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14796756 No.14796756 [Reply] [Original]

Books for this feel?

>> No.14796760
File: 254 KB, 683x939, conservativeprogressivetraditional.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14796776

plato's symposium
tom stoppard's invention of love
the heroic homosex website
bronze age mindset

>> No.14796816
File: 649 KB, 1600x2300, gaybooks2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is a work in progress. Any suggestions?

Here's what I've got lined up to add so far, looking to fill in any gaps:
>Poems of Wine and Revelry (c. 800)
>The Tale of Genji (c. 1000)
>Torikaebaya Monogatari/The Changelings (c. 1100)
>Le Roman d'Eneas (c. 1160)
>Ariake no Wakare (c. 1200)
>Le Lai de Lanval (c. 1200)
>Ganymede debate thing ???
>Uji Shūi Monogatari/A Collection of tales from Uji (c. 1200)
>The Delight of Hearts (c. 1200)
>The Rose Garden (1258)
>Chigo Kannon Engi (c. 1300)
>Chigo no sōshi/Book of Acolytes (1321)
>Tsurezuregusa/Essays in Idleness (1330)
>The Tale of Genmu (c. 1400)
>Michelangelo's poetry (c. 1500)
>Il marescalco (1533)
>Richard Barnfield's poetry (1590s)
>Dido, Queen of Carthage (1594)
>Edward II (1594)
>Troilus and Cressida (1602)
>The Sonnets (1609)
>Huan Xi Yuan Jia/[Quarrelsome/Happy] Lovers ?? Xi Hu Yu Yin Ren
>Qing Shi/History of Love (c. 1630) Feng Menglong
>Twelve Towers (c. 1650) Li Yu / A Tower for the Summer Heat
>Silent Operas (c. 1650) Li Yu
>Alcibiades the Schoolboy (1652)
>The Great Mirror of Male Love (1687)
>Wild Azaleas [Iwatsutsuji]
>The Blue Cowl [Aozukin]
>Comic Tales (1766) by Wieland ("Juno and Ganymede")
>Jakob Michael Reinhold Lenz plays??
>Johannes von Müller?? Letters??
>Censored by Confucius: Ghost Stories by Yuan Mei (1788)
>Dream of the Red Chamber (1791)
>Justine, or The Misfortunes of Virtue (1791)
>Hyperion (1797)
>Holderlin?? Socrates and Alcibiades

>> No.14797098
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>I wrote a book titledAndrophiliain 2007. The main idea behind the book was that sexuality shouldn’t define a man, and that experiencing some homosexual attraction doesn’t mean that you have to choose to behave effeminately. Sexuality is a poor axis for primary identity. Men are men regardless, and I believe that they should strive to earn the respect and honor of other men.

>> No.14797212

lmfao based

>> No.14797657


>> No.14798021

sam smith is non-binary, not gay