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14899693 No.14899693 [Reply] [Original]

are there any good online bookstores which are not subject to Jewish censorship?

>> No.14899700

people like you are why these bans are justified

>> No.14899703

Get it off a pdf site

>> No.14899706

Why are incels triggered by the fact that their racist literature is censored?

>> No.14899708
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>censorship is good as long as it's against people I don't like

>> No.14899709
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>Jewish behavior is why pogroms are justified

>> No.14899711
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I can get MK here in Mexico.

>> No.14899717

I bought this same copy at Walden books in like 2002

>> No.14899728
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Censorship is necessary in any society. Liberal societies like ours tend to be very permissive, but with things that have proven themselves time and time again to be catalysts of disruption, and do not have any value that may compensate for that, should in fact be banned. If they were banning right-wing theorists, there would be more cause for concern.

>> No.14899734

I couldn't find the stalag version on amazon anyway, zero cares given

>> No.14899739

If it promotes hate then yes it should be banned. Intolerance should not be tolerated

>> No.14899749

I remember there is a website that specializes on banned books. I'm trying to find it but so far no luck.

>> No.14899763

They're probably allowing editions that have "approved" commentary.

>> No.14899768
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Liberal societies wouldn’t exist/be founded to begin if not for disruption And define “hate” because for all the things that I’ve been seeing it’s anything that promotes anti degeneracy and pro natural behavior

>> No.14899771


>> No.14899778

killing people? only for being jewish? kind of hateful when you sit down and think about it

>> No.14899779

define "hate"

>> No.14899792
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>> No.14899803

I hate you. I would not tolerate you being in my presence. Try and ban me you colossal faggot.

>> No.14899804



>> No.14899810

Do you really have 356 soijacks saved?

>> No.14899899

Bros, did bookdepository have a shoah on nazi literature?

I just ordered Rosenberg's Mythos from there in January and now you can't find it. Same with Mein Kampf aside from "critical" edition and Rockwell.

>> No.14899903

Why would you buy nazi books from amazon anyway? Do you want it forever attached to your online profiles?

>> No.14899907

Also a store choosing not to stock something isn't censorship by any definition. Be less of a snowflake.

>> No.14899978

Banning it is based. It will just make people want to read it that much more

>> No.14900031

This thread is under /pol/ authority. Yes, that means superfluous cringe levels :^)

>> No.14900040

What edition of Mein Kampf am I supposed to get anyway? There's one in the uni library but it's one of the books that you're not allowed to take out.
You're not special. You're not on a list. The government, ZOG, illuminati, whoever, literally do not care about you.

>> No.14900065

Capitalism saved us again!

>> No.14900164

It's probably more because it's frequently stolen than because it's "dangerous"

>> No.14900260

How can you determine whether it is or isn’t hateful without first giving it a fair hearing with an open mind?

>> No.14900278

>>Censorship is necessary in any society.
It's not.

>> No.14900504

Stalag edition

>> No.14900511

>LARPing as Q anon

>> No.14900513

Because you nazis make it blatantly obvious

>> No.14900530
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33 replies and no one has actually responded to the OP's question.

>> No.14900544
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The headline says “most”

>> No.14900553

An opinion is not good or evil, an opinion is correct or incorrect. Is he wrong? Then let him express his mistake, it’s his loss and he might learn from it. Is he right? Then listen to him. Stop judging an opinion on its supposed moral quality as a higher priority than judging it on its factual quality. It is not rational or open minded to so zealously adhere to the moral fashions of your culture and era, look for truth regardless of whether that truth is within or without the ideological trends you’ve been raised under.

>> No.14900575

Queue the Streisand Effect

>> No.14900587

such is the nature of the beast
tangential creep
a conceptual heep
faithless leaps and lepers
salmon (Marilyn Mon)roe
swashbuckle, gargle, and go

>> No.14900597

More like 35,600 of them. If I could find this person, I'd take his keyboard and beat him to death with it, and I wouldn't feel a thing. It'd be just like walking to the drugstore.

>> No.14900604

>liberal society

>> No.14901507

Yes. I only believe in free speech insofar as it benefits my cause.

>> No.14901526

Stop gaslighting

>> No.14901552
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>> No.14901581

here in 'liberal and tolerant' Europe, many oppose the introduction of Islamic populations on the basis of their intolerant beliefs, and yet in lobbying to keep out these people they are vilified by the 'tolerant society' and treated as Nazis themselves. this image represents only the fart-sniffing rationalization of a failed system which can live up to neither its conceits nor its supposed principles. you should be embarrassed to have it saved

>> No.14901583


>> No.14901678
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>> No.14901692

True and anyone who isn't an idiot knows it, they just lie.

>> No.14901968

something being a "catalyst of disruption" is subjective and cant be proven beyond speculation and vague relation.
In a liberal society we simply would not care about what people consume because others dont care about what I consume. Liberalism is based on mutual respect, and the only things not tolerated in true liberalism societies is the lack of tolerance on a government level.

>> No.14902001

so many replies to a troll, lmfao. good job retard

>> No.14902022

>something being a "catalyst of disruption" is subjective and cant be proven beyond speculation and vague relation.
In a liberal society we simply would not care about what people consume because others dont care about what I consume. Liberalism is based on mutual respect, and the only things not tolerated in true liberalism societies is the lack of tolerance on a government level.

Imagine the sheer number of spooks and mental gymnastics required to even keep such a view of the world from ripping apart at the seams.

>> No.14902118

and probably many other 2 hand sites

>> No.14902134

2nd hand**

>> No.14902493

it's laughable that things like books actually get banned in western countries. So much for "free and democratic"

>> No.14902568

Barnes review

>> No.14902600

This doesn’t work. You hate leftism because of internationalist and tolerant basis.

Liberals aren’t leftists. And all Abrahamic religions are as intolerant. Nazi/fascists/nationalists are more extreme in their intolerance. They don’t wish to convert others so much as drive out or murder the other.
Anyone who isn’t an idiot knows this.

>> No.14902633

liberal society is wrong and deserves disruption

>> No.14902638

very reddit

>> No.14902754

Kek I "read" Mein Kampf from an audiobook on Audible (which is owned by Amazon).

>> No.14902758

You know who else loved censorship? The Nazis.

>> No.14902805

reminder that feminists have repeatedly claimed that supporting equality is "hate speech" and have repeatedly attempted to censor (sometimes succeeding) speech that promotes gender equality by labeling it "hate speech"

>> No.14903102
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>muslims good because christians bad
>nationalists bad because not tolerant
>tolerant must drive out not tolerant to be tolerant
>if you question these mantras you're an idiot

>> No.14903319

Just because you want to learn more about the national socialist doctrine doesn't mean you want to implement or follow it, dumbfuck.

>> No.14903325

>all this trolling

>> No.14903360

1. Did not say that at all
2. Indeed they’re usually intolerant of people for being different in whatever way they think significant. Not always. Sometimes they’ll accept the different if they’re just taxpaying greencard holders.
3. Now you get the paradox.
4. You are an idiot.

>> No.14903535

Paradox and contradictions exist only to the ignorant.
>B-but they're intolerant so I have to be intolerant!

>> No.14903541


>> No.14903970

I think you misinterpreted my comment. I wasn't saying that people who read mein kampf are nazis, I was saying that the people trying to censor Mein Kampf (or anything else they don't like) are Nazis, since Nazis also liked to censor views they disagreed with.
I also read Mein Kampf, it's a good book desu and anybody who is interested in that era should read it. It's disappointing that Amazon is trying to erase an important part of history.