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14789223 No.14789223 [Reply] [Original]

Sorceror-KANGS edition

The monthly read - Small Gods by Pratchett, on discord.

RECS https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1029811-sffg
CHAT https://discord.gg/KWPCM7m
CHARTS https://mega.nz/#F!QyJVEQpL!utXEIGMAprWxM9GMGLxxtg
LINKS https://pastelink.net/sffglit
THREADS >>/lit/?task=search2&search_subject=sffg

>> No.14789356

first for sanderfag a hack

>> No.14789374

Second for Akka did nothing wrong!

>> No.14789384

it's also by ppl who used to be lonely bullied teens

post chapter 1 and i'll give feedback

>> No.14789410
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I've been looking for something that's nature-oriented where you can hear the sounds of trees, birds, twigs, rustling leaves.
Somewhere I can escape to.

>> No.14789452

akka is a literal cuck

>> No.14789473


>> No.14789647

The cuck life chose him

>> No.14789650

King of Elfland's Daughter
Mythago Wood

>> No.14789683
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>470 pages into random book I grabbed from the new releases
>the story has finally moved on from the introduction
I've never been so mad at a perfectly readable book before, just needlessly padded to death when everything could've been covered in like 120 pages.

>> No.14789711

I got clowned into reading dollar store Asimov

>> No.14789720

Don't think he likes Brad Sanderson

>> No.14789760
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Should I take the Sword and Sorcery pill /sffg/?

>> No.14789770

Depends on if you like sword and sorcery.

>> No.14789783

>reading a book about apprentices and expecting something good after what Robin Hobb did

>> No.14789790

S&S doesn't usually contain cat/foxgirls.

>> No.14789807

Not the poorly written ones UwU

>> No.14789821

Ive been gifted a 40$ gift card at local bookstore and feeling something snowy, eyeing Abominable or the Terror by Simmons, which one should I choose?

>> No.14789834
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What did you think about Small Gods?

Next month's reading will be decided based on what I feel like reading. It's not like there will be much discussion anyway.

>> No.14789840

An abomination unto Nuggan.

>> No.14789864


>> No.14789866

I read it because I got intrigued by the blurb implied the protagonist was the spawn of evil but raised to be good

But that's barely the focus instead even thought he book starts with the school stuff seemingly finished it still takes 350ish pages to tell the final two days of the protags school life when about 3 scenes from all of that matter.
some of it is alright some of it is outdated
Like outside of saying "lambent" every 4 pages nothing in the first internal chronology Fafhrd and Grey Mouser book was that archaic but the stories offered nothing that hadn't been done a lot better in fantasy works since.

>> No.14789869


>> No.14789883

I also didn't like Revelation Space book 1, didn't finish the series for years, but the next 2 books are far far better and it's now one of my favorite series. Read the first few chapters of book 2 where the Inhibitors finally get stage time.

>> No.14789936

So it's exactly like hobb, withholding shit from you.

>> No.14789944
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I give so few fucks for 'life exterminating ancient xenomachines' as a concept that I'll give it a miss

>> No.14789973

Explain the pic to me.

>> No.14789997

Lord of the Rings

>> No.14790002

I mean why did you pick up the series then? DESU the inhibitors are almost a side character, especially in book 3.

>> No.14790107

I don't remember anything months later. Why should books be any different?

>> No.14790127
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Because I read blurbs and not entire plot summaries prior to picking up a book?

>> No.14790683

Page 10, here we come. I welcome death.

>> No.14790697

/sffg/, I just wrote a scene where a 12-year-old girl argues about the optimal way to drink her own pee in a situation that does not require it nearly as much as she thinks it does.

It's happened. I've achieved kino

>> No.14790700

So what's so fucking great about the kwisatz hader-whatever? Paul seems like an absolute chump in the next three books. Being preborn sounded much cooler.

>> No.14791095

Like many things in the Dune series, the Kwizatz Haderach is something that's made out to be immensely important but really, it's truly something not all that great.
Does anyone remember the tarot cards? What about the Atreides Manifesto? Or what about the machine navigator from Ix? They are things made out to have an extreme importance in the universe but ultimately they aren't used and are mostly forgotten after the book they're featured in.

>> No.14791100

He can see better than anyone else with spice.

>> No.14791152

It's important in the sense that only the Kwisatz Haderach can shepherd humanity along the golden path

>> No.14791253
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Does anyone have an .epub of Languages of Pao? The only versions i've found lack formatting or are severely corrupted

>> No.14791535
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recs with sense of scale similar to this?

>> No.14791553

How is the prose in that? Ive been burned hard by translated books before.

>> No.14791557

House of Suns

>> No.14791580

dogshit bad in 3 body problem, doubt this one is any better
you can feel the asian sentence structure and logic all over the book

>> No.14791672

This one seems fine.

>> No.14791889

Some faggot was asking for magical science a thread back?
Try starship mage.

>> No.14791953

Frank Herbert was western Araki all along.
>planet called Arrakis

>> No.14792013

Only if you read Wagner's SnS

>> No.14792187

It's not the same as 3 body problem at all
A different guy did the translations, and it felt VERY different

I actually liked 3BP being stilted and weird, yeah and not just the language. But some stuff the people did. Like, this is not how real humans speak/act, it felt alien(Chinese) through and through, which was fun to me

>> No.14792728

Xeelee books

>> No.14792787

Count to a Trillion series.

>> No.14792790

With Callandor in his hands, he could do anything.

>> No.14792793

Ken Liu did that on purpose in 3BP. A different guy translates the secons book, and then apparently the editor told Ken Liu to knock it off for the translation of the third book

>> No.14793188

Guys, I'm looking for something particular. I'm here reading Elric and the narrator talks about a country:
>Oin was a country consisting largely of unforested jungle and infertile plains where the inhabitants farmed, for they feared the forest and would not go into it, even though that was were Oin's wealth might be found.
I'm wondering if you guys know of a book/series where an individual or a group go to a lesser place and help to develop it. Sort of like the beginning of Dune, but with more detail into the improvement of the land/people. May be fantasy of sf.

>> No.14793220

thanks, I'll check these out

>> No.14793259

Other guy reading Elric here, if you feel like discussing it do post what you thought of it when you're done with Elric of Melniboné. I started The Sailor on the Seas of Fate today.

>> No.14793332

Red Mars by Robinson. It's hard sf so a little dry at times with infodumps of science and tech.

>> No.14793574
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I don't suppose any of you have The Shadow of What Was Lost as a mobi or pdf?

>> No.14793872


>> No.14794120
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Any sci-fi like Robocop?


>> No.14794550
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The Elves coming to help at Helm's Deep is superior than the books

>> No.14794741

It's extremely easy to get.

>> No.14794814

ken liu did the 1st and 3rd books (TBP and dark forest). different dude did book 2.

>> No.14794841

literally a two second search on https://b-ok.cc/

>> No.14795193

Reading Judge Dredd strips is your best fit

>> No.14795218

Paul has the ability to see different futures in a spice trance because he's so fucking smart. He sees that most futures end up with the human race killing each other, or maybe the machine enemy comes back to exploit human weakness and wipe them out? Maybe a true dune autist can correct me on that. Anyway he realizes that in order to save humanity he basically has to discard his own and oppress the fuck out of everyone for thousands of years. He pussies out and gives up but his son, who has the same ability, doesn't and he becomes the worm.

>> No.14795849
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>Butlerian Jihad

>> No.14795870
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>> No.14795882

Except that they don't actually have a reason to be there and it goes against the theme of the trilogy.

>> No.14795947
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>> No.14796006

It doesn't make any sense

>> No.14796297

>it's also by ppl who used to be lonely bullied teens
Doesn't that apply to pretty much all YA fiction?

>> No.14796309
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Thanks. I didn't know that site, being the retard that I am

>> No.14796313
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Is it any good? I like the idea that the magic system is more of a "hit me with sum that good shit mang" alchemy thing instead of straight up mages.

>> No.14796403

any murder mystery detective stories in a fantasy world?

>> No.14796557

Mistborn literally has vials of metals you ingest for super powers.

>> No.14796642

It's in the board sticky.

>> No.14796646

Garrett P.I. by Glen Cook

>> No.14796653
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Anyone else read this?

It's like reading an shounen anime, complete with terrible one-liners, but I dig that shit so I was all over it.

The basic premise is boy becomes super-powered killed through dark and edgy means, world reacts in shock and horror. Unfortunately it didn't fully commit to that line - it really gets into it well toward the mid-point but pulls back from there instead of going even further beyond. For what it's worth though, while it was doing it, it did it well.

The actual plot took a while to get going but was fairly interesting. The political intrigue and worldbuilding were enjoyable. It was a bit front-loaded and so that took a bit of getting through. The prologue adds nothing, as prologues often do, although there's a callback to it at the end which is cool.

The bronze age African aesthetic was interesting... but not meaningful.

Prose is workmanlike.

Overall a 7.9 out of 10 on the genre fiction scale in my opinion. Utterly predictable, but ultimately enjoyable. Characters are not complex enough to warrant a higher rating. Themes insufficiently explored/absent. Plot was good and I liked the edge.

>> No.14796675

No one in the group has it marked as read.
Past posts say:
"Read Adrian Selby dude, Snakewood is very pure grimdark and a good read but his The Winter Road is fucking incredible"
"Adrian Selby does the same schtick a lot better than Joe Abercrombie does (The First Law)"
When I looked at it some months ago, I added it to my to-read list. It's a mystery when I'll actually look at it though.

5 stars: 1
4 stars: 3
It's been mentioned now and again in thread in mostly positive terms. I plan to read it sometime.

>> No.14796686

Yeah, seemed pretty unknown considering it only has like 100 ratings on goodreads, might not be bad to add to the hidden gem hunt.

>> No.14796702

Thanks. I will check it out after I finish the Elric saga.

I really enjoyed reading it. So short yet so memorable, It fells like not even a word is wasted. So well written.
The characters are one of my favorites aspects about it, they didn't felt bland to me, Elric struggle between tradition vs morality is really well done. There isn't a single character that is one dimensional, even Valhalic(?) doesn't follow blindly, even though he's cruel, he kinda thinks for himself instead of being there just for the sake of the plot. Everybody seems so interesting, from Dyvim Tvar to Arioch to Rackhir. I felt that maybe Cymoril was the weakest point, I thought that she would go with Elric but instead she chose the tradition and the country. It kinda sucked for Elric, since he went trough that whole journey, making dangerous bargains and then she lets him go. At least she should understand what is going on with him, but I guess only Elric is ready to move on from those traditions, the rest are just too stubborn. Strangely I understood the decision of leaving Yyrkoon as emperor better than Cymoril choice, even if what was weird. Why does Elric trust everybody even after they stab him in the back so many times? lol. He reminds me so much of Prince Myshkin, because he is so pure and moral, but the rest just take advantage of that. Anyway. I also enjoyed the world, even if we were shown so little yet. The names are also funny, especially the ship. The interactions between Elric and the Elemantal kings and demons are great, so was the mirror, I really liked that.
What did you think of it? I'm gonna start The Sailor on the Seas of Fate today, you're probably halfway as well. I think our boy will keep on suffering though

>> No.14796719
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So read this whole trilogy, overall it was pretty good and the idea behind the world was interesting even if it was a little simplistic in execution. The characters start out a bit YA-ish but get much better fleshed out personailities and motivations, especially once you get into the sequels.
One thing I will mention is it feels like there's a lot of "sideplots" that just pop up for no other reason than to quickly show off a new tribe and then immediately move on in the next chapter, it's not really that bad in the first book and completely absent in the second, but in the third book the entire plotline with The Rat Cult just felt extremely out of place but thankfully only lasted for maybe a quarter of the book.
Overall a pretty good series if you're interested in tribal fantasy or shapeshifters.

>> No.14796817

>High Lord Kevin
Am I supposed to take this shit seriously? Though what did I expect from a novel titled 'Lord Foul's Bane'.
In all seriousness it's OK but for the poor naming sense.

>> No.14796834

I am interested in tribal fantasy and shapeshifters.

Is there any cross-cultural contact with colonists or more advanced civilisations, or is it thoroughly pre-civilisation?

>> No.14796860

That's actually the major plotline for most the series, the first book is pretty much just there to introduce you to the world, tribes, and major players before the second book introduces what are roughly 18th or ahead invaders who start wreaking absolute havoc on the world. The interaction is mostly violent though if you were hoping for more of a first contact story, all the tribes pretty much facing total extinction and banding together to fight them, and alliance that is extremely loosely held together because all the tribes tend to hate each other after centuries of war.

>> No.14796948
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>> No.14797054

Fucking /a/utists.

>> No.14797079
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>he thinks there's no difference between the end of the Second Age and the end of the Third Age

>> No.14797080

Any moths cucking ants and taking beetle girls' virginity in this book?

>> No.14797090

What is a female elf doing there? I thought gay of the rings was a throbbing sausage fest?

>> No.14797094


Deserved reputation or overrated?

>> No.14797109
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is Thranduil autistic?

>> No.14797150

I feel like you didn't even read the book, you just read the first like..1/3rd of it.

Saying the prologue adds nothing, when it literally explains the relationship between Humans and Dragons, which plays a major role throughout the book? C'mon. Saying that Characters are not complex enough to warrant a higher rating? C'mon. Tau is a fantastic main character, full of flaws and strengths that he uses to his advantage to fulfil what he see's as his destiny. Which he ends up doing like 2/3rds of the way through, then is left in shambles by what happens at the end of the book.

And that's not getting into the great side characters like Jayyed, Uduak, Kellan Okar, or Zuri. And doesn't get into the setting of the book being super refreshing for once. Or how the caste system plays a HUGE part in the story, way more so than most other stories with a caste system.

Rage of Dragons was my favorite book from 2019. After reading it I put it immediately among some of the best first-books in all of fantasy, especially considering it's the guys FIRST BOOK.

It's got it's flaws, but they are heavily outweighed by how amazing the storytelling is.

Also it's not really "dark and edgy" how he gains his "super-powers". He literally trains his ass off for years, then has his dominant sword arm broken so he starts using his off hand. Then, eventually he's left in a situation where he has no choice but to use his once-broken arm again, and he becomes the first person in their army/nation to actually dual wield swords. then he starts going psycho and falling into the Deep or whatever the fuck it's called and spends night after night being torn apart by demons in the dream realm while training to fight them.

He doesn't just magically become super powered. Dude works his ass off all day training, then does mental training all night which leads him to be an incredible swordsman. Who still gets his ass beat because he's not a god or a shonen character, he's just a normal man. He still gets absolutely bodied by Okar a number of times even after he's reached his "peak" form. Okar, who I'll remind you, never really wanted to fight Tau to begin with and was always holding back so he didn't kill Tau.

>> No.14797160

Both. It's incredibly overrated, but it's also an absolutely monumental accomplishment.

>> No.14797172

Film filler

>> No.14797191

The Tolkien curse: Every other fantasy series being just plain and dull in comparison to LOTR, and The Hobbit

>> No.14797216

I took a liking to Rackhir, I hope he shows up again in later books or maybe Elric will join him in his quest for a bit. I agree on Dvym and Cymoril, she has no agency. What I found most interesting is that at one point Dvym wonders if their race didn't use to be like Elric and they're rather the degenerate ones, I wonder if that will be a plot point later on. Elric is kinda overpowered with Stormbringer but I'm sure he'll keep suffering because of his character. Oh and that long ship name being repeated over and over fully was cracking me up a bit too.
Overall a fun read, it was lighter than I was expecting but in a good way.

>> No.14797241

That's because LOTR isn't a "fantasy series", or even "fantasy" at all.

>> No.14797282

Delete this right now, you dunyain fucking shit.

>> No.14797357

You know, at first I thought that Rackhir was a double agent or a demon working for Yyrkoon. It felt so easy to have his help that I had some doubts. I liked to see them work together and Niun was interesting as well, maybe we'll see him again. If he remembers to leave lol. I feel like Elric is going to have some troubles with the Stormbriger, he acts like he's the master but I'm not sure that he is.

>> No.14797370

Yea that shit all happened a while back

>> No.14797411

>doesn't realize that Callandor is double flawed...

>> No.14797438

Literally 50% of the dune books is just Frank repeatedly telling us how amazing the abilities of the main characters are.

>> No.14797641

>”There could be trollocs here.” Rand said to himself, out loud.

>> No.14797825

/sffg/, ive how do I get original ideas instead of cribbing everything from bad webcomics? the two latest antagonists ive added to the cast are basically just [spoilers]coyote and doc scratch, only coyote is a displacer beast and doc scratch is a man-in-the-mirror[/spoilers]

>> No.14797855
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Is there anything in particular that makes SF in general impenetrable to YA? Looking at popular books as rated by sites out there it seems YA mainly deals with fantasy and almost goes out of its way to totally avoid SF.

>> No.14797866
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It's well deserved, but it doesn't appeal to everyone which is kinda weird when you look at fantasy in general. Main "issue" with Malazan is it doesn't slowly ease you into things and expects you to keep up for a while. I've always found that, and people complaining about it, rather interesting when you look at just how many got into ASoI&F without those problems.

>> No.14797868

scifi got oversaturated with bad hunger games clones and post-apocalyptic wangst. people lost interest

>> No.14797879

Well that’s because asoiaf is relatively grounded. Chapter one is some rangers get killed by spooky ice ghosts in the forest. Nothing too insane. Malazan in the first chapter hits you with a floating fortress you don’t know, having a magical battle with other people you don’t know. Then they start talking about Warrens and Cards and it all goes out the window.

>> No.14798015

because young adult demographic generally isn't interested in high technology or ethical dilemmas sf peddles. focus of what passes for "young adult sf" usually lies somewhere else, like character drama or romance. it is a good gateway into proper sf.

>> No.14798052
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Say whatever you want about the sandlad, but this shit was awesome.
Any other book with edgy magic assassins and knife fights?

>> No.14798059

why this dude wearing half armor half naked

>> No.14798064


>> No.14798068

what protags do you think would make the most interesting dnd characters?

Personally, id prefer someone like Ceda to vanilla characters like Fitz or Kvoth

what the market peddles does not necessarily reflect what the public wants. it it were, phones would still have audio jacks

>> No.14798077

The last alliance was the last time elves had a major role in the story. It was fucking devastating to them since they breed slowly, lost their high king and it was barely a victory anyway, since Sauron survived.
It's no surprise that they just didn't give a fuck about what happens anymore, especially since they all had an invitation back to Undying Lands sitting on their table and didn't exactly have the manpower to throw around at uncertain fights.
The message here is that there's no need for magical beings anymore because humans can overcome evil if they fight together, so if you just throws elves around because they're cool and why not then the entire story gets undermined.

>> No.14798092

what the fuck? why did nobody tell me the third dandelion dynasty book is coming out? I thought Ken Liu gave that series up!

>> No.14798145
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>face of an old man in a colorful circle
You now have the cover of a R. Scott Bakker novel.

>> No.14798158

How dare you mock my fancy dinner plates.

>> No.14798177

The first is pretty boring, the second us cool, but the third is absolutely grand.

>> No.14798189

you don't need original ideas if you have great execution. if you don't have ideas or execution then you're fucked.

>> No.14798196

He'll HEAR you

>> No.14798210

>it it were, phones would still have audio jacks
Sadly a permanent reminder that you can convince idiots into virtually anything.

>> No.14798225

Ok Evan Winter

beginning writers tend to copy at first. it would help if you read widely, outside the genre

if bloated grimderp sounds ok then you might like it

>> No.14798240
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>if bloated grimderp sounds ok then you might like it

I think you're confusing it with The Broken Empire.

>> No.14798243
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>read book 1
>I should really be reading book 2
>but I would rather write a bit
>but damn book 1 is nice
>but I started book 2 so long ago
>yet I haven't written in weeks
>but I'm close to finish book 1
Reading broad is not a bad advice tho... reading in general in never a bad advice, but for people who want to write, just stick to your original idea. You'd feel tempted to add shit to your book every time you read something new and interesting. DON'T! Just stick to your original plan and go from there, until you finish it. THEN, after the whole book is finished, consider adding or removing things in the editing part.

>> No.14798338

Reviews are mixed. Worth a read, I've been wanting to get into fantasy with more asian mythology backgrounds.

Any other similar series broskis?

>> No.14798369

To show that sexy Melnibonean skin

>> No.14798372

Alt. history where Europe has several (world) wars throughout 20th century. Not going for a >le what if hittle won narrative, this is just the backdrop for a domestic story.
Is it necessary to go into details of the war or just imply it e.g. the lack of young men, food/luxury scarcity, gossip about who's coming home(in a box or otherwise)?

>> No.14798378


>he hasn't read the night angel trilogy

It's like you don't even like whores

>> No.14798390

Elric schtick is being half naked and depressed all the time.

>> No.14798423
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>> No.14798445
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>> No.14798477

That was supposed to be a question, as in is it worth a read.

my bad chinamen of lit

>> No.14798532

nobody is "convinced", they just don't have options (that they're aware of anyway)

you're not some brilliant mind above the masses for wanting an audio jack. literally everyone and their mother wants one, the phone cartels just leave them out because it's a new way to leech off the public

>> No.14798534
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>> No.14798543
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What defines a troll?
A honest review that is negative?
Strong Criticism?
Not falling for Jewish tricks?

>> No.14798610

pretending all jewish people are deceptive fey controlling the masses.

do antisemites genuinely not recognize how dumb they look from the outside? like, i get if you hate us because we're annoying or we dont assimilate well enough or because we're not christian. hell, ill side with you if you want to complain about circumcision or how shitty our food is. why do antisemites only go for the most pants-on-the-head-retarded conspiracy theories?

>> No.14798627
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Shitty politics out the fuck now off MY fantasy thread

>> No.14798629

I'm not him, but I don't know if they think "all" jewish people are doing it, only that there's a wealthy group of ethnocentric jewish people who are attempting to influence the masses in ways that benefit jewish people over others.

>> No.14798634

>hate us because we're annoying

not the guy you are responding to, but.
>for over 4000 years we have been kicked out of every country we tried to inhabit because of how we comport ourselves
>somehow everyone else is the problem
>the only country we call our own we had to steal from someone else
>we made usury popular despite most religions outlawing it

i agree that not all jews are bad people. but most bad people that do manipulative and deceptive things got it from the jews.
when people refer to jewish tricks they dont really mean jewish people but the practices that were spread by jewish people.

>> No.14798642


Antisemites will go as far as possible to delegitimize/exculde Jews as being other. That said, I've never understood why people have an irrational hatred for the Jewish people.

>> No.14798696

Why does Sullivan need a kickstarter for Age of Empire? His books are best sellers

>> No.14798701

He self publishes everything he does.

>> No.14798703

Head he had issues with his publisher or something. Not really sure.

>> No.14798727

Ehh, I felt like the prologue didn't really deepen my understanding of the relationship between humans and dragons enough to justify itself. The tweest isn't even foreshadowed by it, as far as I can recall.

As far as the character complexity, yes they're good but they're too obviously slotting into the archetypes necessary for the plot. Nobody apart from Tau gets any development - as far as I can recall. Each character has a reasonable backstory that gets them to where they need to be, but none of them are anything that I would think of as 'independent'. Everything they do revolves around what needs to happen to further Tau's plot and they never do anything else or go anywhere different. For example, how does being mentor to the greatest swordsman alive change Jayyed? It doesn't. He's the same at the end as he is at the start. I like the characters, don't get me wrong. They're well-written and charming.

The caste system was very well done. I immediately identified with the struggle and was as mad as Tau about privilege.

But c'mon, it's definitely dark and edgy. I don't say that as a bad thing. I love that shit. But "man so consumed by revenge that he trains like a demon and eventually against literal demons while being all silent and a broody loner" is pretty edgy. I'm just disappointed that the madness you describe sort of... fades away as we go into the last part of the book and is never really significant. I'd have liked to see it have a bigger role.

>He still gets absolutely bodied by Okar a number of times even after he's reached his "peak" form
Not by the end - he takes Okar apart pretty handily. Also, Okar deserved to die and I'm pissed that he got away with what he did. "Hurr durr I'm a brutal enforcer for an unjust system but it's okay because MUH FAMILEE"

Which brings me to themes. There's a very slight hint of "the things we do for our families" sort of a theme running through the book, but it never really breaks out from under the plot. Again, that's fine - I'd rather it not be there than be there and be done poorly - but if it could have been brought to the fore in a fitting way here and there that could have added to the complexity of the book.

I think 7.9 is fair. It's good and enjoyable, but not a master level work. Which is what you'd expect from a good first book.

Again, I like the book. I really enjoyed it - read the whole thing in two nights. None of these problems are anything I consider major.

>> No.14798731

Based publisher

>> No.14798740

>Daring new novel about a self-insert black lesbian mary-sue fighting off an oppressive society of exaggerated straw-man nazis

>oh no there are bad reviews! Must be those dastardly nazis on the internet. I am the hero and also write super good

>> No.14798742

>for over 4000 years we have been kicked out of every country we tried to inhabit because of how we comport ourselves
>somehow everyone else is the problem
its not hard to understand. because we dont try to convert others we were always a religious minority who refused to convert ourselves in a period and region where every nation had a state religion.

>the only country we call our own we had to steal from someone else
we had a kingdom of our own and then romans conquered it and killed or expelled anyone who didn't convert to Christianity

>we made usury popular despite most religions outlawing it
fair enough, but you guys were in charge for over 2000 years. why didn't you make it illegal instead of a religious belief?

>> No.14798757

>anon mentions the jew
>and the jew reveals itself

>> No.14798777

Exactly. I mean, if anything, the jewish people are the biggest victims here. Imagine if wealthy elites used YOUR religion as a shield against criticism? It would be awful, a shameful disrespect to your culture.

>> No.14798859

honestly anon, the closest thing I can think of is codex alera but it's not really the same.

i remember picking up the city of brass initially because someone said it was like the dandelion dynasty. its an absolutely horrible comparison in my opinion, i see no similarities, but its worth a read nonetheless

>> No.14798866

What's the best way to read elric?

>> No.14798928

watch the 2003 anime first, then read the manga.

>> No.14798950

There's a joke I'm not getting there

>> No.14798975

I find reading the words on each page in ascending order typically works best.

>> No.14799016

Check the last thread, we discussed it satisfactorily.

>> No.14799082
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>>14798950 #
here, let me draw you a picture...

>tfw you realize where your idea for an angry, one-handed chemistry manipulator mc came from.
im going to be kicking myself over this for the rest of my life

>> No.14799136

writing a book - easy
getting people to pay for your book - easy
people knowing your book exists - extremely difficult

>> No.14799274
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Any fantasy books with a main character that has an inner struggle with another side of himself? Not like Elric where he is battling his melnibonean ancestry while trying to be a moral guy. I mean Elric is good the moment he gets Stormbringer. I like the duality between carnage and his gentle self.
I want a character that either has 2 personalities, 2 souls inside his body, is possessed by a sentient intelligence that makes him do things, had inner mental battles, stuff like that.

Fantasy because I want sword fights and magic. Thanks.

>> No.14799286


I liked the part where Sorweel gets the Amiolas with the nonman soul on his head. Something like that.

>> No.14799379

I guess Logen/Bloody Nine switch should work for you.

>> No.14799482

Urban Fantasy > Science fiction > Victorian/Renaissance fantasy > Steampunk > Medieval Fantasy > High Fantasy

>> No.14799484

>get pissed at how bad a book is and write an angry goodreads review
>the author commented on it
no fucking way am I looking at that lol

>> No.14799503

>Try my best to write a good book
>some idiot just writes mean things to me on goodreads review
I commented to see if he had any actual critique of the book so I can improve.

>> No.14799520
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I have an idea for a story where magic returns to the world, and it’s discovered by a group of novice coders, who discover that designing spells has a lot of similarities to programming/coding. Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about coding, and I don’t want to not be accurate, does anyone have any advice or good sources of information on writing this kind of thing, please?

>> No.14799524

Tell me some good urban fantasy books. I haven't read much on that. I tried Jim Butcher, but not a fan.

I think I would delete my account. Fuck that lol. Is he famous?

>> No.14799533

The Swordbearer by Glen Cook

>> No.14799540

install gentoo

>> No.14799544

Don't bother its been done to death.
>Magic is really just science.
>Magic is like coding its all instructions and patterns.
>Magic is just rearranging the atoms around you using hyper developed mythochondria that generate more electricity than a nuclear plant.
It's been done in many many books and by people that actually know the subject matter.
I'd look for a simple way to do things in an inventive way rather than making complex arbitrary rules.

>> No.14799556

it's been done a lot but rest assured you don't need to know shit about programming to write on it, just try not to focus too much on this aspect and produce a believable story.
go on khan academy if you really want to, and just know that there are multiple languages and that even though there may be similarities, they're inherently different.
and research loops, because loops are the coolest thing.

>> No.14799561

This is almost exactly what the magic system in The Laundry Files is

although I think magic got discovered alongside electricity there

>> No.14799751

I know a series where magic is literally entering commands into the source code of reality.

>> No.14799900

They deleted the comment or somehow sent a notification that they'd commented without ever doing so. Crisis averted.

And no not famous it was a debut but one with a big PR push and an author that went to Harvard so I have no real sympathy for them.

>> No.14799955


>> No.14799965

Tribe of One Series by Simon Hawke
it's from Dark Sun so the quality ain't the best

>> No.14800065

How do I properly introduce shape-shifting androids in my fantasy universe?
I know that long lost technology being mistaken for magic is done to death, but at the same time it makes sense. It's not really technology as in actual robots made by scientists, but artificial constructs made by the gods above for the sole purpose of guiding humanity back in the very beginnings of time.

>> No.14800093

Oban is French

>> No.14800134

If they're effectively divine beings why bother with all the android shit? Unless their robotic nature is of great significance I would emit it entirely

>> No.14800140

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

>> No.14800159

it's not science if it's magic, retard
unless you plan on pulling a double switcharoo and having someone think these divine beings are scientific only for them to turn out magical in the end

>> No.14800172

Recc me a good fantasy book boys. The only fantasy stuff I've ever enjoyed has been Tolkien's Legendarium, Morte D'arthur, sir Gawain and the Green Knight and (if you count it) Dune. Always bounce off of the genre fic

>> No.14800227

One of the major characters special powers is that she emits an aura that makes everyone want to rape her if that counts.

>> No.14800303

>she emits an aura that makes everyone want to rape her
imagine the smell

>> No.14800319

In the Land of Time and Other Fantasy Tales
The Worm Ouroboros

>> No.14800373

I thought the Ken Liu translation of the 1st book was well loved, fuck

I doubt my native language has it translated any better, probably just translated from english

>> No.14800377

Read Bakker

>> No.14800423

Read Dune

>> No.14800472
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Don't read Bakker. It's the gayest shit.

>> No.14800717
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But that’s the best part. It’s like you don’t even want to be a breaker of horses and men.

>> No.14800882

>getting people to pay for your book - easy
idk, its so easy to pirate books

>> No.14800970


>> No.14801135

The Wizard Knight by Gene Wolfe

>> No.14801142

Never heard of it, I'll check it out.

>> No.14801562

Kevin is a very old Celtic name you doofus. Look for Saint Kevin. Also read some history etc real books alongside fantasy trite, might help.

>> No.14801695

Why does fiction have a general and philosophy doesn't? This is a literature board, we need a containment thread for philoniggers.

>> No.14801753

It should be title and last name or title and full name.
Title and first name makes it awkward because it mixes formal with informal address.

>> No.14801760

Because there's a whole board for them, retard

>> No.14801984
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How many books does /sffg/ read at once? I finally found the time to finish LoTR but I've heard a lot of good things about Malazan and really want to start it.

>> No.14801986

I'm interested

>> No.14801992
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One smart book that I read once every few months and one novel I read every night

>> No.14802061

what "psychedelic" sci fi should I read

>> No.14802097

A Scanner Darkley

>> No.14802148
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ASoIF gives one room to get invested in the characters and grrm is a good dramatist. Malazan is an aspie dungeon-master laboriously cramming as much meaningless epic-bacon lore per page as possible. Its utterly tedious.

>> No.14802165

He would seize you if I saw you in real life. I would make you wince, so tight would I clamp your arms! I would hold you, and I would explain what I witnessed by reading Bakkee—and more importantly, what I understood. I would make you see the womanish cast of your heart, how yearning for the simple and the pure was its own pollution …

>> No.14802228

"Jews" is just another name for the immoral ruling elites, you fucking newfaggot.

>> No.14802235

the solution is to make YA Star Wars clones

>> No.14802356

Not thread related but this guy has to be satire right? The whole mouth open and stuff.

>> No.14802499

I don't know, maybe I'm just weird but I have rudimentary knowledge of Japanese and I can smell the Asian sentence structure in 3bp

>> No.14802643

The Wheel of Time.

>> No.14802659

One of my favorite terry books

>> No.14802831

And that's /his/, so why do they shit up /lit/?

>> No.14802973

Fellow Elric of Melniboné reader, where are you in the saga? I've finished the book 1 of The Sailor on the Seas of Fate. I'm liking this beginning. Probably more than the first part in the Elric of Melniboné book. There are more characters, and at first it was bit overwhelming, but the author makes it really simple, I like that. It is easy to follow. I do wonder where our albino boy will go next in the ship captained by a blind fella.

>> No.14803011

On most boards generals are meant to contain the worst of the board into a single place so they have less time to shit up other threads.
On /lit/ it's kinda the other way around, /sffg/ is the only thread that actually enjoys reading while most the board is just a bunch trips and faggots jerking off over a bunch of books they only read to fit in.

>> No.14803018

One at a time, though if I'm reading a series I will take pauses between books to read something else. Unless a series is absolutely amazing and occupies my waking mind for months with stop then it's really easy to get burnt out trying to get through three or more books in one go.

>> No.14803100

>Cover art is just a photoshoped photo with some effects in the sides

I will not read your book.

>> No.14803117
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An android is a robot (machine, artificial construct) with a human appearance and humanoid features. Nowhere does it say that it must be born out of worldly 21th century Earth sciences. For all the concept is concerned, electricity can be magic and plastic can be the bones of dragons or whatever.
My idea is of a body architected and spun around a simulacra of a soul, shallow in the way of humans but immensely capable of performing the one task. A mind born of artifice with the sole purpose to lead and steer humans in their early stages of existence, when the world was young.
But my question is how to introduce them with the clear distinction that they are not androids as known by a 21th century audience? Fuck, writing a book in itself is not hard but for the proper way of conveying your thoughts to paper. Everything makes so much sense in my head.

>> No.14803166

I started and read the first chapter of the Weird of the White Wolf. I won't keep reading one book per day because I don't want to get burn out, I'm enjoying it.
About book one of the second book:
It was quite the trip, I wonder if we'll get more insight on the other three guys later on. Elric decision to fight just because he had found someone willing to accept him as a companion hit me, the poor fella is really a good guy with a cursed fate. It felt rather weird how everyone quickly decided to abandon their companions who had went mad.
What I couldn't help but think about during the big fight was how goofy the Four must have looked, holding a single big sword with eight arms and going around on eight legs like a crab. A terrifying kind of goofy.

>> No.14803174
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>Cover art is just a picture of a weapon or rune over a solid coloured background
I've actually heard graphic designers give the advice that "you're book cover shouldn't stand out." Nigga, what the fuck are you talking about, no one goes into the bookstore and ignores all the genuinely interesting cover designs in favour of the endless sea of minimalist bullshit and some random dudes face.

>> No.14803394

>We will never get a Harry Potter series that focuses on the dark side of the wizarding world such as horcruxes etc

>> No.14803412

fanfiction exists

>> No.14803696

Imagine how much better the final empire would be if Vin actually had character development.

>> No.14803711

Is Earthsea worth a shit

>> No.14803720

Your diction is pretentious and I'd drop your story after a few paragraphs

>> No.14803887
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Any good fantasy stories with pick me love interests?

>> No.14803904

Barefoot in the Head
Jerry Cornelius

>> No.14803914

feminist misogyny is amusing

>> No.14803935

I don't think you understand what "misogyny" means or how to detect a feminist.

>> No.14803948

it means expecting all women to behave a certain way, and attacking them if they don't conform. right?

>> No.14803963

>>14803948 No.

>> No.14804162

The minutia of writing--the connect-the-dots between plot points--sure is ruff, fellas.

>> No.14804274

You have been reading well. I'll see if I can catch up tonight and tomorrow. I thought we would see more of Elric and Corum after the first book, but he left as well. I'm kinda curious to see what follows.

>> No.14804293

What will Zhang Xuan get up to in the new world? Will the firmament pose a threat to him? Can’t wait to find out!

>> No.14804423
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Just finished Curse of Chalion book 1. Very good. Liked it a lot. Good recommendation, anon. I don't have much to say about it. Excited for the next in the series.

>> No.14804441

Because if your cover art is trying really hard, it sort of says that the book isn't worth it.
The book's cover and the book's contents should be complementary. When you think of the book in your mind, the cover should seamlessly associate with the story.
Good example: Dresden Files. Those covers perfectly encapsulate the popcorn-lit urban-fantasy shtick its going for.
Bad example: Leviathan's wake. Space is not that god damn colorful, what even are those colors? Isn't this a gritty scifi action story?

>> No.14804458

Do you mean Fantastic Beasts? Admittedly it's a film series, but there's gonna be five whole movies of gritty wizard-war.

It is worth several golden shits in an ivory shitter, my friend. Le Guin is a marvel, and Earthsea is a prime example of her early work. They feel like old-world Epic Poems.

>> No.14805177

Really? Someone straight up told me they were Harry Potter trash

>> No.14805230

I'm not even english. How can you predict my diction from a base explanation made not even in my own language? But that's a fair assumption I suppose. Certain things do correlate even through the span of languages.
And besides, I'm not writing to please.

>> No.14805259

Seconding Earthsea. Hairy Peter is a weak ass imitation

>> No.14805360

Diction also refers to writing

>> No.14805406

Literally no. You're thinking of "prose"

>> No.14805424
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>When you think of the book in your mind, the cover should seamlessly associate with the story.

Settle down brainlet, patricians are talking.

>> No.14805426

Looking for a good Star Wars book ( If there is any ) since no one in the Star Wars threads were any help.

>> No.14805453

>I don't have much to say about it.
rip. your posts are sometimes the highest quality in the thread

>> No.14805546

I detect sarcasm. But it's very dry. I do want to take the compliment. So I want to believe you're genuine.
The thing is, I need time for thoughts to marinate before I share them. I have thoughts on the book, but I just finished it today, and haven't had time to mull it over.

>> No.14805634


>> No.14805674

You seem to have confused them for someone else.

>> No.14805730

Xwing series

>> No.14805916

Is Mort a good introduction to Pratchett books?
I read it as a comic long ago I think, that plus the colour of magic I think.

>> No.14806107

>protag teams up with non humans and nonwhites to fight against his own kind because they are “evil”

Hate this trope

>> No.14806249

Yoda Dark Rendezvous

style of speaking or writing as dependent upon choice of words: good diction.
n. 1. Choice and use of words in speech or writing.
Diction, literature
Diction, choice of words, especially with regard to correctness, clearness, or effectiveness. Any of the four generally accepted levels of diction—formal, informal, colloquial, or slang—may be correct in a particular context but incorrect in another or when mixed unintentionally. Most ideas have a number of alternate words that the writer can select to suit his purposes. “Children,” “kids,” “youngsters,” “youths,” and “brats,” for example, all have different evocative values. The widest scope for literary style is offered at the level of word choice.

>> No.14806392

>teams up with his own kind to fight against his own kind
you can say that more simply, it's a rebellion or civil war

>> No.14806403

The Switch is photoshopped in. It looks like he's in a diner with a Guiness World's Record certificate so I assume he's some sort of competitive eater or maybe he can open his mouth the most wide.

>> No.14806471

Maybe it's the world record for most soÿetic blee?

>> No.14806514

Just finished the steel remains. Already going to get the second and third books, there any other fantasy that has a similar level of grime and dirt? Something between Richard Morgan's rage and Glen Cooks apathy.

>> No.14807071

I fucking loved those books in high school but I'm scared to reread in case they don't hold up.

>> No.14807185


>> No.14807350

It's literally naruto

>> No.14807364

I cannot refute this.

>> No.14807498
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Ummmm, I've been reading Darkover, by Marion Zimmer Bradley.
It's basically a what-if story about if Scotts and Spaniards got stranded by an intergalactic colonial-era Earth on a planet with very limited metal, resources, and habitability, but also they have mind powers and collapse into believing in legends, Fiefdom and Feudalism over the course of several Millenia despite already having very advanced technology and governance knowledge.
I've read a lot of the books, and the Clingfire Trilogy is probably my favorite so far. Consistency in chronology is kind of weird, but the author said that's just the way it should be due to some of the books being written from a perspective of decades, hundreds, or even thousands of years prior/after.
I'd recommend starting with either the Clingfire Trilogy if you want to learn the how and why for later books that take place later in the timeline, or Darkover Landfall if you want to start at the beginning of the chronology.

>> No.14807654

Are Star Wars novels trash?

>> No.14807668

sanderson is a hack

>> No.14807687

>Kingkiller Chronicle

he was just making it up as he went right?

>> No.14807696

What did you think half-plate was the first time you bought it in Dragon Warrior, you retard?

>> No.14807794


>> No.14807971

I liked Snakewood a lot, but don’t see this author discussed as much as I reckon he should be. Will pick up the winter road.

>> No.14808310

If you really want to interpret it, you could say it's visualizing the time spent thinking about things instead of actually doing them?

>> No.14808743

What's good by LeGuin? Other than the good: Dispossessed, Left Hand; meh: Lathe; bad: Earthsea

>> No.14808760

All the 'Hainish' novels and stories and pretty great. Library of America has a 2-volume complete set that's basically a best-of for Le Guin.

>> No.14808847

Reading comprehension

>> No.14808870

do you have recos from that series of the next best after dispossessed/left hand?

>> No.14808998

Hey niggers, I've read about of 1/4 of Library on Mount Char, and it's cringey af. Should I go on?

>> No.14809151
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My brother sent me this so I really want to finish it but I hate it so much already, does it get better?

>> No.14809164
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>> No.14809241
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Just finished this, quite enjoyed it. What should I think about it?
Apparently the third book comes out in like a month, can't wait desu
Are his other series any good?

>> No.14809302

It's shit

>> No.14809307
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>It's basically a what-if story about if Scotts and Spaniards got stranded by an intergalactic colonial-era Earth on a planet with very limited metal, resources, and habitability, but also they have mind powers and collapse into believing in legends, Fiefdom and Feudalism over the course of several Millenia despite already having very advanced technology and governance knowledge.

See this is the kind of trippy shit I miss in modern SF and fantasy.

>> No.14809336

Peepee pants

>> No.14809425
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No peeing on this one unfortunately.

>> No.14809624

Anyone still reading magazines on fantasy&sf?

>> No.14809666

I used to read one in Polish, but it had too few reviews and way too much (shitty) sorry stories so I quickly gave up on them.
Oh and it had those retarded articles about history of different subgenres, but those were 90% senseless namedropping. Just remembering makes me annoyed. Nobody cares about a list of names, dates and titles.

>> No.14809890

Opinions on Jay Kristoff?

>> No.14809913

Yeah, I haven't really found any modern fantasy that I really enjoy, I also haven't looked a lot because there are so many lame fantasy novels around that even if the story sounds interesting the world building isn't and feels shallow. Maybe I'm picky. :U

>> No.14809993

No. I really don't get the hype. I even read through the second book and it is also not very good.

>> No.14809999

You're just mad that your writing sucks.

>> No.14810159

That sucks man. I was actually reading some older issues on archive. There's a lot classic stuff out there.

>> No.14810255
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I asked for recommendations here about a month ago, I basically said: I'm a new (and bad) reader, can someone recommend a fantasy book that is good but not too difficult to read or extremely long (800+ pages).

the recommendations I got were:
The Hobbit
The Name of the Wind

I finished the hobbit, but I honestly thought it was pretty bad/mediocre 4-5/10
Maybe LOTR is better but I felt pretty fed up after the hobbit, so I haven't read it yet.
I DNF'd TNOTW. It was boring and I really didn't like Kvothe.
I haven't read mistborn yet. Call me immature, but at first glance, the idea of reading a 500+ page book with a teenage girl as the protagonist is very unappealing to me.

Can anyone recommend a book that works for beginners, is somewhat mature and isn't riddled with inconsistencies or predictable clichés like "you are the chosen one and you have to defend your country" or "you have to reclaim a holy gem/necklace/book" etc?

I don't want to lose my new habit of reading due to not knowing any good books.


>> No.14810300

You will never make it, stop forcing yourself to read, you don't like it and you never will.

>> No.14810306

>I finished the hobbit, but I honestly thought it was pretty bad/mediocre 4-5/10
Shit taste

>> No.14810369

A Wizard of Earthsea
Nine Princes in Amber

>> No.14810384

The Last Unicorn

>> No.14810407

I mentioned the Darkover series, if you like feudalism, or Sci-fan some of those might be an interesting read. Some of them are written from a 15 yo girl perspective though. It's a lot of politics, and intrigue. So if you're looking for constant action then it probably isn't a series for you.

>> No.14810477

I can't believe Im saying this, but Ken Liu completely shit up his new short story collection by throwing in all that politics.

The sad thing about this is I don't disagree with his politics, I don't disagree with his cynicism, and he didn't write the kind of clumsy, cringey tacked-on political message that had nothing to do with the story that so many authors now are writing. my problem is that he published a short story collection and every single story is basically the same.

all of it is angsty, frustrated, near-future scifi with a cynical focus on the nature of empathy and the chinese-american experience. im like 10 stories in and the only exception was angsty, frustrated, near-past fantasy focused on the nature of empathy and the japanese-american experience.

This is why I hate scifi. I want escapism dammit, not a reminder that the slow improvements in basic human decency were an illusion and we are and alway will be a species that delights in mocking and torturing the parents of murdered children for having the gall to try and help others

>> No.14810513
File: 527 KB, 1920x1080, Winnie the Pooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never enjoy reading
Well, I used to love it. When I was a kid I would lose myself in books and read almost every day. Then at some point my computer (youtube and vidya) replaced books but I've really started to miss reading.

>You will never make it, stop forcing yourself to read
this kind of discouragement motivates me, so thank you, fag.

Seems like I hit a nerve. Tolkien really seems to be one of those guys you can't say anything bad about without people chimping out. I just didn't think the hobbit was that good, and I really wanted to like it. Why don't you tell me why it was good/great and I'll tell you why I thought it was bad/mediocre

Thank you for the recommendations.

>> No.14810557

Why not read fantasy instead of scifi then?

>> No.14810573

I thought there would be fantasy! all his novels were. it's a short story collection, I expected fucking variety!

>> No.14810577
File: 121 KB, 852x1278, Cradle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the faggot who recommended me this. I've never seen such a disgrace of a protagonist before.

>> No.14810803

All his short work is sci-fi.

>> No.14810849


>> No.14810927

its shit. rise of the shadow rogue was much better.

>> No.14810932


>> No.14811005

Read Earthsea

>> No.14811027

And the book sucks. How the author ended book one was a huge red flag that he can't be trusted.
He just wanted a big bad.

>> No.14811085

I-I'll get stronger!!

>> No.14811123

Alright I'm at the part in The Hobbit where Gandalf has left Bilbo and the dwarves to walk through a forest or something. Sure, it's comfy, but it's not what I would call good. Am I doomed to never into fantasy?

>> No.14811135

Tolkien is boring. Sure, the dude has some amazing world building, but that is it.

>> No.14811145

>I finished the hobbit, but I honestly thought it was pretty bad/mediocre 4-5/10
>I haven't read mistborn yet.

Read Dying Earth

>> No.14811146

Tolkien is shit. Only literally autists who also defend star wars like it.

>> No.14811150

This one thanks you for your honesty.

>> No.14811163

>Tolkien, dying earth, conan and elric lovers are the same click

>> No.14811172

>thread started Tuesday and ends Saturday
Slave get ready to work.

>> No.14811173
File: 14 KB, 183x275, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading this for the first time. About halfway through and I'm still annoyed by the main character's name. Not only that, but they make half of his chapters fucking infodumps. "It's supposed to be stupid!" isn't an excuse. Does it get better soon? I'm right at the point where YT has gotten a sample of snow crash for the mafia. But right now, it honestly seems more interesting as a 'period piece' than an actual piece of literature. Like the most interesting part about it is how people in the 90s thought the internet and society would work more than the actual narrative.

>> No.14811174

Here's a tip, you can aggressively DNF books. Read the first few chapters and if it hasn't caught your attention try something else.

>> No.14811194

If you don't like the experience halfway through, it doesn't really get "better", there's no shocking twist that gives the story a completely different tone. Explosions happen and then everyone goes home.

>> No.14811202

>Does it get better soon?
No, I'd drop it if you aren't digging it. The book is only well regarded for how novel some of the ideas were at the time desu

>> No.14811224

If you want to give Stephenson a second chance after this get The Diamond Age. Imo the better book.

>> No.14811228

Alright, I'll give it another chapter or two just to see, but I might end up dropping it if it devolves into a more standard climax. That's something I've noticed is a problem with lots of cyberpunk literature. Even Neuromancer has a pretty terrible ending.

>how novel some of the ideas were at the time desu
Which ideas are those? I'm genuinely curious - like I said I am interested in it as a look to the past. I know what I think would be considered interesting, but I'm curious what actually was considered new.

>> No.14811239

Snow Crash is solid but I'd say The Diamond Age is his best book despite the retarded sex cult computation storyline.

>> No.14811268

He popularised the term avatar for virtual bodies and virtual worlds like the metaverse. There were plenty of virtual worlds before Snow Crash but I believe it was among the first notable ones where its main application was social

>> No.14811271

Before cyberpunk most sci-fi was about far future, spaceships, robots, and aliens. Cyberpunk applied slightly advanced tech to current society. Snow Crash actually comes at the end of the initial cyberpunk explosion and has a lot of satire of its tropes.

>> No.14811334

And I managed to understand him despite being an ESL. What is your excuse, retard?

>> No.14811348

>was supposed to catch up this month
>only finished 5 books
I guess I can live with it given that it's a shorter month but I gotta finish off some stuff now.

I loved the first two Chalion books but then stopped The Hallowed Hunt early on when it looked like it'd tipped it's hand about what the rest of the book would entail.
I really should have more faith in Bujold and go back.
Other obvious book I haven't finished is Downbellow Station which is good but has yet to be gripping, doesn't help that every single POV seems to intentionally be that of a total bastard.

>> No.14811353

New thread here:


>> No.14811368

You're implying that I didn't understand - I did understand, and I'm mocking him.

>protag teams up with non humans and nonwhites to fight against his own kind

Say you have a black protagonist, and he teams up with other blacks to fight against still other blacks. That satisfies the description - protag teams up with nonwhites (blacks) to fight against his own kind (blacks). But this is not the trope that the guy hates, because his description is ambiguous, and only works if you accept his assumption that 'obviously' a protagonist will be white.

tldr I understand you and I think you're retarded

>> No.14811836

>no you