

>> No.14955682

But communists want to work, that's why the think they (the workers) need to unite... LMAO

>> No.14955736

How many posts and no Bob Black?

Liberals say we should end employment discrimination. I say we should end employment. Conservatives support right-to-work laws. Following Karl Marx’s wayward son-in-law Paul Lafargue I support the right to be lazy. Leftists favor full employment. Like the surrealists — except that I’m not kidding — I favor full unemployment. Trotskyists agitate for permanent revolution. I agitate for permanent revelry. But if all the ideologues (as they do) advocate work — and not only because they plan to make other people do theirs — they are strangely reluctant to say so. They will carry on endlessly about wages, hours, working conditions, exploitation, productivity, profitability. They’ll gladly talk about anything but work itself. These experts who offer to do our thinking for us rarely share their conclusions about work, for all its saliency in the lives of all of us. Among themselves they quibble over the details. Unions and management agree that we ought to sell the time of our lives in exchange for survival, although they haggle over the price. Marxists think we should be bossed by bureaucrats. Libertarians think we should be bossed by businessmen. Feminists don’t care which form bossing takes so long as the bosses are women. Clearly these ideology-mongers have serious differences over how to divvy up the spoils of power. Just as clearly, none of them have any objection to power as such and all of them want to keep us working.

>> No.14955807

Marx thought working for "meaning" was very important and that the only problem was the alienation and exploitation with working under capitalism. This has nothing to do with communism

>> No.14955837

>History calls those men the greatest who have ennobled themselves by working for the common good; experience acclaims as happiest the man who has made the greatest number of people happy.

>And this life activity [the worker] sells to another person in order to secure the necessary means of life. ... He works that he may keep alive. He does not count the labor itself as a part of his life; it is rather a sacrifice of his life. It is a commodity that he has auctioned off to another.

>But the working class cannot simply lay hold of the ready-made state machinery, and wield it for its own purposes.

>> No.14957076

By material systems he doubtlessly meant systems that consider the material their end

>> No.14957800

Learn to be cool with being ‘outperformed’