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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 19 KB, 220x270, 220px-Foucault5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14697000 No.14697000 [Reply] [Original]

Based degenerate leftist pedo-faggot justifying fascism. Praise Nietzsche.

>> No.14697007

Anyone cunnypilled is based in my mind

>> No.14697009



>> No.14697010

Yikes I take that back

>> No.14697013

>Based degenerate leftist pedo-faggot justifying fascism. Praise Nietzsche.
This, unironically.

>> No.14697026
File: 25 KB, 492x449, 1499367575069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Societies resemble prisons and this is a fact.

>> No.14697307

Was Foucault left or right wing? I don't care either way, I just can't really tell.

>> No.14697313

He was NazBol.

>> No.14697315

he seems more like an anarchist

>> No.14697321

What leads you to think either of these things?

>> No.14697326

nothing I just suggested an opposite of what the other fellow suggested to make everything more confusing, because foucault makes it clear he is a historian, not a political philosopher

>> No.14697327
File: 25 KB, 275x183, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't actually. The NazBol meme is just funny.

>> No.14697366

It's old as shit bro

>> No.14697456

He was like Nietzsche in that you can't just plop him on some left-right dichotomy

>> No.14697464

He was an authoritarian. He thought it was normal for humans to have a power figure rather than having some imaginary "society" that you couldn't direct your criticism towards

>> No.14697479
File: 389 KB, 2048x1421, merlin_136671348_7bc6839d-7fce-48db-86a0-de715c4d8306-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was an unironic Reagan supporter around the time of his death. He probably would have liked Trump and the Bushes

>> No.14698129

go back to twitter faggot

>> No.14698213

Have you tried bringing up Nietzsche or any other ''western'' philosopher for that matter around your local LGBTQIA leftist cattle?In no time you will see their little stupid cow like eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual bleating ''wasn't he sexist?'' ''arent you being dangerously eurocentric?'' ''why are you reading books by dead white males and missing out on the latest ''diverse'' workplace comedies available for streaming on Google Netflix and DisneyGo? are you sure you have been taking the SSRIs and HRT doctor Goldstein prescribed you? it is very importanf that you take your medication".

>> No.14698270

The KGB/PCF should've killed him.

>> No.14698322


>> No.14698350

I'd like to know what the opposite of perennialism is. They seem to be that.

>> No.14698414

>not a single person on /lit/ has read his Paris lectures
Oioi what is this board coming to...

>> No.14698415

>you can't just plop him on some left-right dichotomy
You don't have to. He was a fag full of bullshit ideas.

>> No.14698424

Why would anyone, his writings on history display complete ignorance of historical reality

>> No.14698437

>He thinks there is a historical reality

>> No.14698440

they are hollow and ashamed, interexchangable cultureless units, buying identity and indulgences from corporate globohomo.

>> No.14698458

what's your least favorite idea of Foucault?

>> No.14698462

the western world has been subjected to over 70 years of liberal democratic brainwash aimed at undermining the white gentile volksgeist and the authoritarian(read: normal) personality through the suppression of our innate tribalism and our god given hatred fear disgust and aggression reflexes, reflexes which as we all know form the very basis of any functioning civilization. MKULTRA, hollywood, mass media propaganda, political correctness, theodor adorno and the f-test, feminism, lgbt, diversity, identity politics, water fluoridation, mandatory vaccination, pornography all demonstrably jewish led endeavours often explicitly justified on the neccesity of preventing the rise of a new hitlerism.

>> No.14698486

his faggotry

>> No.14698489

i literally can't tell if you are pro-foucault or anti-foucault.

>> No.14698546

since Foucault and Deleuze are nietszchean relativists, they are equally useful to SJW discord trannies and Nazis. I would go as far as venturing that they are more useful to later than to the former, since their views, like Spinoza's are quite compatible with hbd. in the end panopticism and total state biopower are coming no matter what, so we should better use these forces to build the aryan overman through master morality instead of using them to grind humanity down into pink haired consumer sludge in the name of slave morality.

>> No.14698569

that's great. so you are aware Foucault was against gay identity and the legalisation of gay marriage?

>> No.14698577


>> No.14698593

Foucault wasn't a communist, he was a libertarian

>> No.14698597

Probably because he was against random identity politics and marriage rather than being against sodomy you moron

>> No.14698607

oh yeah, he fucked men, i didn't say he didn't

>> No.14698647

As an inveterate old fashioned sodomite, sodomy being understood theologically and metaphysically as the sterile pleasure attained from the violation of a sterile object, experienced as the simulacrum of the destruction of norms, I can't help but look at the lgbt community as a disgrace to true perversion and sodomy. I have resolved to defend religion chastity and the family, albeit for gnostic and heretical sodomitic reasons, ie. social conservatism is the last form of sodomy one can engage in this overly permissive and secularised liberal society of ours

>> No.14698648

hi Justin

>> No.14698880

>traditionalist anon pretends to be anti pedophilia, as if pedophilia wasn't considered perfectly normal before the modern period
Nice one, got the libtards real good