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14708105 No.14708105 [Reply] [Original]

Do I need to read Kant if I want to really get this guy? I think I have a pretty good grasp on the thing in itself, but holy fuck do i not want to read kant.

>> No.14708117

kant is a dweeb and a bad writer. plus, his stuff isn't very deep so no you don't unless you're autistic feel a burning in the back of your head that makes you feel incomplete if you don't experience everything he has written

>> No.14708120

Kant is perfectly readable, just take it slowly. The most important bits of Kant are all at the beginning of the first Critique anyway, you don't even have to read the whole thing to be able to pick up with shop.

>> No.14708138

You probably need to at least understand Hegel too since Schopenhauer kept dissing him.

>> No.14708140

I just finished reading The World as Will and Representation today, weird to see this thread.

The most important thing is to understand Kant's Metaphysics in regards to the thing-in-itself and Kant's view that causality, time and space are intuitions of the mind (Is intuition the right word?) and not inherent in objects themselves.

>> No.14708145

no just reread plato's republic

>> No.14708153

This. Also, Kant is an excellent writter. With that being said, a good edition of The World as... will probably contain an introduction to Kant's epistemology.

>> No.14708165

his german is clearer than dear nietzsche or schopenhauer, but i don't think anyone would accuse him of being a good stylist. krauts, feel free to refute me here

>> No.14708344

I will give you a protip: read Kant's section in Schopenhauer's Fragments of History of Philosophy. The most readable introduction to Kant in 50 pages by Schopie himself.

>> No.14708363

>The most important thing is to understand Kant's Metaphysics in regards to the thing-in-itself and Kant's view that causality, time and space are intuitions of the mind (Is intuition the right word?) and not inherent in objects themselves.
is that it? cause i already know that much about him

>> No.14708370

based anon, thanks

>> No.14708377

>Kant's view that causality, time and space are intuitions of the mind
Not that I'm an expert I'm Kant, but I think he believed causality was a category.

>> No.14708400

category of the mind

>> No.14708402

He is readable on his own. Don't read Kunt.

>> No.14708406

This. Unless you want to write an essay on him and get an A, just read him on his own.

>> No.14708425

From the preface to the first edition:
>Finally, the third demand to be made on the reader might even be taken for granted, for it is none other than an acquaintance with the most important phenomenon which has appeared in philosophy for two thousand years, and which lies so close to us, I mean the principal works of Kant.

From the preface to the second edition:
>...there has since grown up a generation that does not really know Kant. It has never done more than peruse him hastily and impatiently, or listen to an account of him second-hand... But the man who imagines he can become acquainted with Kant's philosophy from the descriptions of others, labors under a terrible mistake. On the contrary, I must utter a serious warning against accounts of this kind, especially those of recent times.

>> No.14708445

You've clearly never read Kant. He is an horrendous writer. Absolutely genius, and exceedingly rigorous, but he could not write worth shit. His books are drier than the God damn Sahara.

>> No.14708452

I'm all for reading Kant, but it's ridiculous to say he is readable or an excellent writer. He literally writes half a page long run on sentences. Have you people read Kant or is it just LARPing?

>> No.14708453

damn, do it really be that way?? guess ima read me some kant

>> No.14708470

No but also maybe

>> No.14708474

his critique on judgement is his A E S T H E T I C work

>> No.14708480
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Just ignore the Fichte part.

>> No.14708489

I've only read him in English translation so I can't rightly say how readable he was himself, but when he's outlining his main ideas I find him perfectly coherent. I do think that he gets very muddled at certain points, but they aren't the points for which he's so famous and influential, those ideas are clearly set out in my opinion.

I have a great deal of trouble understanding other philosophers, Hegel, early Wittgenstein, Spinoza, Sartre, the list is pretty long actually, but Kant is not one of them.

>> No.14708496

I would switch the metaphysics lectures with his logic lectures (much more important), cross out Baumgarten, and just read Leibniz SEP page instead of a book full of commentary. Other than that, good guide.

>> No.14708506

Just read an intro to Kant and Schopenhauer's appendix to the Kantian philosophy

Also read fourfold root you lazy slob

>> No.14708507

That’s simply no true. Kant’s writing is concise and, in most parts, clear, if one is reading with attention. Albeit it could be argued that his writing is circumspect, it’s, still, great writing.

>> No.14708508
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Schope does a good job of explaining Kant's ideas. The main point you need to know is the the thing-in-itself. Kant believed this was indefinable and its true nature could not be known.
Schopenhauer identified the thing-in-itself as Will, this inner animating force that strives for existence and of which our bodies are the objectification. He compares the will to a magic lantern depicting all the animals of the world. The light that shines through them and maps to the wall (the representation) is the inner consciousness of the world self-illumined within each creature.

>> No.14708581

what edition of the critique of pure reason do i get bros

>> No.14708592

At least start with Prolegomena. Going straight for the Critique is much harder than you realize.

>> No.14708596

Try the Werner S. Pluhar translation. It is a nice balance of readability and word choice.

>> No.14708615

well then which translation of the prolegoyomama

>> No.14708628

I was reading the translation by James W. Ellington and comparing it to the original. It's very faithful and readable (more so than the original).

>> No.14709236

Just read Kuno Fisher's commentary like Nietzsche did.

>> No.14709241

Wait are you saying Nietzsche never even read Kant?

>> No.14709272

>a good edition of The World as... will probably contain an introduction to Kant's epistemology.
Oh you.

>> No.14709278

>holy fuck do i not want to read kant.
Why? Kant is very interesting and Schopenhauer obviously thought highly of him.

>> No.14709279

not sure about Kant, but Spinoza is real. Historians have determined that Nietzsche has never read Spinoza's Ethica, and that the only thing he read related to Spinoza is one secondary literature that explains spinoza's philosophy.

>> No.14709283

German actually buy the English translation of Kant to make it easier anon.

>> No.14709290

That's insane if true. He outright says Spinoza is one of his biggest influences.

>> No.14709296

I'm reading him in German and I highly doubt it. Sounds like one of those reddit rumors.

>> No.14709325

Not at all, I speak both English German and English german, it really isn't that difficult since it's in english but german is much harder.

>> No.14709334

The translation breaks down the long sentences into individual sentences, so it's a bit easier to read. Other than that, there is no difference that prompts a German speaker to read the translation. Was this what you meant?

>> No.14709338
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>I speak both English German and English german

>> No.14709343

lol i kant even read what the fuck is going on here?

>> No.14709355

Can anyone tell me if there's a Dutch translation of Essays and Aphorisms?

>> No.14709360
File: 27 KB, 640x477, Just according to Keikaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14709362

He never read critique of pure reason. He read critique of judgement first then kuno fishers commentary on critique of pure reason.

>> No.14709367

Is this why he said retarded shit like "there is no truth; only interpretations"?

>> No.14709385

Aren't you interpreting right now? Retard.

>> No.14709397

Folks would do will to read Fredrich Paulsen's Immanuel Kant. Kant wanted to save Christianity from science. Hence all the hairsplitting mumbo-jumbo.

>> No.14709408

Yes. He only read kuno fishers commentary on spinoza. Can't find the English trans.

>> No.14709409

No, I'm asking for the truth or falsity of a judgement of experience, retard.

>> No.14709415

Schopenhauer did have some great ideas but Kant is infinitely more important

>> No.14709420

t. hasn't read both

>> No.14709437

Trip out on acid retard. Then you'll understand. Ernst Junger understood nietzsche like no one else.

>> No.14709595


>Not that I'm an expert I'm Kant
>I'm Kant

You thought you could get away with that little Freudian slip but I see right through you, goblin man. I knew you were immortal. Now while I've got you, tell me what you think of Nick Land, who I assume is your son.