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14923020 No.14923020 [Reply] [Original]

>sometimes unexpected things happen


>> No.14923033

This is an oversimplification.

>> No.14923037

It sure is, now imagine cranking out an entire book about that oversimplification, what a fucking retard.

>> No.14923044

The fact we are referring to his ideas as a reference point right now is enough proof that he is influential.

>> No.14923047


>> No.14923074

>sometimes unexpected things happen and we have to be prepared for them


>> No.14923079


>> No.14923086

Imagine that Economists can't get this simple idea

>> No.14923087

>reading a dirty arab

>> No.14923093

Ah yes, i remember the cringe comment i made 4 months ago, thanks for reminding me you're still here

>> No.14923098

He isn't Arab idiot, do you see him ride a camel in desserts?

>> No.14923130
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imagine shilling for taleb this hard lol

>> No.14923141

>"unexpected things happen"
>Wow, Taleb's groundbreaking idea is already accepted all over the world, he's such an influential thinker.

>> No.14923144

Doesn't this apply to the entirety of philosophy? Every philosophical topic I have ever come from is something that most people had semi knowledge on if you dumb it way down but the way it's explained by the author gives you a nugget to view it in a more interesting and theoretical way.

>> No.14923164

Yeah, and most people today don't get this. His entire point is that "grandma's wisdom" beats the masturbation of New York Times opinion pieces, "macroeconomics", and the field of psychology.

>> No.14923217

Part of it. You're still over-simplifying it.

>> No.14923255

Its not like viruses are even that unexpected. They happen like every other year

>> No.14923293

>sometimes things go exactly as one would expect
yall think I could get famous from this thesis?
I call it "normal swan"
(plz no steal)

>> No.14923316
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The state of this board.

>> No.14923328

Go on and explain how we are wrong

>> No.14923390

Random things happen yes, it's the fat tails that we need to worry about. Statisticians, politicians, economists, psychologists and all the other IYI BS vendors don't understand fat tails and why they are dangerous, and/or they try to base their defense against fat tails based on past events. See the financial crisis of 2007 vs 1987.

Corona as an example: We don't know the risks of corona, the continuous exposure to the tail events increases the chance for things to go wrong, so previous and current risk-cost-benefit analysis won't help us and will in fact, as we have seen, be outright dangerous. We are dealing with fat tails which the current theories and models can't deal with.

This is the reason why overreacting is far more beneficial than under reacting. We are likely to survive a pandemic, but we can't know for sure before hand that we will, and at some point in history we will not survive due to the inadequate measures taken to prevent it from running havoc.

>> No.14923442
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>things happen quickly

>> No.14923456

Based; and this all makes sense after religiously reading Taleb's twitter and books.

>> No.14923501

And somehow the people running the show missed the message. Smart people like to believe stupid things to make their lives more interesting. Taleb slaps them straight. Why exactly does this make you mad?

>> No.14923518

>what a fucking retard
The retards are the ones actually reading this shit going WOAH DUDE
Like you. The only people ever mentioning him are you shills and retards
A sandnigger is a sandnigger

>> No.14923529
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several investors and economists has been talking about this for at least a year. It was a question of when it would happen

>> No.14923530

>fat tails
Jesus Christ fuck off with your self-help 'cool'-naming the blatantly obvious

>> No.14923532

Taleb didn't invent the term, you retard.

>> No.14923538

I know jackass

>> No.14923681


A black swan is not merely an improbable event but is an improbable event which changes one's conception of normality. Larry from Hoboken winning the lottery is an improbable event but it is not a black swan^1 because it does not change anything about the lottery. 9/11 was a black swan because it was improbable and it fundamentally altered the United State's approach to foreign policy, it changed the definition of normal.

1. Possibly from Larry's perspective it is but we'll set that aside.

>> No.14924058
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>bad things fast extra good

>> No.14924292


>> No.14925102

Best philosopher in modern times, perhaps ever.

>> No.14925838

>expect the unexpected

>> No.14925903

So is Australia safe?

>> No.14925909
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>within a certain range same thing happen most of the time

>> No.14925918
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>So is Australia safe?
What sort of a question is that?

>> No.14925938

>now imagine cranking out an entire book about that oversimplification,
This is the sine qua non of pop-science and self-help shit. Taleb is just another in a long line.

>> No.14925953

>unexpected things happen
>we don't know how prepared we should be for them so we should be over-prepared if anything