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14766109 No.14766109 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a rational discussion about this book? As propaganda, a manual, and "literature"?

>> No.14766130

discussion about what? it's hollow as fuck and only serves to radicalize weak minded individuals.

>> No.14766137


>> No.14766153
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>> No.14766178

Discussion about the hilarious stereotypes, the by-the-numbers and equally comical "romance", the implausibility of the ending, the basic-but-interesting breakout of the terrorist cells, the influence on right-wing-ish apocalyptic fiction, the relation to Timothy McVeigh, etc.

I can't help if you're an unimaginative faggot or never read it and had a knee-jerk "thought-crime" reaction to it.

>> No.14767039

You know, with the number of replies/posters listed at the bottom and your retarded opinions, it's abundantly clear you're a Reddit samefag, right?

>> No.14767232

The plot is honestly too ridiculous for me to take seriously

>> No.14767245

>admitting he read the Timmy Turner Diaries.
The FBI has been informed. Do not resist.

>> No.14767458

it is basically a book long /pol/ post

>> No.14767560

agreed, which makes for amusing discussion if you're not a complete dickhead and have actually read it.
unlike this motherfucker
or this pussy bitch paranoid thought-crime faggot.

>> No.14767591

The white nationalism/supremacism aside, I think the commentary on radicalism generally the book presents is at least somewhat interesting. The portrayal of the neoliberal order as "the System" as an all-encompassing provides a useful backdrop for the vision of a radically different society.

The discussion of group morality is also interesting, the discussion of innocence and acceptable collateral damage in pursuit of a higher aim encapsulates the collectivist mindset pretty well -- not just of ends justifying means but the imputation of notions of guilt and innocence onto whole groups.

>> No.14767620

>The portrayal of the neoliberal order as "the System" as an all-encompassing provides a useful backdrop for the vision of a radically different society.
The similarities and differences with Uncle Ted's philosophy is fun.
Likewise with the group morality that you mentioned. Regardless of the "extremism" and "far-right" ideology, it's interesting to consider primarily economic individuals who will always place material concerns and benefits over higher goals and ideals like the one character that the group killed for being pusillanimous.

>> No.14767621

cringe-tier reactionary garbage, you're honestly better off reading my twisted world

>> No.14767663

>better off reading my twisted world
which is entertaining and informative in it's own right too. Christ, you bumlords are so boring. just kill yourselves now.

>> No.14767684
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>> No.14768421 [SPOILER] 
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I'm torn between loving this book for its inspiring people to kill government officials, niggers, and faggots, and disliking it because of my fetish for pregnant Jewish girls

What do

>> No.14768603

>What do
An hero

>> No.14769176

Are you really /his/, or are you larping?

>> No.14769880

suicide i guess

>> No.14769894

shut the fuck up retard, the only thing that reading this books makes you is a mongoloid who wastes his time

>> No.14770689
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>> No.14770856

Kek, this reminds me of the seething comments for The 48 Laws of Power. Retards who have never read it, don't know what it's about, and can't fathom any utility or intrigue from the book besides its strawmanned or ostensible purposes REEEE because the cover looks scary.

>> No.14771357

i read a few sentence and its basically /pol/ but its in America instead of Sweden.

>> No.14771418

>Yes, the inability to face reality and make difficult decisions, that is the salient symptom of the liberal disease. Always trying to avoid a minor unpleasantness now, so that a major unpleasantness becomes unavoidable later, always evading any responsibilities to the future--that is the way the liberal mind works.
>There was a gang of armed, revolutionary Negroes who called themselves "Black Panthers." Every time they had a shootout with the police, the press and TV people had their tearful interviews with the families of the Black gang members who got killed--not the cops' widows.
>As long as the government is able to keep the economy somehow gasping and wheezing along, the people can be conditioned to accept any outrage. Despite the continuing inflation and the gradually declining standard of living, most Americans are still able to keep their bellies full today, and we must simply face the fact that that's the only thing which counts with them.

>> No.14771453

>What is really precious to the average American is not his freedom or his honor or the future of his face, but his pay check. He complained when the System began busing his kids to Black schools 20 years ago, but he was allowed to keep his station wagon and his fiberglass speedboat, so he didn't fight.
>He complained when they took away his guns five years ago, but he still had his color TV and his backyard barbeque, so he didn't fight.
>And he complained today when Blacks rape his women at will and the System makes him show an identity pass to buy groceries or pick up his laundry, but he still has a full belly most of the time, so he won't fight.
>He hasn't an idea in his head that wasn't put there by his TV set. He desperately wants to be "well adjusted" and to do and think and say exactly what he thinks is expected of him. He has become, in short, just what the System has been trying to make of him these past 50 years or so; a mass-man; a member of the great, brainwashed proletariat; a herd animal, a true democrat.
>That, unfortunately, is our average American. The plain, horrible truth is that we have been trying to evoke a heroic spirit of idealism which just isn't there any more. It has been washed right out of 99 per cent of our people by the flood of materialist propaganda in which they have been submerged practically all their lives.

>> No.14771488

Sweden, yes

>> No.14771865


>> No.14771877
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>it’s actually a campy comedy, gaise

>> No.14771904

>it's tripfag gaise
You ever hear about unintentional comedy?

>> No.14771952

what? is the plot really about time traveling Rebs liberating and impregnating Anne Frank? a book with this plot killed people?

>> No.14771957 [DELETED] 

It is partly

>> No.14772229
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Ignore them. It has a frame story about an all-White utopia in 2099 looking back to a historical journal from the 1990s which explains the daily life of a revolutionary in a "Great War". Cringe, and unnecessary, but there it is.

The real story is about the narrator Earl Turner chronicling his experiences as a domestic terrorist in a White Nationalist organization and their campaign to cripple America's economy (and then...the world! Also cringe, but whatever) to directly address issues of multiculturalism and liberalism that have led to the retro-futurist dystopia of 1990s America (it was written in the 70s). The plot follows Turner and his counterparts who blow up the FBI headquarters, bomb DC, cut wide swaths through California killing minorities and race-mixers, and ultimately nuking major US cities. So it starts out strong and interesting hearing about the planning and organizational tactics of Turner's group, but it quickly turns into pure fantasy for the plot to carry out in such a way that by 2099, all non-Whites have been removed from the planet.

>> No.14772254

how are people unironically telling people to read that unironically that on a site that owes its existence to weebs?

>> No.14772265
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because even when it's stupid, it's funny or entertaining. even when it's extreme, it's interesting. given these qualities, is it really a shock that people HERE would be amused by reading it, unironically or ironically?

>> No.14772808

>an all-White utopia in 2099


>> No.14772817 [SPOILER] 
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No, that’s my alternate history novel

>> No.14772828


What game?

>> No.14772845
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> Are you really /his/

Yes I am.

>or are you larping?

I love cute little pregnant Jewish girls, but I also wish to see all niggers, sodomites, and US government employees be executed in the most violent manner legally possible. What’s so complicated about it?

>> No.14772859

This is irrefutable.

>> No.14772872

What arouses you is a cute girl with pale skin being in dire straights. Protective male instincts and sex are closely related. Read White Girl Bleed A Lot and see if you don't have the same feelings for girls of your own race.

>> No.14773995

Get out