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14919333 No.14919333 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an alternative to reading this tome to understand her ideas? I'm really curious about Objectivism but I really don't care for fiction. A reading list/path of sorts would be immensely useful and appreciated if anyone cares to provide such a thing.

>> No.14919734

nice trips

Start by reading The Fountainhead then I would recommend to read a bit of her non-fiction or learn more of her philosophy( the Ayn Rand Institute has some stuff) before getting into Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.14919786

I read about a hundred pages of The Fountainhead for a class. It wasn't a bad read and exposed some less obvious ramifications of her school of thought. I'd recommend you give it a try before Atlas Shrugged

>> No.14919869

Find a free pdf of the book and read the chapter entitled "This is John Galt Speaking." Or read the Fountainhead, which is a better piece of fiction.

>> No.14920330
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read this thread from yesterday and grow the fuck up

>> No.14920476

Read Anthem. It's much shorter and gives you an idea of what she's going for in her novels. You could also read her non-fiction (like virtue of selfishness) or watch Yaron Brook explain her.

>> No.14920838

* From The New Intellectual
* Objectivism: The Philosophy Of Ayn Rand (by Leonard Peikoff)

That's all you need if AS is too long.

>> No.14920900

You can literally just read John Galt's speech and ignore the rest of the book.

>> No.14920902

Rand is genuinely a shit tier writer, she makes this obvious not by concealing a 1200 page manifesto by adding aspects of a novel in between, but also how shit her ideas are.

I recommend not even looking deep into her philosophy, she has an inherent bias against socialists bcuz of the Bolsheviks, and because of this EVERYTHING is in black and white for her. If you're really curious about her philosophy, heres this : so all socialists are evil (even when they are in the right) and capitalists are saviours of human society even when they blatantly fuck people over.

I can suggest watching a 15 min video on her philosophy, but don't invest any more time into her rubbish.

>> No.14920916

just saw a post on facebook about 3 minutes ago about this book being toilet paper and objectivism and then I come here and its on the front page with trips, any literature for this feel?

>> No.14920952

PLEASE just read the Austrian economists instead. Rand's prose is overwrought garbage full of cardboard-cutout characters and cringe rape-fantasies.

>> No.14921544

While I agree she's shit-tier, "prejudice against Bolsheviks" shouldn't be a factor in deciding to read something or not. Deliberately remaining in an intellectual echo chamber isn't healthy. In fact, seeing such a shit-tier attack on your beliefs will probably give you an even better perspective on them.

>> No.14921569
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Read The Ego and Its Own instead, so you can embrace REAL Egoism, and not Rand's propertarian boot-licking

>> No.14921585

This. If you decide to look into right-libertarianism, at least start with the relatively more respectable theorists. Rand's prose is absolutely godawful, her views are warped and delusional, and her philosophy is so nonsensical that Ancaps make a pastime of tearing it to shreds. I'd recommend you start with Menger, and move to Rothbard from there (or maybe Tucker, if you want to escape right-libertarianism and its inherent hypocrisy).

>> No.14921589

just read the wikipedia page, it doesn't get any deeper than that anyway

>> No.14921732

But Anon, all socialists are evil...

>> No.14921764

seething commie

>> No.14921776
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Discard this garbage

>> No.14921956

I had the unfortunate task of doing a 3 month long seminar course on this wretched piece of writing. Everything you need to know about the book you can get through SparkNotes. As to her Philosophy of Objectivism (spoiler alert: objectivity is not relevant), you can find the core tenets scattered in discussions around the net. It's not particularly clever or novel, just entertaining. Don't take her too seriously.

On the other hand, I did read a super fucking interesting collection of essays by Rand and Greenspan to name a few, but can't remember the name of the book. Think it was something along the lines of "in defense of capitalism". And it did a pretty good job of espousing the practical merits of laissez faire/libertarian capitalism. Of course, it's ideologically driven and doesn't really translate to the real world but gave some great ammo for busting thought-caps into double digits IQ mouthdrooling Marx quoting 2nd year pseuds.

You might get more value from looking for that book than by wasting your time trying to penetrate the philosophy of a woman whose worldview is so disjointed from reality that she can't account for children.

>> No.14922004

Don't read this. I did and I regret the month I spent with it, the writing is embarrassing and so is the message.

>> No.14922013

Rand is fine and is a semi decent introduction to the Heroic Soul, ala Spengler/Evola

Anyone who outright hates here is a literal brainlet who has zero self esteem because they can't become the person Rand thinks you could be

>> No.14922045

T. Contrarian pseud who hasn't actually read Atlas Shrugged

>> No.14922054
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What a lovely projection in this thread

>> No.14922095

It's really brave of you to use words you don't understand so brazenly

>> No.14922129

>Rand's dialogue

>> No.14922195

Wow you sure showed me

>> No.14922226

Ayn Rand is horrible, but if you hadnt had an ayn rand phase then you dont exist