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File: 20 KB, 333x500, 1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14714567 No.14714567 [Reply] [Original]

This book really captures everything wrong with socialism

>> No.14714572


>> No.14714579

Is this your first attempt to bait /lit/? So cute.

>> No.14714588

It captures everything wrong with totalitarianism.
Socialism doesn't really factor in that much.
The issue with 1984 isn't that they have socialized healthcare or workers unions. Infact it's not obvious they have those things at all.
Either this is bad bait or you are really retarded.

>> No.14714606

Why do you think I'm baiting? Oceania is literally a socialist's wet dream

>> No.14714640

Oceania is a totalitarian oligarchy, dumbfuck. The exact opposite of socialism.

>> No.14714657

No? It's not?
Workers have no rights.
The people have no power, democratic or otherwise.
Nobody has any freedom.
This undermines all the core motives for socialism.

>> No.14714662

Retard they're literally the same thing
>hurrrr the Soviet Union wasn't real socialism!
Try again

>> No.14714673

Trump's presidency is a perfect reflection of the book. Obviously to a smaller degree but if he was given the time he'd make the attempt for full on Oceania.

>> No.14714691
File: 41 KB, 594x582, 1538312105733.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IngSoc isn't real socialism

>> No.14714716

>socialism is when a handful of elites control everything and plunge the state in never ending wars against the (((OTHERS)))
you mean capitalism OP?

>> No.14714720

Look up Orwellian "doublespeak", son.

>> No.14714721

The Soviet Union, North Korea and China are only very scantily clinging to Socialist ideals.
The point of Socialism was to give the workers more rights over their working conditions by taking power away from business owners and putting it in the hands of unions.
In 1984, and the aforementioned examples, power has been taken away from the business owners AND the workers, and given to the state. Democracy was also abolished, leaving the workers (i.e the intended benefactors of Socialism) with no benefits at all.
The intention of state owned means of production was so that by proxy of the state being a democratic representation of the people, the means would be governed by the people. But because there is no democracy, the means are in now way operated by the workers.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not a socialist and I'm generally against Socialism. But I'm not retarded enough to think that the problems in 1984 are unique to Socialism.

>> No.14714733
File: 20 KB, 354x353, EPzQZ0kXUAIaFaG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bro this is just like socialism. Thank god we dont have tvs and phones that spy on us, endless war, ideological propaganda in media or education. Thank god we have a democracy that offers real choice and is totally fair.

>> No.14714735

Communism is a perversion of socialism.

>> No.14714736

>The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein describes the Party's ideology as an oligarchical collective which "rejects and vilifies every principle for which the Socialist movement originally stood, and it does so in the name of Socialism". It is noteworthy that in the terms of the book this ideology would be a form of doublethink.

>> No.14714739
File: 1.52 MB, 1198x616, m4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orwell was a fking socialist so idk brother

>> No.14714870

I never said this, it's very scary how similar modern US and UK are to 1984, but that also shows how close we've gotten to socialism. The postmodernists have done enormous damage to the west, maybe unfixable

>> No.14714888

the book literally goes over how Ingsoc started out with pure socialist intentions, but then got rid of some of the core principals and it morphed

guess you weren't paying attention?

>> No.14714898

you werent the one paying attention faggot, the book is clearly an indictment of socialism in practice. nice trips btw

>> No.14715066

>clearly an indictment of socialism in practice
George Orwell was a socialist. Why the fuck would a socialist write a book that is supposedly anti-socialist?
No 1984 is going against totalitarian governments, like the Soviets.
Orwell believed that states like the Nazis and USSR took socialist ideas and beliefs and then betrayed them, like...Ingsoc?
Furthermore in Orwell's essay Inside the Whale, he refers to the ideology of the Soviets as being an environment that makes mental honesty impossible, like...doublethink?

Regardless Orwell was a socialist so it makes zero sense for him to write a book that is anti-socialist.

>> No.14715069

my bad
>>14715066 was referring to >>14714898

>> No.14715089

I agree with you but the socialists themselves got quite butthurt with Orwell on account of AF and accused him of being antisocialist.

>> No.14715448

Authoritarianism comes from many directions/labels economic system isnt synonymous with lack of civil rights. We have a free market, and big tech AI is working with the FBI to decide what to tell "fact checking" outlets what is "true" which is sometimes a bald faced lie

>> No.14715476

Oh wow, you're retard

>> No.14715722

>nobody has any freedom
Sounds like socialism to me

>> No.14715920

The absolute state of socialists. They will tell themselves anything, perform any amount of mental gymnastics, to convince themselves that
>th-this book about an oppressive socialist government actually vindicates US!!
Go back to >>>/r/books, they might be more your speed

>> No.14715952

Socialism maximizes individual freedom.

>> No.14715967

Please explain, retard, how a few artists and critics active in the late 20th century, facilitated the modern surveillance state.

>> No.14716075

George Orwell was a socialist. It's against totalitarian regimes.

>> No.14716078

He was a democratic socialist, not communist

>> No.14716083

Yes. A Socialist. That's what he said.

>> No.14716093

muh leftists bad

>> No.14716676
File: 21 KB, 597x559, D010056D-A51F-455D-91D1-4CD78F966B19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What makes individual freedom?

>> No.14716705

This is the most reddit post I've seen all day. You're real gay for this one OP

>> No.14716712

oh sweetie, we are talking about socialism in real life not in your fantasy

>> No.14716745

It's clear that Orwell was criticizing certain aspects of socialists despite being socialist himself. Communists literally tried to kill him.

>> No.14716909

yes, freedom to die in Gulag from lack of food

>> No.14716935

>I never said this, it's very scary how similar modern US and UK are to 1984, but that also shows how close we've gotten to socialism. The postmodernists have done enormous damage to the west, maybe unfixable
Imagine being this brainwashed

>> No.14716972


being cucked by capitalism so hard you call it socialism because it asked you to.

>> No.14717088

I know this is bait but boomers say this all the time
Don’t think they know who Orwell was

>> No.14717306

I swear this book has retarded two entire generations.
Besides, 99% of the people mentioning it haven't actually read it.

>> No.14717309

Read Brave New World instead.

>> No.14717397

Buffalo Wild Wings serves buffalo meat

>> No.14717856

1984 is just Orwell having a literary wank over how much he hates Stalin.

Interestingly both 1984 and Animal Farm are very sympathetic to Trotsky, but seem to have no direct Lenin analogue. So it’s unclear if Orwell thought that the Bolshevics were evil from the beginning or is in the “revolution good, shittiness happened some point later” camp.

>> No.14717876

“Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism, as I understand it.“ - George Orwell

>> No.14717895

>So it’s unclear if Orwell thought that the Bolshevics were evil from the beginning or is in the “revolution good, shittiness happened some point later” camp.

“I meant the moral to be that revolutions only effect a radical improvement when the masses are alert and know how to chuck out their leaders as soon as the latter have done their job. The turning-point of the story was supposed to be when the pigs kept the milk and apples for themselves (Kronstadt). If the other animals had had the sense to put their foot down then, it would have been all right.“

>> No.14717979

> considers Kronstadt the defeat of the Russian Revolution
> writes Trotsky as completely sympathetic and a hero who was unjustly exiled


>> No.14717982

weeoo weeoo weeoo
retard alert retard alert

>> No.14718001

...which would make him just about unique among socialists

>> No.14718003

> writes Trotsky as completely sympathetic and a hero who was unjustly exiled
Snowball hoarded the milk and apples along with his fellow pigs; he wasn’t entirely sympathetic or heroic.

>> No.14718011

There’s a reason Orwell has a more universal appeal than many other left-wing writers I’d the period; his refusal to contort his brain to justify Stalinism is part of it.

>> No.14718326

>it's a /pol/ comes to /lit/ and misinterprets the most basic shit chapter

>> No.14718415

this. The irony is hilarious on one level, scary and sad on another.

>> No.14718423

>ackshuayally, INGSOC were the double plus good guys.

>> No.14718530

socialist cope

>> No.14718562

It is and we even meet one of the oligarch class, the official. In a totalitarian state the government officials are the oligarchs.

>> No.14718605

>but bro the theory

>> No.14718905

literally the only logical end result of socialism.

>> No.14719089

Real socialism™ preserves the element of democratically elected leaders. There is no democracy or even farce of a democracy in a totalitarian state. But yes, Democratic socialism is prone to decaying to resemble a state virtually indistinguishable from totalitarianism.

>> No.14719128

this explains why communists are so keen to advance socialism. they need the totalitarian stage to re-educate/murder the opposition. "it wasn't meant to turn out like this", said no one on the left ever

>> No.14719153

go outside and maybe even have sex please

>> No.14719184

They're keen, like every other ambitious faggot alive, to be in charge. They want to put into place a system where education has more power than material wealth. They turn a blind eye to the fact that power correlates with nepotism and everything else is just a cope. And they are humiliated, imprisoned, or killed accordingly when their revolution ends and the new nepotistic tribe takes root. They may be an intellectual, but they are not a member of the ruling family.

>> No.14719226

How come you guys can even use a computer?

>> No.14719237


>> No.14719812

I disagree. Trump isn't ideological; any system that allows him to gratify his appetite for validation would probably win his approval.

>> No.14720265

>>hurrrr the Soviet Union wasn't real socialism!

>> No.14720299

retarded socialist detected

>> No.14720351

He was critiquing totalitarianism
socialism is usually a stateless society

>> No.14720582


>> No.14720702
File: 33 KB, 600x428, 2754544d3cc2dd40dcb1ee47ff3d73fb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>socialism is usually a stateless society
care to post some examples of stateless socialist societies ?

>> No.14720719

Anarchist basque
why are you so smug though? you are obviously misconceived

>> No.14720790

>socialism is usually a stateless society
literally one example in all recorded time

>> No.14720817

When i say usually i mean usually defined as not usually implemented as, you must have misunderstood

>> No.14720864

or perhaps I understand but too well

>> No.14721217

>usually, the implementation is a disaster
so maybe socialism isn't a fucking good idea.
Orwell understood this perfectly; anyone with half a brain who reads 1984 or, say, Animal Farm will realize this

>> No.14721247

>so maybe socialism isn't a fucking good idea.
>Orwell understood this perfectly; anyone with half a brain who reads 1984 or, say, Animal Farm will realize this

It might shock you to learn that Orwell actually wrote more than two books. Here's a passage from "Homage to Catalonia":

"I am well aware that it is now the fashion to deny that Socialism has anything to do with equality. In every country in the world a huge tribe of party-hacks and sleek little professors are busy ‘proving’ that Socialism means no more than a planned state-capitalism with the grab-motive left intact. But fortunately there also exists a vision of Socialism quite different from this. The thing that attracts ordinary men to Socialism and makes them willing to risk their skins for it, the ‘mystique’ of ‘Socialism, is the idea of equality; to the vast majority of people Socialism means a classless society, or it means nothing at all."

>> No.14721251

when did i say it was implemented in disatrous ways
>orwell knows this
havent you read the thread?
>tfw too smart to read

>> No.14721323
File: 232 KB, 404x434, Illegal Eagle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember my first beer.