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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 535 KB, 1155x1600, Germany.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14705768 No.14705768 [Reply] [Original]

How can this massive country with a huge influence on world history be such a barren wasteland in terms of literature?

>bro but Faust
Literally the only good thing written in German.
>muh Mann, muh Hesse, muh Frisch
Absolutely delusional to think anything they wrote competes with French and Russian literature.

>> No.14705777

I like Hesse, never read Mann. How is he?

>> No.14705779

poor bait

>> No.14705780

The German psyche has to be forward looking in order to survive, since it has pressure from tribes in every direction (enemies to the east, west, south, north). As such, post facto interpretation is insufficient as a mechanism for them to deal with reality. The French, English, Russians all have geographical advantages that allow them to take a more relaxed and responsive view of the world rather than cunning and insightful.

>> No.14705787

Holderlin, Novalis, Trakl

>> No.14705789

Ever heard of Wolfram von Eschenbach or the Nibelungenlied?

>> No.14705799

>Literally the only good thing written in German.

What about the nibelungenlied

>> No.14705801

Goethe, Mann, Musil, Nietzsche, Broch, Kafka are some of the greatest writers of all time. Russian is 4-5 guys (Tolstoy, Dosto, Turgunev, Pushkin, Gogol (who's technically Ukrainian)) in the 1800s and the greatest Russian writer in Nabokov had to leave the country after the Retard crytpo-Jewish revolution. French might be comparable, but most of them are overrated. Celine, Proust, Flaubert, Montaigne, Voltaire's Candide, and Hugo are probably better than those I listed, but the German authors are still impressive. Also, many French authors are Swiss or Belgian like Rousseau, and Yourcenar. Thankfully, you didn't say English or Burger lit.

>> No.14705816
File: 1.18 MB, 984x1494, Codex_Manesse_149v_Wolfram_von_Eschenbach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never heard of him, but already based

>> No.14705820


Very comfy but can be a bit of a slog to get through

>> No.14705826

and kafka is technically czech

>> No.14705830

Fuck, I forgot Chekhov for Russian lol and Baudelaire, Balzac, Dumas, and Moliere for French. Grass is also German.

>> No.14705837

I won't speak for it's quality, but I believe German is the second most published language in the world.

>> No.14705844

He's technically Jewish and lived in the Orthodox Jewish communities his entire life, I just included him because he wrote in German and I like him a lot, but he's probably not a German writer. I guess Czech would suffice, unless you want to say all Jewish writers are Israeli or a category of their own, which would be foolish IMO.

>> No.14705846

I read The Magic Mountain. pretty good, but didn't give me the kicks

>> No.14706111

What about Gunter Grass?

>> No.14706143

I am the greatest German writer of all time, but alas my diary remains unpublished yet.
Prepare for the storm that will ravage once it is unleashed.

>> No.14706365


>> No.14706398


>> No.14706486

Grimm brothers
Minnesangers in general
ETA Hoffmann

Just off the top of my head

>> No.14706544

Wb him?

>> No.14706548

Cool, so Hitler wasn’t German either

>> No.14706692

>Thankfully, you didn't say English or Burger lit.
Both are largely trash

>> No.14706738

hitler was the son of a rothschild bastard making him jewish.

>> No.14706892


>> No.14706945

as correct as it gets

>> No.14706961

>in the Orthodox Jewish
? His family and most of his friends were secular assimilated Jews.

>> No.14706981


>> No.14707013

There were no 'secular' Jews in that time period as seen in America today. The Jews were very distinct and not assimilated.

>Kafka's parents probably spoke a German influenced by Yiddish that was sometimes pejoratively called Mauscheldeutsch, but, as the German language was considered the vehicle of social mobility, they probably encouraged their children to speak Standard German.[

>> No.14707076

>nobody remembers Buechner
read Lenz or Wozzeck

>> No.14707181

Ate so much shit some got to their head

>> No.14707265

I agree that my usage of the term secular might be a bit misleading (I used them to distinguish his family from deeply religious orthodox Jews and Zionists) . But by Kafka’s own account his father was hardly observant:

>Though proud of his cosmopolitan existence, Kafka’s father still insisted that his children learn about their religion. >This education was, however, superficial, and Judaism was not practiced in the home. Kafka would later call his first Passover seder a “farce.” His bar mitzvah, which triggered intense episodes of fear and anxiety during his preparation, consisted of a short speech and an inconsequential party. As a boy, he detested it all.

>Toward the end of his life, in Letter to His Father, Kafka wrote, “I could not understand how, with the insignificant scrap of Judaism you yourself possessed, you could reproach me for not making an effort …to cling to a similar, insignificant scrap.”

>> No.14707350

>which would be foolish IMO.
Not necessarily regarding Kafka, I have read personal letters from his era where Jews referred to themselves as Israelites a lot. I do not think that it is foolish or out of line to categorize them against their self-imposed taxonomy.

>> No.14707366

Israelites =/= Israelis. Israelite is a cultural and ethnic identity but not a national (and often not a linguistic) one. So it makes sense to say Kafka was also German or Czeh (of course the issue of the difference between Bohemian, Czeh, Austrian and German alsi exists).

>> No.14707652

>but not a national one
I adhere to the school that holds that the nation emanates from the people, and not that the people emanate from the nation - so I disagree. The Jews (generally as a group) considered themselves a nation even when they held no state.
>of course the issue of the difference between Bohemian, Czeh, Austrian and German alsi exists
Regardless of the earlier disagreement, this is an interesting aspect that is overlooked - that Germanism and Slavism fade, one into the other over a wide stretch in the South. This was also true in the North before the Germans were expelled from East Prussia. It is very easily witnessed by outsiders in the style of traditional music that emanated from the different areas. You can find very "Polish" music that is, in fact, German.

>> No.14709284
File: 374 KB, 768x821, sub-buzz-9831-1518613541-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews and Germans are just different bands on the autism spectrum. I know they would like to think they're 100% Aryan / Israelite scions, but they were in contact for literally thousands of years, and people get horny and bored.

>> No.14709339

Bro how have you never heard of Parzival?

>> No.14709351
File: 408 KB, 1080x1440, Goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*is the greatest poet both of our age and all time*

>> No.14709358


>> No.14709388
File: 48 KB, 524x400, 1580714568811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like philosophy

>> No.14709651

Italy has better literature than all those countries anyway

>> No.14709658

wikipedia.org/wiki/ List_of_German-language_authors

>> No.14710492
File: 1.41 MB, 1155x1600, 1581456575297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just this region alone has more culture than anything you can think of.

>> No.14710813

>French and Russian literature
Delusional child.

>> No.14711082

I see the germaboos are out of their caves, smelling blood in the waters.
But while Germany is indeed a bit behind in terms of /lit/, it really isn't the worst example. Take the Netherlands for instance.

>> No.14711183


>> No.14711426

I honestly find Dante to be a bit overrated and somewhat boring. Why should I care that some obscure shithead that you wouldn't know about unless you were an expert on medieval Tuscan history is burning in hell under an ironic torture?