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14562538 No.14562538[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>A wise man knows how to satisfy all of his hungers by himself

>> No.14562553

Bruh is that the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart

>> No.14562554

>a wise man knows how to deal with all of his hungers by himself

>> No.14562561

You do not satisfy lust by indulging it. You grow to make it stronger. It is like drinking salt water you moron. It will increase your cravings before stealing your life from you.

>> No.14562565

The man who indulges in impurity is like a person labouring under the dropsy. The latter is so much tormented by thirst, that the more he drinks the more thirsty he becomes. Such, too, is the nature of the accursed vice of impurity; it is never satiated. “As,” says St. Thomas of Villanova , ”the more the dropsical man abounds in moisture, the more he thirsts; so, too, is it with the waves of eternal pleasures.”

>> No.14562585

A man writes his own indulgences

>> No.14562597

Is it better for a fatty who wants to lose weight to fast or to eat a low calorie diet?

>> No.14562598
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Oh really fucking jackass? Okay "wise man" how about we put you i na fucking pit of sand under a blistering sun with nothing no food no water totally naked? How about that? How are you going to satisfy all of your hungers then? Is your "wisdom" going to miraculously feed and clothe you? stoic bitch. are your make-believe immaterial world of forms going to come down and save you?
lmao philosophers are such retards i swear.

>> No.14562608

imagine snorting her anus

>> No.14562611
File: 5 KB, 160x314, Download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine just for a second being the type of man who gets to spank and fuck asses like that every single day. Sometimes multiple times a day with multiple different women. It's just inconceivable. It's as if I'm a different species to people like that. Why couldn't I have rolled the genetic jackpot?

>> No.14562614

Such is the nature of all desires, they all tend towards infinity. Indeed of life itself.

>> No.14562624

I think you could rent such a creature for a cheap price any time you want my fren.

>> No.14562630

Don't be a horse's ass.

>> No.14562631

Just don't let them get you bro

>> No.14562634

I guess the implication is sedating the cravings? Sounds a bit dharmic.

>> No.14562641
File: 61 KB, 477x477, 1557356112077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? All I want to do is come here for an asexual experience that will exercise my brain but I am constantly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole?

>> No.14562664

You don't really want it do you?
If you did, you'd already fucked a prostitute.
What is it that you really desire anon?

>> No.14562666

I want a cuddle.

>> No.14562670

I wouldnt recommend fasting if he is unfamiliar with it

>> No.14562681

>The surest sign of wisdom is cheerfulness
yes Michel, I would add loving too

>> No.14562683

i want to put my nose up against a girls anus and smell it without having to pay her for the privilege

>> No.14562692

If he tries to suppress entirely his desire, it will come back just stronger and overcome his fragile will power forcing him to binge eat after just 6-12 hours of fasting.

>> No.14562718

Well Satan, just pay a hoe to cuddle with you. I think she might even enjoy it.
But it's a bit more than that isn't it?

Just kidnap a grill and force feed her with beans.

>> No.14562719

Imagine a man going to a museum and whipping his dick out just so he could take a picture of it and put it on the Internet.
w*men are so subhuman

>> No.14562766

You just don't understand the artistic value and the complex symbolic meaning of that picture.

>> No.14562768


>> No.14562773

>Imagine a man going to a museum and whipping his dick out

Haha no you fag I'm not going to do that

>> No.14562776


>> No.14562893

>The wisest man knows that only through God are all his hungers satisfied.

>> No.14563032
File: 135 KB, 1080x1332, 6031BDD2-FA29-4C7B-AEE7-4F3F5BF94E8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Horseshit you say. Normal people masturbate or have regular sex without becoming like crack addicts (pun intended) the urge wanes with age.

That’s an ass not a vagina.

Absolute falsehood. Never once happened.

>> No.14563229
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>> No.14563253

You were debunked thousands of times and you keep harping the same delusional points over and over again. Again, moron, it grows stronger with age, habit and reinforcement--- this is proven with analyses that people had an increase of sexual activity from 20s to 50s. The only thing that begins to fail with age is performance. The more you do something, the more it is a part of you, and the stronger it becomes. The fact that you are so consumed by erotic stimuli PROVES this.

>> No.14563265

Emphasis on man, puddin' pop. Women are incapable of obtaining such profundity.

>> No.14563288
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>> No.14563333

i would berry my dick so far in her ass who ever could pull it out would be crowned king authur

>> No.14563369

t. slave controlled by sensual impulses