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14828744 No.14828744 [Reply] [Original]

What do I read to achieve this?

>> No.14828750

Negligible Intellect

>> No.14828754

Evola- Fascism Viewed from the RIght

>> No.14828781

The key to achieving this is to NOT read. Burn every book you have and just watch Fox News

>> No.14828801
File: 244 KB, 953x510, 1573609287786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Authoritarian Right" is about as oxymoronic for the opposite reason "Libertarian Left" is: you don't need some artificial, secular state to establish hierarchy that is already inherent in nature and established by the Lord. Those who disagree are probably cringy psuedo-communistic and modernistic National Socialists who basically want people to be pets of the State, like any other statist, except this time the State is really particular to a specific breed of man-dog.

>> No.14828807

joseph de maistre

>> No.14828815


>> No.14828816

nah, you'll become a magaboomer that way. just a classical liberal really, a centrist if you will.

>> No.14828819

>fox news
okay retard

>> No.14828820
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Just read Hoppe, but take it to its natural conclusion. There is no liberty without an authority who can destroy central bankers and communists alike.

>> No.14828821

How would you ensure that people know their place in the hierarchy and maintain order in a hierarchical society? You need the State to thwart and suppress social unrest in a class society, read Marx.

>> No.14828823

Fox news is for fascist boomers. Are you a retard?

>> No.14829163

> be lib right living in glorious ancapistan
> I get a notification on my phone
> pay 50 cents to applesoft to see the message
> mcamazoncorp has raised my rent 100% and revoked my healthcare
> at least it wasn't the government
> god I love freedom

>> No.14829165

don't do it anon

>> No.14829190
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Nice babies' first argument there.

>> No.14829248

You don't.

>> No.14829599

im talking about an ancap/libertarian society you absolute baby brain retard

>> No.14829609

No, you were talking about your strawman of an ancap/libertarian society, you nigger.

>> No.14829613

Inequality is enforced through the state. If I want to take something from someone, or kill someone, it is not the possesor of that thing, or my murder victim which stops me, but rather their rights granted by the state. It is the police, and the courts, which are the state themselves which punish me.

>> No.14829627

Mindless authoritarianism. Case in point >>14828801

To be fair, they're bootlickers

>> No.14829630

would you like to contest the idea that without intervention corporations tend to consolidate or that they will try to make profit wherever it is even remotely possible at the expense of the people?

>> No.14829639

bootlicker vs anarchism hmmm, i think they’re both bootlickers towards silly ideologies

>> No.14829641

To add to this: what does a world look like where the things in which a man possesses, or has power over, are only the things which he himself can enforce? There are no tyrants, slaves, empires, or authorities. This is equality in its most purse sense, this an intensely flat looking hierarchy. Even the most rudimentary forms of slavery and capital require a state; there is always a powerful body that substantiates slavery, as an institution, and enforces it with violence as far back as the first civilized men. And there can be no private property, without the state to do the same with land. There can be no business without an authority who gives currency to its money. Yes, without the state, there is no inequality or hierarchy - for the inequality and hierarchy themselves are the state.

>> No.14829644

The natural concentration of capital and power inherent to capitalism will inevitably lead to a sort of corporate feudalism.
It will not lead to freedom as you imagine it.

>> No.14829651

Then you misunderstand the terms completely.
The authoritarian's fanboy is a toady to power, an NPC zombi soldier. A bootlicker or ambitious conniving bootlicker.
Anarchism is about challenging all unjustifiable hierarchies like those. Many of the young actually hate all forms of authority, but they're usually from broken homes with no good role models. The goal is more freedom and personal responsibility. Ideologies themselves don't wear boots

>> No.14829791

Oh wow woman

>> No.14829797

Why is fascism considered "right" is it just for "as opposed to left"? ain't the whole point of fascism to be neither communism nor capitalism?

still retarded tho

>> No.14829821

It’s authoritarian capitalism. Weakened it becomes oligarchy.

>> No.14829873

The whole right vs left dichotomy is retarded bullshit pushed by people who think material conditions are the best or only way of measuring the health of a society, which ironically includes both Marxists and mainstream conservatives.

>> No.14830015

what hierarchies are justifiable and which are not?

>> No.14830046

Youre the same kind of dipshit who thought the repeal of net neutrality would mean 25 cents per snap chat. Learn some economics retard.

>> No.14830049

Natural hierarchies

>> No.14830053
File: 7 KB, 226x223, 1582241346918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it wasnt for the law Walmart would make my rent 1 million dollars. That's a brilliant buisness strategy.

>> No.14830059


>> No.14830066

Communists use the term "capitalism" in the exact same way facists use the term "jew". Once you realize this it becomes obvious how pathetically retarded and cucked their ideology is.

>> No.14830074

the point is without any kind of regulation capital would continue to consolidate until most/all of industry was monopolized at which point there'd be no reason for business strategy because there'd be no competition

>> No.14830107

This is laughably false to anyone who has even a basic understanding of the history of economics. Look into the supposed monopolies of late 19th century America for example.

Even with total ownership of a commodity people will seek out alternatives and there is still the threat of potential competition. Only through military force can an economically hegemonic relationship be maintained.

>> No.14830168

I'm not talking about anything that's occurred in the history of economics. The type of consolidation of power that would be possible in a capitalist society without oversight is not something that we've ever seen before. But yes, these few corporations would likely have private armies to enforce their will

>> No.14830201

Everything is natural.

>> No.14830207

There are different types of capitalism as there are different and overlapping types of socialism.
Yer ”freemarkets” are one and very brief thought before it goes to monopoly then oligarchy

>Only fascists are antisemetic

>> No.14830229

This thread is pretty much why I hope corona-chan just kills humanity.

>> No.14830361

In the past there was no globalization, at least not to the current degree.

>> No.14830377


It's all worth it as long is it kills that which shall not be named.

>> No.14830487


>Hierarchy already inherent in nature

Unbased and body-with-organs pilled

>> No.14830506

You're just wishing for someone to take you out of your misery, the strong will survive.

>> No.14830598

The 'consolidation of power' would be infinitely lower than having any self proclaimed monopoly of force over large territories and enforcing your will. This is the same rehashed argument from the early 20th century according to which 'capitalism' would lead to a few dozens of monopolies by free contract, hence we must fight it by having one super giant monopoly resting on force.
Lolbergtarianism would lead to an extreme degree of decentralization (which you smear as 'feudalism').
>b-but it's different because muh power is using force instead of just the possibility of not dealing with you, plus they wear badges and stuff, and make declarations about working for the people
It is indeed different.

>> No.14830631

>unjustifiable hierarchies
Lmao. So YOU'RE the sovereign, eh?
Sorry, but if I had the choice to lick the boots of a middle-aged dyke anarchkiddie or a divine king, I'm going with the latter.

>> No.14830684

A lobotomy

>> No.14830698


>> No.14830706

Most great thinkers throughout history have occupied this position. Therefore the entire history of philosophy and the western canon.

>> No.14830760
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All ideologies server the technological system.
Your ideology is trash.

>> No.14830771

discord trannies in the thread tonight
everybodys cringing at their replies
and we gon make them lose their minds
everybody just post duh duh duh

>> No.14830778

But that's ecofascism.

>> No.14830796
File: 772 KB, 2040x1272, 1583273191504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in. We're goin' for a ride, Jack! Where we're goin' we don't need no stinkin' books! It's time to put the pedal to the metal. Watch out, Corn Pop! Your malarkey ain't got nothin' on ol' Uncle Joe!

Damn, I'm hungry for ice cream...

Let's kick this bad boy into overdrive! Hope I don't run over any Bernie Sanders supporters. I just got this beauty cleaned at the shop.

>> No.14830818

There are sides which are more sympathetic. Radical traditionalism is certainly a return to pre-industrial society. Indeed race itself is created and upheld by nature. But we mustn't forget that 1930s Germany strongly believed in and pushed technological progress.

>> No.14830825

You literally don't read, in order to reach that you need to be a anti-intellectual thug, something like the Sturmabteilung or something

>> No.14830842

This is just sounds like anarchism with lesser steps.

>> No.14830906

Joseph de Maistre
Louis de Bonald
Juan Donoso Cortes
Nicolas Gomez Davila
Jean Ousset
Charles Maurras
Edouard Drumont
Julio Meinvielle
Henri Delassus
Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet
Plus classical literature (aka start with the Greeks), medieval literature and the big Catholic writers.

>> No.14830936

Is technology all bad though? What about techno-ruralism?

>> No.14830970

>Most great thinkers throughout history have occupied this position.
[citation needed]

>> No.14830985

Whats stopping the Walmart from hiring a private army to rule over you?

>> No.14831191

Reject reason, return to emotion

>> No.14831974

Back to plebbit with you retards. Friendly reminder that right wingers understand the position of left wingers much better than the opposite, all of you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.14832174

You just have to be extremely intelligent and have very little empathy

>> No.14832212

Pardon, but plain english is confusing you right now. You’ve got this all wrong. Would you like a book to read?

>> No.14832217

Absolutely based.

>> No.14832239

Monopolies have only ever existed due to government.

>> No.14832246

Based retard

>> No.14832253


>> No.14832296

>*honks novelty horn*
>*turns up the stereo and blasts camptown races*
>*drives 30 mph under the speed limit*
>*runs over a group of schoolchildren on the sidewalk without noticing*

>> No.14832377

If the hierarchy is established by the Lord why do we need states to maintain hierarchies?

>> No.14832433

>Learn some economics retard.
Ancaps always say this as if they didn’t tap out at Econ 101

>> No.14832455

you're right


>Martin Heidegger
>Carl Schmitt
>Werner Sombat
>Ludwig Klages
>Ezra Pound
>Ernst Junger
>Yukio Mishima
>Francis Parker Yockey
>Stefan George
>Charles Bukowski
>Julius Evola
>Karl Haushofer
>Richard Strauss
>Louis-Ferdinand Céline
>Carl Jung
>Karl Haushofer
>Michel Houellebecq
>Knut Hamsun
>Oswald Spengler
>Ludwig Wittgenstein
>Leo Strauss
>Michel Foucault

I can name more "right-wing" literati than left-wing. The meme that rightist are anti-intellectual is only because leftism is an echo-chamber that cannot really stand up to truly right-wing ideas so they have to deny them out-right.

>> No.14832615

Why is that limit there in the pic?
It's a bit ironic that you'd put in mathematical ignorance into your image accusing others of stupidity.

>> No.14832621

>fascist boomers
brain let

>> No.14832633

you must be new here

>> No.14832656

Dilate faggot. Nature decides what is based and what is gay. Niggers kikes and democracy are gay.

>> No.14832677

I wonder why that off topic university thread is nearly 300 posts


>> No.14832725

literally retarded

>> No.14832811

he's right tho

>> No.14832838

imagine if you and all your university buds wasted 5+ years reinforcing existing political paradigms while pretending to be subversive... you'd probably want to take your just reward and finally, for the first time feel superior to at least somebody... this would be especially pleasurable if they were the very people you were supposedly aiming to uplift

>> No.14832878

So do corporations in general. They are legal fictions created to limit the liability of the shareholders, which can only exist because of government. Now if ancaps and libertarians were against corporations in general, that would be consistent. Most, however, are fine with government incorporating a company, but then against government regulating it.
You don't need a book to become a right wing authoritarian. You just have to see that corporations and banks are unnatural entities, and they will get out of control without a strong government to regulate them. Remember, Pinochet cracked down on bankers as much as communists.

>> No.14832959

patently untrue, but I guess this is your brain on ancap

>> No.14833159

Yes, what do you suggest?
What do you mean by this? It was a comfy thread

>> No.14833957

Hamsun, Schmitt, Heidegger, Junger, Bukowski (lol, who cares what he thinks), Jung, Spengler, Foucault, Spengler, Houellebecq, and Wittgenstein would not, if tested, have their little dot placed in the top right corner.

>> No.14834171

Comfy is fine. I was just having conversation in that other thread (linked)

I ain’t into people slobbering on muh boots. No anarchist wants that. That’s not the aims of the movement. How do you not know this?
There’s lots to read, lots of nuanced takes. I found a nice anthology called No Gods, No Masters.

>> No.14834200

You can try reading the inside of a loaded gun barrel. Try pulling the trigger when it's up to your eye to see the literature more clearly.