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14906325 No.14906325 [Reply] [Original]

>Upon waking up i wonder was that a dream or is this the start of another?
Such deep thoughts arise to the surface of my conscious awareness i merely acknowledge them and let them pass as they came
>I put on some beautiful channeled music that arose from divinity of heart&mind (sun&moon) alchemical marriage as i begin my intuitive meditation guided purely by the stream entry of consciousness an expansion into ones buddha nature.
>After that i put on some series to contemplate to the state of egoic human condition,without losing awareness.
Trapped in constant karmic cycles and petty drama .Those normies never learn do they?
>I may eat or i may not ,the realization of eternal self is sustenance enough.
>I read a bit of Meister Eckharts beautiful sermons not for intellectual knowledge but merely for the poetry of an awakened soul. I do not read philosophy for i have an unshakeable understanding of truth that only comes from profound self inquiry and experience of higher universal truths, a self realization which purifies the true initiate from doubt and illusion.
I ponder materialists consider themselves to have an objective view of reality yet could not be even close to truth truly the cheapest of ironies, those poor newfag souls.

>I mediate and go for a nap diving into endless depth of inner realm , there truly is no universe out there for it is merely a projection a hologram of infinite self manifesting in finite forms.
>I awake from my contemplation and wonder is it day of night ? What time is it?
That word time it sounds almost familiar. Time,space,causation the prison and maze from which a soul must escape to the unmanifested absolute reality beyond the veil.
>I ponder on the wagies trapped in Maya,dukha and samsara . Per chance they might find liberation if fortunate in next few lifetimes.
>After a while i chant Enochian keys invoking the most powerful Angelic magick opening the gateway of this world and my heart to heavens to bring the eternal joy, a timeless innocence to this fallen world.
>After that i need to rest in the boundless and formless pleasure of the universal mommy,the Tao that cannot be named.
All truly is Brahman.

>> No.14906515

holy based>>14906325

>> No.14906723

The concept of reality as Lila or play for its' ownsake was the only one that resonated for me. Any more information on this concept anons?

>> No.14906733

This is accurate from my experience as a neet

>> No.14906764

Advaita Vedanta

>> No.14907038

How does one reach this level of enlightenment?

>> No.14907160

Post links to your alchemical sun and moon music

>> No.14907323

what mawkish, insincere, and sickly fantasies

>> No.14907327
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>> No.14907356
File: 411 KB, 1280x1309, gos2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One projects into the world his inner realm
>Look within
You must clear your butthurt trauma energies

self inquiry,meditation , skip the lifeless prose and seek the poetry of absolute reality.

>> No.14907453


>> No.14909183
File: 569 KB, 2724x2026, hartfordcircusfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've accepted my own iniquity and inadequacy. Your deflection shows that you haven't.

>> No.14909266
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It is only so because you have not realized the boundless self which has no limitations and remain in your bubble of the small false self
Practice more