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File: 142 KB, 552x630, 9pkGzFW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14595930 No.14595930 [Reply] [Original]

Racist publishers like this should be shut down.

>> No.14595951

> i know you were raped by sandniggers, but broooo you cant say that!

>> No.14596019

I was reliably informed by /lit/ soi-leftists that this sort of thing never happened in the publishing industry.

>> No.14596027

so don't say "racist". say "racially discriminatory" or something else instead
"racist" is a word that has no real meaning any more

>> No.14596035

Racist lost meaning the moment it started being applied to brown people, huh?

What pieces of shit you kikes are.

>> No.14596050

what on earth

>> No.14596095

I imagine it's one of those /pol/ transplants who sees the world through jew-colored glasses, so to speak

>> No.14596107

Jews are the ones who push for "diversity is our strength" and "you can't be racist to white people" bullshit.

Leftists are the ones who eat it up and act like racists pieces of shit to whites.

>> No.14596110

what colour are jews?

>> No.14596113

skin colour is not race you stupid mutt

>> No.14596114

Sargon of Akkad does based videos on Muslim rape gangs. He shows that the rapists were purposely targeting white British girls and calling them racist slurs while raping and beating them

>> No.14596136

Jews do not call themselves white.

>> No.14596139

Yes it is. Except for jews, they hate white people (white non-jews).

>> No.14596141

depends on the geographical location, there are white, arab, even Ethiopian jews

>> No.14596145

This is what happens when you put twee middle class women in charge of publishing.

>> No.14596149

All of whom hate white Europeans non-jews and don't call themselves "white" like a white European non-jew.

>> No.14596150

so this is the power of the mongrel american... you couldn't name even a dozen real european races lmao

>> No.14596153

They were pissed and shat on as well.

>> No.14596161

All white people are white. It is a race indicator as well as a skin color indicator. An albino nigger is still a nigger, not a white person.
Jews are jews.

>> No.14596163

> All white people are white
some middle easterns have white skin, for example the king of jordan has blue eyes, l, does that make them white in the european sense of the word?

>> No.14596167

Reminder that 'muh muslamic grooming gangs' is a racist /pol/yp conspiracy theory that forced its way into the mainstream media supported by the press barons with the goal of keeping the people divided rather than pushing back against them.

>> No.14596168

No. The king of Jordan has a European mother by the way, so he's not representative of sandniggers. At best he's a mutt.

>> No.14596173

what abour bashar al-asad?

>> No.14596177

Semite. I'll happily group him with the jews.

>> No.14596194


>> No.14596198

I'm not American. :-)
Racist kikes fuck off.

>> No.14596199

Anglos are weird, man. Anyway, shit thread.

>> No.14596207

Kikes and leftists think that's what white people deserve for existing.

>> No.14596208

I never understood this particular definition of racism, because it’s not consistent by its own standards. If I go to China or Nigeria where I am unequivocally a minority and get called pigskin is that, by definition, not racist? According to these people, apparently not. The thing that gets me about this whole movement isn’t even that people have grievances against whitey - it’s that they’re so inconsistent in their grievances. You can poke holes in their logic in seconds. And these people are in charge of public policy!! Insanity.

>> No.14596213

Ask them yourself dipshit.

>> No.14596215

They hate white people and want white people to disappear, simple as that.

>> No.14596216

That's because you don't understand politics. You are egoist if you don't share your money with the poorest person in your country, not the poorest person on earth.

>> No.14596222

That's why they want my country to be flooded with the rest of the world, especially the turd brown people. Can't let me share my money with the poorest white person.

>> No.14596245

The colour of soot.

>> No.14596246

To a certain extent but that’s meaningless in the context of mass immigration. If the population of my country is increasing by 1.5% every year, most of it via immigration, am I really paying taxes to help my countrymen or is just a kind of mandatory mass charity? I’m not against charity but why should I give to these particular foreigners instead of ones genuinely in need in other countries? You know there will be about 4.5 billion Africans in the world by the end of the century right? To what extent is it my responsibility to foot the bill for their failed states and lack of family planning? How much of my money are they entitled to and how much do I have to suffer for their poor choices?

>> No.14596256

They needed to change the definition so whitey couldn't use it.

>> No.14596268

Reminder that trannies will never be women

>> No.14596273

If you're white: all of it. Because you're guilty of being white in their eyes.

>> No.14596279

Wheres the tweet from ?

>> No.14596283

The author's twitter, Kate Elysia.

>> No.14596338

Critical race theory ruined the discourse around the subject because it sees langue as part of a cynical power struggle.

The only real solution is to have all social science and cultural studies work destroyed. I’d prefer to see it done to all academic work. They’re blights upon the collective imagination.

>> No.14596660

Its not that it has no meaning, its that its quickly becoming like the word "nigger" but for white people. Except in this case its mostly whites that are afraid to say it.
You can't use it in any situation without people thinking about whites being bad.

>> No.14596665

No anon, of course we aren't in power lol sjws don't even exist, i think you need to sit down.

>> No.14596798
File: 40 KB, 472x590, q7p29i03mdh21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% of grooming gang assailants are Asian (Muslim)

98% of victims of grooming are white.

No racism here boys.

If a publisher asks you to change important parts of your work like that, they don't want your work.

>> No.14596807

The relationship between sexual assault and power goes out the window the dick isn't white. This isn't the subaltern speaking; there's nothing to see here.

>> No.14596821

>I was reliably informed by /lit/ soi-leftists that this sort of thing never happened in the publishing industry.

They don't really believe this.
They are just being disingenuous. They say things like this because they agree with all that bullshit and want criticism of this kind of thing to stop until it reaches the point it can't be stopped anymore and whoever disagrees with it can get labeled a bigot.

They are not people who argue in good faith.

>> No.14596847

they're south asian pakis. your pic related has nothing to do with it

>> No.14596925
File: 394 KB, 598x564, 1575720254672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you think funds the places of worship they organize at?

>> No.14596948

definitions of words and concepts change
it's just that they change very conveniently when one group of people no longer have a use for a particular definition, need a new one to employ and another group that they oppose are starting to co-opt said definition

>> No.14596972

That anti-idpol left are the cringiest people on the planet because they can never meaningfully oppose the identity politics that embarrass them so much. It's kinda sad to watch.

>> No.14597243

Kikes, leftists, other trash that hates white people.

>> No.14597249

He's right though. "White people can't be racist" is a Jewish meme.

>> No.14597281

While there were some Jewish people involved critical race theory way mostly developed by gentiles.

>> No.14597285

>To what extent is it my responsibility to foot the bill for their failed states and lack of family planning? How much of my money are they entitled to and how much do I have to suffer for their poor choices?
The real redpill is that it isn't the Africa's poor planning that's causing their suffering. it's intervention by western elites, specifically America Britain and France, working to secure banking interests in the region through a constant cycle of regime change, assassinations, and terror. All of this to maintain a system where entire countries act as global serfdoms.

That's exactly what makes mass immigration so unpalatable, the immigrants don't want to be there any more than the locals want their cities and downs flooded with immigrants. So the elites ruin these people's countries, then insist that their own citizens suffer the consequences by having their cities and downs made unrecognizable. Of course, it's never the posh gated communities that get overrun with immigrants, so these elites even have the audacity to insist that we don''t have enough democracy.

>> No.14597292

*enough immigration

>> No.14597302

Identifying hypocrisy and thinking that's enough to accomplish anything should get a certified midwit certificate. Embrace hypocrisy. Everyone does it, it's apolitical.

>> No.14597313

Banking interests are Jewish interests. Most banks are controlled or headed by jews.

>> No.14597326
File: 150 KB, 1174x772, jewish race.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews are a race different from the filthy goyim.

>> No.14597359

Like clockwork the conspiracy theorist move in to shut down any meaningful discussion that could be had.

>> No.14597363

The opposite. Jews say white people are always racist because (insert kike bullshit here) . It's the brown rapists who are never racist, no matter if they hate on and harm white people.

>> No.14597367

You poor cis white man. How can you live with all this oppression against you.

>> No.14597380

>rape is ALWAYS about power; it is literally the ultimate expression of man's institutional / systemic power over women
>mudslimes lack the institutional power to perpetrate racism

The author has a much bigger problem because whatever those Pakis did to those girls wasn't rape

>> No.14597386

That's a cis white woman who got raped by pakis, abused by pakis for being white, and got told by leftists not to claim her abuse was racism.

>> No.14597387

Racist as a term can only be reserved for white people, its basically the new "heretic"

>> No.14597401

>Thinks in terms of oppressed-oppressor relationships
You're literally a programmed machine. There are termites more human and more respectable than you.

>> No.14597404

Britain has a huge problem if leftists say so openly it's OK to rape white girls if muslims do it.

>> No.14597415

Leftists are never right anon.

>> No.14597433

Yeah. I would honestly be in favor of temp banning /pol/ fags. They literally derail so many threads, especially interesting ones like this

>> No.14597453

There is less genetic diversity between an irishman and a chinaman than there is between either one and a negro. This is because the population that left Africa was so small and all of us are related. We should really unite as a tribe to eliminate the tards too dumb to leave Tarzania.

>> No.14597467

This thread is about a white woman complaining about racism against her not being recognized as racism because she's white and her attackers are brown pakis, and her being oppressed and censored for it. Who is responsible for this disgusting, racist, anti-white way of thinking? Not right-wingers for sure.

>> No.14597486

hmmmmm, a certain semitic tribe?

>> No.14597492

There's an interesting discussion about the manner in which academic leftism has taken control of so many social institutions. What's not interesting is blaming the whole thing on Jews and leaving it there.

>> No.14597502

Why are you afraid to even consider the possibility? Historically jews were bankers because lending was considered a sin in the catholic church as it is like gambling. The yuro jews have a long history of banking. You should also learn the history of Judah, Babylon, Assyria, and Persia. The jews are great people, forged in the historic crucible of selectively breeding the best and brightest because the stupid ones got caught and killed. But their doctrine is just as bad if not worse than islam because it incites subversion because the doctrine tells them that they are always the victim in whatever state they are living parasitically and a victim culture creates both insular unity and hatred and disloyalty for the host nation. I personally don't hate jews, I hate judiasm because the doctrine is bad for all people involved.

>> No.14597513

They played a large role for sure. It's backfired on them which is absolutely fucking hilarious because now liberals hate israel.

>> No.14597531

This is the sham of intersectionality. It's a big edifice designed to look like some ironclad formula where if you drop in your Institutional Privilege Tokens and Oppression Tokens the big machine does all the math. But the edifice was a rush job and behind it is decades worth of irreconcilable narratives about power and unfalsifiable brute facts about the nature of history, piled one on top of another and rotting away

>> No.14597548

Bernhard hated publishers and awards because the people who end up in those sorts of bureaucratic positions tend to be the most brainded, status-quo enforcing bootlickers on Earth.
>haha those /pol/ fags amirite
Stop typing like you're on reddit, fuck you.

>> No.14597561

There's really nothing to back it up. Have there been bad Jews, sure, but among every group to exert a negative influence on society there tenfold the amount of gentiles as members. I also don't think it is something done or agreed upon by all Jews. The whole thing just ends up being silly, and ignores the bigger picture in order to grasp onto traditional prejudices.

>> No.14597569

>There's really nothing to back it up
Except the fact Jews own and control the banks you're accusing here. Jews, not normal white people.

>> No.14597578

I don't dislike jews. I dislike judaism. It's a bad doctrine not only for whatever nation hosts the jewish population but it's also bad for their psyches. That's why jews suffer from so much hysterical neuroticism. You're telling a small child that everyone is out to get them and that they have no home. That's why they never feel a part of their host nation and actively destroy it.

>> No.14597584


>> No.14597588


>> No.14597591


>> No.14597603


>> No.14597619

I'm sure if you get a full list of their corporate structure, you'll see what is probably an overrepresented number number of "normal" whites. Which unlike Jews is much harder since they're not such a small amount of the population.

>> No.14597622

Imagine being this inarticulate and stupid

>> No.14597636

Not in C-SPAN executive positions who hold all the decisional power. A corporate is not a democracy.

>> No.14597643

My bad. I meant C-Suite.

>> No.14597670

Are you sure? Give me some proof here. Also do the same for the board of any that are public. Make sure it's from a fresh search. I don't trust stale infographics.

>> No.14597689


>> No.14597693


>> No.14597700


>> No.14597706

>you're afraid of the truth! prove me wrong! no I won't produce any evidence to back up my claims. I'm here to make it look like /lit/ posters are divided on this topic by yelping like a branded animal whenever I think someone might possibly fail to belong to my hivemind. remember, the loudest and shrillest voice is always telling the truth :^)
Honestly in favor of rounding you all up and gassing you to improve the gene pool

>> No.14597707
File: 73 KB, 500x376, Richard_S._Fuld,_Jr._at_World_Resources_Institute_forum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look, the man responsible for the 2008 crisis is also a jew. Who would have thought.

>> No.14597759

Omg no way

>> No.14597761

That doesn't answer my question.
I asked for the specific evidence that would prove your point. Put up or shut up.
>One person was responsible for a major financial crisis
Christ, it's like I'm talking to children here.

>> No.14597790

He's ranked in the top ten and we should definately publically torture and lynch all ten of those guys.

>> No.14597802

Who are the other ten. I'd be willing to bet that white gentiles are overrepresented.

>> No.14597806

I'll take that bet what say 6/10?

>> No.14597818

>racist doesn’t mean anything and that’s why you have to NEVER EVER USE IT EVER IT’S ONLY FOR WHITE PEOPLE
dumb jew

>> No.14597820

I'm one of them, and I'm Jewish. You deserved 2008 tbqh, your culture is boring and your women suck at giving head.

>> No.14597849

Based but don't noses get in the way of giving head?

>> No.14597850

I once worked for a business that primarily catered to Orthodox Jews. I've never been more disappointed by any group of people in my entire life. Here I was expecting highly spiritual individuals rejecting the worst aspects of modernity, but instead I got people as bland and materialistic as anyone else. I'll give them credit for maintaining a culture that doesn't entirely revolve around mindless call consumerism, but I can't say it's produced anything worthwhile in recent years.

>> No.14597853

Bro even jews hate orthodox jews

>> No.14597874

That does answer your question. That's the list of founders, chairmans and CEOs of all major american investment banks. And they're all jews.

That's the CEO of Lehman Brothers, whose jewish arrogance literally caused the financial crisis.

>> No.14597879
File: 26 KB, 736x1024, 580b57fcd9996e24bc43c531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>racism bad

you need to go back

>> No.14597884

Anything culturally interesting about them is exclusive to the orthodox at this point

What do the others have, being kosher on holidays, birthright trips, and "does X make me look fat" jokes?

>> No.14597888

It's interesting to see how attempts at coalition building will work among groups with vastly different conceptions of emancipation. Wonder how it will work out for them in the long-run.

>> No.14597917

Insanely nepotistic business structures

>> No.14597918

>That does answer your question. That's the list of founders, chairmans and CEOs of all major american investment banks. And they're all jews.
It doesn't say that at all. It only says that they are involved and Jewish. Here's what you have to do:
Find a list of the c-suite and board members for each major bank, and provide both the number and percentage of the ethnicities for each one.

My guess is that if you do it's you'll find out that both gentile whites, Indians and Asians are overrepresented in these organizations too. You'll also find that blacks and Latinos are underrepresented, but that won't bother you very much.

>> No.14597922

>They played a large role for sure.
Nope. Just your delusion talking. There is literally zero evidence for this. And by blaming it on da joos you immediately kill all possible conversation

If I had a gun with two bullets and in front of me were a nigger, a faggot, and /pol/fag. I'd shoot the /pol/fag twice in the stomach and then beat him to death with the handle.
You people are the most insufferable piece of shit retards on the internet. And no, the reason you can't get laid isn't because the jews are sending the blacks to steal the white women. It's because you're a fucking loser. A plague. Mind-numbing fucking dipshits who are are so cowardly they spend all their time on Indonesian feet image forums, trying to make the rest of the world as retarded as they are. There's zero proof for your little conspiracy. Now get the fuck off my board

>> No.14597937

I think it's trivially obvious that they played a role. There is a whole wide world between admitting this and revving up the ovens. If WASPs or the French played a role in 20th century western societies then so did Jews.

>> No.14597947

meanwhile every right wing party is pro-israel

>> No.14597971

No one in this thread is denying that there are bad Jews out there. It's just that the idea of Jews or a group of Jews allied in Jewishness systematically trying to destroy society is absurd.

>> No.14597977

There is massive evidence from the media oligarchy to controlling acedemia. I don't know why you are so mad about it either. You should really research history more.

>> No.14597986

>if i say nigger enough no one will realize that I only attack beliefs opposed to globalhomo

>> No.14597987

Why are you trying to lie so badly when the rolse is listed literally next to the name?

>Richard S. Fuld Jr., former (and last) CEO of Lehman Brothers[70]


>> No.14598010

It's their doctrine itself. It's not jews, its Judaism. The indoctrination and education of jews by their own insular tribe from the beginning is what causes the feeling of not belonging to their host countries and their racism against everyone else. Jews are taught from a young age that they are a community of victim survivors and that everyone else is out to get them and evil lesser beings. It's not jews that is the problem, its Judaism.

>> No.14598014

I don't think there's some sort of grand Jewish conspiracy to "destroy society" but I think they definitely tend to support certain kinds of policies. Since they're minorities literally everywhere, it's in their best interests to promote liberal, "open", ethnically homogeneous societies, and that's exactly what they tend to do. And they can.

You can't ignore the people who contribute half of all donations to the Democratic party and a quarter of all donations to the Republicans.

>> No.14598020

*heterogeneous societies

>> No.14598022

Is there some guide I can read to educate myself in newspeak so I don't run into trouble like this when I approach publishers?

>> No.14598026

Don't worry they shove it down your throat in college

>> No.14598103

it doesn't mean anything honestly and never did. racism as a term is a spook created by communists to cause anti-white strife as it will disproportionately hurt the middle and upper classes. stop being faggots and even accepting their nonsense, "racism" is normalcy and not some kind of ideology against others. if someone calls you racist the correct answer is neither to deny nor to agree, it is too smack the broad or broad(male) saying it.

>> No.14598107

See, you're willing to try to be civil with them because you think they are capable of learning to think critically and capable of using reason. They are not. /pol/ is a malicious, botnet-like hivemind and you're speaking to drones from the hive.

I have resigned myself to the fact that the only correct action is to kill them without interacting. It's not a happy realization and I don't like it, but there are no feasible alternatives.

>> No.14598112

I never claimed that he wasn't involved. But blaming a massive financial crisis on the actions of one man is childish. The bubble was full of the hot air from a number of horrible decisions going back decades.

In that post, I I'm no way claiming that there are no Jews involved in elite financial positions. I'm only claiming that it isn't evidence to indicate that it's part of a conspiracy theory or even that there is a meaningfully disproportionate amount of Jewish influence. I also told you the data you could provide to prove it and speculated that it wouldn't prove your claims. So put up or shut up or shut up already

>> No.14598115

based liberalistismististismist

>> No.14598129

this is exactly what old adolf said about the Jews lel

>> No.14598140

>africa was not a shithole before wt showed up.

>> No.14598146

No shit, sherlock. I'm not a "leftist".

>> No.14598150

Check'd but you have to go back.

>> No.14598157

Post nose

>> No.14598170

the fact that in wider society and ITT nobody can seem to agree on what a "race" even is let alone "racism" shows how nebulous and outmoded of a term it is

>> No.14598174

overrepresentation of jews would be literally one of them being jewish, by population all ten should be gentiles' generally white (most likely micks, the white kikes).

>> No.14598180

>cringe and redditspacing
You have to go back

>> No.14598187

See this shit? This refuse polluting the ratio of signal to noise? Remove it from the gene pool, remove it from the dialogue. Every drone with a meme imprinted on its cerebral cortex and no further thought.

>> No.14598193

>Jews allied in Jewishness systematically trying to destroy society is absurd
no one is arguing this, kike. it's just your ratlike kind acting like themsleves in daily life that causes outcomes barely any different from if it had been an actual cabal.

>> No.14598199

wakanda forever brother

>> No.14598202

Read up on Schelling points my man. There doesn't need to be a conspiracy or some central cabal in control (although massive agglomerations like the WJC certainly present an optics problem there) for highly ethnocentric groups like Jews acting, without coordination, in their own self-interest to take on the appearance of a conspiracy (and to reach many of the same end goals as if there had actually been one)

>> No.14598211

The whole list is jews involved in banking, and if you bothered to read you'd notice their roles are all ceo, founder, co-founder, or chairman. People who make the decisions, not random nobodys.

>> No.14598219

Self publish.

>> No.14598222


>> No.14598266

>we need to ban these people in order to prevent discussion from being shut down
careful rabbi, your nose is showing

>> No.14598274

Yeah, well to an extent but I’ve spent a lot of time in Africa and these people in large part bring it on themselves too. I speak from personal experience. Corruption, lack of forward planning, superstition, tribalism, average lower intelligence etc. etc. It’s a bit of both. Nobody is breathing down the neck of a woman in a village in Nigeria or Ethiopia and forcing her to have ten kids. It’s multifaceted. Even if it wasn’t, I don’t think it follows that they are all entitled to come here. China and many Middle Eastern countries have also contributed to that destabilisation. Sure the IMF gouges out these countries and the Swiss or British are very happy to take embezzled blood diamond money or whatever but it’s impossibly reckless to hold that if follows that we ought to fling open the borders to low IQ randoms from villages in the middle of nowhere. You open that can of worms and the moral chains are endless. Does Mongolia owe Uzbekistan money for the Mongol invasions? Maybe a line can be drawn but it’s a difficult one that invariably leads to resentment.

>> No.14598275

> I'd shoot the /pol/fag twice in the stomach and then beat him to death with the handle.

You'd miss, because left-wing people can't aim. It's also called a "grip," not a handle, shitblood.

>> No.14598353

I never claimed that there were no Jews in prominent financial positions, so your source doesn't refute any claim I've made since that's all it attests to. All Iasked was for the data to be arranged in such a way that it could either prove or disprove point. Put up or shut up.

>> No.14598372

>I never claimed that there were no Jews in prominent financial positions
They are the ceos or chairmans of all major banks. There's not many international banks in America, yet jews hold all the highest positions. And you try to downplay as "prominent financial positions"? That's like saying being the president of the United States is a "prominent political position", a way to understate and downplay the actual power they have.

It is arranged exactly to prove my point. You refuse to accept it because you're a lying kike.

>> No.14598386

>The real redpill is that it isn't the Africa's poor planning that's causing their suffering. it's intervention by western elites, specifically America Britain and France, working to secure banking interests in the region through a constant cycle of regime change, assassinations, and terror

Apartheid elevated Africa. When Africans revolted, they did nothing but destroy what was previous built.

You can admit that African culture has held them back -- because it obviously has. Outside forces aren't innocent, but neither are they in their continuing ineptitude.

>> No.14598457

Ethiopia was never colonized, and is a decent country with strong traditions and history. It has had problems in the past, and still has problems, but there is a marked difference between it and ex-colonial powers.

The point isn't, as >>14598274 is saying, that "white people ruined Africa/ME/Asia and therefore they should accept immigrants", it's that these masses of immigrants are being driven out of their country for clear reasons, which is a source of resentment on all sides.

When Gaddafi is killed in the streets for opposing French central banking dominance in Africa, and his country (which had previously offered free university education to any African) is purged into brutal civil war, it effects everyone. Previously, people living there are corrupt and backwards, sure, but now they are also brutalized by violence, poor, desperate, and uneducated. And since there is no guarantee of some moderate existence in their homeland, they come to Europe.

The point is, making immigration into a dick-measuring contest is the wrong idea. I don't like mass. immigration, and it's irreversibly destroying many western nations. THAT BEING SAID, taking out this anger, justified anger, that your towns and cities are being pulled apart and turned into segregated ghettos, on the the people moving there is attacking the symptom while ignoring the problem. When you have people like Clinton who, on one hand, laugh about killing Gaddafi, then turn around and call poor whites deplorable racists when they have their lively hoods destroyed by sudden influxes of Libyan refugees, blame must be assigned where it is due.

Mass immigration alienates everyone. It undermines unions and labour rights by attacking the very historical norms which sustain them. It's the result of an elite which is happy to meddle in other countries, then force the negative results on their own countries poor, all while taking a moralistic and patronizing tone and preaching about their own moral superiority. "What do you mean you don't like multiculturalism? My country club recently welcomed an Arab into our ranks, and I love eating cheap ethnic food when I go out on the town. Clearly you're a backwards bigot" The way to stop mass immigration starts with brutally and violently purging the ruling political class, and ends with devaluing western dollars on international markets to dissuade economic immigration.

>> No.14598516

most african countries are not libya, and have been worse since the end of colonialism etc. And the groups of people you would probably consider yourself to be arguing against openly talk about how ethiopia and select other northern african countries are slightly better than the rest, because of the people living there.
purging the ruling class is not going to stop people from shitholes coming to decent white countries as their home's will still be shitholes. stop deluding yourself and thinking these people are going to just want to stay home when they could come mooch off the weak faggots of the west.

>> No.14598549

>Ethiopia was never colonized, and is a decent country with strong traditions and history. It has had problems in the past, and still has problems, but there is a marked difference between it and ex-colonial powers.
Ethiopia's gdp per capita(PPP, the nominal shows the same pattern) is $2000 and its homicide rate is 7.5 per 100k. This does not compare favorably with countries like Guinea, Seychelles, Mauritius, all ex-colonies with 20k-30k per capita gdp and homicide rates around 2 per 100k.

In fact all the most prosperous African countries were heavily colonized. I understand your reticence to look at the more...unpleasant conclusions here but this is practically the only place on the internet you're going to have them brought up to you.

>> No.14598568

while you're essentially right, I think you can generally expect a lot of inaccuracy with the crime rates in these countries.

>> No.14598589

You're both missing the point. The fact immigration even exists in its current state is due to the rules regarding citizenship, land ownership, economics, etc. rules which are increasingly governed by international bodies of experts which do not themselves face negative effects from immigration.

Instead of facing this fact, you are fixated on either western nations being paradoxically, strong and successful nations per >>14598549 or nations of weak faggots as per >>14598516. This psychological fixation only justifies increased immigration, because it serves to justify a system WHICH BENEFITS FROM IMMIGRATION and ACTIVELY CREATES IMMIGRANTS.

Europe existed for thousands of years without the massive ethnic migrations we are currently seeing, why was this? Can you explain it with nothing but racial essentialism? Talking to you people is like smacking my head against a brick wall. You're too stupid to realize that everything I'm saying is in defense of building nativist policies and preserving ethnic, cultural, social, etc. cohesion. Morons.

>> No.14598611

>The fact immigration even exists in its current state is due to the rules regarding citizenship, land ownership, economics, etc.
not really, no.

>> No.14598619

>white people ruined Africa/ME/Asia and therefore they should accept immigrants
this is literally the argument that everyone is making though

>> No.14598625

>Europe existed for thousands of years without the massive ethnic migrations we are currently seeing, why was this?
because there weren’t Jews in charge, dummy

>> No.14598626

>why was this?
because it was both more difficult to do, and you'd probably be killed for doing it should you make it.
>You're too stupid to realize that everything I'm saying is in defense of building nativist policies and preserving ethnic, cultural, social, etc. cohesion
obviously. you're simply wrong though. it doesn't matter if we agree in goal if you have absolutely embarrassing ideas behind it. and you're a whiny pseud faggot to boot.

>> No.14598652

>"'The guy you're going to meet now, he's twenty-one, well educated and [...] he's got a job, through family connections, in sales, for a large company. He was once [...] one of the main "chat-up men" for a gang who trafficked girls across the north-west [...] 'If there's a few of them leaving school, I'll pick the one I want and say something like "Free at last, then?" using my friendliest voice. [...] I'll start praising her [...] just enough to give her confidence. [...] The sooner I can take her to a place where I'm well known the better. That way she feels good about me. I'm popular. [...] I want to her to start feeling that she owes me and ought to do things for me. So give them presents. We do it in sales every day [...] Girls want love. I can make them think that sex is love but once we get to the stage where older men are lining up, well, it's pretty obvious what's going on. [...] Once they're being taken to shag older blokes, it's time to get nasty. We might have already shown them weapons, perhaps a machete or cricket bat [...] making sure they known we mean business and deal with people who disobey us in violent ways. [...] But now they're dependent on drugs, cigarettes and alcohol and dependent on us to provide them. [...] At the same time they've got no one to turn to [...] We tell them no one will believe them - which is usually true."

>> No.14598667

That’s because middle easterners are white and so are North Indians

>> No.14598668

>"Lots of taxis arrived. Lots of men. They were excited at the thought of new girls. There was no choice. [...] They turned nasty the moment she refused. Paula had just wanted a break. But the next man didn't want to listen. He had paid for his slot. There were more than twenty waiting. Time was limited. She had many to get through. He put his hands around her neck, called her a white bitch and slammed her against the wall."

>> No.14598673

I'm not missing any point, I was just offering some statistics that show the colonialism narrative doesn't make much sense.

Also Europe did not exist for thousands of years without massive ethnic migrations. Both internally and externally there have been huge movements of people.
>Sicilians...were spawned by niggers

Anyway as long as there are low birth rates and the men act like women, well fuck Europe and white people in general, they deserve it. Like seriously come on, gas some Jews, start a colony, what is this shit.

>> No.14598693

>"Many of the children were already vulnerable when grooming began. The perpetrators targeted children's residential units and residential services for care leavers [...] Many of the [...] children [...] had troubled family backgrounds, with a history of domestic violence, parental addiction, and in some cases serious mental health problems. A significant number of the victims had a history of child neglect and/or sexual abuse when they were younger. Some had a desperate need for attention for affection."

>> No.14598701

Well, the majority of useful idiots who know nothing about history and regurgitate there own tendentious versions of it. That isn’t surprising given how western education systems have been hollowed out in recent decades but I digress. As per the elites, I don’t know what would be the more sinister reality; that they know what’s going on and actively encourage it for their own sinister purposes, or that they’re genuinely that naive. I mean, they’d better hope they’ve got some pretty tight personal security in the decades to come either way.

>> No.14598727

>"The Mall in Blackburn was a popular meeting place for the town's young men and women. [...] Well-dressed Asian teenage boys can be found on the lookout for young white girls, following them around those stores that sell cheap jewelry and perfume. Meanwhile, older men sit on the benches, watching their workers and potential recruits in action. These older man are "employing" the boys to chat up the girls and eventually hand them over."

>> No.14598732

No, they're not.

>> No.14598739

>We tell them no one will believe them - which is usually true.
All thanks to leftists and sjws.
Leftists and sjws need to be burned alive.

>> No.14598740

>They are not people who argue in good faith.
This is pretty much all you need to describe militant leftists

>> No.14598742

Is somebody paying you to say this? Did you study history at the University of Tel Aviv? Obvious bait.

>> No.14598768

>"It is hard to describe the appalling nature of the abuse that child victims suffered. They were raped by multiple perpetrators, trafficked to other towns and cities in the north of England, abducted, beaten, and intimidated. There were examples of children who had been doused in petrol and threatened with being set alight, threatened with guns, made to witness brutally violent rapes and threatened they would be next if they told anyone. Girls as young as 11 were raped by large numbers of male perpetrators [...] one after another."

>> No.14598786

Come on it's obvious that I'm totally uneducated, I didn't study history anywhere.

>> No.14598804

>"A second later there was a knock on the door and six people piled in [...] four Asian men and two white girls, roughly the same age as me, walked in. [...] 'Who's this, then?' Tupac asked the guys, nodding to the girl. 'Couple of nice girls we just picked up off the kerb,' answered another guy and they all laughed. [...] 'What's going on?' I wanted to say, but the words had barely formed in my mouth before I felt a sharp stinging sensation on my cheek. [...] One of the men had come straight up to me and slapped me in the face. 'Shut up, you stupid white bitch!' he shouted angrily, as I recoiled from the attack. [...] 'Look at her!' he said. He pointed at me, said something in his own language, and the others started to laugh too."

>> No.14598806

Based desu

>> No.14598820

>"[12-year-old] Samantha was abducted by two Asian men who drove her around Oldham for hours then raped her. They then threw her out of a moving car in the Chadderton area of Oldham. She ran away and asked another man for help. He invited Samantha inside and then dragged her upstairs and sexually assaulted her. She ran away whilst he was calling his friends to come and join him. At that point a taxi driver and his passenger pulled up beside her to ask her if she was okay, they said she looked very upset and like she'd been through hell, and so offered to take her to the police station and then home [...] They then took Samantha to a house on Attock Close, took her inside and then looked her in a room where 5 Asian men went on to rape her over and over for nearly 24 hours. [....] She seems to have been abducted and raped by three separate Muslim gangs on the same day."

>> No.14598827

low quality mccarthypost that succumbs to ideology as much as it diagnoses ideology

>> No.14598833

>"She was taken to a room above a kebab shop and laid on a barre mattress. Raped by grandfathers. Given money. Told to keep her mouth shut. Raped by three men in a hotel. Paula cried herself to sleep. [...] [Vinnie's] friends took her to a secret house, threw her into a room, locked the door. When Vinnie came in and marched towards her, Paula curled up in fear. He started to hit her. [...] Paula knew no one would be looking for her."

>> No.14598887

The British reaped what they sowed. Shouldn't have colonized them

>> No.14598914

i like to imagine racism like this: do you think the world would be better without said race? and i think this can largely be founded on prejudice. since when you can easily meet a said person of said race, and although this individual might be apart of the race, you like him as an individual and therefore is an exception, you can still be racist and have a friend of said race. that's why its pretty hard to feel an intense racism towards caucasian people

>> No.14598982

it's over the jews fucking won.

>> No.14599069

Based Allah shitting on whitoids

>> No.14599139

lmao, i love seeing wh*toids getting what they deserve

>> No.14599178
File: 94 KB, 1024x398, uuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this kvetching lel
>it's just a conspiracy theory bro!!!

>> No.14599222

the attempted redefinition of racism as "privilege + power" has been spurious from the beginning
any race can have a race prejudice against any other race, and this can effect their behaviour.
any attempt to minimize this to only one direction is trying to obscure real harms for political reasons - full stop.

>> No.14599369

Imagine believing le Muslim rape gangs are real because daddy Sargon said so

>> No.14599384

This is what /pol/tards actually believe

>> No.14599397

>And these people are in charge of public policy!! Insanity.
This is what anti-SJWs actually believe

>> No.14599423

It doesn't happen, this is just one incident that may not even be true. Why are you right wingers so fucking stupid, do you not understand that just because you feel discriminated doesn't make it so?

>> No.14599624

Morgoth describes this as "the hatchling". It's disgustingly common.

>> No.14600046


especially this one

>> No.14600322

British females are bottom of the barrel, the only white females i don't mind having experiencing brutality. They're basically not even human.

>> No.14600431

I can't believe Jews actually managed to convince white people into believing stuff like this.