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/lit/ - Literature

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14783434 No.14783434 [Reply] [Original]

Start English degree as part of my teaching degree
>professor is a woman
>Doesn't want to 'lecture' at us and proceeds to allow a minority of vocal retards,half of which explicitly told the class during the icebreaker that they didn't particularly like English, give their dumbass opinions.They said nothing of value.
>Mentions five other authors all of which are female.Bronte sisters, Austen, George Elliot, Mary Shelley.
>Proclaims MiddleMarch to be the best novel ever.
>States that this course will challenge our preconceived notions about the established canon.
>The first novel we are going to study is "Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit", a lesbian romance story about a Nun.
>class is 80% female.

>> No.14783444

If you follow along, are open minded and can think critically, you can slay a lot of fresh puss my man.

>> No.14783445

The sort of education you're exposed to is an education in itself
What lesson do you take away from this first experience?

>> No.14783486

Proof of it didn’t happen

>> No.14783494

Welcome to American higher education.

>> No.14783500

Not all classes are like this. Look through your university's catalogue and find something more appealing to your interests. Also just take higher level classes. Higher lever classes are not more difficult, they just cover topics that are more in-depth. None of my upper level English classes had prerequisites even, so just do that instead. For the record, Oranges are Not the Only Fruit doesn’t actually sound like a bad premise if the prose is at least good.

>> No.14783515

Yes but we know OP is going to be a smelly loser who will bitch about wimin on the Interwebz and stay quiet in class.

>> No.14783529

>>States that this course will challenge our preconceived notions about the established canon.

>Bronte sisters, Austen, George Elliot, Mary Shelley.

oh god how controversial i can't take this absolutely savage demolishing of the canon

>> No.14783653

This is kind of environment is an inevitable result of the expansion of access to Universities in the second half of the 20th Century. If you don’t go to an institution where you would get the kind of education students would receive in the 19th Century then you’re wasting you time if you are genuinely interested in literature in-itself. Otherwise, sit down and work through the classics on your own. Nobody is going to spoon feed them to you in 2020, but you’re not a kid anymore are you?

>> No.14783688

In a sense you've win because the only reason to be in a university in 2020 is to get laid.

>> No.14783718
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books to explain why this does it for me?

>> No.14783736


>> No.14783739

GTFO and study STEM or classics if you still have balls lad
the longer you go on with this charade the more expensive it will be to extricate yourself

>> No.14783752

Is this the thread where we make up shit that never happened? An attractive single woman held my gaze and smiled the other day.

>> No.14783756

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.14783762

What makes you think im making it up? What aspect about the scenario made it not believable?

>> No.14783798

I live in Australia and apparently i'm still in the period where i can change courses and not be billed for the course i'm in.I don't know if they have a classics course.I really don't want to do STEM though.I just wish i was born a hundred years earlier so i could just do the course in English and history without it being completely fucked. I'm majoring in modern history, precisely because i knew that English would be homosexual, but i found the twitter account of my professor and she is a published masculinity and war-trauma 'historian'.Half her tweets were about Aboriginals (shes Greek so i don't know why she cares so much).tomorrows my first class and i just know it will be a massive guilt trip about the evil white man vs the awesome Aboriginal civilisation.The same shit I've had to endure throughout my whole entire education.Except this time it will be on steroids.

>> No.14783825

I understand you man, I am also Australian, studying STEM though. Make sure you know your census dates and that you withdraw before them. There is also time to enrol in a different major next semester or even this one if you act quickly. Keep in mind that the earlier you change courses the easier it will be. Don't want to burst your bubble, but your modern history course will be extremely homosexual and you will be drudging through shit like this until you get some freedom on which units you take.

>> No.14783903

I pretty much agree but where on earth would you get a 19th century education in 2020?

I think /lit/ obsesses about this topic and I’m guilty of it too but the reality that we all know deep down is not only have the humanities departments of our higher education systems become totally corrupt moral soapboxes for socioeconomic concerns, but it’s highly debatable that we even have a higher education system at all. The sooner we accept that the whole thing is garbage and rotten to the core, the sooner we can move along.

>> No.14783917

I know it's garbage but I still need that piece of paper

>> No.14784559

then get a degree in communications or business. as soon as you get your degree you'll have to teach whatever they want so literature won't even be worth it as a job. just let the humanities degree meme die.

>> No.14784565

>female professor

>> No.14784765

>oranges are not the only fruit
I read a different novel by Jeanette Winterson and it was pretty good. Just relax and try and get what you can out of the class with an open mind, worst case scenario it's just a class that you don't like, everyone takes classes they don't like

>> No.14784887

I did English at an Australian Uni. You really should get out of the humanities altogether. Enjoy learning about history on the side or something. If you don't want to do STEM, do something you can tolerate as a job.

You will get bitter if you don't share their worldview. There are probably admirable and interesting things to learn about Aboriginal cultures, but I'll save you the trouble of seeking subtext or counterpoints to your lecturers' hermeneutic labours uncovering every possible nobility and every possible crime involved in the story of Australia... and tell you one big thing that is worth knowing: an important political function of revering Indigenous peoples in modern states is to delegitimize/demoralise nativist and nationalist claims on the resources and culture of a given country. The sensitive manners and etiquette that surround Indigenous peoples makes space for the ruling interests of the state to freely privatize natural resources, and freely introduce foreign labour. After all... none of this really belongs to us. ;)

>> No.14784907

Imagine thinking at this level while being an university student. The world is truly doomed.

>> No.14784928

history in aus is pozzed af

>> No.14784952
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Play along then activate schopenhauer mode for your final essay/project

>> No.14784962

>start english degree
just go to trade school and then read books when you get home.
i don't even get the point of an english degree? you need someone to tell you what the point of the story was? just use your brain lol. it's not like learning an empirical science where you need access to laboratory equipment and training on how to use it.

>> No.14784973


Dunno if it's just all unis these days, but Australian university is supremely fucked and actively stupefying. They're like autistic manchild factories.
The main problem, especially with History and English, is that they're taught in the same way that we're taught the Medieval era was the 'Dark Ages'. You're not taught anything from the perspective of the people or context of the time, you're taught it from a modern, predeterministic perspective that everything that happened before the last few decades was merely a series of (failed) experiments and a natural evolution to get to modernity.

>> No.14785040

a billion wicked thoughts, maybe

>> No.14785105

I’m doing English lit at an Australian uni.
The key to keeping your sanity is not to approach course work like you are on /pol/.
Go along to get along.

>> No.14785159

STEM is a meme

>> No.14785171

>Australian uni
Doesn't it feel like you're constantly eating shit though? If I had to do work on critical theory or postcolonialism or gender I would make like a bull in a china shop
you've "got along" but at what cost

>> No.14785173

i kinda knew both courses would be a meme, depending on the professors i got.But what does lit think about teaching as a career in general? I just didn't know what to do? Ive done tutoring in the past and i enjoyed it to give some context.

>> No.14785183

say "meme" again to these connections nigga I'm hopping the continent but ur stuck in Iowa

>> No.14785184

I found that all of my middle english classes were the most kino. The professor was usually a bro who was up for interpretation and actually cared for what we thought. All of the american lits were absolute trash that focused on societal norms rather than good writing.

>> No.14785194
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I graduated with the same degree last year from a top 3 Australian uni. You just need thick skin to get past the fucking toxic politics and echo chamber. I guarantee you that there are people there, even some of the women (though most are totally brainwashed), who don't agree with the bullshit. It's just a toxic echo chamber where people can't express their opinions, so you'll probably never know you're not the only dissident. If you suck it up and get through it you can go to a small country school and teach kids real literature and history where the people are still open-minded and skeptical of modern bullshit.

>> No.14785197

good on you mate, what was your favourite of the Australian literature and poetry?

>> No.14785250

I did very little of it at uni. I only did one course related to Australian stuff and it was all contemporary stuff (Les Murray, Kim Scott's Deadman Dance, The Hate Race, and some other horrible aboriginal crap). Tbh, Australian stuff isn't my cup of tea and I mostly read world classics.

>> No.14785251

Should have taken philosophy, history or classics. English has always been the subject for women.

>> No.14785253

Are you a retard or autistic? Otherwise you should have no trouble passing.
>Bronte sisters, Austen, George Elliot, Mary Shelley, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
Some are high school tier when it comes to education but they are all good desu

>> No.14785259

I had a similar experience.
>want to be cop
>get advice from Lt. that English would've been a good major, writing is king (he decided to read a bunch of great literature/philosophy, in the process of his he got major promotions and a new perspective through it)
>Pick up literature course
>have this weird feeling of intruding when I enter
>Look like a prison gang skinhead
>getting unusual looks
>notice I'm one of three males
>one is swilling a soi latte
>the other is an openly flaming faggot, said he prefers Brittany when his name was called, or you could also call him "gay brit" for short.
>of course, there's an annoyingd dyke who loudly interrupts with her emotional PMSing about books she hates (I swear, there's always one in an English course)
>most insufferable students I've ever encountered
>Other girls "read literature," probably more than me, yet seem to hate so much of it, because of obvious SJW reasons. Almost everyone in class is English major
>Professor goes on about typical literary postmodern takes. Whatever. She's open minded to our takes
>then, she says discussion will be mandatory
>I envision having to discuss my opinions with this rainbow headed coalition of annoying freaks for several months
>Imagine interpreting all kinds of critical theory and Freudian urges for classic texts
>imagine dealing with these fuckers for several years
Dropped the class that day.
That Lt. is a smart guy, but he hasn't been in a university in 20 years. I don't know how you eng majors. And I'm not talking indoctrination, even just dealing with other eng majors. They're insufferable and abrasive. As if they blast their personality through the room with a shotgun, for attention. It creates a shit storm if you dare have any kind of view that threatens their little world. Homeless crazies are easier to maneuver with.

>> No.14785268

>(Les Murray, Kim Scott's Deadman Dance, The Hate Race, and some other horrible aboriginal crap)
I see why you need a thick skin

>> No.14785275

>As if they blast their personality through the room with a shotgun
nice freudian slip, you will make a good cop

>> No.14786165

No you fucking retard. The world and our actions in it is supposed to be lived through our living intuitions - i.e. slaying pussy as one dimension of that life. Living people do living stuff, you on the other hand should stay far away from any higher eduction until you learn this.

>> No.14786209

>You just need thick skin to get past the fucking toxic politics and echo chamber.
After the Alinskyian "Hold them to their own rules." turning the tables rhetorically using critical/post structural theory they love so much, you can still say what you want (through a lens, Zizek is useful for this in particular.)

>> No.14786489

>smart people dont have sex
I know we have this weird thing about idolizing intellectuals and important figures in history, but honestly everyone is human and has the same needs.
I read Symposion by Plato and it was like a bro gathering, just 2500 years ago.
Literally a bunch of dudes got together, talked about how fucked they got last night, and to take it easy today and then had a party game of discussing what love is.
Humans havent changed much the past 2500 years, the only difference is our language, knowledge and culture makes us seem more sophisticated, but all men and women still wanna fuck and enjoy some sex.

>> No.14786963


>> No.14786971


Anyways if you wanted better than a community college, you should have paid attention in high school.

>> No.14786992

tbf, you can have an open and generous way of thinking and still not slay any puss due to being ugly

>> No.14787533

women will not sleep with you for agreeing with them

>> No.14787853

Do you enjoy teaching? Was it worth getting through the degree?

>> No.14788001

nah, the real meme is people who exclusively do one or the other.

t.philosophy & computer science major

>> No.14788026


>> No.14788034

>If you follow along, are open minded and can think critically, you can slay a lot of fresh puss my man.
autopsy of a dead culture: the sentence

>> No.14788047

let's be real anon; posturing is half the fun of intellectual pursuits

>> No.14788285

>be Mary Shelly
>your father, your mother and your husband are ten times better writers and lived much more interesting lives
>be remembered because you wrote a mediocre novel that was adapted to movies with great success
>although they had to change all the third act cause it was too boring
Thanks western canon

>> No.14788968

>teaching degree
>class is 80% female.
wow imagine my shock. those three are equivalents and obvious implications

>> No.14788974

To be fair Wuthering Heights is pretty good. Liking it because epic woman author is retarded though

>> No.14789034

Try philosophy

I did philosophy in an Australian uni. It was useless for getting a job , I'm an uber driver now. But they talk about Kant, hume, Descartes, Nietzsche and Heidegger. They don't talk about postmodernism or any of that. It's mostly analytic philosophy , training you to perform logical analysis of arguments, nothing political at all.

>> No.14789388

>the evil white man vs the awesome Aboriginal civilisation
look obviously there are bad arguments on either side of any debate, but if that's really what you think the ideology of the progressive establishment is it might be worth employing a little more nuance in your critical thinking. I'm not saying cut your dick off, just don't be so reactive when you hear something you don't agree with
t. Aus STEM masters

>> No.14789436

except this time you are not forced to sit there and listen like a cuck if you dont want to
same here. in stem cause i liked politics and philosophy but its fulll of lefty retards

>> No.14789842

But that is exactly the ideology of the progressive establishment. They are parrot tier post-colonialists and critical theorists with 0 nuance and have been since the commies took root in the cold war