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/lit/ - Literature

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14838282 No.14838282 [Reply] [Original]

what have you learned after reading all those books /lit/?

>> No.14838295

I read to avoid boredom. Anything else is vanity there is no self-improvement

>> No.14838322

The white man is superior, only rivalled by east-asians on a cultural level. We're stuck in the Kali Yuga, but someday we'll enter an Age of Heroes and restore the world to its former glory.

>> No.14838331

ignorance is bliss

>> No.14838349

basically this post >>14828571 and also this >>14838331

>> No.14838377

Oh my god, i sometimes wish my 18 year old ass would have never opened that book.

>> No.14838398
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Constant reading just leads to more and more questions and more and more uncertain knowledge, which then leads to more and more cope. At least being as ignorant as possible limits your cope.

>> No.14838404

idk if ive really learned anything except some history but i like books that get me thinking and challenge my personal beliefs. i think if you actually read to understand some opposing view points it can "refine" your view and make yourself more confident in what you believe or even spark some change in a persons ideas

>> No.14838531

>still reads old white men
>never opened a book by based black women

>> No.14838591

helo. wow. how r you? where is the bathroom? have a nice day.

>> No.14838628

over 4 hours avery day.
they made me not miss videogames

>> No.14838640

reading this almost made me a cuck

>> No.14838644
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That bildung can be a goal in and of itself and genuinely made me a more clever and interesting person. It's an enrichment of the soul to read, both good fiction and non-fiction, such as philosophy and history. The more you know, the easier it is to make connections and see patterns; as you read books (of whatever sort, as long as they are good) you're not ticking off a finite list, but opening yourself up to even more interesting things that you might not have cared for, or even understood, before.

>> No.14838659

lmaoooo look at this tough biological puppet over here

>> No.14838675

keep redpilled my friend
just don't complain when you get older.
you think you are in a bad place now?
wait til you get 45

>> No.14838679

Powers and principalities do in fact rule the world, and they do not conform to anything we might circumscribe on any map. After accumulation and compounding of error over generations, there is more confabulation in 'non-fiction' than in any literature.

>> No.14838718
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My anxiety and depression has been significantly lowered. My worldview has improved and overall I feel I have increased perspicacity. I'm able to expound my thoughts and feelings much easier and clearer. I appreciate things more. I have a closer relationship to the Creator

>> No.14838730

I did, unfortunately.
It's all shit.

>> No.14838773

regret, suffering, illness and death are all here to stay. human nature is self-contracting, so yes i will complain despite knowing the fact that whole life is a fall.

>> No.14838790

>I have a closer relationship to the Creator
stopped reading there

>> No.14838794

The world is dark and full of jews.
Most beautiful things were created out of delusion (religion, romance, valor etc).
Every conceivable thought can be refuted, making convictions and principles meaningless.
The only bearable way to approach life is through aesthetics.

>> No.14838804


I learned how little I actually know and how much there is still to read. It's like a swamp which pulls me deeper and deeper.

>> No.14838827


>> No.14838857

And aesthetic isn't to stay either if all it's even more fleeting like a breath of air. Aesthetics are merely a short term cope.

>> No.14838858

Well it was the end of the post

>> No.14838878


>> No.14838884

What’s the solution

>> No.14839148

it added more dimensions to my finite human experience

>> No.14839341
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>It matters how you spend your time.

>It matters what you choose to pay attention to.

>You have only a limited amount of books you can read in life, so choose wisely.

>Beautiful speech is one of life's highest joys.

>Don't kill yourself. Life is worth living.

>The scientific worldview is not sufficient.

>This world is not a vale of tears, but a vale of soul-making.

>Language is deep.

>What happens to the world in the future always remains your choice.

>> No.14839458

How to think, how to become still against life, that there are higher states of existence, that we are part of something bigger, that the human species is superior and almost of infinite capabilities, to love life and it's complexity.

>> No.14839483

I'm giving you a metaphysical hug anon.

>> No.14839973


>> No.14840026


>> No.14840366

i learned that repeating small and ultimately meaningless factoids and references will convince people that you are really smart, and they will expect you to make great changes in the world, despite the fact that you are actually unsure of literally everything, down to whether or not knowledge is even possible. i feel the eye of god in my back, and there are shadows all around me. nothing makes sense anymore. i want to die.

>> No.14840486


>> No.14840527
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A lot. Dean Koontz novels helped shaped my life into what it is today. My writing has improved ten fold. I keep my muscles taught everyday and my mind is sharp. Reading is absolutely worth it.

>> No.14840886

Not a damn thing

>> No.14842420

wholesome and true

>> No.14842438
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I learned that I like to read :)

>> No.14842919

Reading is for pleasure frogger

>> No.14843727
File: 13 KB, 201x250, F7F8B735-B22C-4C0C-957C-A0E83941C100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve learned that our Lord, Jesus Chirst, Son of God, truly is King

>> No.14843777
File: 40 KB, 956x428, PqQFgBHiTmSHXPj5vCgL_Dunning-Kruger-Effect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After some years of extensive non-fiction reading I feel like I understand everything. I know it's not true but it's how I feel. I traveled across the entire line of pic related. I believe I have a very complete mental model of how everything works and have benefitted from it by taking what I believe are good decisions.
The best thing I take from this is an enormous confidence, which has as a side effect a gain in social respect from others. The second best thing is that, since my model of reality is so comprehensive, that I rarely daydream anymore: when a doubt arises, I can easily find a preliminary explanation in my model, while as a young person I'd start getting lost in my thoughts, disordered and nebulous, wasting time in my confusion and reaching conclusions that were clearly wrong.

>> No.14843836

Nothing. If you're young (13-18, maybe 20 at most), some classical novelists and philosophers might spark your interest regarding some metaphysical/ethical questions (the books themselves usually provide no credible/valuable answers to such questions and if they do they're highly axiomatic and pre-thought concepts, i.e. the reader doesn't contribute in the slightest), but beyond that all art is (metaphysically) useless except the thoughts of some vegan authors with relatively deep ethical and existential insight (Tolstoy, for example).

>> No.14843997

That everything is one big thing

>> No.14844020

What a cucked and lazy philosophy

>> No.14844027

>stopped reading there
Stopped reading there

>> No.14844057

Typically I "learn" from textbooks, and non-fiction books because they explicitly provide knowledge. Novels on the other hand provide an experience, which you can also learn from, but in a different way.

>> No.14844085

That you can create the most degenerate content and people will praise you for it

>> No.14844133

That the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.

>> No.14844180

I hate to be the news-breaking anon but the DK sometimes becomes a rollercoaster.

You'd feel complete now. That's great; expect something to come in the future to make you relive the whole path again though (which I feel is better).

>> No.14845133

That most people are fucking retards

That reading good literature and philosophy doesn’t necessarily have an immediate, pragmatic value, but the idea that everything needs to have immediate, pragmatic value is itself propagated by fucking retards


>> No.14845152

Also this

>> No.14845665
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>> No.14845710

That if humans have to perish no matter what, we might as well go with a bang, and leave the cosmos shaking.

>> No.14845769

That the world has changed so much since the books of yesteryear that If someone living in 2020 would be transported back to 1910 it would essentially be like fantasy to them in manner is speaking, accent, clothing, ideology, how one carries oneself, what ones owns, where one works, what one talks about, etc. etc.