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File: 408 KB, 1080x1440, Goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14813557 No.14813557 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel to know that you're all technically midwits in the eyes of Goethe?

>> No.14813564

I don't think he'd say that though. Goethe was pretty based

>> No.14813570

Me: Alive

Goethe: Fucking dead

Fucking rekt

>> No.14813599

Yes but that doesn't mean it isn't true.

Goethe: greatest poet to ever live, and will be remembered forever

You: you

Wow so rekt.

>> No.14813602

I would claim to know what Faust was about and then argue with him for hours (because he famously expressed his inability to understand himself what Faust was supoosed to express, but you ofc know that OP since you're also a Geohte buff like me :D) and if he asks me what's it about I'd first go into a lengthy tirade about God and The Devil and Man's place in the world and how we are a living paradox and yet not, and then I'd tell him to end the second half with Sneed because I convinced him that it'll be really really funny in the future (get it?), and then I'd fix his colour theory, summon Mephisto with him, and we'd be immortal best buddies until the end of time. At some point I'd write a book about our travels that I would probably call Goteh and I, in it I would express the fact that I actually only loved him platonically AND for our money, but not for the way his delicious penis curves up and to the left.

This is assuming that I can travel time obviously

>> No.14813628

You wouldn't be intelligent enough for Goethe.

>> No.14813638

I'm a Germanist and think Goethe is overrate. Prove me wrong

>> No.14813647

Joke's on you. I was only pretending to be in love with his beauteous divinely shaped cock that curves upwards to the left.

On a real note tho, it's mighty impressive how the whole thing rhymes. The following is from memory because, yes, I do feel like a midwit compared to him

>du musst verstehn aus Eins mach Zehn
>und Zwei lass gehn
>und Drei mach gleich so bist du reich
>Verlier die Vier
Yaddayadda you know the rest

>> No.14813664
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>The following is from memory because, yes, I do feel like a midwit compared to him
And how do you deal with that anon?

>> No.14813677

*chin scratch*
Shitposting for one. When that's not enough I draw pictures of him that I offer blood and sperm to, and then I chant the hexen einmaleins in a magical circle based on his theory of chromatics until either he appears or I pass out. I'm not sure he's appeared yet. I do this like once a week.

>> No.14813686

How many zoomies do you think read Goethe?
How many zoomies' children do you think will read Goethe?

Remembered forever my ass. Maybe by a couple of senile jews in some irrelevant backwater academia. Enjoy your posterity LMAO

>> No.14813721

>Johann Wolfgang von Goethe had a height of about 1.69 m

What will his, ahem, intellect matter against my superior strength? I could easily pin him down and force him to lick my balls. Might trumps intellect any day.

>> No.14813723

Fuck remembering. He changed Germany. And Germany changed the world. Dead jews you say? Capitalism you say? Goethe's echo.

>> No.14813748

He didnt' change shit. He wrote some faggot ass books. Sure, you could say that men who actually did change the world (statesmen, generals, leaders) were in part inspired by him, but that's a pitiable and pathetic claim to legacy. People can get inspired by anything - a pretty flower, a picture on the wall, a whiff of a female pussy. Accidental, meaningless things. Inspiration comes cheap. Plus, following the same logic we must praise not Goethe then, by Goethe's mother, for giving birth to Goethe. She was, however, given sperm by Goethe's father, who also deserves praise. Both parents had their own parents, who too are deserving of immortality. And like that in reverse all the way to the first primordial living cell.

>> No.14813759

>will be remembered forever
you're being generous. there's maybe 5 authors to date that will be widely remembered in 10,000 years.

>> No.14813764
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1555885911586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck i cant believe i actually read this guy

>> No.14813766

Broooooooing: Wrong wrong wrong. He single handedly birthed Germany. One movement of his fingernail to the left: communism. To the right: fascism. Up: idealism. Down: materialism. Straight toward your mind: GOD.

>> No.14813768

Rupi Kaur, John Green, Margaret Atwood....?

>> No.14814053

But the question anon! How does it make you feel?

>> No.14814121

>Goethe's legacy is being hijacked by the Harz tourist board to convince people to walk their shit mountains.

>> No.14814125

Homer, Dante, Shakespeare, Goethe, Joyce

>> No.14814126

One of them being me.

>> No.14814133

what about goonan

>> No.14814674

I'm flattered that he doesn't consider me a bumbling fool. That's certainly what I am, compared to him.

>> No.14814736

Goethe will be remembered not so much for his writings (maybe Faust, because of it's ambition), but for his evolutionary theory for plants (metamorphosis of plants), animals (metamorphosis of animals), and humans (elective affinities) that predates Darwin's and ended up influencing Schopenhauer's idea of Kant's thing-in-itself being Will, which influenced Neitzsche's second greatest creation (behind his idea of the eternal recurrence which will itself end up creating the eternal recurrence), the Will to Power, a genius level interpretation for pretty much anything and everything.

>> No.14814776

He would actually consider me a rising genius just as he thought of Schopenhauer. He would invite me to work on our theory of Optics.

>> No.14814782

That was above average height in his day.

>> No.14814790

I haven't read Elective Affinities or his scientific writings. Could you explain how they influenced Schopenhauer? Conversely I've heard Faust part two was heavily influenced by Schopenhauer but I haven't read that yet either.

>> No.14814796

Pre-20th century literature dropped. I'm not reading fucking manlets

>> No.14814808

Does this mean women have been enacting an eugenics program by actively choosing the taller men so much that we are now much taller than our few centuries ago ancestors?

>> No.14814814

Has more to do with industrial age conveniences, better nutrition, and advanced medicine.

>> No.14814824

I doubt 18th century aristocrats had many nutrition problems.

>> No.14814838

Basically Goethe, in Elective Affinities, came up with the idea that human connection might be able to be explained like chemical reactions in chemistry. Goethe, in unifying all interactions as one type, as elective affinities, paved the way for schopenhauer to extend into a theory of world as will. Libb Thims of Hmolpedia describes this very will:
>Arthur Schopenhauer was a German natural philosopher, an "avowed atheist", noted for his two-volume, 1818/1844 treatise: Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung, variously translated as: The World as Will and Idea, The World as Will and Presentation, or The World as Will and Representation, in which, building on German polymath Johann Goethe's 1809 inorganic/organic elective affinities unified theory of will, among numerous other thinkers, e.g. Empedocles, Leucippus, Kant, etc., he posited that there was an inherent force inside humans (as well as inside all entities in general), which he named the ‘will to live’ (later re-branded by Nietzsche as "will to power"), that drove such entities into a will to live and to reproduce.

>> No.14814844

Women's preferences for taller men does affect the genepool, hence men are generally taller than women in the same way that a peacock has a larger tail than a peahen. Sudden changes like the one we experienced in the industrial revolution tend to have more to do with overall health.

>> No.14814913

Actually, there's a total absence of firmly distinguished upper and lower class cuisine in the 18th century. All people mostly ate cold meats, sweets, and fruit.

Since food itself wasn't a predictor of class, cultural customs were instead used to distinguish the upper class from the lower class (ex: upper classmen would eat with cutlery in a specific way).

The caliber of food became rather poor during the 1700s in England, as meat rose in popularity. Due to urbanization, large quantities of meat had to be transported from the farms to the cities. Since the trip was by no means short or easy, the quality of meat was bound to be coarse and inferior.

>> No.14814916

Look at this dude. hueheuehuehueheuehueheue

>> No.14814945

You'll have to drop the Romans as well then. Italy was a whole country of Danny Devitos back then.

>> No.14815368

he'll be remembered for 100,000

>> No.14815476

opinion discarded, bet you haven't read since your second semester
>Goethe is overrate
this isn't even grammatically correct
>prove me wrong
I'll hit you with Faust I, Faust II, fist I, and fist II.

>> No.14815500

Yes. The first true genocide was the genocide of Manlets. Women do not want us to remember this, so they place as much economic force as possible to promote other genocides as a cover up for their crimes.

>> No.14815531

literally and unironically a good thing

>> No.14815581
File: 10 KB, 218x217, 1570348851056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If only women were as harsh in their IQ selection as they are in their height, muscle, bone-structure, extroversion and confidence selection. We would be exploring the stars by now.

>> No.14815620

goethe was a dumbass on anything that was stem

>> No.14815643
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, 1564922804988.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*blocks your path with Goethe's Farbenlehre*

>> No.14815672

So is nearly everyone. Very few are literary geniuses though.

>> No.14815674

>Goethe and Joyce over Cervantes and Tolstoy
I laugh at thee.

>> No.14815677

as it remains

>> No.14815728


>> No.14815768

feels good to know that Goethe was mentally blind, blond and bland.

>> No.14815771
File: 18 KB, 558x614, bbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reducing something as complex as Don Quixote as that

>> No.14815796


>> No.14815800

feels bad that, though you are correct, Sir, it is we who see the world with wrong eyes, and he who saw through delusion's veil into nature's blind, blond and bland heart.

>> No.14815805

fuck you, you made me chuckle.
I love you too, anon.