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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 116 KB, 800x717, rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14582519 No.14582519 [Reply] [Original]

>Some philosopher makes broad claims about suffering and how mankind should strive to live and the nature of unhappiness and how to solve it.
>Read their biography.
>Born to a rich aristocratic family in europe...

Why is this literally always the case? Can someone recommend me a non hypocritical, non rich kid, that actually knows what the world and life is like before they start vomiting philosophies?
Otherwise I feel like I'm reading an Oscar speech by Leonardo Di Caprio about how hard it is to fuck top models in boat parties.

>> No.14582536

Only rich people have the time and money to write philosophy, generally

>> No.14582537

Most philosophers lived in times where those who weren't rich aristocrats had to labour for a living and did not have the time to study, much less produce, works of philosophy.

>> No.14582596


Compare Diogenes and Buddha for instance. How come the rich kid became a religion and the amazing homeless guy is just a funny remark in history books?
If Buddha lived today he would be the son of a millionaire that suddenly decides to go to Asia when he is 30 and "spiritually awakens". Would you take that person seriously?

>> No.14582971

Diogenes wasn't born poor either.
>Would you take that person seriously?
It would depend on what they had to say. Are you used to judge philosophers by their biographies?

>> No.14582985

>Born to a rich aristocratic family in europe...
Siddhārtha Gautama Was from Europe?

>> No.14583000 [DELETED] 

because richfags can look at the world without having to participate in it.

>> No.14583006

>Some philosopher makes broad claims about suffering and how mankind should strive to live and the nature of unhappiness and how to solve it.
>Read their biography.
>Born to a rich aristocratic family in europe..
>other philosophers of similar description have completely conflicting views
fuck back off to your 2020 democratice presidential debates

>> No.14583008

oh fuck off

>> No.14583020

>Born to a rich monarch in asia and living in the absolute most royal palaces up until 30 years of age.
There, happy?

>> No.14583022
File: 315 KB, 800x1013, 800px-Karl_Marx_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill the rich my friend. the only philosopher worth a damn was born solidly middle class

>> No.14583036
File: 30 KB, 382x600, eric hoffer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eric Hoffer comes to mind.

>Former migratory worker and longshoreman, Eric Hoffer burst on the scene in 1951 with his irreplaceable tome, The True Believer, and assured his place among the most important thinkers of the twentieth century. Nine books later, Hoffer remains a vital figure with his cogent insights to the nature of mass movements and the essence of humankind.

>Of his early life, Hoffer has written: “I had no schooling. I was practically blind up to the age of fifteen. When my eyesight came back, I was seized with an enormous hunger for the printed word. I read indiscriminately everything within reach—English and German.

>“When my father (a cabinetmaker) died, I realized that I would have to fend for myself. I knew several things: One, that I didn’t want to work in a factory; two, that I couldn’t stand being dependent on the good graces of a boss; three, that I was going to stay poor; four, that I had to get out of New York. Logic told me that California was the poor man’s country.”

>Through ten years as a migratory worker and as a gold-miner around Nevada City, Hoffer labored hard but continued to read and write during the years of the Great Depression. The Okies and the Arkies were the “new pioneers,” and Hoffer was one of them. He had library cards in a dozen towns along the railroad, and when he could afford it, he took a room near a library for concentrated thinking and writing.

>In 1943, Hoffer chose the longshoreman’s life and settled in California. Eventually, he worked three days each week and spent one day as “research professor” at the University of California in Berkeley. In 1964, he was the subject of twelve half-hour programs on national television. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1983.

>> No.14583214
File: 29 KB, 720x509, 77FAEF52-5F73-4622-A2BF-F2CEA567C1EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epictetus, stoic chad despite being born into slavery and being crippled in since his childhood.

>> No.14583220

Adolf Hitler wasn't rich

>> No.14583223

Marx of course. He was quite poor and had to support himself and his family with journalistic work.

>> No.14583251

The aristocratic class generally had healthier, more intelligent children due to fit ancestry, that also got specialized tutors to educate them to the top of multiple fields, and since their families were rich, could afford to live a contemplative life, engaging with all disciplines of science and domains of thought, which usually crystallized, due to their multivarious experiences, into philosophy.

>> No.14583269

Jesus Christ. The only ancient spiritual leader who was not born in riches.

>> No.14583279
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he got spoon fed with Engel's daddy's factory money loooooooooooooooooooooool

>> No.14583280

We hardly see peasant philosophers. A pox on them!

>> No.14583284

>It would depend on what they had to say. Are you used to judge philosophers by their biographies?
Yes. If what they say is discrepant enough with how they live, it goes into the trash.
Imagine a meat factory owner writing about the philosophy of veganism.

>> No.14583303

shut the fuck up with your teenage girl politics

>> No.14583305

Well the validity of the arguments would still be the only relevant thing
You don't judge persons, you judge reasons

>> No.14583461

>Yes. If what they say is discrepant enough with how they live, it goes into the trash. Imagine a meat factory owner writing about the philosophy of veganism
The meat factory owner's argument might still be stronger than yours. He could have very good arguments for veganism, while also being too selfish or lazy to apply them to his conduct.
Also in your example we were talking about people who specifically rejected their previous lifestyles. For this second example to work, we would have to talk about an ex-meat factory owner who is now pro-veganism.

>> No.14583510

What if a drug addict told you that drugs are bad?

>> No.14583519


That's the thing though. Just because the ex-meat factory owner says he is "totally vegan now guys", that's not enough to convince me.
>While also being too selfish or lazy to apply them to his conduct.
Why shouldn't everyone be selfish and lazy then? And if everyone can/should, why do we consider that a good argument in the first place? Shouldn't a good argument convince even a lazy/selfish person?
Remember these people are not just trying to put forth logical statements about abstract notions like mathematicians. They are trying to convince people that they saw a better way into happiness / life / morals / aesthetics / suffering / whatever the fuck.
If someone gave you a list of good reasons to drink from a well, but refrained to drink from it themselves, wouldn't that concern you?

Now for you to argue that for instance, Buddha abandoned his rich royal life. He technically might have, but he can never truly change his past. For all he might adapt his views on the world through new experiences, he can never claim to understand the world as someone who never had that wealth to begin with. Willingly leaving things behind is not the same as being born without them, or not?

I mean he heavily uses them, so he has quite the optimal perspective to know just how bad they are. Now how does Kierkegaard know what the life of a fisherman in Nepal is like? If he doesn't, how can he make any broad claims about the nature of suffering or mankind or whatever the fuck?

>> No.14583522

he was a jew

>> No.14583539
File: 26 KB, 500x261, Epictetus quote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Epictetus was born a slave. Ironically his greatest pupil was an emperor.

>> No.14583556
File: 176 KB, 1838x668, diogenes was cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair I recall him being fairly middle class, not fantastically wealthy.

>> No.14583562
File: 86 KB, 1842x299, based diogenes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better version of the Plato story.

>> No.14583579

This is probably the best answer you're going to get, OP.

>> No.14583589

Are you poor op? That explains it

>> No.14583631

No he was not he was upper middle and his family kept escaleting, but honestly everyother work apart from (((THAT))) book was pretty based

>> No.14583640

he wasnt poor, he was Upper middle.
Why do people assume he was poor just because he said bad things about rich people?

>> No.14583844

No because a random son of a millionaire today (btw there's a lot of millionaires this isn't a good comparison) is a fucking retard and has no idea what he's talking about. More likely to be tugged along by someone selling a product or being the seller himself, that is to say completely bound to the pursuit of increasing numbers and incapable of anything anywhere near worth listening to. Like, their only axiom is to exploit you for material gain. Unlike the Buddha who is a high priest spiritually and a great philosopher intellectually not by some random coincidence, no, explicitly because of his upbringing and cultured education. It's not as though Buddhism exists in a vacuum either, it wasn't just made up by some guy.

I can appreciate the sentiment though. I was born poor and had a poor education. Further, I think the closer you get to today the more you have to be wary of those operating on elite status to give themselves legitimacy, because it becomes irrelevant or even a negative factor as the general population improves. Btw hedonic philosophies are largely worthless trash so you can dismiss those broad claims about suffering anyway. Buddhism doesn't fall under this though.

>> No.14583867

>Illiterate orphan living in a culture that prizes poetry above all other forms of art suddenly produces the most magnificent poetry that anybody has ever heard
>Claims it is revealed from God. The profound beauty of the verses cause multiple people to fall on the ground and profess their faith on the spot
>Starts preaching goodness and charity, literally driven out of his city on threat of death with a couple of followers. Narrowly escape to a nearby city and continue preaching.
>Despite having no military training whatsoever manage to win one defensive battle after the other, to the point where both cities in which this man was persecuted are under his command.
>End up unifying his entire culture together under the beauty of his message as well as the incredibly modest and unassuming personality of the messenger.
>Within three generations this band of religious weirdos has toppled not one but two of the largest empires at the time and established one of the largest land empires in history, which ends up providing a conduit for art, science, and commerce from East to West for over 500 years.
Thinking about it logically, what does this biography say?

>> No.14583879

kek, even Gautama fits your description

>> No.14583893

that's a work of fiction, not a biography

>> No.14583917

Just read Monastics bro

>> No.14583924

Except that the insane documentation of this man is unparalleled, to the point that people can tell you with strong epistemological certainty exactly how he crossed his legs based on multiple eyewitness accounts tested against the validity of other eyewitness accounts and factoring in the validity of other statements made by these same eyewitnesses.

Islamic historiography is insane, in an autistically analytical kind of way.

>> No.14584110

>If he doesn't, how can he make any broad claims about the nature of suffering or mankind or whatever the fuck?
Some people can immerse themselves into any situation.

>> No.14584130

>which ends up providing a conduit for art, science, and commerce from East to West for over 500 years.
After which they finally managed to finally indoctrinate everyone and turned into proud bugmen.

>> No.14584223

>>Within three generations this band of religious weirdos has toppled not one but two of the largest empires at the time and established one of the largest land empires in history, which ends up providing a conduit for art, science, and commerce from East to West for over 500 years.
It was not within three generations. The same peasants and slaves who first started to follow him were alive when the two greatest empires of the time fell. In the span of a single generation, this man created a nation unlike any other, bound to the worship of God. There is no human being in history who better deserves the title of Prophet.

>> No.14584242

>one defensive battle after the other


> the incredibly modest and unassuming personality of the messenger

The incredibly modest messenger who claimed to possess the sexual prowess of thirty men?

>which ends up providing a conduit for art, science

You mean drain the dhimmi translation well for all its worth, then have every second philosopher and scientist persecuted on grounds of heresy? How could a religion which denies causality be anything but a barren ground for science to spread from?

You also left out the parts where he has extremely convenient revelations (such as him not being bound by the rule of four wives, or when Allah himself told him that infidelity cases need 4 witnesses, not 3, just so that he could avoid being outed as a cuckold), or the parts where he has sex with a 9 year old as a 60 year old man.

Christtards are annoying but Muhammadcucks need to be wiped from the face of the Earth for the sake of mankind.

>> No.14584301

>seething because a man who combined all the great roles of man - the role of a conqueror, a statesman, an orator, and a holy man, also took part in pleasures of the flesh
>seething because he had many wives, and because his wives and companions viewed him as the perfect man
You dont even need to be Muslim to appreciate the fact that no human being has ever been close to this man in their deeds. You can piss and cry all you want about the age of Aisha, or about the fact that he was not a pacifist, or whatever christcuckery it is that has your panties in a twist.

>Philosopher, orator, apostle, legislator, warrior, conqueror of ideas, restorer of rational dogmas, of a cult without images, the founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire, that is Muhammad. As regards all the standards by which Human Greatness may be measured, we may well ask, Is there any man greater than he?

>> No.14584307

>Rich people don't understand suffering
>The human condition is capped at $80,000 USD a year

Just a friendly reminder that even if you're a poorfag in the western world, you're without a doubt living a better life than the aristocratic and merchant class of central Europe from 3 centuries ago. This doesn't even begin to include the Greeks, with whom you should start.

>> No.14584312

>The incredibly modest messenger who claimed to possess the sexual prowess of thirty men?
Got a source on that?

>> No.14584328

As recently as 100 years ago the average peasant was illiterate. Only wealthy people could afford schooling for their children. If there was a prospective peasant philosopher, the chances if them getting noticed without being able to spread their ideas through text is basically zero.

>> No.14584329

The perfect man - a pedophile, a bloodthirsty warlord, a man who bans music because musicians made fun of him, a man who took a gang of inbred sandniggers and set them on the path to destroy many of the ancient world's greatest cultures, a man who created a religion that is completely barren both culturally and scientifically without dhimmi resources, a man who was pro-slavery - perfect indeed!

Islam is to the Abrahamic religions as niggers are to the other races. That is to say, parasitic at best, all-destroying at worst.

Even if your wet dreams come true - Islam being the sole religion of the world, conquering all of Earth - it would implode upon itself, because the only way it can sustain itself is through continuous expansion. Like a civilization-destroying virus, really.



>> No.14584362

Whats more important is to compare who wrote philosophy to who created science or technology that benefited the common man. Using knowledge or tools to lift the lowest up will always supersede ideas that "might"

>> No.14584384

Yaa Allah, how tiresome you people are. There is no end to your ignorance. First off, about the hadeeth you referenced:

>Anas bin Malik said, "The Prophet (ﷺ) used to visit all his wives in a round, during the day and night and they were eleven in number." I asked Anas, "Had the Prophet (ﷺ) the strength for it?" Anas replied, "We used to say that the Prophet (ﷺ) was given the strength of thirty (men)." And Sa`id said on the authority of Qatada that Anas had told him about nine wives only (not eleven).
Nowhere does it say that the Prophet himself spoke of having the strength of 30 men, so get out of here with your bullshit.

>a pedophile
Nothing wrong with marrying a young girl, as long as she is willing, is physically and mentally mature enough to engage in marital relations, and her guardian consents to it. I assume you are either a heathen cross worshipper, or a godless atheist. If you are a cross worshipper, you should have no problem with the age of Aisha - the Biblical God allowed marrying at a younger age than her. And if you are a morally bankrupt atheist, you should go out into nature and look at how animals engage in sex. Dont you people claim we are related to monkeys? Do bonobos not have sex at all ages? There is nothing worse than a self righteous naturalist talking about morality.

>a bloodthirsty warlord
He fought wars against people when he had cause, and he made peace with those who sought peace. He fought Quraish because they drove the Muslims out of their homes, he fought Jewish tribes who conspired and betrayed him (as they are prone to do), and he fought those who offend God. These are traits of a true prophet, nothing more.

>bans music because musicians made fun of him
The Quran explicitly condemns music and musicians for spreading moral corruption in society. Music was one of the tools by which Satan mislead people into sexual degeneracy. We see today the effects of music in the western world.

>took a gang of inbred sandniggers and set them on the path to destroy many of the ancient world's greatest cultures
Cultures centered around paganism deserve to be destroyed. The parts of them that do not promote sin and evil were unharmed - language, clothing (as long as it is modest), food (as long as it is healthy), and so on.

>created a religion that is completely barren both culturally and scientifically without dhimmi resources
He created an unparallelled spiritual empire out of a bunch of fireworshippers and unwashed savages. They thought to read the future in camel droppings, and he made them the leading civilization on the planet. They learned from everyone and everywhere, and created universities that people came to from all over the world. You can keep seething, friend, but it will not change history.

>pro slavery
He gave slaves human rights, you dumb cuck. He forbade hitting them, even slapping or insulting them, and he gave legal ways for them to get freed.

>> No.14584401

Is the Quaran the revelations Muhammad received in the cave written down? If so, when it mentions Muhammad (I’m assuming it mentions him a lot?) and talks about what he did, had he done it yet? Or was God or the angel telling him to write down things he’d already done?

This isn’t a criticism or anything like that I just thought of it and wondered how it worked since like it’s not someone’s account of Muhammad but I’m told Gods actual words dictated to him?

>> No.14584403

Every single point of criticism you have tried to present has just further proven your ignorance. I will not indulge your foolishness with any more answers, because you are clearly too emotional and brainwashed to think clearly. Prophet Muhammed was unironically the greatest man who ever lived, a pure personification of everything admirable in a man - in his humble living, compared to the vast wealth he controlled, in his measured dealings with people despite his high station, in his care and empathy for people who fought and hated him, and in his violence and harshness when such was needed. No man, before or after, is as clear an image of perfection. Balanced in harshness and meekness, in spirituality and worldliness, in passion and coolness, in every field of life. You can cry all you want, but you can never measure up to this ideal of a man.

>> No.14584406

The only poor writer i know about off the top of my head is John Clare, but he wasn't a philosopher

>> No.14584410
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>I live here among the ignorant like a lost man in fact like one whom the rest seemes careless of having anything to do with—they hardly dare talk in my company for fear I should mention them in my writings and I find more pleasure in wandering the fields than in musing among my silent neighbours who are insensible to everything but toiling and talking of it and that to no purpose.

>> No.14584412

There is no point of the discussion with literal bugmen.
They already ruined the middle east and every other place they touched.

>> No.14584432

The Quran was revealed in pieces, over a period of 23 years. The first years, most of the revealed parts were dealing with the nature of God, the Afterlife, and simple moral issues. After the Muslims fled Mecca, and established a citystate in Medina, the revelations started to include matters of state and law. The Quran does not mention the Prophet much, though many parts of it are direct speech to him. Some of it is in the form of prophecy, telling him that he will be aided, that he will not fail, that he will be able to go back home to Mecca soon, and that the religion of God will be victorious.

>> No.14584439

>I will not indulge your foolishness with any more answers, because you are clearly too emotional and brainwashed

You, of all anons in this thread, have the gall to call me brainwashed? The fucking irony.

>He gave slaves human rights, you dumb cuck. He forbade hitting them, even slapping or insulting them, and he gave legal ways for them to get freed.

Is that why one of the bloodiest slave rebellions happened under islamic rule?


>Nothing wrong with marrying a young girl, as long as she is willing, is physically and mentally mature enough to engage in marital relations, and her guardian consents to it. I assume you are either a heathen cross worshipper, or a godless atheist. If you are a cross worshipper, you should have no problem with the age of Aisha - the Biblical God allowed marrying at a younger age than her. And if you are a morally bankrupt atheist, you should go out into nature and look at how animals engage in sex. Dont you people claim we are related to monkeys? Do bonobos not have sex at all ages? There is nothing worse than a self righteous naturalist talking about morality.

Please let it not be so, but I wonder if you could say all that with a straight face in the hypothetical situation where your own daughter would be the one in Aisha's situation.

>> No.14584452

That’s crazy, I had no idea, I assumed it was like the New Testament and the whole thing was about him, at points then was he basically being told to just write down the conversation they were currently having?

>> No.14584483
File: 71 KB, 300x475, serveimage-57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(not true, by the way)

>> No.14584513

Absolutely based and btfopilled. /lit/ truly is board enlightened by the grace of God.

>Is that why one of the bloodiest slave rebellions happened under islamic rule?
Midwit detected. Was this under the command of Muhammad? Was it inspired by him? Did he do anything similar? Why were you quoting ahadeeth to prove your points earlier (and failing to do so as well), yet aren't looking to the ahadeeth dealing with slavery now, instead bringing up irrelevant historic events? Is it because you know he was right?

>Please let it not be so, but I wonder if you could say all that with a straight face in the hypothetical situation where your own daughter would be the one in Aisha's situation.
More emotional screeching, lol.

>> No.14584520

interesting, whats has this fellow and rare man wrote ? what was his political stance ?

>> No.14584521


the buddha practiced extreme asceticism for several years, ignorant shitpost

>> No.14584530

Tell me one thing, and don't Taqiyya me : which discord are you guys coming from? A couple months ago all this faggotry wasn't even in the Overton window of /lit/, and now you're more obnoxious than Guénonfag through sheer autism. I just want to know who's behind the raids.

>> No.14584538
File: 137 KB, 951x967, Screenshot_20200122-140249_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo you can't be born rich and be a deep and thoughtful person!
You sound like a bunch of left wing faggots, you don't choose who you were born but who you'll become. Your point of view is so shallow I don't even know why I'm arguing with you guys. San Francesco (St. Francis) was a rich guy and left all of his belongings to the poors, how bout that? He wasn't "bout that life" because he was born rich?

>> No.14584543

Taqiyyah is a filthy Shia tactic to hide their idolatry, but that aside, I barely even know what discord is. I've been on /lit/ for years, but it's only lately that I've seen other Muslims posting here. Considering that the Athari creed is far superior to your standard christcuckdom and nonsensical Hindu babbling, it's no surprise that Islam is slowly overtaking this board as well as the west.

>> No.14584550
File: 19 KB, 220x306, loodwig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be born in second richest family of Austria
>almost all your siblings kill themselves
>go live in hut in norway
based wittgenstein

>> No.14584551

is that non-fiction?

>> No.14584570

yup, he's describing the lives and struggles hölderlin, kleist and nietzsche had

>> No.14584583

sick, I didn't knew I could love Zweig even more

>> No.14584618


>> No.14584649

Please write more about Buddhism, I love the way you write.

>> No.14584655

>No because a random son of a millionaire today (btw there's a lot of millionaires this isn't a good comparison) is a fucking retard and has no idea what he's talking about
That's basically the premise of the Buddha first leaving daddy's mansion and realizing that death occurs

>> No.14584714

The book he is most known for is The True Believer, considered a landmark work in political psychology about the nature and behavior of mass movements such as fascism and communism or religious revivals . He also wrote other books on sociology and human nature such as The Ordeal of Change.

>> No.14585358

>There's an idea of cupness
>plato doesn't know wether there's an idea of emptyness or not
That greentext is pure slander,Plato's system rejected the existence of Ideas of artifacts, and in Timaeus the existence of any void is rejected too

>> No.14585634

That person knows absolutely nothing about what it is like to live poor since birth. If you have any minimal understanding of just about anything you'll see this is true.
Imagine thinking that because you skip some meals, or willingly try to do intermittent fasting, you know what it feels like to grow up or to live in starvation.
Willingly letting go of something you've always had easily accessible is not the same as never having access to it in the first place.
This point of view is so shallow you can't find a single actual argument besides name calling?

>> No.14585647


>> No.14585750

Poor people are dumb and have nothing interesting to say. This wasn't the case in ancient Rome/Greece because the iq was higher back then though

>> No.14585829

Wasn't Camus a poorfag? I remember that the reason he was a GK for his university team was because he only owned one pair of shoes and didn't want to damage them.

>> No.14585835


>Nietzsche: In 1854, he began to attend Domgymnasium in Naumburg. Because his father had worked for the state (as a pastor) the now-fatherless Nietzsche was offered a scholarship to study at the internationally recognized Schulpforta (the claim that Nietzsche was admitted on the strength of his academic competence has been debunked: his grades were nowhere near the top of the class).

> Kleist: Literal actual prussian nobility. Kleist is a Pomeranian Prussian noble family. Notable members of this family include

Holderlin might be the best case you got going on there. Although son to influential/reasonably well off men he did lose both his father and step father while very young.

>> No.14585845

One ought to imagine him happy.

>> No.14585850

>writer starts blabbering about mankind, human nature, the people, society or whatever
>zone out and wait for the paragraph to end

I've read enough of those to know where that shit is heading.

>> No.14585861


>Rich people don't suffer.

Typical poorfag idealizing what he doesn't have.
You can be born into billions of dollars of wealth and your family is still going to get sick and die, you're still going to get rejected by the one woman you truly idealize, your body is still going to wither and degenerate. And you're still going to idealize what you don't have, same as the poorfag.

Your rhetoric is just disgusting. You're basically saying if you don't belong to my social class (or lower) your opinion is invalid. Fuck you.

>> No.14585886

>You're basically saying if you don't belong to my social class (or lower) your opinion is invalid.

I don't see anything wrong with that in this particular case.

I also think that a billion dollars are never hard-earned.

>> No.14585922

What a great argument. It's a shame OP didn't say any of that shit though.
>So thinker: "I was born in a palace but I gave it all up and I'm happier now. Everyone should give away their things and feel less attached. The only solution is to laugh at misery and accept what we have".
>Miserable person: "I think I disagree with that statement. I don't want to accept my miserable reality as is."
This is just a random example. You could apply this to many cases.

>> No.14585983


It's exactly what OP said. He's saying that because someone is born rich they should not make claims about suffering because they 'don't know what the world is like man'.
It's an attempt to delegitimize the opposition on bases of class, instead of attempting to refute the central point of their claims. It's a fallacy and a pretty bad one too.

>> No.14586010

OP said rich people shouldn't make claims on how poor people should see reality. The opposite is also true. But the rich/poor dichotomy is just one facet of this. You could expand this to other cases. How would you feel about a woman philosopher claiming to have understood the throes of malehood better than men?

>> No.14586022

>If you are not poor and a minority, your opinion is invalid.
You bring up a pretty good point. OP is a crypto-Marxist and probably agrees with Intersectionalism.

>> No.14586048

>OP said group X has invalid opinions
>OP must be from group Y so his opinions are invalid

>> No.14586073


No he doesn't. He (you, lmao) is saying that rich people shouldn't make claims about the suffering of mankind. If you then, as a poor person, claim that you can't extrapolate whatever the philosopher's idea might be to poor people then you ought to explain why an idea doesn't apply to poor people, not say : you're rich and therefore your ideas aren't of utility to people of a lower income class, because if you are right, then you should be able to do that (critique the idea instead of the social/economic class of the thinker) fairly easily, and more convincingly too, without having to resort to a fallacy.

t. Poorfag by the way. Just not a willfully blind one.

>> No.14586084

Rich people are smart people and poor people are stupid and bad people. This is fucking obvious. Also we should kill the jews. There are a few basic truths to life that you should just get.

>> No.14587212
File: 123 KB, 952x1200, dhlawrence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14587756

This criticism always boils down to an unwillingness or inability to engage with the actual ideas. It's an ad hominem rebuke
But I'm also not sure why you feel that the best rational, philosophical commentator on suffering would be someone who has suffered. There's a reason we have a distinction between men of action and of reflection. Which type are philosophers again?

>> No.14587783

Spinoza was kicked out of his Jewish community, was nearly murdered at least once, and had to fear for his safety in general, if that means anything to you.

>> No.14588584

fucking kek

>> No.14588694

those things are universal, true. but those mostly happen in adulthood.
someone born in e.g. a warzone, has seen his parents murdered in front of him at age 5, has seen his friends and neighbors begin killing each other along ethnic lines (e.g. kosovo), has experienced starvation conditions as the norm since birth, has been sent to work full time in a mine 12 hours a day as soon as his legs were able and never saw sunlight until black lung made him unable to work, who prostituted themselves for food, or any number of horrible conditions they must contend with; you don't think that these people MIGHT POSSIBLY HAVE A BETTER HANDLE ON THE NATURE OF HUMAN SUFFERING beyond the universal death of parents/eventual decay and death of self that richfags face while insulated from any other worry in life and which the poorfags also experience?
you are so coddled, you get indignant about being called-out for being coddled. seriously, fuck you. fucking richfags need to get over their self-righteous bullshit.

>> No.14588780


The insecurity leaking out of this post is palpable.

>> No.14588907

You can tell the dude's a good writer from his fake-ass backstory. Playing up a fictional working man's philosopher shtick has done wonders for his career