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/lit/ - Literature

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14645495 No.14645495 [Reply] [Original]

>read John 8
>wow, it's all so clear
>become a big brain gnostic who rejects the Hebrew god
who else?

>> No.14645511

No one

>> No.14645519
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Threads like this are why the Church never wanted the average person to read the Bible. Look at what you fuckers get up to when you're left to your own devices, it's a disaster.

>> No.14645552

the catholic biblical canon is literally historical revisionism, the first christian canon never included the old testament and most early christians disregarded the old testament (for approximately 200-300 years after Christ's death this was the case). catholics are demiurge propagandists who have been pysop'd into believing in yahweh, a false, malevolent and lesser being, you got owned bro lol

>> No.14645569

ok bro

>> No.14645590

enjoy worshipping the jewish supremacist and man-child ethnic daimon of a tiny tribe of historically barbarous and fucked up people, i'm sure yahweh loves you ;)

>> No.14645598

I don't know how this prove gnosticism.

>> No.14645604

I will, thanks.

>> No.14645611

Not an argument
Not an argument

>> No.14645628

sorry you're blinded by yahweh, maybe someday you will see the light

>> No.14645643
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>> No.14645647

Absolutely based.

>> No.14645662

For sure lol
Nevermind that Christ and the apostles literally quoted and referenced the Old Testament

>> No.14645668

>Creation of Yahovah
Oh no no no

>> No.14645683

>Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.
>Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
I guess you skipped John 4 where Jesus identifies the Hebrew god of the Old Testament with the Father. Why are gnostics so dumb?

>> No.14645711
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it doesn't matter, there is some truth in the old testament. some of the prophets and figures in the old testament interacted with the Father, esp. David. but most of the Old Testament details the interaction of the jews with a different being who is malevolent and evil, that Christ refers to as the devil in John 8.

Christ was only born among jews in order to make the Passion possible. in India, China, or other parts of the world, Christ would've been worshipped as a God. only barbarous and evil people like the jews could commit deicide. it was therefore necessary that the jews should have a share of the truth, but not all of it. a share was necessary for the passion to come about. but they were made evil and had a evil ethnic daimon, solely in order to glorify the Father and Christ, who are not yahweh and have nothing to do with yahweh

>> No.14645726

that woman worshipped the hebrew god lmao samaritans believed in yahweh

>for salvation is of the Jews
in a backwards way, yes. read this >>14645711

>> No.14645755

>noooooo an ethnic God is evil and nattionalist!
Onions. >>>/r/eddit

>> No.14645766

Gnostics are a misguided bunch. In John 8 Jesus equates himself to the Old Testament God. There is no other God except false ones like Baal and Moloch. People sometimes foolishly mistake angels and demons as deities or demons as angels. There is only one Infinite Creator.

>> No.14645779

John 8 was written by Papias.

>> No.14645824

>Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
>I speak that which I have seen with my Father: and ye do that which ye have seen with your father.
>Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me
>it is my Father that honoureth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God: Yet ye have not known him; but I know him

why did Christ say this to the jews?

he never equated himself to yahweh
why would you worship a jewish supremacist false god unless you're jewish? and why would god be so small-minded as to create many races but only be a supremacist for a tiny tribe in the middle east? the real God shines on all creation

>> No.14646363

He’s talking to the Pharisees and scribes, not all the people in the temple. Their father is the devil because they followed the letter of the law while inwardly being dishonest, without mercy and full of pride. Also, He says that He agrees they are children of Abraham, but want to kill him because they do not have the Word in them only a few verses earlier. And then verse 58, He says Before Abraham was, I AM. I AM is the name of God according to Moses. There is no evidence for your beliefs, least of all in the Gospel of John. Please don’t be a gnostic bro it’s bad for you

>> No.14646366

>He’s talking to the Pharisees and scribes, not all the people in the temple.
no he isn't, he's preaching generally in the temple then. re-read it

>> No.14646388

>He says Before Abraham was, I AM. I AM is the name of God according to Moses
this is a tongue in cheek comment that they tried to kill him for, and linguistically speaking it's not even an equivalence. learn greek, "ee-mai", saying "i am, before abraham was" is not the same as identifying with yahweh

>> No.14646455

From the wikipedia of Marcio of Sinope:
"In contrast to other leaders of the nascent Christian Church, however, Marcion declared that Christianity was in complete discontinuity with Judaism and entirely opposed to the Tanakh. Marcion did not claim that the Jewish scriptures were false. Instead, he asserted that they were to be read in an absolutely literal manner, thereby developing an understanding that Yahweh was not the same god spoken of by Jesus. For example, Marcion argued that the Genesis account of Yahweh walking through the Garden of Eden asking where Adam was, had proved Yahweh inhabited a physical body and was without universal knowledge, attributes wholly incompatible with the Heavenly Father professed by Jesus."

Was this nibba retarded? God asks where Adam was because he wanted him to confess his sins to God on hid own account, an obvious and overt prefiguring of the sacrament of confession. How could the God/demiurge who created the material plane not know the location of his most important creation. Only a sub 90 iq brainlet would interpret the Bible this way. It is as >>14645519 said.

>> No.14646536

>God asks where Adam was
I thought God was omniscient?

>> No.14646557

The people in the temple generally are not the ones questioning him or attempting to kill him, it is the Pharisees

>> No.14646562

>If you were Abraham’s children,” said Jesus, “then you would[c] do what Abraham did. 40 As it is, you are looking for a way to kill me, a man who has told you the truth that I heard from God. Abraham did not do such things. 41 You are doing the works of your own father.”

I don't see any validity to your heresies. "Your father" is clearly meant as "not-Abraham" and the devil. Abraham is identified as good, one who would not do as they did, one who followed God.

>> No.14646568

Your comment is incoherent. What else could be implied by saying “Before Abraham was, I am” ?

>> No.14646578

Anon if he’s saying that the Devil is the father of all Jews, why does he say “Ye are the seed of Abraham” in verse 37?

>> No.14646587
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I remember seeing a girl on the street in my early teens. Something about her appearance antagonized me, and I began looking for a way to justify hating her. But then I stopped and said to myself: "This is ridiculous. I'll just hate anybody I please." Since then I have never had any interest or respect for morality, ethics or anything of the sort.

Do not pretend there is some moral reason for your hate, a justification for your heresy. You don't need one.

>> No.14646589

He was trying to coerce Adam to reveal his sin, not to find out where he was (he already knew).

>> No.14646623

you retarded, the earliest Christians had only the old testament and some of Paul's epistles. And most Christians, even if they had parts of the NT, still only had the OT and a portion of the NT as absolute canon.

>> No.14646666

imagine going through these spectacular mental gymnastics just to prove in your headcanon that jews are devils

>> No.14648086

Why is it when Catholics read "many are called but few are chosen" it doesn't immediately set off blaring alarms in their head that none of them will achieve salvation? Gnostics are the chosen few you realize?

>> No.14648104

based. all mass religion will lead to perdition, but catholics have a special place in hell for all the corruption they wrought on the spirit of original Christianity as well as for being dialectically responsible for protestant autism. eastern orthobros have a chance tho imo
wrong, study the first 100-300 years post Christ's death, specially the Christian traditions of asia minor

>> No.14648135

yeah bro.....

>> No.14648142

Actually many works even of so-called church fathers tell us their were many documents in circulation amongst the various Christian groups other than Paul's letters and the OT including numerous(as in more than 4) gospels by the end of 1st century

>> No.14648146

*the first century

>> No.14648162

i wish more people studied early christianity like you, they would probably drop whatever corrupt version of jewish messianism they follow and actually follow Christ

>> No.14648251

Yeah but actually interesting people in engaging in a thoughtful way with Christianity is difficult because it's so much easier to profess that one is a follower of Christ than it is to actually be one.

To be fair I've only been interested for maybe a year now but it rapidly became such an all consuming passion that I've been consuming material fervently to learn as much as possible.

>> No.14648282

Actually pretty based to be honest. Kept the unwashed masses in their place so they dont hurt themselves.

>> No.14648452

can you tell me who are the church fathers that directly cite any non-canonical gospel?

>> No.14648537

Clement or someone using his name directly quotes the Gospel of Thomas in 2 Clement depending on how authentic you consider the work. Either way it's considered an authentic work of the early church and has never been deemed heretical. Iraneus obviously mentions other gospels in against heresies although he considers them errant it still demonstrates their existence. Same with the later refutation of all heresies. Martyr quotes the Gospel of Peter. Later on Origen mentions it as well. In the actual NT you see mention in the intro to Luke that many people have undertaken to write down an account of the events of Jesus's life so even that supports the existence of numerous gospels.

>> No.14648557

Btw I heard there's a gnostic discord with some of you /lit/ gents, any chance of getting the link?

>> No.14648804

Anyway off to bed. I'm sure this thread will be dead by tomorrow evening but we should get a thread going on non-Orthodox Christian literature gnostic bros

>> No.14648834

Not a Christian but gnosticism is just fanfiction

>> No.14648883

extra based

>> No.14648887


>> No.14648888

No one wants a retard like you in our discord

>> No.14649217

>opposite points of view
>both equally retarded

>> No.14649230

This is literally true, but the same goes for almost any other body of abrahamic religious literature.

>> No.14649244

>reads gravity and grace once