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File: 153 KB, 819x1024, moldbug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14915253 No.14915253 [Reply] [Original]

Good discussion on some of his most recent stuff:

>> No.14915260

sound like a bunch of fucking faggot nerds. not listening to more than 5 seconds of this

>> No.14915265


>> No.14915273


>> No.14915277


>> No.14915285


>> No.14915294


neckl you're selves

>> No.14915301

You will FEAR the uprising of the based zoomers.

>> No.14915329

Why would you not link this

>> No.14915381

Didn't know that was up on youtube yet, very cool.

>> No.14915391

well, they are...

>> No.14915657

Why does he vape around his wife so much? Isn't he worried about clouding out the sight of her qt feet?

>> No.14915775

Footfags will be ejected from the reactostate.

>> No.14916234


>> No.14916514

haml kjg; g; ussh ;s yao

kjalv tsf

>> No.14916682


>> No.14916844
File: 538 KB, 1200x2038, 1200px-William-Adolphe_Bouguereau_(1825-1905)_-_Work_Interrupted_(1891).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong. Feet are trad.

>> No.14916883
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>> No.14916903

He cried :(

>> No.14916934

God I hope he brings fire and brimstone on all these fags one day. People like him would be revered in a sane society, instead he just quit everything and is shitposting on some crypto-neocon blog.

>> No.14917026

haha what a fag

>> No.14917077

wow these guys are a bunch of faggots. if you put them up on a podium i guarantee the crowd would scatter within ten seconds. they are completely devoid of charisma. i won't say they're virgins, because they probably took advantage of drunk women at college parties.

also moldbug is a faggot. anyone who takes a picture like the one in the op is not to be taken seriously.

>> No.14917152

Of course they are virgins you degenerate, they are both good Catholic boys.

>> No.14917160


>> No.14918708
File: 1.77 MB, 1280x720, mencious moldbug with his family.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno lol

>> No.14918715

great example for his daughter
and this nigga is preaching to the masses lmfao

>> No.14918765

is that really him? wtf he look likes some 20something incel

>> No.14918768

same hairstyle, same glasses, same weak chin, browsing urbit from his computer, asian wife, it´s all there, you can even see a carlyle book in the shelf

>> No.14918779

face blindness is a sign of autism

>> No.14918814
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>he didn´t spot the carlyle book yet

>> No.14918926
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>> No.14919040

Moldbug is a very poor writer. instead of getting his point across with clear and concise arguments, he writes in the argumentative variation of purple prose, where he bends and wanders around a central theme but never cuts to the heart. he frequently writes as if he has some massive redpill for you, but instead of handing it out directly, he advertises how amazing and unique and #rare his redpills are, and he seems to be under the misunderstanding that such "advertisement language" is equal to making insightful analysis and commentary

that being said, i have to give him credit for /some/ interesting ideas and evidence, but i honestly don't remember much of them because he rarely presents them in as a part of a singular well-constructed thesis/argument, which i guess to be fair is hard and rare even among most of the well known philosophers

ffs his "manifesto" is basically a non-stop rant, i dont see where he's going with this. also if he thinks some variation/interpretation of authoritarian rule is the way to go, i would like to ask him who he thinks should rule. surely not himself? after all, he freaking calls his own blog "unqualified reservations", so surely even he would be aware of that

>> No.14919050

Read more.

>> No.14919053
File: 150 KB, 683x1024, 45433217084_1ef1361ecc_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think I'm less of a man for crying?

You man enough to say that to my face?

>> No.14919207

i've tried his recommended readings, but honestly i find it hard to vibe with his stuff unless you already strongly vibe with his position. i can /kinda/ see where he is coming from, especially with a few interesting points, but again i don't see how any of his interesting isolated observations can lead to his "radical claims"

maybe ill try again some time, but i think stuff like this should/needs to be concise and persuasive, where he is only somewhat intriguing

>> No.14919218

I'd much rather read the source than reading his dumb ass opinion on it.

>> No.14919246

>jungle asians have better feet imo, higher arches, longer toes are more common

>> No.14919249

it's pretty fucking boring. i watched an hour and i feel like he hasn't said a single thing. he affects this 'evil truth i can't reveal' thing and just dances around it

>> No.14919338
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>> No.14919346

Based. Based on facts.

>> No.14919453

Actually I don't and I appreciated the sincerity, Curtis

>> No.14919462
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>> No.14919587

Shit, we both look similar from that angle. Maybe physiognomy is real cause I think he's mostly right

>> No.14919594


technofags should be executed. just like bill gates who announced his microchip technology alongside ID2020 to microchip everyone.

>> No.14919659

absolutely based

>> No.14919673

What the fuck.

>> No.14919680
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>> No.14919740

thought he was a commie leftie

>> No.14919817
File: 389 KB, 1000x997, __original_drawn_by_ehohin__c15cfecf9ebd271bc3e18d6d1cf215ae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is kinda good what the fuck.

>> No.14920072

he's a self proclaimed ex-sjw who clearly came up far right and suppressed it for a few years to party and get pussy

>> No.14920081

Pseud garbage
Go away

>> No.14920091

Fucking libertarikikes and soi tekkies get the piano wire.

>> No.14920122

Anyone else notice the tone shift? Accfags are worried they are losing their edge so they're spamming here and a bunch of shit on twitter.
They have nothing to say, it's all marketing bullshit. Trying to control their image. Even Urbanomic are spamming on here now

>> No.14920135

yeah it's pretty pathetic. i don't remember anything like this happening with zizekposters back when he was novel

>> No.14920151

A weak body always leads to a weak mind. He has no excuse.
Why do weak white men always end up with asian women?

>> No.14920202

>Why do weak white men always end up with asian women?
The problem is unironically the women since they are essentially the gatekeepers of sex. Asian women are perhaps even more materialistic than white women and essentially see the white husband as a status symbol. To them, it doesn't matter if you get the nice Gucci purse or the shitty Gucci purse as long as the name brand is there, which is why the weak white men are still easily able to get average or even slightly above average asian women.

>> No.14920553

Moldbug is post-libertarian you fucking retard.

>> No.14920602

Moldbug isn't acc dummy. Land is a Moldbug fan but Moldbug has basically never even acknowledged Land's existence

>> No.14920669

>Why do weak white men always end up with asian women?

better than to be alone i guess

it amazes me when i see here on 4chan americans that say that thai and filipino women are hot, idk what compells them to say that, they´re ugly as fuck

>> No.14920770

Anyone who uses a internet alias should not be taken seriously

>> No.14920794


>> No.14920803
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, h3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is important not to forget the interpersonal cost of this tribalism. Being deeply overwhelmed with a feel is an important phenomenological experience and is to be embraced..
Not empathizing with all life is cringe as fuck.

>> No.14920821

Why emphasize with the man about to harm or even kill you?

>> No.14920828

Fear of revealing themselves plus it diminishes their credibility

>> No.14920893

You're just reinventing tribalism for the whole of the species. Not a viable strategy when any optimal form of tribalism would necessarily have an intersectional approach stratified by relatedness
References and examples within the work itself are sufficient credentials for a work of political philosophy
Why shouldn't they fear revealing themselves? Moldbug was deplatformed from a tech conference when he was doxxed, why should he accept such treatment?

>> No.14920921

I agree with him about most things, but he's such a cringe faggot I wish he were a communist. He somehow makes reactionary futurism >reddit

>> No.14921090

Was it the family part or rejection by peers that cracked him up?

>> No.14921117
File: 404 KB, 1240x892, sotsid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empathization is necessary for understanding. Understanding is necessary for victory.
Read Heinlein or Scott Card or Miyamoto Musashi
No. This is more about "interpersonal affiliation trumps tribal affiliation". This is not a wholesale condemnation of all tribalism. Abandoning your friends because of wrongthink is absolutely disgusting, or do you disagree?

>> No.14921129


>> No.14921169

Oh yeah, I totally agree. I hate when people let politics get too personal in their private lives

>> No.14921336

Yeah sage

>> No.14921358

this, I'm worried about his second hand vape juice settling on her porcelain feet and aging them prematurely

>> No.14921363
File: 38 KB, 440x759, 1491436094389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14921381

Shut up justin you fucking faggot

>> No.14921416
File: 120 KB, 862x1309, the new right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read The New Right by Michael Malice, which merely quotes Moldbug and explains the idea of the Cathedral
>had to pace around the room to calm down

I don't know if I can handle pure, unfiltered Moldbug.

>> No.14921423

>literally shaking right now

>> No.14921596

Post-libertarian is not libertarian you cuck. His whole blog is about how bs classical liberalism is.

>> No.14921731
File: 99 KB, 920x1077, 1567058139582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
