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File: 1.23 MB, 1263x1600, Karl_Marx_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14836540 No.14836540 [Reply] [Original]

>Fascism killed 6,000,000 people (debatable)
>Marxism killed 100,000,000+ people
So why is it more subversive to be a Fascist? Why is every uni filled with Marxists? Why is it ok to be a Marxist but not a Fascist? Like one of the fucking Democratic candidates is a fucking Marxist what is this shit?

>> No.14836547

>Hitler is the only fascist

>> No.14836548

>Fascism killed 6 million people
Wow, I didn't know only jews classify as "people"

>> No.14836559

Fascism is responsible not only for the Holocaust, but also for all the deaths in the second world war, which easily matches the 100 million that communists supposedly killed.

>> No.14836561

>Implying 6 million Jews were killed by fascism

>> No.14836566

And millions of slavs, roma, homosexuals, left-wingers etc etc

>> No.14836568

>Professor Shekelstein told me everything was Germany's fault because they were evil

>> No.14836571

Now you're really stretching it.

>> No.14836577

No offense, fagboy, but you sound like a complete and utter pantywaist. Get a grip.

>> No.14836578

Fascism started a war that killed 60 mil. Also nice 100 Gazallion number glowie. Capitalism has killed a lot more than 100 million

>> No.14836589

>Why is every uni filled with Marxists?

Fucking untrue nonsense, either bait, or retarded Jordan Peterson fanboy. Funny enough Peterson couldn't even wrap his pea brain around Marxism. Embarrassed himself hard in that debate with Zizek I honestly feel bad

>> No.14836600

anti-antisemitism caused the holocaust, not fascism. also the communist death number is ridiculous. It'd be like if we had a famine in the united states and said "capitalism killed x" amount of people as a result. It's too indirect for a normal joe to register it.

>> No.14836605

>one of the fucking Democratic candidates is a fucking Marxist
Lmao. Are lefties learning how to meme?

>> No.14836611

>Like one of the fucking Democratic candidates is a fucking Marxist what is this shit?

This post is bait

>> No.14836638

>It'd be like if we had a famine in the united states and said "capitalism killed x" amount of people as a result
Well, if said famine came as a result of the implementation of a capitalistic system that didn't exist before, it wouldn't be unreasonable to blame it on capitalism, which is what I assume is the logic historians follow when they set a number of deaths as a result of x political ideology.
What is retarded though is when people blame capitalism as responsible for people dying of hunger or malaria in Africa when it has always been like that.

>> No.14836639


>> No.14836651

Kkkapitalism kills a billion people every year alone

>> No.14836654

They started the war, so they are responsible.

>> No.14836655


>> No.14836659

Wars aren't black and white like this, you propaganda-eating retard.

>> No.14836661

The Axis powers lost WW2.

>> No.14836672

Actually Germany never wanted a war but the banks did. They were distributing pamphlets to Britain to try and prevent it the whole time.

>> No.14836674


>> No.14836685

That doesn't explain how.

>> No.14836687


1. The allies didn't fight a huge war against communism.

2. Fascism has came to power in Western democracies and is therefore more of a threat.

3. Communism is rational and idealistic, its viciousness is more calculated. It is more predictable than fascism and therefore less threatening.

4. A large number of people within western institutions were communists who managed to keep the flame alive long enough to basically define communism as opposition to the status quo and market it to "radical" youth culture.

>> No.14836712

It is not "Fascism", "Marxism" or "Capitalism" that has the highest death count, but rather any ideology that has "Chinese characteristics". Just look at the Chinese history of conflicts, from the Ancient Dynasties to Mao and you'll see huge death counts regularly dwarf any other kind of conflict anywhere else in the world

>> No.14836743
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>> No.14836750

The Christians martyred by the communists are in heaven while the communists are being tormented in hell for eternity. It all works out in the end.

>> No.14836757

What a shit meme. The common sense wisdom of the ordinary man will always be more valuable than the ivory tower musings of communist-sympathetic elite academics

>> No.14836759

seriously what is wrong with them

>> No.14836770

>the common sense wisdom of the ordinary man
is shit

>> No.14836775
File: 406 KB, 2000x1781, 1563703011518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say China?

>> No.14836776

>The Chinese have been killing themselves for thousands of years
>Still at it
How do they do it?

>> No.14836777

sounds like an argument for aristocracy

>> No.14836785

prove it you post-jewish scum

>> No.14836786

>the common sense wisdom of ordinary man
Lmao, the ordinary man is demonstrably retarded. We can tell communism is bad because it failed and is fundamentally opposed to human nature and our biology. Don’t use the ordinary man as the basis for an argument, we all know that democracy is terrible because of how stupid and easily manipulated the ordinary man is.

>> No.14836790

I don't need to prove anything. You'll find out for yourself when called before the throne of God for judgment.

>> No.14836794


>> No.14836867

he already knows what I am going to do. So there is no point for me being accountable.

>> No.14836881

Ok /pol/

>> No.14836917


>> No.14836938


>> No.14836951

Ever been around blue collar workers? A lot of them can’t hold their head above water after the age of 35. Usually the more “common sense” hubristic guys of that bunch, too.

>> No.14836964

Ever watch a liberal academic try and change a flat tire?

>> No.14836966

What does this mean?

>> No.14836970

changing a tire is easy lol

>> No.14836974

Exactly what makes it so bad that they cant do it

>> No.14837000

Whats your point? And yes, i have seen leftists academics(not phd) changing a tire. Even if did not; whats your point?

>> No.14837013

That they're useless when it comes to anything other than mental masturbation, while youe average "le flyover state retard" actually has useful skills and abilities.

>> No.14837016

His point is pretty fucking obvious you retard, modern academics are only superior to literal room temperature iq carpenters inside of their artificial bubbles, otherwise they're useless. Most academics do nothing to co tribute towards society, at least the retarded plumber serves a vital function.

>> No.14837018

Nazi Germany is responsible for around 50 million deaths

>> No.14837153
File: 167 KB, 1080x1080, 7B0B31E6-EACD-40AA-B430-5037D919E7FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh dead bodies
Is this Reddit or what? We have to look at WHO was allegedly killed in each case to judge whether it was just or not. Hitler – or so the Jews say – is charged with killing 6 million Jews. The Jews had a stranglehold on Germany, owned the banks, media, stabbed Germany in the back in WWI and were massively overrepresented among the communists. They always worked against the interests of Germany, therefore Hitler took steps to remove them peacefully (Haaretz Agreement), and promoted emigration and Aryanization of Jewish businesses. After he invaded Poland to save the Germans from genocide there he was stuck with millions more Jews, a veritable fifth column, the only thing to do was put them in camps. There was no intention to exterminate the Jews, as there is ZERO evidence for any sort of direct order from Hitler, not to mention anything else. Hitler would have been completely justified in exterminating the Jews given their track-record throughout the ages of subverting and leaching off of gentile societies for millennia all over Europe and the Middle East. It is a shame that he was so benevolent.

Marxists killed millions of innocent workers, businessmen and religious people. They are clearly more in the wrong.

>> No.14837171
File: 169 KB, 828x852, E218AC60-B118-4478-A3F3-F7E513265A0E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oy vey

Hitler never wanted war, kike. He tried over and over to form an alliance with England and benevolently offered for peace time and time again, showed mercy at Dunkirk, etc. Rudolf Hess even flew into the UK to try to negotiate for peace, yet the Jews locked him up for the rest of his life — the prisoner of peace

>> No.14837186

>Haaretz Agreement
Kek I meant Haavara

>> No.14837189

There is nothing edgy in supporting tools of technological advancement since they just accelerated where our society is inevitably going. If you are in favor of either you are in fact a pawn of the system, a product of modernity, a domesticated animal.

>> No.14837202
File: 132 KB, 1024x788, 1570549948636m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Fuck Nazis
> Fuck Commies
> Fuck Democracy

>> No.14837208

>The Jews had a stranglehold on Germany, owned the banks, media, stabbed Germany in the back in WWI
amerimutt hands wrote this

>> No.14837225 [DELETED] 

not all of them, no, but certainly their most prominent member
yes hello where is de proofs
>communism is rational
aight, take this (you) and never post again

>> No.14837231
File: 59 KB, 1024x1024, bugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Marxism killed 100,000,000+ people
Do you have any evidence at all to back that up? Have you even studied basic demographics and agricultural climatology? I seriously doubt it because you'd understand you're fully of shit.
The only truly guilty party is Pol Pot (although he ended up abandoning the pretext of Marxism to make friends with Reagan and Thatcher in the end).

>> No.14837244

and yet, he's still right! fascinating...

>> No.14837245

Stop responding to this thread

>> No.14837266

cry more, Limpwrist Muhguillotines

>> No.14837267

Not an argument. Hitler did nothing wrong

>> No.14837353
File: 84 KB, 1498x866, 1574564946823.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, a live Marxtard.
The Chinese government has admitted that Mao's fuck ups were entirely his fault, and not the environment, or climate — as Marxists like to blame.
There is also ample evidence that the Holodomor did happen; for example, Stalin denied aid from the West to help the situation.

>> No.14837450

I think you should reconsider what is the real cause of these deaths.

>> No.14837463

Communism not Marxism

>> No.14837474
File: 31 KB, 644x598, 17352061_1853362898237532_2468695342376887649_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in which OP discovers the Uniqueness Doctrine

Tough pill anon, I feel for you

>> No.14837525

Why are you lying? Stalin gets almost as much shit as Hitler does.

>> No.14837539

Damn, must be hard living with single digited iq

>> No.14837544

Marx doesn't call for the explicit murder of successful farmers. Hitler's desire to destroy Jews is deeply ingrained in national-socialism. With Marx you can always point to the lack of necessary continuity between his writings and the Gulags. Besides, the component of biological determinism seems to be somewhat different from (theoretically) only demonizing oppressors. An oppressor can, under ideal circumstances, disavow his oppressive behavior. Being a Jew means you are biologically determined to be killed off under Hitler.

>> No.14837547

Shut up genocidal cuck

>> No.14837551

Technically he just called for them to be deported, they even have a country now

>> No.14837556

Fascism is inheretly more racist

>> No.14837559

No he did call for their destruction.


>> No.14837562

>muh benevolent fuhrer
I can see through your lies you sack of shit

>> No.14837568

guaranteed 300 replies
>Why is it ok to be a Marxist
it isn't
mention to anyone outside of obscure academic circles that you're a Marxist and you'll be treated like you have schizoaffective disorder

>> No.14837575

Call yourself a communist and you'll get laughed at, call yourself a fascist and you'll get banned, fired, and expelled.

>> No.14837579

That is about poles
Why do Jews want to live in white countries if whites are evil?

>> No.14837584

Are you American by any chance?

>> No.14837586


>> No.14837591

There is nothing inherently evil about communism, unlike Nazism. As for specific figures that caused consirable harm they are remembered as such, like Stalin. Zero double standards.

>> No.14837597
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure which one of my statements triggered you and I also don't care.

>> No.14837598

>We can tell communism is bad because it failed and is fundamentally opposed to human nature and our biology.
.t retarded ordinary man

>> No.14837599

There is nothing inherently evil about living in a homogenous nation state

>> No.14837603

>Why do Jews want to live in white countries if whites are evil?
Why are you unable to respond to what the post actually says if you are not mentally ill?

>> No.14837612

lol, as if you even had to ask

>> No.14837613

None of them but the picture is clinically braindead

>> No.14837621

Theft and murder aren't inherently evil?

>> No.14837627

>War is bad
>Communism vs Fascism memes
>Arguing over death counts
>Your guy is bad!
>N-No YOUR guy is bad!

Holy shit you guys are peak anti-intellectualism.
I expected more from lit, although I dont know why exactly.

>> No.14837633

I think you meant to say ethnostate. And a core belief of Nazism is that Jews and nonwhites are subhuman, you don't get to pull your weasely tricks on my guard.

>> No.14837634

Communism, Nazism and Socialism are fundamentally identical.

>> No.14837636

Are you really going to do the taxation is theft meme

>> No.14837638

>homogenous nation state
Can you read? And it doesn't matter if they're subhuman or not if they don't live in the country.

>> No.14837642

There are so many political threads on this board right now it’s ridiculous. Just because a thread mentions some political or economic philosopher or has some vaguely /lit/ related pic but is otherwise purely a political discussion should be pruned. Like that thread with the libertarian logic pic, the op knows full well that Marxist works are the most obvious source for literature discussing that picture but really it’s just a thinly-veiled /pol/ thread which is where this thread belongs as well

>> No.14837646

>much both sides are bad big brain take
Except that most leftists don't defend fucking Stalin, while most Nazis think the holocaust was justified.

>> No.14837655

shut up mutiulated jewish swine

>> No.14837660

I just want a comfy board talk about novels and poems, why do politicsfags have to ruin everything

>> No.14837672

This board needs stricter moderation and more active jannies. It’s always had a measure of politicsfags posting threads that are tangentially related to literature followed by a thread that is nothing but a political debate but recently it’s been getting ridiculous. Threads like these should be deleted

>> No.14837673

>Can you read?
Do you really think your dishonest obfuscation tricks will work here? National and ethic homogeneity are not the same think you slimy cuck.
>And it doesn't matter if they're subhuman or not if they don't live in the country.
It matters, because if they are subhuman there is nothing wrong with creating an ethnostate via death camps. Imperialism can also be perfectly justified.

>> No.14837677

>There are so many political threads on this board right now it’s ridiculous. Just because a thread mentions some political or economic philosopher or has some vaguely /lit/ related pic but is otherwise purely a political discussion should be pruned. Like that thread with the libertarian logic pic, the op knows full well that Marxist works are the most obvious source for literature discussing that picture but really it’s just a thinly-veiled /pol/ thread which is where this thread belongs as well
Daily reminder political, religious and economic fanatics should be culled for human genepool improvement.

>much both sides are bad big brain take
Well, aren't they? Please enlighten me friend!
>Except that most leftists don't defend fucking Stalin, while most Nazis think the holocaust was justified.
Now you're comparing regular subscribers to a very mild ideology to ideological extremists, which just doesn't seem very smart to me.

>> No.14837690

What exactly does 'nationally homogenous' mean. Nationality is a piece of paper telling you youre a citizen. You could give everyone in the world one, it literally doesn't mean anything. I was obviously referring to ethnicity.

There is no need for death camps, youre just projecting your genocidal fantasies. btw do you support mass immigration into Israel?

>> No.14837696

>Daily reminder political, religious and economic fanatics should be culled for human genepool improvement.
Objective truth. Wonder how many of them realise the extent to which that sort of fanaticism is based on a large measure of vanity? My guess is none

>> No.14837714

>Well, aren't they? Please enlighten me friend!
I explain in the next sentance.
>Now you're comparing regular subscribers to a very mild ideology to ideological extremists, which just doesn't seem very smart to me.
The point is that you won't find many socialists, communists or whatever defending Stalin's purges in this thread while all the Nazis are fine with the holocaust. Hence your comment about both sides doing the same is dishonest.

>> No.14837741

>What exactly does 'nationally homogenous' mean. Nationality is a piece of paper telling you youre a citizen. You could give everyone in the world one, it literally doesn't mean anything. I was obviously referring to ethnicity.
No it's not obvious, nationalists want national homogeneity but not necessarily ethnic homogeneity. You are doing the old /pol/ trick of talking about ethnonationalism as if it was mere nationalism to make your fringe political position sound mainstream.
>There is no need for death camps, youre just projecting your genocidal fantasies.
There is if the country you want to make homogenous is ethnically diverse.

>> No.14837755

underrated :)

>> No.14837759

Again define 'national homogeneity'. Doesnt mean anything

And answer the question about Israel, do you care if Jews become a minority in Israel?

>> No.14837768

>this political ideology killed the most people
actually it's atheism that's behind all these deaths

>> No.14837772

>The common sense wisdom of the ordinary man will always be more valuable
>The common sense wisdom of the ordinary man will always be more valuable
>The common sense wisdom of the ordinary man will always be more valuable
>The common sense wisdom of the ordinary man will always be more valuable
>The common sense wisdom of the ordinary man will always be more valuable
>The common sense wisdom of the ordinary man will always be more valuable

>> No.14837784


>> No.14837790


>> No.14837793

>Again define 'national homogeneity'.
Having a shared cultural heritage would be the obvious example.
>And answer the question about Israel, do you care if Jews become a minority in Israel?
I don't care if they are a majority or not, but they should get rid of their ethnostate bullshit.

>> No.14837799

>We can tell communism is bad because it failed and is fundamentally opposed to human nature and our biology.
>our biology
Are you fucking kidding me

>> No.14837808

If by “they” you mean Jews then you’re absolutely correct

>> No.14837816

How the hell do boomers get in here?

>> No.14837882

Then don’t invade sovereign countries lmao. “Bro I didn’t even want a war I just went and took over Eastern Europe why you bullying me”

>> No.14837884

>Wonder how many of them realise the extent to which that sort of fanaticism is based on a large measure of vanity? My guess is none
You guessed right.
There is no self-reflection.>>14837714
>The point is that you won't find many socialists, communists or whatever defending Stalin's purges in this thread while all the Nazis are fine with the holocaust. Hence your comment about both sides doing the same is dishonest.
I never said both sides do the same, where did you get that?

>> No.14837919


>> No.14837923

Not him, but Stalin was going to attack Germany regardless, such is the outcome when the two ideologies in question are in such close proximity, it was all about who was going to strike first.

>> No.14837928

Actually, fascism only killed 2,000 people and Marxism killed 800,000,000,000 people, get your facts straight.

>> No.14837932

>Then don’t invade sovereign countries lmao. “Bro I didn’t even want a war I just went and took over Eastern Europe why you bullying me”
Not the anon you're responding to, but;
The parts of eastern europe that were 'invaded' first, were 'stolen' territories where there lived a lot of ethnic germans.
They were being subjegated by said countries.

>> No.14838156

I don’t even know where I’d begin a conversation with someone who unironically believes the governments justifications for war. Do you also believe the US is in the Middle East because it loves peace and democracy? Do you believe the US attacked Vietnam because of a (now admittedly false flag) attack on a ship? Come on.

>> No.14838745

You lied by saying that communists and fascists are arguing over death counts, implying the commies defend Stalin in the same way fascists defend Hitler. Your anti-left bias is showing.

>> No.14838757

China caused the most deaths under feudalism, under communism, and if this Corona goes full throttle, might end up getting the most deaths under state capitalism too

>> No.14838820

>A bunch of nips bomb a naval yard in Hawaii
>The U.S. completely vaporize two of there cities full of civilians in return
The Japanese started it. They are responsible for all the deaths.

>> No.14838833

Then why do you believe that the Allies attacked Germany for invading Poland? Why do you trust their reason more than the Nazi's reason, that's just as naive