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14664956 No.14664956 [Reply] [Original]

Post your best /lit/ related to UFOs and ayys


>> No.14664967

Jacques Vallee
>Messengers of Deception: UFO Contacts and Cults
>Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact
>Revelations: Alien Contact and Human Deception
>Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact
>Anatomy of a Phenomenon

>> No.14664977

This. Also Richard Dolan. Also Jorjani's Prometheus and Atlas.

>> No.14664978

>UFOs and ayys

>> No.14664985

It's a serious subject for research. Even many governments (both US and Soviet, for example) have researched into it.

>> No.14664987
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This one is probably the most down to earth book on UFOs on the market despite some of the cases being disproven. Plus, if your a schizo, you can wonder why someone like John Podesta would write the forward.

I love UFOs and am somewhat convinced of the phenomena (most should be considering the most recent disclosures from the US). My interest in them actually got me to 4chan on /x/. Oh how far that board has fallen, and it was pretty retarded to begin with.

>> No.14664988

get out of this thread normie

>> No.14664994
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this book is a light read of 60 pages or so and the author makes the case for interdimensional origins

>> No.14665030
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>> No.14665043

This is a long, but great intro to the topic

>> No.14665148

>3 hours and 35 minutes
Alright anon, I swear to god it better be worth it

>> No.14665155

UFOs and Government: A Historical Inquiry

>> No.14665169

It is, enjoy :)

It's really just a general, and sober overview of the subject

>> No.14665188

Based. Joseph Farrell, esp. with tech trajectory following WWII Foo Fighters & Paperclip scientists.

>> No.14665195

YEsss. I love Joseph Farrell, but he might be too extreme for this board.

>> No.14665202
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>> No.14665235
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>> No.14665245

Dude I just got in /x/ a little while ago and it was horrible. I remember back in the day it wasn't so bad but now. Its nothing but shills everywhere.

>> No.14665260

Childhood’s End by Arthur C Clarke is the best alien/UFO book that I have personally encountered

>> No.14665262

>post /lit/ on the human condition
>no oxygen-breathers

>> No.14665268
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>> No.14665312

This is relevant to my interests. I want to read works of fiction involving UFOs and alien abduction.

>> No.14665318

Whitley Streiber is your guy

>> No.14665451

What kind of absolute chode would ever disallow schizoposting

>> No.14665464

dont forget timecube

>> No.14665481

I've witnessed 5 UFOs in the past several years, all of sober mind and have no mental illnesses to speak of. They fundamentally reshaped how I've seen reality more so than any book I've read

>> No.14665484

what were the circumstances in which you saw them?

>> No.14665490

Do you live in the countryside or an urban environment?

>> No.14665509

Rural, three at night, two during the day. One was witnessed by myself, and 4 other people. When I was living there we were in no proximity to any air or military base or airport save for a small one for hobbyists but that was 50km from us. I've the odd drone hunters or real estate agents use for larger surveys but theyre obviously identifiable, and whatever I've seen were not drones

>> No.14665524

Figured. It seems to be very rare outside of the countryside. Were there any psychic phenomena involved with any of these experiences, e.g. did you experience distortions of time, weird feelings, strange thoughts etc?

>> No.14665527
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>> No.14665543

did he retroactively refute Guenon?

>> No.14665553

Can't say I'v read alot of Ayy shit but I enjoyed Roadside Picnic for its take on Clarketech.

>> No.14665563

he retroactively worships guenon. would probably suck guenon's cock if it wasn't haram. he's a total sycophant

>> No.14665567

have you read some of his other books? he seems to cover some interesting topics

>> No.14665568

no i only read that one and his debate on nondualism with some christian guy. which of his books have you read?

>> No.14665573
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none, but I was checking out the Guenon chart earlier today and saw Upton had some books on it. I definitely plan on getting around to him

>> No.14665578

I don't think I've been abducted or anything of sort. No really oddities to mention. During one there was an issue with our (the multiple sighting) phones as they weren't responding, my regret not being about to photograph such thing.

>> No.14665605

he's mediocre, don't bother. he's traditionalist midwittery like nasr. stick with evola, guenon, and dugin for three interesting and very diverse takes

>> No.14665622

he is easier to read than guenon. desu he is basically a liberal postmodern traditionalist; an esoteric alex jonesist. like if you understand what alex jones is talking about when he is going off about obama summoning the interdimensional time elves through CERN then you basically know what upton is about.

>> No.14665624

have you seen his youtube video calling out alex jones...he's so cringe lol

>> No.14665628

i haven't but i don't know where they would disagree. i did enjoy the books of his i've read for what it's worth.

>> No.14665635

it's actually kind of a depressing video. he seems so depressed and hopeless. but he's also kind of cringe.

>> No.14665905

I thought this video series was good
in the other videos he was reading off the screen so it wasn't as interesting

>> No.14665912


>> No.14666117

report back

>> No.14666122

2 hours in right now and he's talking black budget shit. he clearly knows his shit

>> No.14666129

i told you, anon.

>> No.14666519

alright I finished it. what's the next thing I need to watch or read?

>> No.14666543

Do you want other conspiracy stuff or more UFO's? If the latter read Dolan; and also Vallee who was mentioned earlier. If the former, which conspiracies you want my dude? I gotchu

>> No.14666553

Nazi UFOs
Secret Space Program
Rh- alien bloodlines
UFOs in religion

>> No.14666580

>Nazi UFOs
>Rh- alien bloodlines
>UFOs in religion
All of these are great to look at Farrell. I personally just recommend having a look at the relevant book first rather than listening to audio interviews, but you could always do a search for "Joseph P. Farrell" (I recommend Bing, Google is problematic for some reason in finding his stuff) and see which interviews interest you. The relevant books are
>Genes, Giants, Monsters and Men
>The Cosmic War
as for Nazis, he has a shitload of books on them, and I haven't read them yet. As for interviews, my favorite are the ones he did for The Byte radio with Georgeann Huges and his Forum Borealis interviews. He also has a couple interviews with Richard Dolan.

>> No.14666584

ok hell yeah, thanks anon. I will create another thread next month discussing Farrell, Dolan, and others

>> No.14666595

Wait. Is that water demon shooting black lazers from his eyes at the cross in the guys hands?

>> No.14666599

At this point when everyone has a smartphone on them, I’m miffed you didn’t take picks.

>> No.14666617

If you want to generate a discussion on Farrell that has a chance of getting a lot of interest maybe check out his more philosophical ideas, since this board is very interested in philosophy. First of all, let me mention that Farrell is a Phd, in Patristics of all things, from Oxford and wrote a trilogy on theology called God, Dialectic and History (haven't read it yet). He also translated some Church Fathers and those translations are even used by mainstream Orthodox Christians. His main philosophical concept that underlies almost all his books is what he calls the "topological metaphor". It's explained in a number of places such as his Giza Deathstar trilogy, Financial Vipers of Venice, and Yaweh: The Two-Faced God. It's pretty technical to get into right now, but basically, it's a natural metaphor for the underlying structure of reality that Farrell believes was distorted by some religious interpretations like those of Christianity (particularly Western) and early Vedic religion. This idea is exemplified very well in Hermeticism, Platonism, and Egyptian religion. It's a "natural trinitarian structure" that underlies all reality. Most basic explanation: imagine that reality starts out as an utterly undifferentiated and infinite "space". Now draw a line "cleaving" that space, say, a circle in the middle of it. Now in creating *one* cleavage of the space you have produce *three* structures: the space within the circle, the space outside it, and the common surface between them. Farrell then goes into an indepth examination of what the different elements in this trinitarian structure means. It's really fascinating stuff. Personally I find it much more interesting than the conspiracy side of his writing. Here's an interview he did on it, though it's much easier to understand in his books because he uses diagrams:

>> No.14666652

thanks. I've heard him a couple times with Catherine Austin Fitts - who is based af btw. she complements these types of guys as she has a great understanding of the more earthly matters such as financial markets and how it all ties into black projects, etc.

>> No.14666835

no that's a spear the guy is using to stab the water demon. spears in orthodox iconography are always drawn really really thin for some reason. look up iconography of st george to see more examples

>> No.14667770
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>> No.14667858

Ah, ok that makes a lot more sense. At first I thought it was a crack in the relief, but it’s too straight. And it looks like he’s holding it with three fingers which implies something light.

Is there a reason for thin lance?

>> No.14668110

The ones at night wouldn't haven been too clear as they were faint but had odd flight paths. For the ones during the days see >>14665578 i know it's a convenient excuse but I swear to you it's true

>> No.14668161

>it looks like he’s holding it with three fingers
Yeah, that's the common way its depicted in icons. Could be a reference to the trinity.
>Is there a reason for thin lance?
no idea

>> No.14668166

Dreamland by Phil Patton

Watch the Skies! by Curtis Peebles

both highly recommended

>> No.14668174

yeah /x/ is bad now. i dont think its moderated at all anymore.

>> No.14668216

didn't jung write a book on ufos

>> No.14668283

>works of fiction

>> No.14668424
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By the way, most of Farrell's books can be found on libgen

>> No.14668574

So he doesn't even create one story about a character being abducted by E.T.?

>> No.14668584

J. Posadas

>> No.14668586


I'm pretty sure that was the Moon Vampires from Memories, Dreams, and Reflections when he was interviewing the schizoid girl.

>> No.14668816

imagine if jung had been born, say, 40 years later than he was and lived to contemporary times. i bet he would have written an indepth multivolume work exploring the symbolism of anime.

>> No.14669228

would he or Guenon have written about Pepe?

>> No.14669334

I am reading Adolf Hitler, The ultimate Avatar, Esoteric Hitlerism is so amusing, I am laughing so much.

>> No.14669426

guenon is pepe

>> No.14669476

This is good. Also, the spiritual successor, Orthodoxy and the Kingdom of Satan by Fr. Spyridon Bailey is very good. It deals less with UFOs, New Age etc but more with globalism, international finance etc from the perspective of Orthodoxy.

>> No.14669481

focault's pendulum is the ultimate conspiracycore

>> No.14669489

Cracks in the Great Wall is just a slightly expanded chapter from The System of Antichrist. It's pretty good I guess, nothing terribly new if you're familiar with Traditionalists but maybe worth reading for a Traditionalist take on modern phenomena like UFOs new age syncretism, things like that.

>> No.14669539
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>And it looks like he’s holding it with three fingers which implies something light.
The Sign of the Cross made in this way has two symbolic meanings, the Trinity/hypostatic union, and the Divine Name

The thumb, ring finger and little finger are joined together, representing the 3 persons of the Holy Trinity in unity. The first and middle finger are joined representing the hypostatic union of human and divine natures in the person of Jesus Christ. You'll notice the middle finger is slightly bent, this represents the divine nature willingly entering into kenosis and condescending to be united with the human nature.

The fingers also spell out the Divine Name in Greek, ICXC. The first finger is the I, the middle finger bent is the C, the thumb and ring finger cross to make the X and the little finger is the C. Of course it doesn't always look like that when people make it in real life so it is often simplified to looking like the picture

>> No.14670318

should the Guenon chart >>14665573 be followed for that?

>> No.14670341

You mean the order of Upton's books? If so read System of Antichrist then Vectors. You could read both before Guenon if you wanted. Upton explains the basics of Traditionalism pretty well. You certainly don't need to read a half dozen of Guenon's books before Upton. Just do Intro to Hindu Doctrines > Reign of Quantity > Symbols of Sacred Science if you think you need a good understanding of Guenon

>> No.14671616

Give us some funny samples. Paraphrase or quote directly whatever you want

>> No.14672345

ok thanks, gonna get around to this next month

>> No.14673053


>> No.14673517

anyone here into Montalk?

>> No.14673551
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Reminder, if there is any chance extraterrestrials ever made contact with humans, the institution they would have presumed ruled the world and most worthy of attention would be the Roman Catholic Church for most of it's 2000 year history. Reminder the Church has had the most rigorous and longstanding study of astronomy. Reminder, clergy are the only beings who would not have looked like slaves to their biological drive compared to the coomer masses.

Better start going through the 53 miles of books/notes/scrolls at the Vatican Library.

>> No.14673573

What kind of Catholic pilpul is this

>> No.14673600

it's true the pedophiles have the time travel technology.

>> No.14673862

my god, you guys are getting desperate

>> No.14673985

What will they change first?

>> No.14673995
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The first thing that they did was go back in time and convince Pontius Pilate to crucify Jesus
>tfw ywn live in the timeline where Jesus lived

>> No.14674020

Very good book. Takes on another meaning when you learn of Clarke’s connections.

>> No.14674026

>Takes on another meaning when you learn of Clarke’s connections.
give us the quick rundown

>> No.14674027


>> No.14674048

He was a Luciferian, tied into the elite occult and likely a pedophile.


>> No.14674057

>likely a pedophile
As were many golden era sci Fi authors. Check out Robert Muellers defense of Isaac Asimovs son; he was caught with the largest collection of recorded child rape, torture and murder ever found. And subsequently let go by Mueller at the time.

>> No.14674058

What does it mean to be "Luciferian" anyway? If it means child raping and sacrificing cult, then yeah that shit is evil. But if it means Lucifer the light bringer (essentially Prometheus) who enlightens man and rebels against Yaweh, seems like its pretty much a good thing. Kind of a vague term desu

>> No.14674067


>> No.14674089

It's logical.
Cringe and reddit.
How is this desperation? It's the world's oldest institution and has had an intercontinental presence longer than practically anything else. The Church was the largest patron of astronomy for hundreds and hundreds of years.

>> No.14674113

From my admittedly limited experience there are two main kinds of satanists/luciferians: edgy atheist who are basically your average urbanite middle class blokes with black clothes and often don't even take their own atheism very seriously, and depraved wankers who fancy themselves as cultists but are just drunk sexual criminals who think any random orgy counts as a ritual.

I wonder if there are many monre satanist type I haven't encountered.

>> No.14674139

Well, a lot of gnostics considered Lucifer the good guy, and they weren't edgy or hedonists. They believed in universal compassion and whatnot. I mean groups like the Cathars. There are also the 2sekrit4u types of gnostics. Also Zoroastrians literally worshipped Lucifer (Ahura Mazda. Ahura = Titan, Mazda = Wisdom; Titan of Wisdom = Prometheus, which is basically Lucifer) and they had very strict moral standards about good and evil.

>> No.14674436
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>old school UFOs and high strangeness
- J. Allen Hynek
- John Keel (especially The Mothman Prophecies)
- Jacques Vallée

- Budd Hopkins
- David M. Jacobs (his latest one, "Walking Among Us" about late-stage ayy/human hybrids living on Earth is essential for schizos)
- "Captured! The Betty and Barney Hill UFO Experience" by Kathleen Marden and Stanton T. Friedman
- John Mack
- Whitley Strieber (his stuff gets way too convoluted after "Transformation" though, stick to the first two)
- Travis Walton ("Fire in the Sky" dude)

>mostly skeptic, but really thought-provoking stuff
- "How UFOs Conquered the World: The History of a Modern Myth" by David Clarke
- "Mirage Man" by Mark Pilkington (this was an eye-opener, really recommend it, the companion documentary was kinda forgettable though)
- "Body Snatchers in the Desert: The Horrible Truth at the Heart of the Roswell Story" by Nick Redfren

I'm sure there's some other good ones I won't remember until I hit send

>> No.14674559
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>i understood that reference

>> No.14674656
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>> No.14675757
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Val Valerian - Matrix
David M. Jacobs
John Mack
Stanton Friedman
and also unironically David Icke
there's more to it than ayy lmaos


>> No.14676021
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Clearly there's a lot of species of lmaos swarming around earth right now. DNA was created by some of them here as the basis for our particular simulation. The gray cuck ayys are insectoid biorobots, subarchons in service of the dark ones, managing us like a farm for something really stupid and banal.

>> No.14677134

Good list.

>> No.14677195

do you follow montalk?

>> No.14677201

>Travis Walton ("Fire in the Sky" dude)
That movie was preddy gud

>> No.14677258

>a lot of gnostics considered Lucifer the good guy, and they weren't edgy or hedonists
Well that's half the story. Gnostics tended to be either of the opinion that matter was evil so any kind of carnal pleasure was also evil, even going so far as to say that eating and drinking for sustenance was no better than gluttony. That sex for procreation was trapping free spirits in fleshy prisons and so no better than lustful orgies etc. On the other hand there were gnostics who thought that matter wasn't just evil but was an illusion, so indulging in hedonistic excesses wasn't bad because it wasn't even real, as long as you could detach the spirit from the flesh. As far as I know there was also a degree to which the two coexisted, where people at different degrees of initiation would be permitted more or less participation in the material world. Sometimes the authorities and clergy would be the strict acetic and moral teachers while the 'profanes' were more or less allowed to do as they pleased. On the other hand there were those who expected the less initiated to be stricter ascetics, while the 'enlightened' were free to act as they pleased since, at the highest degree of initiation, and armed with gnosis, they believed that they could separate the eternal spirit from the material body to such an extent that sins of the flesh had to affect on the true self. The latter are more like Sabbateans or Frankists. But like you said, the majority of Gnostics, particularly the Christian-presenting ones, were generally very morally strict by the standards of their day

>> No.14678562
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It was unintentional, but now I can't unsee it.

>> No.14678879

Has anyone read Kenneth Grant? Is he worth looking into?
what’ the reference?

>> No.14679234 [DELETED] 

Hey, anon who posted Dolan lecture here. I forget to post this lecture by Mike Clelland. It's not particularly mind-blowing but it's really entertaining. Enjoy:\https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1kGbmCyO87M

>> No.14679247

Hey, anon who posted Dolan lecture here. I forget to post this lecture by Mike Clelland. It's not particularly mind-blowing but it's really entertaining. Enjoy: