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/lit/ - Literature

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14838720 No.14838720 [Reply] [Original]

Why is /lit/ so hateful of contemporary literature?

>> No.14838735

Honestly I could love my son if he was a top but I don't think I could ever accept a son who was a bottom

>> No.14838764

this time, can we get a sauce before this gets deleted?

>> No.14838768

how would u know

>> No.14838770

God I wish I were either of them.

>> No.14838776

I'd rather be the top. The bottom truly, passionately loves him and I want to feel that love.

>> No.14838784

I'm not gay but why does this webm give me an erection everytime?

>> No.14838785
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>> No.14838786


>> No.14838813
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Faggots aren’t human

>> No.14838815

Books on delicious twink thighs and why they make high test men rock hard?

>> No.14838835
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Goddamnit stop making me think about things I'll never have

>> No.14838840


>> No.14838845


Wtf? This is gay as heck

>> No.14838920

what the fuck

Twinks are based but at least they embrace their boyish masculinity; twinks trying to be girls straight up is VERY unbased

>> No.14838921
File: 26 KB, 704x396, shigofumi9_84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're beneath their realm, anon. There's no way someone that cute wouldn't indulge in polygamy and obnoxious fag fetishes. It's an unwritten rule that femboys are sluts looking for vacuous casual sex with strangers, just like wealthy men are permanently wishing to increase their riches. The truth is that we monogamous fags are losers who'd settle for one pesky relationship, and now that there are ways to handle sexually-trasmitted diseases without croaking, the winners of the genetic lottery are free to engage in as many relationships as they want.

>> No.14838984

Because it's trash without substance. Novels written these days don't question us about the nature of existence and being like the great novelists managed to do. Today we just have curious stories that might be good written but that's all. The fast pace of our age doesn't allow great spirits like Shakespeare, Tolstoi, Flaubert to ripen.

By the way, where is the sauce?

>> No.14838998

Any contemporary literature that explains the pain I feel for not ever experiencing this?

>> No.14839007


>> No.14839009

Yeah I instantly lose my erection the instant gender fuckery, hormones and surgery come into it. I just like cute boys none of this degenerate shit.

>> No.14839010

The Catcher in The Rye
Ham on Rye

>> No.14839045

Any other essential Ryecore I should check out?

>> No.14839063

>Contemporary literature
What literature

>> No.14839068


>> No.14839094

>A woman
>The city
>The government
>And him
>How can she do it and stay true to herself?
Anything that breaks the mould isn't bought up by the erotica-loving wine aunts that buy 90% of books.

>> No.14839135

Houellebecq is good and even Sally Rooney is decent even if all her books are about Sally Rooney getting railed by studs. All the other contemporary books Ive seen are either gay/black/women/trannies/disabled/some combination of the former making up for not being able to write by writing about their so-called “experience” or white/Jewish men writing about a self-insert railing some hot older woman when they were 15 without anything else substantial to say or saying something unsubstantial in an interesting way. Then of course you have Pynchon and McCarthy still kicking but at this point I imagine they are just waiting for death, so I don’t count them as contemporary

>> No.14839162
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Black men writing about their experiences in the civil rights era are really great though, they produced some really meaningful art then

>> No.14839177

Yeah, I like jazz

>> No.14839197

>Sally Rooney
File her in with writes like Ben Lerner (except Lerner actually has talent), writers who come from spoon-in-mouth privileged intellectual backgrounds and cannot generalize their experience enough to make interesting writing. Both writers are like shells of glued-together MFA syllabi with nothing in the middle, but at least Ben Lerner has poetic chops. Sally Rooney is just an intelligent person who churns out mediocre writing and dull stories.
So much contemporary literature is boring and navel-gazing without intending to be. Oh well.

>> No.14839212
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To a lesser degree, you could check out Steppenwolf or the other Bukowski novels, but the main characters are either already married or sex-havers. On the other hand Notes from Underground fits the bill too, but it's more of a plot revolving around a middle aged man who's lost all hope in life rather than a young man who's still hopelessly looking for a way out.

>> No.14839224

>Sally Rooney's Normal People
>In the book's story, Connell is a popular, handsome, and highly intelligent high schooler who begins a relationship with unpopular, intimidating, and intelligent Marianne, whose parents employ his mother as a cleaner.

Damn you were not joking. It sounds like a shoujo manga in novel form. What makes it worth reading then? The writing style?

>> No.14839287

I'll say it again: homosexuality was based until trannies came along

>> No.14839320

Can lit recommend me any books that will help me stop having gay fantasies?

>> No.14839338

Just be gay man, don’t be a faggot, but be gay. You’ll probably be happier anyway

>> No.14839407

holy fuck /lit/ became based recently.

>> No.14839417


>> No.14839592

also check out >>14839406
although it's kind of genre lit, it can easily be an incelcore novel.