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14810398 No.14810398 [Reply] [Original]

When writing, I always start out with ideas I would consider great, but the more I write, the more I begin to hate what I do and think that my writing is garbage. Moreover, I have no fun during the writing process. It's just the thought of writing something and imagining an overarching story in my head that intrigues me.
Any way to fix this?

Pic only partly related, not all of these things apply to me.

>> No.14810418

You're just playing. There is a difference between play and creative work. The former is easy, the latter is hard. Both are valuable, however.
I know this because you're literally me

>> No.14810435

You need to be willing to sit down and write out all the seemingly boring details if you want to properly flesh out your story. And you need to make those details intertwine if you want your story to be coherent.

Writing is work first, play later. I promise you the play will be even more fun after a bit of elbow grease.

>> No.14810446

And it seems like it's hard to escape escape this hellhole.

>> No.14810456

But what I've been writing thus far was to me always better the more I focused on themes and the overarching story instead of boring trivia. I am currently just writing short stories, mind you.

>> No.14810460

Overarching stories are gay.
Write smut, anon

>> No.14810461 [DELETED] 

But to me, everything I've been writing thus far was better the less unnessecary trivia there was and the more I focused on themes and the story itself.

>> No.14810471

The Big Fish bring the Little Fish. Writing is the gross act of stenography -- you're in the woods of composition, and forest management (editing) is the real labor. You split logs until you have enough for a cabin, or a fire, or a totem pole.

>> No.14810481

Sex scenes is the worst stuff to write desu. There is nothing more awkward than sitting down, hoping nobody enters your room, and describing how some succubus licks someones cock. I love brutality and adults themes, but writing smut is terrible (and your taste might be too).

>> No.14810484

There is usually almost always a discrepancy between one's ideas and their expression. The goal of the drafting process is to successively approximate and close the gap between your ideas and their clearest articulation.

>> No.14810503

Nice metaphor. I guess what it comes down to after all is to try to focus and bring myself to actually finishing something even though it's shit.

>> No.14810882

>cant listen to music without pretending hes the artists
i want to fucking kill myself, i do this everytime. fuck me, what can i do?

>> No.14810898

Based Lynch fan.

>> No.14810909

Learn to write boring topics in interesting ways. You gotta earn the good stuff.

>> No.14810921


>> No.14810967

i would begin by writing something that isn't meant to be "great", but perhaps "significant" / "important"

i think by "smut" it is meant that "the thing you write isn't anything inherently super-duper-mega special, and that something ugly can also have its own beauty

short stories are good. but i suspect that you should make them even shorter, or more accurately: try to convey less, but express it in fuller detail

>> No.14811036

>and think that my writing is garbage
It probably is. Takes a lot writing to move up from garbage to kinda garbage and so on. Took me like 9 years and 8.5 drafts to get to something I don't dislike too much. Being able to recognise shit writing is an important skill, and it's likely that you even underestimate just how bad your garbage actually is.

>Moreover, I have no fun during the writing process.
Took me ages to enjoy it fully as well. Set smaller goals like writing one sentence you REALLY like in a paragraph. Generally there isn't much of a shortcut or trick. Keep writing, ideally finish something so you can go back and analyse a complete thing, then write something else, repeat.


>> No.14812110

learn the guitar, maybe the piano

>> No.14812119

is this anologis to the artists inability to surpass the charcoal with the oil?

>> No.14812132

>19 year old
I got bad news for you...
>t. 34 year old thinker

>> No.14812230

this is literally fucking me. I have an entire fantasy universe simulation in my head that i've designed down to the mining techniques of eastern dwarves and elven philosophy. I can't write it because when i put pencil to paper I can never contain the full scope of the world. It's been like this for years, and its gotten to the point that I barely do anyhting but get home from work and stare at the wall all day. I fear NEETing because I would spend my time in my room staring at a wall until I slept. It's getting really fucking bad anons. Help please.

>> No.14812364

I hate this meme because it seems like someone met me in college, hung out with me for a few months, then sat down and made it. Just decided to completely call me out on my bullshit.
It even looks like me.

>> No.14812629

>Don't we have to admit to ourselves, we artists, that there is an uncanny difference within us between our taste and our creative power? They stand oddly sidlf by side. separately, and each grows in its own way. I mean, they have altogether different degrees and tempi of old, young, mature, mellow. and rotten. A musician, for example. might create his life long what is utterly at odds with what his refined listener's ear and listener's heart esteem, enjoy, and prefer-and he need not even be aware of this contradiction. As our almost painfully frequent experience shows. one's taste can easily grow far beyond the reach of the taste of one's powers. and this need not at all paralyze these powers and keep them from continued productivity. But the opposite can happen. too-and this is what I should like to call to the attention of artists. Consider a continually creative person a "mother" type in the grand sense, one who knows and hears nothing any more except about the pregnancies and deliveries of his spirit. one who simply lacks the time to reflect on himself and his work and to make comparisons. one who no longer has any desire to assert his taste and who simply forgets it, without caring in the least whether it still stands, .or lies, or falIs-:such a person
might perhaps eventually produce works that far excel his own
judgment, so that he utters stupidities about them and himself --utters them and believes them. This seems to me to be almost the norm among fertile artists-nobody knows a child less well than its parents d~nd -it is true even in the case, to take a tremendous example, of the whole world of Greek art and poetry: it never "knew" what it did.
tl;dr Post yer shit on critique threads

>> No.14812829

I think you can be one of the rare great writers. The best writers are people who have ideas and must write, even though they suck at it. All you have to do is put in about 10,000 hours of work, and you'll get published. If you think that's too much work, then give up now. Though, I have to say, over the long run that really only amounts to a few hours a day, and not every day of the week, for about 10 years. When you're in your thirties you'll think 10,000 hours of work has not been that much. I'm 38 and have published a few novels and have written more than ten. I would be willing to mentor you because what you write here shows far more promise than anything I've seen in while. Having the ability to come up with stories is way more important than the ability to write. Everyone who writes for movies and tv has the ability to write, but can't come up with stories, is the best way to think about what you have. (everything on tv and in movies is shit) Please don't waste your ability

>> No.14812868

>imagines what it would be like to start life over with everything you've learned

that's really not that abnormal, kind of a fleeting thought the a lot of folk tend to have at some point or another