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/lit/ - Literature

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14726457 No.14726457 [Reply] [Original]

>It's Valentine's Day and he's spending it on 4chan discussing /pol/ trigger bait and irrelevant philosophers
Fuck that, we need a designated thread for the greatest love stories ever written.
>inb4 Lolita

>> No.14726461

Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.14726470
File: 84 KB, 299x288, 130221984383.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait a second I have a hunch, what's the last name of the guy who popularized valentine's day as a modern holiday

>> No.14726478

I do not honestly enjoy sex.

>> No.14726486

I honestly do not believe you.
Asexuality is the biggest cope for guys who can't get laid.

>> No.14726493

many people find out they're asexual from having sex, and if you got to AVEN you will find that the average asexual has more sex than the average incel

>> No.14726494

I'm the same way. I truly feel no pleasure from ejaculation.

>> No.14726496

Not that anon but I dislike sex. It's alright, but once you've been in two or three relationships it's like masturbation, it's nice and you do crave it sometimes but it's not the center of your fucking existence.

Women are also usually shit at sex. Boring and passive.

>> No.14726499

I'm already married. So long as I am uncucked, I don't care.

>> No.14726661

>greatest love stories ever written
whatever they are they're more sad than happy, concern long stretches of loneliness, falsehood, and probably sacrifice..
Cupid and Psyche in Apuleius
Lady into Fox, David Garnett
Don Quixote

>> No.14726697

i sent the love of my life a yearly schizo valentines day card. took me three hours. she replied,
>got any more?
LMAO. nope. no i don't. that's all folks. all i've got left is my heart. really not much else.

>> No.14726738

Bingo. (You) did take pleasure in its composition though, right? In a strange way I think youre being spared..
At any rate cheers, anon. And Happy Valentine's Day anyway

>> No.14726813

>(You) did take pleasure in its composition though, right?
ayup. would do again. will do again.

>In a strange way I think youre being spared..
At any rate cheers, anon. And Happy Valentine's Day anyway
ayupyup. it's funny how that works. thank ya kindly.

>> No.14726829
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oops forgot pic related. and a happy valentines to you too!

>> No.14726982

I started reading Emma today

>> No.14726987
File: 1.63 MB, 2400x3096, CassandraAusten-JaneAusten(c.1810)_hires.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emma is her best book. Pride and Prejudice may actually be her WORST book, I'll never not be mad that it's the most popular thing she wrote. Almost everything else Austen ever wrote is better than P&P.

>> No.14726992

I have never read her before.....should I have started with a different one?

>> No.14727017

I liked Northanger best but it ends too abruptly. For starkness, no nonsense, pain, and economy: Persuasion.

>> No.14727027

It's fine if you start there, just know that she's got stuff that's better than it.

>> No.14727074


>> No.14727457

Love in the Time of Cholera
For complete disillusionment and a generalizing of particular love into a general love of human life and art through time, ISOLT

>> No.14727513

>he unironically takes valentine's day as some sort of holiday
do consoomers really?

>> No.14727531

Why pretend it's not? From earliest years (we) exchanged silly little missives in school, etc. Love some of the old customs as recounted in Pepys' diary (1660-69).

>> No.14727721

>Macbeth and Othello
>better love stories than Romeo and Juliet
What did you mean by this?

>> No.14727736

i cant think of a better holiday than a day where i get to sit in solitude, contemplating my loneliness... festively

>> No.14727811

he means he's based

>> No.14727818


>> No.14727829


>> No.14727873

The Aeneid, the story of a hero's love for his people

>> No.14728371

Name a happier married couple in Shakespeare than Lady and King (for a day or two) Macbeth..
Amazing that an ultimately debilitating ambition did not impair their love for one another
And Othello (poor chap) was the victim of envy, made to believe that an imperishable love had perished even though he knew it hadn't as he himself killed it and then himself
To quote /lit/'s favorite white girl band WarPaint: Love is to die.
Only a cynic would believe that the sadly unproved love of the star-crossed surpassed that of both dark lords and their true blue ladies.
>Maestro, a tissue please

>> No.14728380

Hell, the fuck, YES
It could be so much worse

>> No.14728418

>the average asexual has more sex than the average incel
For what purpose?

>> No.14728582

>straight asexuals can have biological children
>since asexuals are only 1% of the population, most romantic asexuals date sexuals and have sex to please their partners

>> No.14728585

I'm asexual and somehow managed to get into a relationship with another asexual. It's really nice not having to do that kind of thing desu.