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/lit/ - Literature

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14869003 No.14869003 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have an opinion that the majority of /lit/ disagrees with?
Share it in this thread.

>> No.14869231

Shelf threads are absolute garbage

>> No.14869265

Analytic philosophy is based and continental philosophy is highly cringe

>> No.14869285

America has produced the best novelists. Anglos are the best poets. Russian lit is cringe except for Chekhov. German poetry and philosophy is cringe.

>> No.14869286

I am not all that impressed with Ulysses or Finnegans Wake

>> No.14869302

Contraversial opinion: this anons mom is good in bed

>> No.14869303

Wretched english monoglot opinions.

>> No.14869309

I think black people and women deserve equal rights

>> No.14869311
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Life affirmation is a cope. Killing yourself is based.

>> No.14869314

Reading is fun.

>> No.14869315

Ok this is just too much. Can someone ban him?

>> No.14869321

This desu.

>> No.14869334

Art is nothing but a cope

>> No.14869964

Science fiction makes for a more worthwhile read that philosophy or other forms of fiction

>> No.14869966
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*violin peek*

>> No.14870092

So is low effort posting

>> No.14870135

Faust part II is a far superior work to Faust part I

>> No.14870305
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The next great leader of a western nation will an authoritarian post-Deconstructionist strongman whose reign will be legitimized by a loyal harem of militant feminists

>> No.14870309

I usually would not admit it, but I am.

>> No.14870431

95% (at least) of posters here are midwits. they will disagree of course because they know themselves that they are midwits. theyre just coping. cope cope cope you stupid quacks.

>> No.14870434

Harry Potter is a shitty Discworld wannabe.

>> No.14870440

Niggers and Jews are okay.

>> No.14870457
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The majority don't disagree with this, they just think they're in the 5%. Just like (you).

>> No.14870468

you are the one posting japanese cartoon

>> No.14870472

I'm honestly beginning to think that Nietzsche was wrong about literally everything
The things that at first glance seem like they make too much sense actually make the least sense

>> No.14870525

I like a lot of YA series (ASoUE, Harry Potter, The 5th Wave, Maze Runner).

>> No.14870529

Fuck anime, fuck chinks, and FUCK niggers.

>> No.14870548

Jew has posted.

>> No.14870555

There’s no reason to hate women

>> No.14870630

welcome to 4chan

>> No.14870639

>Anglos are the best poets
Not controversial at all.

>> No.14870960



>> No.14870991

Nietzsche is full of shit in many regards, but his devotees dodge this by ascribing him nebulous virtues of "Prophet"and "Poet," everything in a haze of pseudomysticism, which they never offer to figures or philosophies Nietzsche antagonized, even when they better merit the mysterious.

>> No.14870999

Home of dimwits and midwits.

>> No.14871000

IshAllah brother

>> No.14871119


>> No.14871126

shakespeare is nothing special. jerry cohen is one of the better marxist philosophers. the unabomber is one of the worst anarcho-primitivist thinkers, which says a lot

>> No.14871134

trans people deserve respect

>> No.14871145

The unabomber believes in the singularity, which automatically disqualifies him from any reasonable discourse.

>> No.14871161

do you reckon the singularity is a relic of boomer-tier thought that has no place within contemporary thinking

>> No.14871163
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>> No.14871168

Ancient tradition, too, is bullshit you guys

>> No.14871170

Yes. Hating a woman is like hating a wolf for biting you. Only stupid people do that because they fail to see their nature.
You should respect all women and respectfully take away their rights to vote.
Guaranteed this anon is a nihilistic retard who thinks everything is "merely" cope (as if a cope can't be anything important or significant).
Correct, because the books are complete shit. Anyone with an IQ of 110+ can recognize this.

>> No.14871175

Yes, singularity is a meme made up by people who haven't a slightest idea how AI, statistics or machine learning works. They are spooked by the cool gadgets people make nowadays that they have a lot of computing power and exclaim "these programs will be like humans soon!". Nothing of the sort is going to happen for many centuries. Literally the same shit was being said after the industrial revolution, the invention of computers, all the time. And it's always the boomers who don't know how the technology they're so impressed with works. "It's gonna happen any day now!": sure thing gramps, go take your meds now.

>> No.14871180

Absolutely based

>> No.14871266

>German philosophy is cringe.

>> No.14871270

1. modernity is alrigt
2. women are alright
3. at least half of your mental illnesses come from soulcrushing wageslaving and/or dull or brainrotting pasttime and no real hobbies

>> No.14871336

I agree with these but think it goes deeper, all the way back to Hegel or Kant. I can't put my finger on it, there's just something off about them.

>> No.14871351
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>>Anglos are the best poets

>> No.14871353

the OP said controversial, not retarded

>> No.14871354



>> No.14872190

i can't understand how a part is better than another, can you explain why you think it's better than part 1

>> No.14872201


>> No.14872213

Not being able to memorize the description of the sceneries or characters DOESN'T MEAN NOVELS ARE BAD IT MEANS YOU'RE AUTISTIC

>> No.14872227

Actually reading is cringe. You should get all of your knowledge of literature through shit posting and extrapolating everything based on the reaction.

>> No.14872250

You forgot that France has produced the best philosophers.

>> No.14873516

I refuse to believe we are anywhere close to achieving "Artificial General Intelligence" until somebody rolls out a chatbot that isn't an embarrassing piece of shit.

>> No.14873532

And that Jamaica has produced the best mathematicians.

>> No.14874270
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>America has produced the best novelists
Somewhat agree but that's a little too hyperbolic, I do think that there are some very very underappreciated American writers that hardly ever get discussed on this board or anywhere else for that matter.

>Russian lit is cringe except for Chekhov
Dostoyevsky, Bulgakov and Tolstoy are way too based for me to agree.

>> No.14874278


>> No.14874292

There is no God

>> No.14874295

the vast majority of metaphysics are a cope

>> No.14874324

>German philosophy is cringe
I Kant agree with this.

>> No.14874370


>> No.14874433

What a based take I agree wholeheartedly

>> No.14874437
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>> No.14874445
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The Beat Generation is actually pretty good.

>> No.14874503

I am all the love in the world

>> No.14874505
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I cant read, i can only type

>> No.14875235


>> No.14875258

does lit unironically follow lesswrong?

>> No.14875294

Authors that are hacks:

>> No.14875299

oh, and victor hugo. he's just french dickins and sucks just as much.

>> No.14875303

That's not less wrong, it's scott alexander, and while I don't agree with him about many things all he's doing in that post is quoting AI researchers talking about AI risk.

>> No.14875304

trannies, or troons as i like to call them,

>> No.14875316

Postmodernism isn't bad. Most people on here just think it's cool and intellectual to worship modernist like they're old lit professors.

The three core Beats (Keroauc, Burroughs, and Ginsberg) are all good and culturally influential writers. They're indicative of a change in American thought and should be considered a notable part of American literary traditions.

Eastern philosophy books are fantastic at helping you improve your personal life, goals, etc. You don't need to follow in the footsteps of esoteric western theologians to think critically. I recommend Taoist classics or Japanese literature on Zen and Bushido, but that's just what I've read.

>> No.14875330

Shakespeare is cringe and anyone that says how amazing he is, is a pseud.

Basically anything you were forced to read in school besides the classics (if they even make people read them anymore) is shit.

Ayn Rand is the personification of evil in this world.

>> No.14875339

What’s not bad about post modernism?

>> No.14875366

I enjoy the way certain postmodernists are bending the actual form of literary tradition in ways that changes what it means to tell a story. Strict boundaries and traditional linear narratives are nice and fine, but by experimenting with classically irrefutable elements of modernist narratives (# of narrators/perspectives, additions of fictitious fragments, different methods of organization, etc) I think postmodern writers are providing massive expansions to what is possible and looking not only at conveying a story to the reader but how the reader is able to interpret the story.

These are things that modernists have done as well, but postmodern writers (at least those I have read) have done it at length and to more experimental degrees.