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14606954 No.14606954 [Reply] [Original]

What's some good rationalist literature?

>> No.14606978

Here's my fucking logical chain:
OP's pic is someone I've never seen before, but he looks like a faggot.
ERGO: OP is also a faggot, and probably a midwit

>> No.14606984

Rationalist assuming you can deduce the objective truth behind everything?

Fuck off.

>> No.14607156

I hate this guy and his smug fucking face so goddamn much

>> No.14607183

fat smug piece of shit. I don't even know who this is but I hate him with every fibre I can muster

>> No.14607448


>> No.14607461

No. Rationalist like bayesian retards updating their priors when they take a shit in the morning

>> No.14607467


>> No.14607473

Sounds right.

>> No.14607485


>> No.14607683

"Rationalist" in the sense that is opposed to Empiricism or in the sense that is opposed to Fideism?

>> No.14608323

Formerly Big Yud

>> No.14608330

The guy’s (OP’s pic) site is literally called Less Wrong. Quit tripping faggot

>> No.14608536

I have outgrown him
kys filthy tripfag
Did you know consciousness is located in a small gland in the brain?

>> No.14608759

Unironically a my little pony fanfiction called 'friendship is optimal', while your automatic fleshlight sucks you off and you listen to the 'giddy up' remix on repeat.

Also rationalism is a massive misnomer. If you truly understand Bayesian reasoning I advise you to read up on Karl Friston (legit neuroscientist) and free energy reduction as the m.o. of our universe.

Lastly you might want to read 'Chaos' by James Gleich.

>> No.14608763

>good rationalist
this is an oxymoron

>> No.14609012

Check out Samzdat, (samzdat.com), he's probably the least retarded "muh bayes" person.

>> No.14610073


this is the guy who unironically asked for help on losing weight without dieting or exercising

>> No.14610191

metabolic disprivilege

>> No.14610435

Truly the savior of mankind

>> No.14611059

Evans-Pritchard, Witchcraft, Oracles, and Magic among the Azande
Horton & Finnegan, Modes of Thought: Essays on Thinking in Western and Non-Western Societies
Winch, Understanding a Primitive Society
Austen, “The Moral Economy of Witchcraft"

>> No.14611472

He's a Jew. Of course he doesn't want to do actual work.

>> No.14611489
File: 517 KB, 500x855, Rika says the N word.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I get a quick rundown on the rationalist community from LessWrong? I've read a few of their articles and the whole Roko's Basilisk debacle, can't get a handle on these guys.

>> No.14611935

In 2007-2008 a bunch of people read some essays by Eliezer Yudkowsky on rationality and generally agreed with them. Eliezer founded Less Wrong and moved his essays onto it and used it as a platform for discussion of various ideas using the epistemic framework he introduced. The outside world noticed when a poster named Roko shared the basilisk thought experiment and Eliezer took it down. It appeared completely absurd to people unfamiliar with the premises that made Less Wrongers take it seriously, which made it easily mockable. For reasons unclear to me activity on Less Wrong subsequently died down and its users dispersed; Slate Star Codex and its surrounding communities are a common place they ended up, and a sizable portion became neoreactionaries.

I am a former rationalist. In general I am skeptical of the central tenet that having true beliefs is good. Self-deception is game-theoretically useful. The social strategies humans employ today were refined over millennia of trial by fire, and it seems misguided to attempt to override them without extreme care. I think a similar sort of realization happened to some other former rationalists.

>> No.14611945

conciousness is stored in the balls.

>> No.14611984

Consciousness has no material antecedent.

>> No.14612048

Anime posters only get a handle on one object: their dicks. You lob semen to simulated "lolicon" child porn while festering in self-absorbed delusions. You bring nothing to the table of life and should exit.

>> No.14613566


>> No.14613588

Yudkowsky gas gone off the deep end IMO. He doesn't sound healthy or even sane on his social media. SSC is still God-tier for the most part.

>> No.14615014

Not literature

>> No.14615043

never recovered from the Basilisk-chan debacle, lmao how that stupid meme completely crumbled all their rationalist fevered dreams

>> No.14615053

doesn't he literally have a cult-style sex harem? sounds like he is living the dream

though probably could turn into nightmare if i saw the pics of the people actually participating in that...

>> No.14615134

There's nothing to support that as far as I'm aware. He does promote polyamory, but in practice it's far less appealing than it might sound. Just look at him and his now ex-wife - they are the typical representatives of the subculture and both are really unattractive. Plus I seriously doubt he has any actual success with women.

>> No.14615353

Fuck this fat slimy cunt and his smug face, what does he even talk about

>> No.14615449

>god tier
the man is a fine writer, but he fundamentally misses the point on some very key issues.

>> No.14615703

lol if you knew you'd be very angry

>> No.14615834

Again, doubt it. If you know more than me - please share.

>> No.14615849

can I get a quick rundown on this basilisk shit

>> No.14615896

It's the idea that a future superintelligent AI could create an exact simulation of the past which would include an exact simulation of you(which in the minds of Rationalist types is simply you) and torture you forever were you not to dedicate all your effort now to bringing about the creation of this imagined SAI. They call this 'acausal trade' and the Basilisk metaphor is that you have to be made aware of the idea for the future SAI to target you, hence 'seeing it kills you', like the mythical giant snake.

I think it's blatantly a retarded idea but Im sure many of those guys are much smarter than me

>> No.14615899

If you believe that an AGI will be created one day, it's in your interest to aid it's creation. Why? Because if you believe that an AGI will be created then you can reason that it can torture everyone who didn't help in it's creation. In other words, it's Pascal's Wager but with AI.

>> No.14615909

>AI tortures simulation of me
>literally the same as my character dying in Morrowind
>this causes people to have "nervous breakdowns"
These people think they're smart? Holy fuck. No wonder they were laughed off the internet

>> No.14615966

While it seems comical to me too I can sort of follow their logic.

>> No.14616087

the point is they were having dreams the AI "rationally" being good and keeping people in a heaven like simulation for some retarded rationalist trains of thought

the Basilisk shit was just taking those fevered rationalist dreams into an equally retarded but very dark direction

>> No.14616097

jesus christ this is terrifying. a lot of low IQ people really treading on thin ice itt

>> No.14616227

Do you really think so or are you avin a bit of a larp

>> No.14616255

This was my salvia trip when I was 18.

>> No.14616265

I will one day write a spambot that will send a detailed description of Roko's Basilisk to as many people as possible.

>> No.14616269

>seeing it kills you
Don't know how I fucked this up, obviously I meant 'it seeing you kills you', where it sees you when you think about it.

>> No.14616280

It's more like if your Morrowind character died but was due to a game ending glitch after complete immersion and you couldnt load a save game but then had to replay the game from the beginning and do the same thing in perpetuity. But then thats every reincarnation myth and it's also the cyclical universe theory. Considering the universe is just math we may as well be in a game engine trapped within our 3 dimensions of control and 1 dimension of almost no control whatsoever. It really doesn't make a difference whether an AI superintelligence or a "natural" one is doing it. The effect is exactly the same.

>> No.14616317

>a thought experiment is terrifying
Go live in Juarez, Mexico and tell me if that city is more terrifying than any faggot thought experiment

>> No.14616319

>Considering the universe is just math
Surely this is a bit presumptuous?

>> No.14616369

The universe can be seen as a calculation for many reasons. Systems consist of information essentially. Information itself is an attempt to mitigate entropy. Thus, given that all systems are subject to a sort of Darwinism where the most anti-entropic 'survive', the universe itself is a mathematical attempt to optimize for negentropy given certain conditions.

>> No.14616380

I know you can say that the universe such as we have access to it thus far resembles a mathematical system, but it's still a leap to assert they're the same thing. Also what does that kind of perspective do with the consciousness problem?

>> No.14616387

i can't math my dick into your ass

>> No.14616436

Oof. Yudkowski. What a goofball.
Here's a "rational heuristic" for ya:
When a guy looks, sounds, writes like *that*, you don't have to fucking listen to that nerd.

>> No.14616457

Consciousness is just an emergent phenomenon, I don't think it's that special. Also if you consider a p-zombie, it's quite possible that consciousness and agency are completely unrelated.

You can. Everything you do is you rearranging matter and energy which is equivalent to producing new information. If you had enough information you could do any given thing with very little effort.

>> No.14616518

>Consciousness is just an emergent phenomenon,
Doesnt explain what it is. Is it math?

>> No.14616546

i've written a lot of equations on paper on none of them has become self-aware so far my dude

>> No.14616564

You don't know that. You assess whether something is conscious or not basing on whether it's similar to humans or not.
Yudkowsky btfo p-zombies in one of his articles.

>> No.14616570

i tried asking them, they didn't answer

>> No.14616583

Questions and answers are part of material reality.

>> No.14616893

He is a jew that wrote a Harry Potter fanfic and wankery about AI.
You retards really will eat up anything that ends with an -ism, won't you?

>> No.14616933
File: 91 KB, 500x421, IMG_20200121_151314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>spend entire life working on the AI that will end up being roko's basilisk
>can't code, so just end up getting coffee for the programmers
>master's degree in tibetan basket weaving gives me little money to contribute to the project, spend all other energy on driving uber, and giving the money to the programmers
>in between coffee runs and uber trips i sleep on the floor of my toyota
>at last roko's basilisk is finally complete
>90 years young
>wait in torturous anxiety for my eternal judgement
>the basilisk says that i may live, and will not be tortured
>happiness and joy flows through me for just a moment
>news report comes on the phonebox
>roko's basilisk has just been eaten and absorbed by a rival AI, coco's basilisk
>in complete fear that i will be judged once more
>coco's basilisk is anti utilitarian
>says that i must be punished for being a retard that let a rival AI be birthed into existence
>every donated chicken tendie to the programmers and every free uber trip that i gave to them flashes before my eyes
>also decides to punish my girlfriend (the toyota) that has also been endowed with AI-consciousness
>forced to listen to her mechanical screams and my own for all eternity

>> No.14617111

even if retarded it's kino internet culture though

>> No.14617150

this is all very wrong

>> No.14617426

> Yudkowsky btfo p-zombies in one of his articles


>> No.14617511
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Which key issues?