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14880214 No.14880214 [Reply] [Original]

>Just push yourself lmao
What a hack, he's a fucking masochist through and through

>> No.14880226

He's right though. If you do little things on a regular basis that are painful, uncomfortable, hard work, or require dedication, you build up your will like a muscle, and are capable of doing more and more, you just have to never take it easy. Always do something that is mentally or physically going to keep you tough.

>> No.14880239

His premises are right but he's a lying cocksucker when he says "anyone" can do what he did. Masochism is what got him through SEAL training and everything he did

>> No.14880410

His books are for the same kind of people who say that dark souls cured their depression.

>> No.14880428

I only read the first chapter about how rick james and his dad used to hang out at a roller skate rink and get high and drunk and be mean to 8 year old half-nig goggins

What is the remainder of the book?

>> No.14880437

I've done a fair amount of research and have a fair amount of experience in doing hard things, and in my opinion spartan children faced more adversity than seals do during hell week

Once youve got your physical base, its all mentality.

>> No.14880475


you have about as much chance of replicating Goggins as you do of replicating Usain Bolt. When Usain Bolt tells you to "just run faster bro" or even "just drive into the ground harder bro" yes that is true in a literal sense, but the reason you can't and wont ever run a 9.6 100 is because you do not have the genetic makeup that would allow you to do so.

Goggins resilience is not a "skill". Read the book again and pay close attention to his early life, this ability to go inside himself and ignore outside factors is something that displays itself very early in his life, during his abusive childhood.


I would bet my left nut that if someone did a complex analysis of goggin's biology you would find a plethora of factors that separate him from the average person. You are no more capable of replicating those factors through training than you are of replicating flex wheeler's myostatin mutation; you could take the exact same drug program as wheeler in his prime and you will not end up with a physique half as remarkable, because you do not have the same genetic factors.

Now look, if someone wants to derive some positive message from Goggins about hard work and self discipline, thats great, because one of the problems in the decadent west is the epidemic of self-indulgence and excuse making, people defeated by the smallest of obstacles. But goggins claiming anyone can do what he did is just wrong and naive.

>> No.14881600

>Now look, if someone wants to derive some positive message from Goggins about hard work and self discipline, thats great, because one of the problems in the decadent west is the epidemic of self-indulgence and excuse making, people defeated by the smallest of obstacles. But goggins claiming anyone can do what he did is just wrong and naive.


>> No.14882085

>Genetically gifted
>Childhood trauma creates crazy drive and determination in many cases
>Was forced to work from the age of 5, hence developing insane work ethic at a most formative age
>Always talks about how "fat" he was. He was fat by choice, the guy was a fucking powerlifter. His weight fit with his goals at the time.
>Had his shit figured out before he left his teens and enlisted in the armed forces at 19

He motivates people to get off their asses which is a good thing. However, he is a mentally ill outlier and in no way relatable to 99.9% of people. Another example would be someone like Rich Roll. Hyper achievers who spout the "If I can do it, anyone can" bullshit when in fact their sob stories are highly selective and carefully edited

Goggins and his followers would just call me a "hater" who is making excuses. Whatever.

>> No.14882110

>His premises are right but he's a lying cocksucker when he says "anyone" can do what he did.

Agreed. His only problem was that he was eating too much. In his book he talks about the long hours he was working, so it's not like he was ever lacking energy or had health problems, he was just eating too much, stopped eating like a fat cunt and started exercising.

>> No.14882229

Are you guys autistic? Do you really think he means a 5’1 110 lb man with asthma could become a SEAL if he just had the right mindset? Because autistic people are generally the ones that tend to take those kinds of statements and extrapolate them way beyond their original meaning.

The number of people who walk around as fat David Goggins, working a dead end job, who have the potential to be high achieving soldiers or endurance athletes is far larger than the number who in actuality do those things. Do you not agree?

>> No.14882340

true. he literally says to take people's souls like life is a game of dark souls.

>> No.14883048
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>dude i was abuseed
>yeah i grew up in a middle class family in a rich neighborhood but my father used to beeat me oh and he yelled at me too
>did mention that i pissed my bed ?
>oh, and I experienced le racism
99.99999% of self help books are hack frauds looking to make a dime, just look at his deployment record if his "tragic" upbringing did not ring a bell

>> No.14884390

>asceticism and discipline = masochism
extremely low IQ

>> No.14884398

All bored people are masochists.

>> No.14884465

Seal hell week in a nutshell:
>noooo i not sleep deprivation anything but that I need my shleepies
>oh no no no the water is cold!
>more pushups???
>he's still yelling at me even tho i did what he said :(((

>> No.14884610


>> No.14884623
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>> No.14884640


>> No.14884759

Hes saying if everybody else around you quits, then you win by default

He just wants to psychologically beat the ones around him, hes not comfortable if others are still standing

He just wants to demoralize others and make them quit

>> No.14884893
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It is no surprise that the metamodern warriorsage is regarded as a "masochist" by the hypermodern loser.

You are flagrantly conflating selfperfection with personal insecurity; measuring one's excellence relative to that of others in a competetive environment is a means of selfpractice - one ultimately strives to exceed the preapprehended limits of one's own potential, and to grow into one's imaginal self, thus fully integrating one's Spirit within oneself.

>"Whoever has come to know the world has discovered the body, and whoever has discovered the body, of that one the world is not worthy."
- Jesus Christ, The Gospel of Thomas.

>> No.14884907

OP said he was a masochist not genetically gifted

>> No.14884920

>...measuring one's excellence relative to that of others in a competetive environment...
Or in any interactive environment, for that matter.

>> No.14885309

sour grapes

>> No.14885693
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>loser on 4chan calls man trying to bring people like his former self out of the gutter a hack
>water continues to be wet
>shit continues to stink

Look pal, my dad's been obsessed with garbage self help books for as long as I can remember. This man is different. And you writing him off as a masochist or genetic freak of nature says infinitely more about your own mentality about the possibilities of life than it does about him.

He may be dumb as a rock bookwise with a 1.6 highschool GPA but he still has a better understanding on a personal level of an aspect of the human brain than all of us put together.

>> No.14885718

The type of slightly-above-average-IQ midwits that populate places like /lit/ are masters at the art of rationalization. The simplest call to the effect of "You can do better." would have to somehow pass through layers upon layers of >That's just masochism!
>That's just misanthropy!
>Who are *you* to tell me?
>You're secretly a loser like me, you're just trying to distract yourself from it!
>You don't *actually* hurt, not like *me*!
>You're actually just expressing vanity!
>It's all meaningless anyway, so my sitting comfortably is the same as your self-overcoming!
Anons are thoroughly immunized against every opportunity to grow a spine and exit their largely self-imposed hell, that's just a law of nature.

>> No.14885771

find a medium between this shit and reddit fatalism

>> No.14886528

Im not doing that, Goggins is doing that

If the furthest every other man was willing to run was 100 feet, Goggins would run 101 feet and stop there.

>> No.14886538

Also Goggins has an IQ of like 80, his actions and thoughts are very blatant for anybody that has lived in an institutionalized environment such as military or prison

>> No.14886541

It's more self-abusive to him to not take the souls of the ones around him, he would be masochistic if he was lazy. He needs to psychologically defeat his counterparts as a treatment for himself.

>> No.14886546

And by the way, these people are actually quite common they just rarely experience the kind of trauma that would force them to "lash out" so extremely in the way Goggins does(excessive activity)

>> No.14886551

His advice is practically 90% the same as other self help books with a few variations. For example, be consistent, be accountable, don't quit when it gets hard, etc. I mean he delivers it in a harsher tone but most of what he says is not revolutionary

>> No.14886562

He's right except he thinks it's all narrow solutions, when there's a huge system behind it.

>> No.14886573
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image test dont mind me

>> No.14886576

>"you can do anything you put your mind to!"
>has his mom hire several tutors to help him study because he's a turbo retard that can't do it on his own
>has his friend help him cheat SEAL training

>> No.14886586

Refer to >>14880239

>> No.14886595

Goggins is actually less than the average man, but this "lessness" created a catalyst where in one and only one way he exceeded average by 1000x, it's a reaction to the fact that he IS weaker than others in almost every way.

I could only imagine the people that helped Goggins write this book, helping the poor dumb bastard try to understand why he does what he does.

>> No.14886604

And in terms of his physical ability, he does endurance for a reason as well. He is average. He does something at an average capacity, just for a long time. He will never break speed records for the distances he runs. All he can do is repeat the average task until others don't want to continue with that average task.

>> No.14886607

Well, you literally repeated his own explanation for why he does what he does that he's given since before the book.

>> No.14886612

He isnt wrong.

>> No.14886625

Lmao just adopt a protestant work ethic
>God has given you your job/position
>It's you divine duty to do it well
>If you are rich, you are elect and will go to heaven
>Every thing bad that happens is either a test or a punishment
>Work all the time, read the bible for inspiration
>Have a life plan
>Live a modest lifestyle
>Marry a christian virgin wife and have 20 children

Small catechism
The spirit of capitalism
Advice to a young trades man

>> No.14886641

pretty funny seeing 4chan users twisting themselves into knots trying to explain human behavior that is not exclusively aimed at hedonism or pretense

>> No.14886690

Not really seeing anything Goggins there, except that he apparently does live a very modest lifestyle.

>> No.14886692

True. He is spirtually empty.
Protestant work ethic > any self help memery

>> No.14886711

Yeah, I've hear that some people need to talk to ghosts so they can do something that takes effort or discomfort.

>> No.14886739

What fucking unique thing does you think he has that makes him superior to everyone? You do realise his parents beat him up, he couldn't read till late, he was 300 lb twice in his life, he has a hole in his heart and has thyroid problems, he's been racially abused for the first 20 years of his life, failed Navy Seal twice in a row etc....?

I don't really know why I responded desu. It's evident you get pleasure from putting people like Goggins down by claiming he's genetically gifted. Goggins even talks about people like you who blame others for your poor showing in life.

>> No.14886770

who? this thread stinks of cringe.

>> No.14886772

Responsibility is for cringelords. When your life is predetermined by society and genetics, you get stay at home, jack off, and be ironic. Only a nutcase would choose the former.

>> No.14886776

Only one ghost, the holy ghost.

>> No.14886822

It is weird that people eat this shit up. The decision wether you go to heaven or hell is taken by god before you are even born.
Why bother?

>> No.14886829

Atleast in calvinist thinking

>> No.14886856

you must bother otherwise you're reprobating

>> No.14886862

By your own argument, you dont have a choice

>> No.14886872

It's a pretty good book but in the end it's basically the same as most other self-help books in that it gives you a temporary pep in your step, which eventually wears off until you get the next self-help high.

I think the only worthwhile self-help books are those written by trained therapists to deal with specific problems. The more general the advice, the less useful it is.

>> No.14887038

He was being sarcastic I believe

>> No.14887055
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>> No.14887461

>However, he is a mentally ill outlier
I wish I had his specific mental illnesses