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14915612 No.14915612 [Reply] [Original]

Philosophy is not an innovative field. It's filled with obvious truisms that anybody could come up with. It's is not like mathematics and physics where there are actual developments to be made and problems to be solved. It's just restatements in fancy prose.

>Hobbes: People are often bad and need to be controlled by a strong government

No shit, sherlock

>Locke: Citizens must allow their government to govern

No shit, sherlock

>Mill: The mathematical best outcome for the largest group of people is often the most ethical one

No shit, sherlock

>Kant: A person's morals depend on their duties and convictions

No shit, sherlock

>Nietzsche: There is no meaning of life

No shit, sherlock

>> No.14915638

These ideas seem obvious because those people came up with those ideas and then they filtered throughout society over hundreds of years. You're a retard.

>> No.14915653

In a thousand years, people will be saying the same thing about the eternal recurrence, transcendental truth not existing, etc.

>> No.14915658

It's a bait thread ffs, he's saying "No shit sherlock" to contradictory ideas right after each other. Get your shit together dude.

>> No.14915666

None of the things mentioned in OP's post are mutually exclusive.

>> No.14915679

Utilitarianism and deontology are literally next to one another

>> No.14915686

And they can be reconciled because deontology is wrong. All deontological systems are based on a utilitarian one which is hardwired into human instinct.

>> No.14915692
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Indeed, Enlightenment philosophy (and analytic) is a joke. The more profound ideas come from the premoderns, the Eastern philosophers, and some of the postmoderns. Also, you and I both know that that's an unfair characterization of Nietzsche.

>> No.14915695

Wow, you are more retarded than I thought. Much, much more.

>> No.14915831

congratulation you just solved philosophy
now you can go back with all your friends and contribute to science, you know, to improve the world and make a better future possible.

>> No.14915846

A joke. All the math department needs is pencils, paper, and erasers but the philosophy department is cheaper since they don't even need erasers.

>> No.14915885


>> No.14915938

Those are all examples from moral and political philosophy, spermburper.

>> No.14915942

No Guenon as is appropriate. Philosophy is a degenerate western invention not comparable to metaphysics

>> No.14915945

No shit, sherlock.

>> No.14915948

what if I told you that physics and maths are actually a byproduct of philosophy ?

Physic used to be called "Natural philosophy".

>> No.14915961

What if I told you physics and math are to philosophy as astronomy is to astrology or chemistry is to alchemy. All the incoherence that was cast away by the successor somehow still lurching along like a zombie. I despair for the human race

>> No.14915999

You'd be uttering a falsehood.

>> No.14916091
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It was very innovative in antiquity, but yes much less so now. Ideally philosophy would become a more pragmatic endeavour (concerned with crafting policy and sitting judgement), but for that to happen it would have to stow the mystical stuff and prioritize analytical expertise.

Even so, you've laughably oversimplified those topics, leaving out the how/why and branching repercussions.

>> No.14916122

I don't think your comparaison is relevent.

What we call nowadays philosophy attempts to answer questions that are not adressed at all by "hard science" like " is life worth living anyway ?" It uses a logical, scientific approach based on arguments and facts to try to solve those questions. It was not cast away at all nor it is irrelevant, it has just different concerns.

Also my point was to show that there is a false dichotomy between "hard/real science" and philosophy. It is pretty much the same thing actually : studying a subject relying on facts/observation and logical reasoning.

>> No.14916200

I agree with your pragmatism, but we need the mysticism. We need to realize as a people that there are a few axiomatic moral truths that form our Telos. A few like: happiness is the telos, happiness is rooted in our practical reality/ physical form, therefore we need to find the forms of physical reality/ social organizations that organically and spontaneously give rise to happiness and fulfillment.

Without those few mystical axioms, unprovable self-evidences, we can't take a step in any direction. We need the intellectuals in society to fucking grow up and realize the ancients were right, and we need a collective religion to disseminate this to the plebs/ those who cannot grasp through Dogma.

>> No.14916622

Well, I think we can instead look to the fundamental biases and inevitabilities of our apparent biological natures and establish norms from them (i.e. healthy vs. maladaptive). The problem with mysticism and axioms is that you'll have trouble achieving philosophical consensus... Unless you're going to enforce it with a very strong arm, it's basically a free for all since you've rendered impotent the logical standard which we otherwise all appeal to in our most productive arenas of analysis to establish validity/probability. Everything would be up for interpretation.

I do, however, agree that the average man really does benefit from a religious or at least quasi-religious and ritualistic framework. Although an atheist myself, I think it's terribly irresponsible of new-atheist types to smugly deride and crusade against religion while offering no appreciable alternative.

I'm not sure if this can be reconciled though... It seems like we crossed a line somewhere with modernity, and are stuck in an unhappy valley wherein facts are not sufficient to guide the average man, but the environment is no longer conducive to effective religiosity.

>> No.14916665

Reminder that true mysticism is concerned not with profane rationality, but with gnostic, supra-rational revelation, and realizes truths that are eternal and metaphysical.

Also reminder to actually read Guenon and give up on pointless profane philosophy, or even worse, science-worship.

>> No.14916804

Wait, let me open my math textbook


No shit, Sherlock


No shit, Sherlock

>> No.14916808

That's nice dear, but a fundamentally opposed mystical tradition can come along and say that theirs is the true gnosis and that you're just full of shit, and you have no means of demonstrating the validity (or probability) of your truth.

Just think about what you're doing for a second... You're appealing to logic (albeit weak logic) to make an argument against logic. It's stupid.

>> No.14916919

Have you ever read a work of philosophy, or taken university courses in the subject?


>> No.14917163

True but also wrong.

>> No.14917219

Have you ever made an argument?

>> No.14917891

This is what happens when your knowledge of philosophy comes from YouTube videos

>> No.14917909

>Nietzsche: Meaninglessness is itself meaning

Fixed that for you. Now see how you manage with that one.

>> No.14917924

nah he’s right Science is what you get when you take natural philosophy and strip out all the gay useless stuff

>> No.14917926

>logical, scientific approach
this is what philosocucks actually believe

>> No.14917962

>Kant: A person's morals depend on their duties and convictions
This is laughably bad.

>> No.14918052

Michel Houellebumbp

>> No.14918223



No shit, Sherlock

>Circles be round.

No shit, Sherlock.

>> No.14918283

You talk like a nigger; it’s no surprise you like philosophy

>> No.14918689
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>It's a bait thread ffs, he's saying "No shit sherlock" to contradictory ideas right after each other. Get your shit together dude.

>> No.14918696
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>> No.14918701
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>>Nietzsche: Meaninglessness is itself meaning

no shit sherlock

>> No.14918705
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>> No.14918739

Wrong. The supra-rational is non-dual and is verified not only by contemplation and comparison to esoteric traditions (between which there is no real opposition), but also by true intellectual intuition, which is unknown at this time to western philosophy. The supra-rational is not logical, but instead both is above and encompassing western logic.

Reminder to actually read Guenon.

>> No.14918754


>> No.14919247

You’re right, but intellectual intuition evades literally 99.999% of people. Even most intellectuals are operating under the dogma of pre existing paradigms and don’t truly grasp the essence of things. Which means we’re left in a sort of Platonic trap, where those who have seen the sun are incapable of disclosing this to the masses, and the only option is the use of Noble lies to manipulate the masses into proper ethical behavior. Dying in a gnostic hole is horseshit, we can’t abandon the world we have to help it.

>> No.14920219
