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14708361 No.14708361 [Reply] [Original]

Any books that actually changed your life for the better /lit/?

>> No.14708366

i try not to let the works of others dictate my brain

>> No.14708374

most have just made my life incrementally worse, pic related

>> No.14708381


>> No.14708395

That dumb pop psy book from the 90s Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Made me realize/admit I'm incompatible with vaginapeople.

>> No.14708420

I read Thus Spake Zarathustra while I was in the psych ward. Helped me a lot

>> No.14708433

Saint Augustine's Confessions

I wish I had read it when I was much younger.

>> No.14708443

what is the source of that image?? asking for a friend

>> No.14708883

Unironically Conspiracy Against the Human Race, but not for the reason Ligotti may have wanted, it basically just resulted in me being considerably less anxious about death

>> No.14708904

Why would you ever be anxious about death? we’re all gonna die. like, why would you be afraid of water? the sun? you’re dead and that’s it. what lies beyond is only what’s in your mind, just imagine you’re dreaming for all eternity, dude.

>> No.14708915

Julian Baggini's What's It All About?: Philosophy and the Meaning of Life. Augustine's Confessions also. I am an atheist but it was something else. Just the raw honesty.

>> No.14708951

Quran, Old Testament, Gospels.

Maybe me realise i should go back to school and try and make something out of my life that might help someone else. Made me realise we're not here for ourselves but for others and the Blessed One.

>> No.14708973

100%. Tao Te Ching. Bhagivad Gita. Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.14708992

whats that quote about books and meals?
much like I cannot recall what I had to eat 2 weeks ago I cannot recall most of the books I have read, but they like the food have made me
any book that causes action usually changes your life for the better, if you read sun and steel and started lifting weights but can't recall a single word it's still changed your life for the better

>> No.14709001


Augustine's Confessions are written like a hollywood drama lmao

Peak dishonesty. I bet you have trouble detecting psychopaths / obvious lies too

>> No.14709050

schmaltzy answer but almost all of them in some way. Tristes Tropiques especially recently

>> No.14709070
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not me, I ain't dying... life extension escape velocity... 18 years or so... I can make it easy. I'll live forever.

>> No.14709073

forget the exact words. Emerson said it.

>> No.14709090

Why would you want to live forever?>>14709050
>Tristes tropiques
How so?

>> No.14709158

the longer you live - the more advanced technology becomes - the better life gets

>> No.14709193

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

>> No.14709243

not op, but forever meaning roughly long enough i'm guessing, meaning heat death or some similar event. The better question is why wouldn't you want to live as long as you can?

>> No.14709258

Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Got me in back in touch with my Jewish side, and gave me meaning and a plan for my life.

>> No.14709267

Ugh gross

>> No.14709287

>Brothers Karamazov
specifically how may I ask

>> No.14709294

mein kamph

its a great book about the unexpected hardships of fatherhood and how poland is rightful german clay

>> No.14709295

I find that media, especially written word, rarely affects me at all. I hate that people keep saying that this and that book changed their life or mindset and I keep reading all sorts of stuff and nothing really does anything for me. My mind is too open and everything just falls out?

>> No.14709403

so for every year you've been alive your life has gotten better? you're happier now than a kid?

>> No.14709585

And I thought that lit is the bigbrained board

>> No.14709587

This desu
Also Kierkegaard's Either/Or

>> No.14709600

Not him but yes

>> No.14709621

and you think that assumes infinitely?

>> No.14709657

What do you mean? Do I think it’s going to keep getting better? I don’t know, but probably. People will figure out how to cure pretty much everything, VR will get infinity better, what else is there?

>> No.14709659

yes, the guy is saying we should want to live forever because the world can only get better

>> No.14709661

Beowulf, Iliad, Moby Dick, the Hobbit
The greatest books inspire greatness in thought and deed through exultation of beautiful and powerful things. Those who read self help, young adult fantasies and popular philosophy are miserable for good reason

>> No.14709687
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It succinctly expressed how based science is.

>> No.14709689

Happiness: A Very Short Introduction

>> No.14709696

Stop spamming sci with this nonsense you fucking cretin.

>> No.14709708


>> No.14709710

dumb nazi, they lost you know.

>> No.14709719

The good guys lost every war for the past two and a half centuries, at least. There's a good case to be made for some kind of historicist gnosticism

>> No.14709751

The bible and Bhagavad Gita

>> No.14709758

The good guys lost the Civil War in Spain, WWII was an extension of that loss and its consequences

>> No.14709783

all of them

>> No.14709804
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Mostly fictional stories. Sure, Malcolm Gladwell and Jordan Peterson are nice for the cerebral stuff, but what hit the heart and made me WANT to change were the stories from likes of Dostoevsky and Cormac McCarthy. Fiction has a way of speaking to people that information/nonfiction doesn't.

There's also Marcus Aurelius, Plato, and the catholic church fathers and stories of saints that I like.

>> No.14709934

Did that guy just leave Auschwitz? Goddamn

>> No.14710144

RAW thought the same thing, anon...

>> No.14710274

How do i get a fucking body like that?

>> No.14710327


>> No.14710338

plato made me believe in god. not sure whether that was for the best or not

>> No.14710522


>> No.14710753

Don't be retarded, guy. Your brain works through the conscious and unconscious selection of external information. Even your systems of thought are externally derived from language and culture. Refine your taste.

>> No.14710766

i read the grapes of wrath
it was either that or le miserables the rest of the books were shit

>> No.14710791

fuck off kike, your kind isn't welcomed here

>> No.14710920

some technical books that helped get me better jobs
some music books that helped me be a better player
some personal finance books that helped me get independently wealthy

>> No.14710937

Kid's got a goofy haircut.

>> No.14710941

I started reading lots of upbeat romance books and it made me change my life so that I can get a cute gf

>> No.14710968

Not based in the slightest, it's good to criticise and have your own opinions but if you think you're too smart to learn anything anymore and that you are the smartest person in the world, then I bet you are actually pretty dense.

>> No.14711009

It's extremely hard to spot a good psychopath. Just 2 days ago it turned out my Jehova's witness that visits my house almost every sunday is actually an underground criminal dealing with millions worth of counterfeit money and drugs, the banks around this area are now checking for false notes to get rid of them. Would have never guessed it.

>> No.14711091

do you wecome their visits? why don’t you tell them to fuck off?

>> No.14711267

>dude just don't be sad is not that hard

>> No.14711296

how to read a book by mortimer j adler & a bunch of book from jed mckenna

>> No.14711305

The Demon Haunted World: Science As A Candle in the Wind by Carl Sagan.
got me to stop reading David Icke and Zechariah Sitchin.

>> No.14711342


>> No.14712094

Great choices.
>Brothers Karamazov
For me it was War and Peace

>> No.14712104

Stop being dumb, please.

>> No.14712144

The good guys will always lose. Amoral people have many more options than those constrained by morality and therefore will always win.

>> No.14712163

The Dollmaker by Harriet Arnow

>> No.14712747
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>> No.14713868

The World as Will and Representation

>> No.14713979
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I got screwed at 16 by reading Journey to the End of the Night

>> No.14713984


>> No.14713988

most people have a biological imperative to live

>> No.14714093


>> No.14714103

The Sublime Object of Ideology, specifically his description of objet petit A and surplus enjoyment. Obviously Zizek didn't invent these concepts, but he helped me understand them, and then apply the lessons to my own life.

>> No.14714137

Crime and Punishment and The Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.14714154

I like this post

>> No.14714199


>> No.14714494

>natsoc made me a skinny bottom

>> No.14714671

lol. what a halfwit faggot

>> No.14715182

The little Prince.
People think it is only for little kids, but i really like it

>> No.14715188

fairly sure official nazi training stuff described the ideal german as lithe

>> No.14715212

>mein kampH
Absolutely degenerate

>> No.14715621

Prometheus rising, the bhagavad-gita, a maze of death, steppenwolf

>> No.14716106


>> No.14716140

>reading The Magic of Recluce
>Think the protagonist is a whiny twat
>Like it anyway.
>Mention that I like it, someone else goes "oh, I bet you really relate to the protagonist"
>Realize I'm a whiny twat

This was when I was 15. Glad I figured that out early and nipped it in the bud

>> No.14716234

Ishmael was an important book - an intro to a different perspective on the way things are and how things came to be. If you read it, just do yourself a favor and don't stop there - read more books either from the same author or branch out into other similar thinkers.

Ishmael by itself will give you a new perspective, but won't give you any real answers towards how you can be happy in life with your new understanding.

>> No.14716308

Name them so we can shame them and (You)

>> No.14716315

Idk but it's incredibly gay.