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14630328 No.14630328 [Reply] [Original]

How do I start learning Russian?

>> No.14630333

start with the greeks

>> No.14630350

Why and нaхyя?

>> No.14630436

I can't fathom why anyone would bother learning a language that has grammar cases. My native language has them and in school i always thought "damn, this would be a bitch to implement for someone who hasn't learned it intuitively via osmosis".

>> No.14630444
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mfw when trying to learn latin

>> No.14630454

I learned Italian and a bit of Latin and the whole time i kept thinking "grammar cases are so dumb, Italian is so elegant in comparison"

>> No.14630493

The New Penguin Russian Course

t. learned Russian and can now read literature

Once you get the hang of it, it's not that bad. Especially with a language like Russian where you can develop a feel through hearing. Latin was harder in that regard, but luckily the concept transfers more or less. I want to give Sanskrit a go at some point.
Why would you limit yourself like that, just because it's a little hard?

>> No.14630518

me too desu

>> No.14630537

I like grammar cases.

At least my language has a direct link between spelling and pronunciation. English spelling is completely arbitrary. You have to know the word you're using, figuring it out isn't an option for the most part.

>> No.14630557

only a problem for new learners though. once you know most common words it becomes pretty easy to work out pronunciation or even spelling of something heard from knowledge of roots and words structured similarly. still sucks ass, but thats how it is. i blame the poors, the frogs, and the immigrants.

>> No.14630574


Even native speakers can very often be heard asking questions like "how do your pronounce this?" or "how do you spell that?".

But I guess I accept it as a (more or less) unique feature of the language and embrace it.

>> No.14630596

just becuase they ask doesn't mean it's actually difficult to figure out if you try. however, many of them probably don't know the language very well to begin with. it would be nice if there was no work necessary though.

>> No.14630718

How much of your acquisition of the language (for reading purposes) would you say comes down to actively remembering shit like "oh that's an ACTIVE PAST PARTICIPLE" and how much was just forcing yourself to read it until things became clearer?

I hit a wall with Russian when I saw how ambiguous some of the adjective/participle forms are

>> No.14630734

Unless you plan to move to Russia, just read Dosto translations. You should probably just read translations anyway.

>> No.14630760

You can always infer from the sentence the meaning of the participle forms, even if you forget which is which. Writing is much harder

>> No.14630773

Can you expand on what you mean a bit more, or give an example or two? That's kind of what I was hoping to hear but I just want to be sure.

Yeah, I have no hope of ever writing/speaking it well. Maybe after 2-3 years of reading it for fun, and doing really basic self-study on basic conversation etc. Sometimes I shitpost in /int/ ru+ukr+bel threads too.

>> No.14630781
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I taught myself how to read Cyrillic by reading a book on the train for a week.

no idea what it means though

>> No.14630794
File: 67 KB, 750x841, EOl_nt4XkAIuBzi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is that when you reverse image search these thots, they always turn out to be fugly? every single time.

>> No.14630799
File: 622 KB, 745x511, womentruthandfiction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ontologically speaking, women are made of dishonesty.

>> No.14631124
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I learned by listening to Russian music and watching Russian television
Didn't even take any lessons, just learned through empirical observation

>> No.14631487
