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14838313 No.14838313[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why do people still believe in god?

>> No.14838332
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>pic related

>> No.14838334

Mental illness, childhood indoctrination, ignorance, you name it. People feel the need to cling to an idealistic father figure to compensate for their insecurity and fear of death.

>> No.14838337
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It depends on what you mean by "god".

>> No.14838343
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Because they have brown skin.

>> No.14838357

What has really changed? You've only replaced old myths with new ones.

>> No.14838358

Almost no one believes in God. To most people it's just a social signal that goes no deeper than that.

>> No.14838381

Because humans are hard wired for religion and fundamentalists breed way more than the irreligious.

>> No.14838392
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>> No.14838394


An unfortunate predilection in human psychology which is closely related to narrative and storytelling. From the evolutionary point of view, it's useful up to a point (inasmuch as religion relates to community and social bonds), after which it is a sort of dead end. We're near that point.

>> No.14838399

it's clear that economically poor countries are the most religious.
Marx was right.

>> No.14838408

Religion has nothing to do with belief, it has to do with practice and Lebensform.

>> No.14838436

>Mental illness

Complete garbage. Society has more mental illness than ever before yet more atheists/agnostics/non-religious people than at any point in history. Are you seriously implying the earliest civilizations were all worshipping their gods because the vast majority were mentally ill?

>> No.14838438

It's a point made hundreds of times throughout the Bible. As if it were some devastating critique of religion.

>> No.14838456

Same reason why people wear shoes.
Because it's useful to do so.

>> No.14838960

What use has God when you compare his function to shoes?

>> No.14839031

based retard

>> No.14839054

Why do athiests have so few kids if they dont fear death?

>> No.14839130


False premise, of course atheists fear death. All humans do.
False rhetorical implication, of course having children doesn't allow one to cheat death. One does not remain alive by having children. One remains alive by not dying.
Related false rhetorical implication, a common misconception: reproducing is not "the point" of life. Life doesn't have a point, in the sense of an important metaphysical purpose, or telos. A certain scientific description of reality (organisms vie with each other to reproduce) is misunderstood in the contemporary popular imaginary, and confounded with historical narratives which falsely imbue life with purpose. It's the modern, equally intellectually lazy version of the "social darwinism" spoken of by rich people a century ago.

>> No.14839146

Moreover, one does not "win the game of life" by reproducing, because one dies. At the moment of one's death, existence ceases to have whatever lesser, contingent meaning it had in the first place, and one's achievements become null and void from the only perspective that matters: one's own. The man who plants a tree whose shade he knows he will never rest in, is not wise.

>> No.14839254

America really is a third world country.

>> No.14839289

Ancient religious texts are far more insightful than any atheist argument.

>> No.14839291

When a slime mold seperates, does it die?

>> No.14839307
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>> No.14840670

They don't, it's a dishonest larp in 99% of cases except among stupid third worlders who literally believe in sorcery etc. This modernist "dude if you think about it, god is real and profound and I'm trad" cope is fucking apex cringe in our technological era, and was even cringe in 1900. God is not fucking real, and everybody knows it, it's just a complete absurdity to say out loud that two millenia ago some Jew "died for your sins" because you have some mystical soul with an indelible stain on it. That's fucking lunacy. You have an iPhone in your pocket and if that doesn't do it for you, liveleak.com should dispel any notions you have about a caring, sentimental universe and a creator thereof.

t. not even really a fedora, just an ex-christcuck who was raised in rural merica and stopped being a dumb moralist larper, grow the fuck up and stop being dishonest if you "believe" in this shit in the year of our not-lord 2020

>> No.14840678


Belief is for plebs, patricians are knowers

>> No.14840683
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because of this shining light in the darkness

>> No.14840739

>He says no to the possibility of a creator without certainty
At least agnostics are open to the possibiltity.

>> No.14840747
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Atheism is the biggest midwit take and you cant prove me wrong.
The stupid follow religion for moral guidence. And the wise recognize the need for religion to guide the morals of a society.

Every edgy 15yo comes to the conclusion that theyre above the idea of a god and they can do what they want. Most grow out of it but some psueds stop trying to grow and get stuck.

The hilarious part is how they choose to fill the void left by religion. If you deny a man God he will instead worship money, politicians, celebrity, ethots, sexual deviancies.
It's inate.
80% of "agnostics" would describe themselves as "spiritual but not religious". These are the same people who delight in "mystic" stories and dragons. Theyll avoid walking underneath ladders and knock on wood. No matter how much hubris they accumulate they never realize the irony in there superstitious behaviours.
In the US, only 1.5% of the population are athiest. The rest of the larger slice of nonbeliever are agnostic. The absolute majority of the nonreligious would never deny God, instead they choose to live in vauge sinful ignorance, so that they might change their mind and repent later should they ever get closer to death.

>> No.14840754

Very based and red frittata’d

>> No.14840788

>caring, sentimental universe
You have a naive unerstanding of the abrahamic religions.

>> No.14840815

projection : the post

>> No.14840852

yeah yeah sure whatever, technically we wuz all ebil n shiet and god's "love" for us is in spite of how awful everything is, it's boring. even this is too romantic. nobody made this dirt ball for you to sin on, that's narcissistic thinking.

>> No.14840856

It looks like other people already did your homework question for you.

>> No.14840866

because physics is hard. so they instead go for "meta-physics" because it's super easy. Pretty much any problem in human existence can be traced to the same shit "one is easy" "one is hard".

>> No.14840884

Because God is real and has always been the true end of intellectual and spiritual action for human beings. People apprehend this in different ways. The humble are united to him through the assistance of institutions, community, practice and ritual. The more privileged, if they avoid the characteristic spiritual pitfalls of the intellectual, can learn to see God by the clear light of reason in addition to the inner light of faith.

Modernity is very good at opening vast wastelands in between the humble faithful and the learned faithful. Those who fall into these wastes are flattered into it by the promise of being 'more rational' or 'freer' than the rubes around them, but since the very heights of rational endeavour are difficult to reach, requiring both steady virtue and well-cultivated sentiment to accomplish (uncommon at best!), most are waylaid by all sorts of distraction, by means mistaken for ends. Little wonder that the worst of these exiles fetishise the machine, and in turn abuse the whole of creation as fodder for the machine.

Not all can fully acclimatise to the wasteland, of course, but having become too alienated from the community of faith to return to its protection, many instead eke out primitive existences out of whatever scraps of transcendence blow across their path. It doesn't lead to happiness either, of course.

>> No.14840909

Youre just summing up the word of christ, which is only a part of the later half of the bible. I implore you to pick up a kjv (not the pussy niv) and read it again just for fun. If you think youre too good for that try the Quran.
Judging off your posts you only have a juvenile understanding of it, and youre probably only going off what you remember pastors or school teachers told you. Try reading it for yourself, at the very least youll develope better arguments than what youre capable of right now.

>> No.14840918

What's wrong with spiritual, but not religious? That spirit grants false superiority and is religion disguised?

>> No.14840921


>hard good
>easy bad
>smart people always right because smart

Your worldview gives me a headache

>> No.14840932

>Ancient religious texts are far more insightful than any atheist argument.
Yes. Very entertaining to watch midwits with 4 year degrees talk on matters that they do not understand and think they know better than fathers of the faith.

>> No.14840933

theyre the same thing

>> No.14840943

I have read both, and am not interested in making more complex arguments because Christian apologetics is just sophistry. You come away dumber for having engaged with this nonsense in a serious manner, it doesn't deserve to be approached with any respect except as a historical phenomenon.

As le atheist man Dennet said about philosophy, so it applies to religion: people are looking for higher-order truths about chmess. It's a useless circlejerk.

>> No.14840960

>I have read both
Big doubt

>> No.14840972

doubt it all you want, I have slogged through the kjv and niv back when I was a podunk idiot looking for answers. I didn't say I was a religious scholar or that I even understand half of what I read at the time (and neither does anyone really, unless you have a degree in this shit) but it's just not interesting. you have limited time on this earth and you choose to spend it on navel gazing, "what if i'm actually immortal?!". you're probably not. no cosmic being cares about you. quit mind-fapping.

>> No.14841011
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This is the perfect example of mitwit reasoning. Its rambling that mixes logic with emotions, a lack of confidence in what theyre saying. A sort of vauge willingess to distance themselves from establishing any concrete claims. Switch-tracking off of the subject at hand to focus on arguements they might of had in the past.
Its a perfect snapshot.

>> No.14841090


Seems like you've got an unfalsifiable position there.

Religion is not worth engaging seriously because it's simplistic superstitious nonsense. Sophisticated elucidation or defence of religion is sophistry, since I know already that it's nonsense, and therefore cannot cause me to reassess my initial position.

If the knowledge of God could be had (and for all you've shown you know, it could be), you've just cut yourself off based on your initial experiences as a 'podunk idiot' and reading a meme atheist with an equally poor grasp of theology, whatever his merits as a philosopher.

> you have limited time on this earth and you choose to spend it on navel gazing,

Without an appreciation of the higher-order principles of being-human, it seems that everything one does is a meaningless distraction from death, whereas even limited success in discovering such truths (such as even the humblest believer achieves and regularly practices) invests everything else one does with meaning. The only alternative to making your limited life one long fap, seems to be the kind of reflection you disdain.

>> No.14841102

What else is worth worship and devotion other than that which created you? I'm not going to worship my race, communism, mushrooms, aliens, or some abstraction of humanity, because all of these things are impermanent and imperfect. Life is so short and fleeting, that it's only logical to cling to the one who is eternal and can save our fragile souls

>> No.14841166
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>le religion is useful argument

>> No.14841187
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>> No.14841290


As humans are not slime molds, whatever rhetorical point you're trying to establish doesn't count. This, because the individual human consciousness associated with the individual human organism is lost forever upon its death, and ceases to exist. This is the real point, and whatever rhizomatic rhetoric you were about to try, is obviated in the face of it.

>> No.14841351

Stop being a reactionary and read kierkegaard

>> No.14841400

Ontological and Kalam cosmological argument for me.

>> No.14841410


Reformat your writing, your communication lacks focus.

>> No.14841436

depression and boredom. the dream of a better life makes this life bearable.

>> No.14841516
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>you don't worship a naked jewish guy on a stick?!?! you must be fedora. you don't want to be fedora, right? get on your knees and worship with naked jesus guy otherwise i'll socially shame you
>i know god exists because if he doesn't exist i can't go to heaven and i know i'm suppose to go to eternal paradise. it just makes sense. don't you think i deserve it?

>> No.14841550

This. They don’t know how to live their lives in ungrateful debasing ways without fear in their hearts

>> No.14841605

They don’t know how to live their lives morally* without fear in their hearts


>but anon, we would be evil bastards without God
We already are that. God’s forgiveness is like a gold trimmed lid on a chasm of histories of human filth, death and cruelty. It is pure evil which simultaneously makes a person impotent, and subject to fate at the beck of arbitrary Stone Age dogma.

>> No.14841747

>man is evil therefore he does not need God
Whats the line of reasoning here? The belief that men are evil is the foundation of most religions.

>> No.14841764

>You have an iPhone in your pocket

This is peak midwit logic

>> No.14841805


Morality does involve fearing to do evil. There’s no defect, given the ways in which evil often feels good (of it did not, no one would do evil) to identify a transcendent sense in which evil is always to be feared, whatever other pleasant aspects it may have- namely, that it alienates you from God, the supreme good.

>> No.14841811

read nietzsche’s gay science, aphorism 108.

>> No.14841827

The reasoning is that we don't need God to seek what it means to live well. Surrendering to God to excuse you in the next life for what you're doing now does nothing to change your destruction in the present one. Evil and Good is a duality, we understand through dialectic and "evil as privation" puts the lid on progression of the Will. One will become the inferior and the other the superior in each person if they wish to integrate them.

>> No.14841828


>> No.14841840

Christians deal with their evil through shunning it as much as possible, to the extent that they attempt to claim it is nothing but the lack of goodness.

>> No.14841846

You sound high

>> No.14841855

>I don't like his sense of humor
Fuuuuck. Felt that one.

>> No.14841856

Because atheists don’t reproduce. The fastest growing demographic in the US is the Amish. In 50 years us Amish will put you degenerates back in your place